Serious Inspection: What We Bought TODAY & Why The Details MATTER

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how to cousins how you do it's all rusty here I'm a reseller it's true I buy things and I sell them for more money and that's how I make my living and I'm almost back to the warehouse and shoot folks I'm excited I had a really good source today and I want to tell you all about it this is not one of those thrift with me where I uh walk around in the store and make everyone uncomfortable because I got a GoPro strapped to my chest kind of videos if that's what you're looking for go find any of the other resellers out there that do YouTube videos but today what I'm going to do is I'm going to tell you exactly what my process was I'm going to tell you what I did before I went out I'm going to tell you how I decided where I was going to go and I'm going to show you the stuff I bought I'll tell you what I paid for it what I expect to sell it for and if and a few strategies along the way if you're new to doing this kind of thing maybe you've never done it this will be very helpful and even if you're a pro you may see some things in here that you haven't done before or maybe you'll just say yep that's what I do Rusty good on you maybe you won't say anything nice to me but I hope you do uh even if it is behind my back uh let's jump in here folks no more fluff talking we're going to give you our cutesy little intro here and then we're going to get down to Brass Texas folks let's hit it [Music] we have a lot to get into today folks everything that you're looking at here on this table is stuff that old rusty purchased today out at four separate locations in the same town here in Western North Carolina that I rolled around to and these are all places I've been to before and that's why I knew that they would be good places to to stop at antique stores and thrift stores I'm also over here I've got my tools of the trade we've got a gold scratch test kit you can buy these on eBay and on Amazon pretty cheaply I got a high powered magnet right here this comes out of a CD player super powerful um you can if I think look at that it pulled it so hard it pulled out of my hand and this is just a little uh a little pointer I'm going to use I got my Loop here uh jewelers loop to look closely at stuff a couple of them here and then I've got a little um scale here that can can weigh small pieces of jewelry and gemstones and things like that that's what I'm going to be using today to show you some of this stuff let's get into it and first off let's start with non-jewelry items all right we're going to look at a few of these uh items here today and I'll talk about why I bought them first off we got this kind of crackled blue uh like a like a very dark uh blue almost purplish colored um little pot here those of you who are have ever heard of bonsai or familiar with Bonsai um we'll recognize this as primarily made for bonsai plants in fact I'm going to show you down here below you'll see that there is a space underneath with the four legs and also you've got two different holes to allow water out so with Bonsai you don't want to over water them that can that can cause problems um and so I paid three dollars for this it's used but it's a perfectly good condition still it's got some of that crackled look I don't know if that was intentional or if that just happened afterwards either way uh based on the inside of it I don't know if this has ever even held soil to be honest with you and so these are the kinds of things in good quality Bonsai pots handmade things can go for hundreds if not thousands of dollars but this is just more of a kind of run-of-the-mill one you would find at a department store of some kind you can see there's an old uh it's made in China so this is not an old one um and these are somewhat mass-produced but it's got a good look to it and three dollars is a really good price so I'll be able to sell this for probably fourteen to twenty dollars that won't be hard I could even sell it locally moving on we got this also blue colored little pot you can see the bottom here where there's no sort of uh you know the the coating on the bottom it's a little bit in the middle which is a little bit bizarre I'm not seeing any markings as it being handmade not terribly well done the glaze you can see is really uh kind of poorly done we do have one little tiny chip here at the bottom if you turn around you wouldn't see it again two dollars for this this is something I can sell for ten to Fifteen dollars pretty much all day long on eBay it's it's attractive looking it's a little uh kind of like a small flower vase type thing you could put on say um your dining room table or something then I'm going to move over to this one let me pull it up to the foreground here I really like this style this is uh I don't know if you can tell by the lighting but this is almost like a it's like a cream approach and a tiniest of the lot lightish green or lightish and blue uh you can see that this Motif is everywhere and if you look real carefully on the bottom right up here in this corner you'll see some Asian characters and