Slow Driver, Fast Car vs Fast Driver, Slow Car

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today we're going to find out how fast willene e a normal driver is against me a Pro driver and how much faster I can make him through driver coaching alone to do that we've set a challenge will is going to set a time in the 500 horsepower 911 GT3 and then I'm going to coach will to see if he can be faster than that an 150 horsepower Mazda MX5 need you to look through the corner will look at the the Ballard on the inside look at the camera on the outside and Pin It Go nice taking you along for the ride to show you how I coach the want to be fast as quickly as possible oh that was perfect that was no slower than me but the first order of the day was to see what will could do in the MX5 with zero coaching how confident are you not very Let's Get It Go in the right direction first and then we'll start optimize that sounded very driver coaching didn't it okay don't stall it don't stall it don't stall it oh this is good oh oh W wa all right well I like the confidence that there that say break you have to break now these were warmup laps but immediately I noticed that Will was very confident and actually when you're coaching someone this is really good it's easy to take someone from over the limit to on the limit rather than someone who is way off up to 100% sorry we might have to increase the camera budget okay anyway we decided it was time for the lap and this very nearly went horribly wrong 3 2 1 go drop the clip okay there you go good start leave it in a second now okay break or no break break more bit more bit more bit more bit more oh he's gone deep he's gone deep he's gone deep he's gone very deep but it's fine it's fine right we're just warming up the rear tires that is the most under fear I think I've ever seen him person we're going to hide in we're going to hope for the best you're going to going keep it in we're going to keep it in we're going to keep it in we're going to keep it in sorry SC sorry Scot it's okay it's okay little bit wobbly on the second hair pin but he's coming out it's oh that crash is going on for about 5 minutes we're going to hit the breaks very hard here SC oh my God just we've gone into second by accident I'm very sorry Scott okay attack the curb attack the curb before pulling it in and nailing it to the line oh my poor MX5 just saw 13,000 RPM I'm so sorry acoss the line as he comes across the line a 1 minute 12. 74 oh H sorry your commitment is fantastic mate Jesus Christ you good that his quality we were sideways heading towards the wall Will's arms everywhere I've never seen the arms move so quickly and he just carries on flat out now that was very worrying as will is about to set a time in the 911 a car with way more power and where things go wrong much more quickly but first it was my time to set a time in the master 3 2 1 go the oh God you aggressive man this is truly squeaky bom time take that last Apex so late good God good good Lord good good God oh my the difference in Breaking you did a 112. 74 Scott just did a 103.9 five so uh now's the moment you you get a GT3 the this is a dream car for me this is like as cool as cars get M honestly if you could give me any car in the world I think I'm probably take that one right now with that time set it was time to put will in this 500 horsepower 9,000 RPM 200 mph track focused 9911 and we could tell Will was a bit excited can I just say thank you so much I'm having a fantastic day if we're sideways coming out of that corner onto the back straight Way We Were pray and hope for the best right enjoy okay right well Will's just climbed in so that is a 992 GT3 this is the pdk model now we're talking like over 500 brake horsepower this is the this is the ultimate 911 a 911 is the ultimate car to me and this is the top one of those so it's my favorite car ever it's in the best color they do and it goes without saying this is a big step up from the MX5 meaning you arrive at the corners a little bit quicker great hard harder harder harder harder harder harder harder harder harder don't turn in now go in that's it's it's all right we arrived there quite quickly wow it just does exactly well if you're not too fast it just it just does exactly what you wanted to Scott did you want to have a big T slapper is that what we were right let's see what this Baseline is this is what he's going to have to beat in the Mazda so we shall see yeah okay we're ready oh are we ready in three 2 1 go maybe Bott that one a little bit no no no good you're still going too quick nice that is quick down that back straight wow oh feeling something's okay break break break bloody hell you enjoy that yeah is this the best day ever oh my God absolutely amazing sir saying the front end feels so pointed and then that this one kind of just wants to come out and when it does it's a bit scary well in the GT3 with no training it's just a 104.9 called it man you did you 105 so you've got your workout out to make to get him going quicker than that Master but it's possible it is possible now things are going to get serious right we're going to try and learn some actual technique you've started off very confident yeah quite aggressive in your driving St like a young ven we're going to try and smooth you out okay we it 10 laps practice 10 laps coaching and then do another lap and see how you've improved wonderful okay look around at that Ballard on the inside see that