Who Am I?

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definitely I wish there was a step-by-step guide how to live your life telling simple steps to get it together what was the question again I'm sorry Who am I it's hard to put words on that during my life I have had a little voice in my head that has been telling me to repress a big part of me and become someone that I was not as we grow up for some or another reason we start losing ourselves in some way or we we build walls around ourselves because we are afraid of being singled out [Music] changing yourself to fit in only enhances that critical voice [Music] stress the comes with being someone that you are not is huge and that starts eating away at your own body feelings bottle up everyone's bottles are created by different materials some have iron some people can follow a lot of emotions and being very strong and and some people of paper cups bottling these emotions up for long enough you basically create something else suddenly what you call the critic becomes an enemy and then suddenly it becomes your master the only way to combat that enemy is to recognize that that is you and you have to be true to yourself and you have to try and start to love yourself even though you don't like it that very much [Music] somewhere along the line when I grew up a sparkle in my eyes disappeared my father said it's as if I was entombed that little spark has slowly started to come back to me I felt some kind of spark being ignited to try but when I thought about continuing my life being who I really was it might just be an ember right now but it started burning when I felt ready to come out of my tomb and start showing the world who I am and who I am going to become as a person just to call my mom and tell her that I was coming to dinner and tell her that I was actually a woman [Music] I had these thoughts in my head that maybe I would be rejected maybe my family would not really want to know about me and something that I feel very bad about because in my head I have never been meaner towards them than thinking that they would ever do that towards me [Music] my biggest lesson in life will probably be that the people who love you unconditionally even though there may be some tumultuous relationships in there there will always be there for you [Music] that's the thing about receding into your own shell you don't really realize that you're pushing them away until you get them back like they've always been there you haven't I wasn't and I'm trying to get back being afraid of losing someone is nothing compared to realizing that you have found someone that you have actually regained these people in your life [Music] my parents and my brother and my grandparents are the rocks that I get to cling to when the tide comes in and honestly I could probably have the entire world against me as long as I have them and my friends and the people that I have closed I could probably take on anything [Music] if we think about fairy tales there are always the very tough parts for the hero in the middle of the story and in some way I always believe that life is somewhat a struggle you can never win life but in some way or another at a time in your life you will see the end of the tunnel where you will finally have found yourself again my fairy tale hasn't ended yet I'd say that I'm still in the tough part but I'm fighting myself through it you could say that I'm waiting for the knight in shining armor but I would probably steal his sword battled the dragon myself that's more awesome thanks so much for watching this week's forum for the last two years we shared a new story every week and we'd love for you to be part of this journey so that we can continue to tell these stories into the future and you can do that really easily by signing up to our patreon page we've written the link in the right up down below thank you for your support
Channel: Green Renaissance
Views: 60,933
Rating: 4.8983889 out of 5
Keywords: green renaissance, gay, bi, LGBT, faroe islands, torshavn, who am i, annika, trans, gender, sex, sexual, orientation, family, love, friends, support, unconditional, brave, change, accept, self love, sharing ideas, inspiring change, inspire, inspiration, patreon, artlist, dog, parents, brother, mom, dad, daughter, transgender, transsexual, intersex
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 58sec (478 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2020
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