it looks like Japanese characters to me uh right there it would have be read I think vertically um so I do think that this is Japanese made um really nice condition really nice condition and I paid two dollars for this I haven't looked up comps yet but because of the the how nice it looks it's a very elegant looking piece the fact that I do have some Asian markings on the bottom of it I'll do really well with that I might be able to sell this for 20 or more and then up here look at this this what we're looking at is actually entirely made of glass this is a glass rose you can see the glass that has been folded up and shaped to look like a rose really cool looking and it only cost me 25 cents I don't know what these go for folks really but it was so easy to pull the trigger on 25 cents I just went ahead and did it because it you know that sweetened the deal of the things I got um and then finally here in this piece and I picked this up specifically because of the design it is what you would call uh more of like a mid-century modern style um with these kind of the the individual lines sort of off-centered um kind of this the strange kind of dimensions and then the color this is kind of like a a mintish green color um really good condition it does say Cantina wear China trademark so the canteen aware would be the brand I don't even know if I'm going to put that in the title I most likely won't but this cost me ten dollars I expect to sell this for between 40 and 50 okay 45 to 40 45 dollars uh really great now none of these things are gonna help you retire early okay uh but what do we do what is it two ten dollars twelve uh 13 14 15 16. about 16 worth of cost right I'm gonna get forty maybe maybe 20 or 60 75 15 on this 15 on that 85 90. you know we're approaching a hundred dollars of uh value off of these items and the reason I bought them I don't always buy them but you know what it's spring folks it's nice guess what people are doing right now they're planting they're getting pots they're getting stuff out they want to get outside they might even want something by the windowsill you know it's nice outside this is the time of year to get and sell things like this because people are buying these items right now on our journey to the jewelry we come across a couple more items that are not in that category but that I did purchase today right here we got a pair of sunglasses all right and this is by the Warby Parker brand now when I come across old style these horn rimmed glasses particularly if they are vintage which these are not but these are really popular and back in style folks if you didn't notice uh on the side here is information I'm looking for Tilly 276. I just looked it up on eBay and one sold in the last 30 days for 38 dollars and I paid one dollar for this pair of glasses there's a little bit of some check in here I can see when I look at a certain angle so that might be have to be addressed but um you know this is going to cost me about four dollars to ship because I buy my postage through eBay and there's a discount because of the postal service and the agreement they have with eBay but uh you know this right here four dollars I might just put this up for 38 dollars free shipping and someone can come in and buy some something like this five dollars less than the last person that bought it and I'm going to turn a dollar into thirty dollars within a week I lack when I can do stuff like that this little cute I mean it's adorable is it not look at this thing just sitting in my hand um it's a little clock I have you can see some scratch people did some scratching to try to get that thing on and off um I can put my thumbnail in there and pop off the back it has a battery in it probably needs to be replaced it's not hard to get that on and off so that's good people can work on it and uh I paid three dollars for this so to me this is an easy 10 12 sale uh people this is the type of thing that not only am I a person would want it for actual use but it's the kind of thing you can put up on a bookshelf or something that looks really nice uh as well now let's look at a few brooches and pins I went through I don't know four or five dozen brooches today and this is what I bought why did I get these specific ones you ask well I'll tell you the places I frequent locally oftentimes will sell pieces of costume jewelry for two or three dollars a piece sometimes that's too much for all rusty to want to spend but sometimes it makes sense when I have unique pieces like this particular one on the front it almost looks like it's supposed to be a money clip or something like that but then you got this old Rose um and then you turn it over and you know sure enough it is a brooch it's a pin because it's Unique I think I can make I can sell this for five or six dollars easily if I sell it by by itself but I might throw that in with some other similar pieces and this one right here is that uh kind of lighter brush gold tone kind of you know it's kinetic uh it looks like you know you could spin that around almost when I flip her over I notice right up here at the top is um right here right here is a maker's name