Smart Way to Boost Vocabulary—English Collocations About What You Think

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hey it's Anne Marie with speak confident English and I know you've probably had a situation when you're communicating in English and suddenly you can't find the words that you want to say what you think or you want to use words that sound natural like native speakers use and that's exactly what I want to help you do today we're going to talk about collocation z' that you can use to help you say what you think in English wait a minute what are what are collocation that is a great question and in today's lesson I'm going to tell you exactly what collocation czar how they can help you sound more natural in English and we're going to learn collocation z' that will help you say what you think in English all right so first of all what in the world are collocations maybe you've never heard that word before and if you haven't that's okay it's a really technical word in English but collocation z' are groups of words that naturally go together in English there aren't any grammar rules about collocation z' instead it's just what sounds natural and what native speakers use and the truth is you've already learned a lot of them for example if you think about the words make and do in English we say that we make the bed in the morning we don't do the bed that sounds a little bit strange or after dinner you might do the dishes in other words you wash the dishes but we would never say I'm going to make the dishes again that doesn't work so collocation z' are these groups of words that just fit together they're like best friends there are words that love to hang out together and when they do they fit super well they're not always in the same place but a lot of the time they are when these words combine they fit together beautifully and they and natural so when you're communicating in English instead of choosing one single word each time for a sentence if you can learn these groups of words and use them it will make it easier for you to express yourself and sound natural when you're communicating in English over the next few months I'll be doing several more lessons on collocation so that you can add these new groups of words to your everyday conversation in English today we're going to talk specifically about collocation z' with the word think and collocations we use to talk about what we think in English so let's start with collocation z' with the word think these are words that naturally go together and you've probably heard them a lot so they're perfect for you to use as well when we're talking about what we think we're usually talking about our opinion so you'll probably hear collocations like honestly think personally think hate to think dread to think and shudder to think let's take a closer look with some examples I honestly think the best thing you can do is replace your old desktop with a new laptop I personally think you shouldn't quit your job until you're a hundred percent sure you have a new one the lifeguards rescued him just in time I shudder to think about what would happen if they hadn't in all three of those examples I'm using those collocations those words that naturally go together now in addition to those collocation z' that use the word think when we're expressing our opinion we have a few other groups of words that are helpful to know as well for example in my opinion or I strongly believe that here are two more that may be new to you I take the view that for example I take the view that if you are kind kindness will come your way or I subscribe to the theory that I subscribe to the theory that everything happens for a reason now that you've got some collocation z' for expressing your opinion what you think now let's look at some collocation z' for when you need some time to think for example someone asks you a question and you're not sure what you want to say immediately or if you get an email and you need a day or two to think about a question before you can respond here are some great collocation z' you can use I need to think carefully about that or I need to give it some thought I need to have a hard think so here are some fun examples using those collocation z' after the meeting she thought long and hard about how to improve their strategy clearly after that injury you need to have a long hard think about whether you should continue racing I appreciate your offer I'll definitely give it some thought again the more of those collocation z' you use those groups of words that go together the more naturally you're going to sound when you communicate in English okay so we've got collocations for saying what you think and some collocations for when you need some time to think what about what other people think here are some great ones you can use common knowledge widespread belief and opinions are divided here are some examples for how to use them it's common knowledge that she's the strongest athlete on the team there's widespread belief that vinegar will ease jellyfish stings but actually hot water is much better not sure what a jellyfish is here's a great picture of one opinions are divided on what color we should paint the new office should it be green or blue and finally for today's focus of collocation zon expressing what you think sometimes you're thinking about something and you just don't have a good feeling about it or you're worried and you need a way to express that in conversation here are some fantastic collocation x' to help you do that to have a nagging doubt or a nagging feeling or to be wrestling with an issue again here are some examples imagine that you've just left for vacation and the plane takes off and you think ooh I have this nagging feeling that I forgot something important at home and if there's a huge challenge that you're dealing with at work you might say I've been wrestling with this problem all week now in today's lesson I've given you many different examples of collocations for talking about what you think what to say when you need time to think talking about what others think and when you're thinking and you have those concerns or doubts in your mind in the online lesson you'll find all of these collocation z' and more so that you can review them and really practice them and of course I've got some challenge questions for you to help you do that now before I share those questions if you enjoyed today's lesson and found it useful to you I would love to know and there are three simple ways that you can tell me number one give this video a thumbs up on YouTube and subscribe to this channel so you don't miss any future lessons number two share it with friends family members and co-workers on Facebook and if you know someone who really needs some help with communicating more naturally in English email this lesson to them they would love that now let's get to the challenge questions so that you can practice what you've learned and really put it into use so it's part of your everyday vocabulary question number one what could you say to a friend who has a really difficult decision to make and it sounds like they need some time to think about it and number two what collocation could you use to express what you think about climate change as always you can share your answers questions and thoughts with me in the comment section just below this video it's the best place to share get feedback and learn from others in the confident English community with that thank you so much for joining me be sure to watch for more lessons on collocation z' in the future and I'll see you soon in the next confident English lesson [Music]
Channel: Speak Confident English
Views: 128,093
Rating: 4.9598098 out of 5
Keywords: english collocations, english vocabulary, boost vocabulary, the smart way to improve your english learn collocations, english vocabulary with collocations, collocations in english, english collocations in use, advanced english for professionals, advanced english language skills, english conversation practice advanced, english lessons advanced speaking, how to speak english with confidence, learn advanced english conversation, speak confident english, improve vocabulary
Id: bzVLaho6hvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 59sec (539 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2019
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