Small Arms of WWI Primer 022: German TankGewehr Anti-Tank Rifle
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Channel: C&Rsenal
Views: 448,150
Rating: 4.949019 out of 5
Keywords: firearms, guns, WWI, History, battlefield1, bf1
Id: _mWeNNiG9YU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 35sec (2315 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 29 2016
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That's some very good sound quality as the first two shots from that beastly rifle really startled me.
Ian at forgotten weapons also did a video on this gun as well as several world war 2 anti tank rifles which are slightly more practical. A british one. A german one and that german one converted to fire giant rifle grenades.
There's one of these in my local museum. It's an absolute beast.