and if I flip it over so we can actually read it it is going to say Jerry's g-e-r-r-y maybe just says Jerry maybe it has an S but that is a costume brand we come across fairly regularly they sell okay not the greatest in the world so again I could sell this for 10 to 12 by itself or I could throw in a lot of 10 or 15 other similar brooches and make my buddy back that way this piece right here which I'll drop out is an elephant it's got a couple things going for it number one it is a combination of metal and enamel paint somebody hand painted this with enamel paint in these specific spots the feet the tail and the ears as well as dotting the eyeballs there in the in the eyebrow so it's kind of a cute little thing people who like little animals or little elephants might like it it's clearly hollowed because it's not all that heavy but if you go to inspect the top ring here okay right here if I pull this around so you can see it you'll notice it has a mark on it let me see if I can pull that up so you can actually read it well let me do it with my finger then since you're going to be a pescule rascal here okay [Music] nine two five that's what I wanted you to see it's made out of sterling silver folks and so this has it's made out of a metal that people you know like in their jewelry and it has enamel paint this would be very easy to clean as well too because there's not a lot of grooves you could take a toothbrush you could take just one of those little jewelry cleaning little containers that has the solution in you drop it in you pull it out you scratch on it with the little soft brush and voila this thing will be shining and beautiful next up we have this now guys I've buy and sell a lot and I mean a lot of jewelry both fine jewelry and costume jewelry and when I come across pieces that are unique uh I like to get them this one as you can tell is it is set up to be a fishing pole right down here where the Reel is you got this little blue stone and then you've got a couple of these old little fish hanging on here and they've got these little they've got these Bejeweled eyeballs green eyeballs okay flip it over you do a little examination and boom really quickly and easily you see that this thing is branded and it says either Gian or Gene all right so that's a that's a brand that's a c it's copyrighted so that is someone it's a brand name thing it's a nice piece it's complete it's not missing any Stones uh it's functional the the pin still works and so I paid five dollars I paid up for this one a little bit five dollars for this because I think that this is a 20 or more dollar uh piece because it's thematic it has animals um anybody who you know fishes might be interested or some a loved one or someone who fishes might like that piece now here's the risk I took today it is but it isn't what do we pay what did I pay for this one three dollars okay so not a terrible risk because I can sell brooches for three dollars and make my money back bottom line all day long every day no matter how ugly it is somebody might want it but the reason I bought this was because of the way that it's made um it's it's made very well I can tell it's also quite heavy it's a uniform color and I have come across brooches like this in the past that were made of gold or they were sterling silver with gold overlay now I have inspected this fairly well but I have not found any marks so the likelihood that it is made out of gold would be very very small since this does not look like a terribly old piece but you know what I'm going to go ahead and do the scratch test on it anyways something of this weight if it was made for example out of 10 or 14 karat gold would be worth uh hundreds of dollars based on the gold weight and so that's why I took a risk sometimes I do it I know I'll make my money back with these others this was sort of like a home run swing sometimes you strike out of course but it's okay if you do I do a lot you know I didn't learn this stuff overnight folks so if you early on in your career or even still if you buy things and you regret it don't don't beat yourself up about it folks you're learning you'll get better at it just like I did next up we have pendants and we have stick pins now here's what I did today I bought this little lot here of stick pins you can see some of these right here like that there's one sticking out the bottom I think there's five in here and I paid seven dollars and fifty cents Okay so you know less than two dollars a piece for those I'll pull them out and check them a little bit I don't think based on looking at them that any of them are made of gold although this one right here this Irish one might might be this one here I bought by itself I paid up for it I paid five dollars okay but it is gold filled and you can tell if you turn it over right here right there this little Mark right here it's very tiny but it says one twentieth twelve k g f Goldfield okay so um I know that I can sell this for ten dollars or more because it's gold filled I've done it many times this one I'm excited about folks because what you're looking at there is a pink Coral with um something like Jade I don't