Slow Motion Making of Peppermint Hard Candy

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right now you go on so is it this is the 20 pound bench yeah superb my name does start with an N its neurotic whatever it is your attic it all hands on that well I mean here I can help you as soon as I get the next batch show I don't know I think he's he's probably used up all his help see that that's what you help me right now is to start crying and what I had this flavor oh man here we go the pepper man it's crying time again you're gonna leave me oh I needed 3/4 of a shot that's really more like seven eight so this is just be super pepperminty it's balls super minty [Music] pretty hmm well someone asked if any of the vapor when it comes off if any of the flavor comes off yeah we don't really know I don't know if there's a way for us to test that would you say would I have probably try not to cry again you just missed the old place so much yeah I [Music] won't need it anymore water can evaporate the water whoa I just got a huge with my eyes oh I hear that I heard that we eat with our eyes is when we smell I have an idea let's go down to this end of the table I can come back in a half hour get out of it again yeah disposables - yeah some predictable [Music] and then it all uses back to where you just came from so this is not frustrating reason out dad yeah reading it it's bad but I might wake you up before you go-go yeah I'm gonna say because I know sometimes dad can't breathe at night just got exit out the sinuses or something senses one your buyers bring it in because the ship's six months ago over there okay how's the part where we're gonna do some color I'm gonna pull a piece out add color stir it a little bit see how that goes they try to pull up you so is everything sticking [Music] and I guess you should pull a piece out to see this is legal stickies batch all day [Music] [Music] why is it not working as much it's well this is pretty hard now so did you just last couple batches did you add it a little sooner ready for some color you want it is about the Patriots record [Laughter] can I get a negative scrape on that part it's like sticking around there what should you do Richard yeah I did it over here to this I'm just wearing the gloves and I actually my finger came out of one of the holes like not a mitten lip now blessed bitch oh really strange a night raid yeah it's great to do too and there's a minute and I get a once you get that all colored can I get a picture of all the boxes next to each other wow dude be a little more needy Wow Wow [Laughter] gotta make a good thumbnail no okay I'm so ready yeah I'm still trying to you know so I put in the okay how can let go Gollum I haven't got the shot yet so is there any way we can get those closer I know I know you can't get too close all right yeah I'm just trying to screenshots oh okay these are really pretty little strands like little blue mm-hmm like just hairs of sugar mm-hmm I bet it melts in your time yeah probably how's that looks my piece Oh wow that's great it's like almost like you just gave him a gift from the dollar store yeah like remember when we were little we used to buy like little trinkets for for Christmas like Oh dad's gonna love this anyway I'm whenever you open up a present he didn't he was a huge fan of here you go Wow look at that we watched a couple videos you opening stuff and then that's like every time he just said Wow look at that [Laughter] Smarties yeah my love Smarties and then I saw it I was like wow that's perfect for Mom carob I thought wow that's perfect your mom same thing with Lea it's good when you found like something cheap yeah especially when we know like I said we as a kind of funny concept now that like I'm grown up to look back at it but you would have to get money from your parents to buy gifts from them and like the teachers would basically go to the dollar store and just have a table set up of a bunch of yeah yeah I mean everything would take a dollar too you know see I'm glad you brought it up because in my head I just imagined like an empty third grade room with like like I think it was in the hallway if I remember correctly yeah well I think I was like for parents though so I think that I think that's remember us going there with money to buy gifts for our pants and I was just like wow this looks cool put this money I'm really good Scholastic Book things I used to always try to convince mom that I wanted the book that came with the toy just because I wanted the book I just really want the bug Scholastic book I was WOW books and contacts and everything's anything you guys didn't have all right you guys I mean you guys let me know before you got a before you move stuff to the hooks I'm gonna have to do it one of the old battery swaps I got about twelve members this is gonna be 3 pounds longer wait a minute one minute they remember you're gonna pull out three pounds for you go mixing it in over there we get a drupe test out of you Dan let's see you know wash the equivalent of thigh high boots and my hands meet you did you do I woke up like that I can see clearly now the pumping right [Music] - strife now you two be good rot row Stefan I'm candy okay well mom's well mom's brooming up I'm gonna battery up okay you hammer in from this side under can you only have from the other side I spot from this side and the hammer from the other side I don't know why this just nothing that's much is very complicated yeah that's me there's not as much room for me on the other side but enough room for me to get in there with a hammer the other side of Terry [Music] it's fish either the mom especially part where what you see is what you get I'm the original WYSIWYG busy wig was it what did you see is what you get WYSIWYG that's a beer I thought it was something from Harry Potter I could see that like this all about that prank shop or whatever yeah then what's the other one technology well an interesting name what's that