Ballard now look at the camera on the outside what that does is show you where the track goes much earlier than you previous have been looking I need you to look through the corner wheel look at the the Ballard on the inside look at the camera on the outside and pin it go nice when you look a bit further ahead your hands are a lot softer right that's it so we're going to work on Vision will because as soon as you do that the car changes its attitude really that's Soo just from where you're looking yeah look at the Ballard on the inside look at the camera on the outside too tight that's it look at the the green Con on the outside now look through the corner look at the Ballard on the inside that's good look at the camera on the outside that's great mate that's loads better Vision might seem like a weird thing to focus on first but if we can get will taking in the correct information he can learn to be more predictive rather than reactive so his driving will be smoother and he can be more precise however we still needed a little bit more work on on the Precision bit and break lovely break break break that's good Apex look at the Apex look at the sorry sorry sorry sorry that was funny how uh are you okay do you need a toe we're all good good work lad we're finding the limits this is good okay yeah we know what not to do now we we found the limit and we decided to tell the limit to piss off I tell you what your car control is great like jump and just to have it sideways everywhere so with that Improvement we wanted to set another time to see what progress will had made three two one go push out pun out there you go leave it in a second there keep it pinned keep it pinned look through the corner wheel that's it look at the Apex look at the exit now you can go lovely that's it leave it in thir off brakes get it in patience patience patience bring it in they look towards the cone and look towards the camera go it go keep it pinned don't lift don't lift let it rev let it rev let it rev you got more RPM now get the brakes on get the brakes on get the look at the Apex off the brakes get it in and pin it go keep it flat keep it flat get it in on that Apex keep it flat that was a good laugh don't change don't change you waste time no slow down that was that good that was good I reckon that was a good one okay nice and that was a 105.510 6 seconds faster essentially making Will's time a 107.5 7 so that's a 5.2 second Improvement already so where's the where's most of the time from now you reckon oh am I not allow it's it's in the details mate that's not much coaching you'll figure it out you'll be fine the next thing for me to focus on with Will was the weight transfer in the car how will loads up the suspension through the braking and into the corners because if he can nail that he can make use of all of the Master's grip break gentle in get it in patience look there you go and go yes son yes you feel how much brilliant yes go on go on go just keep your pinned come on yes nice you up to the level just doing some research here about well and's driving experience it turns out he's driven the world's smallest car the pp50 and Donington wonder if any of that experience is translating to this [Music] Mazda gently gently on that's it wait wait thr thr thr there you go little bit of thr there you go off we go so what we're doing now is really playing with the balance of the car right you've got quick enough that you can manage it I just wanted to get will out of the car cuz we've made another big step forward I don't know if you could see from need to keep on doing that I don't know if you can see from over there but we when we're coming into the corner now we're so much more controlled and what will has got his head around is Trail breaking he's managing the the balance of the car as you go into the corner but I wanted to come out to this corner here to explain like step by step exactly what's going on and how that affects the balance of the car previously you were like dabbing the brakes like that right and then as we progressed and and you put some attention on this corner you actually made a a a more gentle brake for but for a bit longer what's going on in the car is when you dab the brake like that the weight transfers very quickly and then comes back out of it and so with that weight transfer the grip changes so because you're putting weight on the front of the car it gets more grip you're taking away from the here and then you're putting it back the other way then what you did was you gently got on the brake so there's less weight transfer less grip change but over a longer period so it's much more subtle where the balance changes forward to back coming in it I would have just assumed that like you want to be breaking for the shortest amount of time possibly so do as hard as possible get it out the way but it's more about just keeping everything consistent as you go ex after that point the one thing that you could improve the braking is really good but then you stamping on the throttle we want to kind of mirror the braking with the throttles if you think about stamping on the throttle you're doing the same thing yeah you're jacking it over the rear really quickly okay cool perfect right let's go do it again nice after this explainer will really up this driving that's beautiful mate and then just be patient get it in Can You Feel the grip like maintaining all the way through that's brilliant go oh that was