think it actually is Jade it's probably uh nephrite which is I guess a type of G but it's some other probably green stone that's lesser valuable also it's possible that I can tell it is coral based on like examining it close but it could be that this is white Coral that has been dyed pink as opposed to it being originally red and I only wonder that because it's especially dark on the back side and when they carved more inside of it it's it's a Pinker color but it's possible I'll do more research on it but for three dollars this is a unique piece and if that is in fact like an angel skin Coral it could be worth quite a bit more so I'm excited about this we sell at an antique store and I can sometimes buy these stick pins for like I said two dollars a piece sometimes a dollar a piece you find bundles and I can sell these for five to ten dollars a piece all day long if I throw them in a big lot if I want to liquidate I could make a big old lot of them and sell them no big deal all right here we have this little uh pendant okay A little pendant it's pretty obviously marked down here at the bottom if I zoom in you can see right there Let Me Hold Steady for a moment right there it's got initials and it says 925. what I think is happening here is that these initials or this marking is the artist that made this piece 925 indicates that it's made out of sterling silver it has I you know I caught my eye it's tarnished just like sterling silver lacks to tarnish but the way it's the look of it and I think this was an artisan I think that an artist took some uh silver and they ran it through a press they thinned it out and they uh you know they just formed it it could have been also they just created it from a mold that's possible but uh it's sterling silver it's fairly heavy so it was definitely worth getting I can sell it by itself to someone who lacks the look of it or I could put it in with other silver and sell it for just the scrap weight now I'm excited about this piece folks because it came with a lot of these others same thing here same deal three dollars now I've come across ones that look like this so many times in my life uh they Mass produce ones that look like this it's just this little gold tone pendant you've got little stones in here what look like diamonds and rubies and either they are simulated meaning synthetic man-made ones or they're made to look like that but when I flipped it over and this is where you know I'm lucky that I still have a real good eye set I didn't even need to use my Loop because I could tell by looking at it on the bottom here it was marked for gold let me pull this up here so you guys can see I'm gonna get as close as I can do you see that marking right here in the end it says 10K 10K so folks this is 10 karat solid yellow gold now what we need to know uh in order to determine a price is what is the going rate for a gram of 10 karat solid gold well I looked it up before this video and we're right at 26.30 some cents so what we do is we take this over and we weigh it all right this is why we have our trusty little scale here folks we got to pull it up here I really should set it down as it's calibrating okay it's ready it's already on grams we're going to drop this on here and we're looking at 1.2 grams okay so that's not very heavy obviously 1.26 but we're looking at uh if it's a if it's 26.30 for one gram so we're looking in the 30 to 32 dollars for this piece that I paid three dollars for now some of these Stones account for some of the weight but that's not that big of a video If You're Gonna sell it for scrap you can remove the stones or you could you know just say in the listing that it has Stones the people who buy scrap gold will account for that in their calculations but this is an attractive piece not missing any Stones I could either sell it like it is I could wait and sell it as scrap with other things or I could wait until I come across or pull a 10 karat gold necklace chain and put this pendant on it and sell them as a package deal well I almost forgot this one brooch and I wanna I'm glad we're gonna talk about this one because um I took a little risk on this today I really did now if you only look at the top half of this brooch she's looking pretty good very complicated piece uh you can see how it's where's my thumbnail you can see right here these little uh wire pieces that come out that are holding the beads together it's uh multiple layers as you can see it's all held together these stones are all prong set now if you look at the bottom not so good do you see all this greenish color right here guys that is corrosion on the metal these are the the metal used in this was not a an alloy that is given to wear and and deterioration you can also see that these little beads these dangle beads the outer coating that's supposed to make it look like Pearl like a this is why they call it faux or fake Pearl this is what can happen do you see that scraping off there does not look so nice but I'll tell you why I bought it I still I paid ten dollars for it that's a lot of money folks I may not get my money back um for for a piece of jewelry that's in this this uh