for it I don't think that was a Harry Potter Wayne Wayne like your scanner the 20 device Ollivanders Mike's when I'm whistles how'd you know that you took me to hammer you yeah okay yes sounds good to me this time how many pounds of this you can set aside your max right I don't know how we do have a pound weight machine somewhere a Wang machine if you are that new technology there's a scale [Music] so I'm gonna grab a bag you guys need me to do this or anything I'm kind of lost I'm just gonna keep spinning these lobbies I'm lost I'm lost I'm lost too well I'm lost Audrey old I reread everything one thing too and think three shirts did you say love someone get lost I'll explain it some time when dad isn't good we're gonna have some mr. Goodrich I'm gonna go sit down man I won't bite Herbie over here so yeah yeah beet-red Sam friends here eventually rocking I reckon it gets a little bit hot nope have you thought of it I'm busy Prabir busy busy baby you guys have beer hooked up to the water tonight yeah wait so why do we put we pull out like the finished product three pounds is a lot of you here yeah yeah I was like how are we gonna put three pounds of this in a bag I know there is at least one person said that they would buy an all peppermint bag yeah yeah no no I'm not trying to create a monster in the comment section although I might when was the like us I said three but so it'll have to be next batch or we can just push it back like in our possessive 3ish heavy on the ish yeah yeah okay you can turn it on so we used to allows your next batch from know right before you guys take it off the copper kettle yeah it's a four strike kind of candy not colorful even I do what I want this is kind of big I'm tired you're just old you want into this let's just go to the bar actually yeah they're within crawling distance together really nice though yeah simmerman synonym okay this is America flavor great yeah tomorrow do you remember power thirst yeah [Music] three for Australia flavor oh yeah Britain light I get that a lot naturally yeah look at it it's like a barbershop whole yeah when you're supposed to do that for the candy canes these are supposed to be straight carrots cooking soccer that's correct oh I need to the struggling Luigi's [Music] [Music] almost no that's awful nobody's paid yeah yeah why making soup okay [Music] just thinking of my little top car please I was thinking about something else no Cooper mom or anybody Karen I watched Marley here and I had a t-shirt and Marshall used to share it's like one of our only t-shirts that we'd be like all right I wanna wear today I want to wear today what like it's just it's just Marvin Marvin I think it's a red shirt with Marvin the Martian on 32 yeah you think marching put another yeah yeah neato good good three promises which side do you like better my necks what that side that you're working on right now are the ones that dad's I think about you standing out yeah well this is new and I like trying to overcome new things so this is kind of cool I'm comfortable over there though yeah it's more comfortable like you're you know what you're doing and more comfortable like not way too hot [Music] if you haven't dealt with these batches yeah yeah that's probably why dad has you do that part right yeah especially the hardest part of the whole first part not sick or anything right oh you drinking water after this bed right then maybe water water yep water you go is there a better size like this yeah just keep doing yeah I don't get how you like move so slow when you're doing it like you see I have to like constantly keep my hands mm-hmm know when you're doing it like you're just a lot more like intentful with like your movement mine is like I have to do it like this so that it might come down just be great thank you when I first started doing this I'm good all frenzied like trying to get it all straight now am i doing right okay you know after the last couple rafters I've been looking through them and like okay the pillows look fine there's no real awful on but uh you follow through I really like that they paint purple [Music] tongue that we got last year oh yeah you still have oh yeah keep that thing forever it looks we like to talk yeah it does everywhere we took a snapchat picture and I think I told people to oh you know what I think it was on a live stream and I think I told people to screenshot it and then they like posted it on Instagram and stuff and so input let's have you filter on you or something I think someone put like a puppy filter on you or something like that it's funny cuz like with the tongue sticking out I didn't even have to have the taunting out it already wellness like floating around the internet somewhere man ever take you seriously again yeah never got a job anywhere else why did why was not aired well we saw a picture of you and there's nobody else on this earth as a puffy filter picture that puppy picture you loser I bet you they only hire people I think the puppy feels like the only one that's still picking and snapchat all the other ones coming down [Music] yeah seems like a tab it's like a little under 240 yes there's a little time to kill for three o'clock I'm on three we go a start load before before the batch starts mean I'm sure people won't complain I'll give people some time to file until don't miss anything Hey that's all right now [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Hercules Candy
Views: 7,620,900
Rating: 4.7002258 out of 5
Keywords: hard candy, hard candy recipe, hard candy diy, hercules candy, hercules candy hard candy, peppermint hard candy, slow motion, slow motion hard candy, hercules slow motion, Slow Motion Making of Peppermint Hard Candy, candy making, making candy, candy, how to make candy, candy how it
Id: iOkqiDqfCPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 16sec (2056 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 04 2018
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