perfect that was no slower than me keep it on keep it on keep it on it's up is you came you came off those brakes a bit too quickly cool which when you get that because you came off them quickly it transfers the yeah the balance here lots of people drive to the point where the car's letting go and they go right I'm on the limit they can't W do anymore always goes on about if your Technique braking steering loading all of that is working well your limit is higher you can make the car quicker by the way you you manipulate the weight across the four tires so I think that's what we're seeing here is that before will was sliding about he was over the limit at times but that was because he was driving in a way that the limit was lower right is it time to see what lap time we can do 3 2 1 go out go good St go on keep CH bit early keep it going keep it going go a bit deeper than normal get it in patience that's it beautiful world go on up You Go Gentle go been as normal for perly I mean he sorted out this early corner so just by doing that trail break and he had no under steer on the way out I think that was a big thing earlier he's arriving way too H patience on that throttle look for the exit go beautiful all the road beautiful pick up throttle pick up throttle go go go go go go oh l through there yeah lost a bit of time through there clutch out H the brakes on here the brakes on there you go get it in beautiful go on patience patience and go go go keep it pin keep it pin yes leave it inside don't Andross the oh mate how was the lap I felt it maybe a little bit tentative at some parts okay uh I was maybe trying to be a bit too gentle to avoid big losses and I think I left a little bit on the table can he's saying he's being tentative but that's compared to the practice laps if you look at the technique the technique and how it feels is loads better you just did a 105 dead there's less than attempt it's so there now it was time to find the smaller bits of time pushing the braking slightly later using a bit more track and finessing his technique this is actually the hardest bit of being a racing driver finding that final second smooth wait and now pick up still a little bit I felt a kick in my back it was better but I felt a kick in my back the timing right of when it hit it yeah it was about right I'll tell you when there wait and now go so you can play with that right so what I want you to do here we can do an exercise leave it in third lift off the accelerator back on the throttle too hard I can feel it in my back smooth there feel that difference yeah that's it smoothly on it now that's it so you get on it a fraction earlier but that's perfect see how in control the car was but the thing is now like I feel completely like safe cuz you're in control of it I didn't feel that safe before this is really quite Advance stuff now it's about pushing to find out what Will's ultimate pace is and to be honest I was expecting to need to do a few laps but will absolutely nailed it the first time round 3 2 1 go good start keep on going keep on going keep on going keep on going good going back on the thrt good good go on go on you're right you're right look for the exit and go okay we've got to a mega start we'll let it rev keep it going keep it going beautiful this is a good end don't go too wide at the bottom [Music] okay is it up wait wait on the SC wait now go go pin it yes this is it will keep it pinned get it out there get it out there this is it this is it don't change go little you think you how was it where did you it's good um I feel like you've given us everything I need to do it's then just about doing say if you give me 10 things making sure I execute nine of them the time you just did uh was a 103 yes 76 really good come here three so like although we had 2 seconds of gain from wet to dry you've done eight eight seconds thank you very much yeah so good can I get back in the POR yeah you do it three two one go GE GE break down again that's a good man and a smooth will go on off we go look for the exit smooth and off we go watch oh perfect wait for the exit wait for the exit wait oh too early oh go keep it pin go GE keep it going [Music] gear Beautiful Will and gear gear and lift lift lift lift lift lift on the [Music] brakes that was really good that was really especially down the bottom there got your feel it's like considering you've done like three or four laps in this car now but we'll take that thank you I've had an absolutely fantastic day yeah yeah really glad you had good day really really good driving loved it that was a 54.7 no he said like a obviously a faster car is faster but you showed today it's the learning that happens first then upgr your car I think I can't wait to see what you do in this 3 2 1 go good launch go on go [Music] on world did a 54. 76 you did a 52.54 what did that that says a lot about L says a lot about the about the Tak that is you go if you like this style of video please do subscribe check out Will's Channel up there and more of our content down there see you in the next one
Channel: Driver61
Views: 605,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Formula 1, Driving, Coaching, Motorsport, Engineering, F1, Racing, Incredible Motorsport, Driver61, Scott Mansell, Callum McIntyre
Id: Nvj-nJLoAzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 11sec (1151 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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