state it needs to be repaired heavily but you can see right down here there's a brand that says original by Robert so I did a cursory investigation of original by Robert Brand jewelry and brooches and some in good condition specific types usually ones with large colored rhinestones can sell for hundreds of dollars believe it or not and then several others or you know for for 10 20 50 75 dollars so what I'm banking on folks is that somebody who collects this or maybe wants to do some touch-up work likes to restore pieces would find that this would be worth it um I'm going to put it up for probably twenty dollars I wouldn't ask much more for that than that probably for this based on its condition uh I do want to make a buck on it because I found it and I do think it's you know it's a complicated and interesting looking piece I hope somebody can restore it it's not really worth my time uh to do the work myself to restore this because I just I'm a volume seller and I need to move I need to move stuff I do like to restore things from time to time but usually the payout that I'm going to give at the end has got to be worth quite a bit more than ten dollars for me to do it but I did I did pull the trigger on this today I wouldn't call it an Impulse buy but it was a little bit risky uh but again as I get into this video a little bit further and you see some other things about you'll understand why I took a couple of risks okay folks now we're going to talk about earrings again I went through several dozen earrings that I looked at today why did I buy these well I'll tell you you can see that I spent basically I spent six dollars on each of those that was a little bit High three dollars on these and three dollars on those so these are a gold tone uh they're kind of they're pretty attractive um and one thing I want to draw your attention to I'm going to zoom in here is you can see that there's this uh sort of carved section right here that almost looks like a sun rising and it says 12K G did I seriously scrape a part of that off is that I don't think that that's a part of that I hope not they're going to use that'd be embarrassing wouldn't it well I have broken jewelry on here before people caught me did you break that yes I did leave me alone it happened sometimes okay 12K GF it's 12 karat gold filled right it's just some sort of aloe with 12 karat gold on it someone's gonna want that or if they don't want to buy it by itself I'll put it in with other gold filled jewelry folks that's there's two different ways to sell this stuff which I like moving over to this this is what they uh I mean what do they call this you guys remember what it's called this iridescent thing Aurora Borealis Rusty it's Culver pick me you know I was just toying with you folks it's called aurora borealis and uh people dig this stuff uh look at this look at the back of these earrings these are quite old um probably 19 I don't know folks 60s maybe in the 70s but people collect these specifically these pieces and I know that this pair of earrings could sell for as much as twenty dollars and so I was fine paying six for it there it's intact entirely they're not missing these Stones the prongs are pretty tight they're good the next set here again six dollars these are sort of running the bill colored uh just like clear colored rhinestones so why would I pay six dollars for it well I'll tell you why turn it over and you look at the back can you see it yet let me zoom in yes folks Crown trafari yes well I love it that Crown is quite distinct on there so these are older uh uh what do they call Alfred Felipe is that what they call him Jafari nice old trafari earrings which someone might say have the bracelet or a necklace this may have come in a set originally and they're missing the earrings and they want to make a full set they'll get these or they just collect rafari stuff and they lack the the elegant look of this in the fact that they are in Immaculate condition moving down here now folks this is the one I'm uh most excited about I'm very excited about this quiet folks why would I care about something that just looks fairly blank can you tell by looking at the top of this does anybody have any idea what this is or the color in my video keeps getting wonky on me but what you're looking at here folks are these kind of makes it look like orange in this light but they're actually more of a pink color all right I pulled this old pill bottle out because I wanted to to help you see the actual true a better idea of the contrast of what this color is actually like and if I move over here you'll see well again it's I apologize for the color on this my my screen is just not wanting to show it but it is not orange like this pill bottle even though it's trying to act like it is it's more of a pink color and it on this it had these little uh backs which are a silver color do you see that the silver tone but when I pull these up to examine them as I will show you now I noticed that you know what these this post and the way that it is made is clearly very old but the post is actually more of a rose gold color interesting what you're looking at here folks is something is actual Coral it's what they would call Angels Angel skin coral and they're quiet heavy I paid three dollars for this I was overjoyed uh coral and jewelry can sell for gobs of money folks if you're not aware you need to learn how to identify Coral do you see some of these lines in this corals are naturally occurring uh you know in a thing it's not made by people it grows in the ocean folks and so it has these striations in these spots on it to show it was a living thing and uh it's been used very since the dawn of time raw materials like bone and and uh mother of pearl and coral re using jewelry so someone along the way was missing the the backing on this and they just wanted to find something so they pulled some of these old silver ones and they're not even made of silver they're just silver tone if you had been looking you may or may not be aware let me let me stop for a second and say that earrings that are made of gold the post themself is going to be gold if they're yellow gold they're going to be made of gold because gold does not irritate the skin like other types of Alloys it's very it would be uncommon for you to find gold earrings but then the post be stainless steel usually they're gold so if you're looking at the backs of rings hanging on a little thing in a thrift store and you see a gold color of a post you should examine that a little closer it may be made out of gold if I had been looking at this knot close enough if I hadn't identified already that they were Coral I might have passed them by because if I look at the back this silver ends like you shouldn't have a silver colored back in on a gold colored post it just doesn't make sense so what I'm going to do now because I know that these are coral because I know that they're old and because this is a gold color I suspect they're made out of gold so let's check it out on this scratch test okay so you can see I put this nice little scratch right there on it okay that is from the back of one of these and I'm going to start here with 14 karat uh you know a lot of times I'll start low and go high but if this is 10 karat gold this 14 karat is going to eat it all right it's gonna it's gonna eat right up if it is 14 karat gold it's not going to do anything and then I'll have to move up to 18. so let's see I'm gonna put this on there if it were not made of gold it would eat it right up if it were 10 karat gold it would be eating it right now it is not eating it folks it is just sitting there it's just sitting there smiling at me with this gold color saying yep Rusty you were right I'm gold congratulations well thanks so much for saying that uh acid uh I'm gonna move over right now to uh to the 18K I'm unscrewing the lid right now here we go 18 karat now when I drop this if this is 14 karat gold it should start eating it right away I'll turn like a coppery color and start deteriorating if it is 18 karat gold it's not going to do anything and I'll have to move up to 22. so let's take a look see ah do you see it do you see it turning do you see I got I got all that yeah see that right there I'm gonna move it over here so you can see now it's almost it's it's very coppery in color not going with the Lots above me are really messing with the camera angle but you can see right there now you can see it's eaten most of it and if I take uh a towel or like a wash a a some tissue paper or a paper towel and wipe that off it's going to be mostly gone um you can see the gold remnants over here to the left is something that is 22 uh it's actually 24 karat gold um got a a pendant with some gold nuggets in it recently you had to test that but anyhow well congratulations folks the these these little earrings right here these little Coral earrings are genuine coral and they have 14 karat yellow like more of a rose gold post on the back so what I got to do is I got to find a backing that is gold as well or gold tone at the very least so that it matches a little bit better but something like this probably a hundred and fifty dollar to 200 range because they're unique looking they're definitely old gold with coral all right now we're going to talk about necklaces and bracelets I'm going to show you these tell you why I got them this is very simple folks and this one are very simple they're both gold filled as well all right gold filling means that there is an actual layer of solid gold on the outside of otherwise a more common um type of an alloy and this one it's marked here on this clasp all right you can kind of see some some writing down there this one same situation you look at the clasp and it's written on there by my thumbnail that it is gold filled now I hold on to stuff like this folks because whenever I come across an attractive pendants that don't have a chain I'll go through and find my gold filled chain and I'll throw it on that and it's more likely to sell for sale for more money and this is also a nice it's functional it's got an older style clasp on it that'll be nice it'll be easy to sell those here was a cool looking uh necklace that looks like it could just be a regular old costume piece but it had an interesting looking clasp I flip it around I'll look on the inside of it and lo and behold it says nine two five do you see that I think I have it upside down 925 it also has a little crescent moon with the letter r almost look like on the left there you see that now I have not messed with it much yet but folks I I I haven't figured out this this class yet I don't know how to get this this puppy out out of there um it's very attractive and cool looking I love the design of it uh but shoot it's got It's like child proof it's a rusty proof I can't get it open and then you look at this I don't know since my guess is that these little balls are also sterling silver along with the clasp but I don't know what this blue is it's not that dark blue that lapis is this almost looks like a I don't know like a marble wood look right like a blue color and marble surely these are not marble beads but I don't know what they are if you out there have an idea of what this kind of softer blue speckled nonsense is I would love to know here's another nice necklace again it looks like a run-of-the-mill costume necklace but when you come up to the clasp you'll see it says Napier Napier and that is a costume jewelry brand three dollars for a Napier like a branded necklace is is money all day long it's easy for me to sell this this is probably a 12 to 15 necklace if I sold it by itself that won't be hard to sell and then along with the earrings I showed you a minute ago here all right this is my other big score of the day this is sterling silver folks it's a sterling silver necklace it's got a cool little clasp there at the end just like a little eye and hook if you come on down I'll let you see the whole piece here these things kind of float over you can go back and forth but this is uh this is not a this is not like a perfect example of what they call a Squash Blossom but it is very close a lot of times Squash Blossom necklaces will have a larger secondary part and a bottom or just a single piece at the bottom that hangs down from it a lot of times they um have like turquoise or Coral or things like that this particular item is featuring um Amber okay and it is genuine Amber it's not uncommon to to see that in uh gold or silver this is somewhat of an older piece folks uh kind of definitely tarnished some you can see that there's some cleanup work I could do I paid up for this folks I paid 65 65 bones and that's a lot but I do believe that I can sell this necklace for somewhere in the I would say on the low end probably 150 dollars uh shoot could go up from there I could sell it either locally or online we sell mostly on eBay most of you probably know that but um it's a beautiful little piece here uh I I like it um you don't come across these in the wild all that much for affordable prices and again 65 is kind of High I mean I'm not gonna I'll double my money um but I just thought it was an attractive piece I lacked finding it these two pieces alone folks we're gonna probably make 50 or 60 bucks off of this one this only cost me three dollars and if I could sell that for 150 this this these two things combined but especially this piece would have paid me back for everything that I've shown you in this video today including this stuff down here that is why I took some risks risk risk all right um maybe I won't get these back that you want but but the gold piece several pieces of sterling silver several branded things this is what we look for folks when we're out we pass by the stuff that's junk uh as best we can and we drive the stuff that we think we can sell quickly and for decent money thanks so much for sticking around today cousins I hope you learned a thing or two folks all that you saw today cost about a hundred and twenty eight dollars and I think that I can make somewhere in the four to five hundred dollar range once we sell all of that if you did that every day folks you're making two 250 bucks profit a day it's not that bad of a living if you can if you can handle living off of that sort of thing I hope this helped folks uh stick around if you got any information about some of the stuff we saw on here today please let us know uh check out our eBay stores the stuff's in the description and you guys just take care of yourselves be safe treat people kindly and good luck finding your next treasure see you soon okay Rusty [Music] that's what I'm talking about bursting [Music]
Channel: Rusty The Reseller
Views: 19,678
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Keywords: Resell, reseller, reselling, ebay reseller, full-time reseller, ebay tips, ebay selling, reseller tips, reseller guide, reseller advice, reseller how to, vintage, thrifting, garage sale, yard sale, estate sale, antique store, goodwill haul, pawn shop, sourcing, make money on ebay, work for yourself, rusty how to, be your own boss, work from home, rusty the reseller, make money, make money online, Close Inspection - What We Bought TODAY & Why The Details MATTER
Id: z5mHwFnxSxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 57sec (2337 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 28 2023
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