SLICING OUR FRIENDS! 😮(AO and MA play Perfect Slices)

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- [Apple] We're just chopping all of our food friends. - [Orange] I'm gonna have nightmares for weeks. - [Apple] Me, too! Oh, my goodness! (Orange laughs) (upbeat electronic music) (Orange laughs) - [Orange] Hey, yo, it's A to the O back again with another game video. - [Apple] And you better grapple with the fact he got Little Apple. - [Orange] Nice, nice rhyme. - [Apple] Thanks, I thought it was a good rhyme, too. - [Orange] So we're playing a game called Perfect Slices. - [Apple] What?! - [Orange] Uh-oh! - [Apple] Nooo! - [Orange] Oooooh! I had to pepper you with the truth, get it, pepper? (laughs) - [Apple] No, no. - [Orange] Oh, no, now we're in a real pickle. - [Apple] No, stop it, you're making puns while you're chopping up our friends? What's with that? - [Orange] I know, I'm so conflicted, I'm sorry, but that's part of the game. - [Apple] You could stop it right now. Why are you, you just chopped up a pig. - [Orange] What the, I just chopped up a aig. - [Apple] I guess we're having bacon then. - [Orange] (laughs) Head to the porking lot 'cause that's where you'll find it. - [Apple] Oh, geeze, you guys, why would you make him play this game? - [Orange] I don't know, they wanted me to play it, so I'm playing it. - [Apple] Oh, we're just chopping all of our food friends. - [Orange] I'm gonna have nightmares for weeks. - [Apple] Me too, oh, my goodness, can you believe it? (Orange laughs) - [Orange] I'm going for the high score. - [Apple] What? - [Orange] Well, I mean, while I'm here, I might as well. - [Apple] You're a traitor to your kind. (both laughing) - [Orange] Ah no - [Apple] No, not the bowl! Oh no, we're making a salad! - [Orange] I'm sorry, and you're buried! - [Apple] You're a murderer! - [Orange] Utoh, get knife? - [Apple] No! - [Orange] Oh let's do it! - [Apple] No! - [Orange] Wooo, we can unlock a random knife! - [Apple] You actually want a knife? - [Orange] I kinda want it - [Apple] Oh no, you're gonna do it! - [Orange] Naww. - [Apple] Yeah, you just have unlocked the same knife you already had! - [Orange] Yeah thanks for rubbing it in. - [Apple] You're welcome! - [Orange] I was being sarcastic! - [Apple] You're being super spastic! - [Orange] Hey, plumpkin! (laughs) Oh, sorry. - [Apple] You're the jack o'lantern of all trades. (both laugh) - [Orange] No one holds a candle to me (laughs) (Apple groans) Why am i chopping a candle again? - [Apple] I don't know. - [Orange] Either way it's totally lit! (Orange laughs) - [Apple] No! Stop it! (Orange laughs) - [Apple] I've had it with the puns. - [Orange] You got room for the mushrooms - [Apple] No singing either! - [Orange] Look I'm chopping up a (laughs) - [Apple] What the heck? - [Orange] I chopped up a witch's shoe! - [Apple] I hope she won't need that, because otherwise she's probably gonna come and find you and turn you into a toad! - [Orange] I'll just tell her that you chopped it. - [Apple] No! - [Orange] Yep, you did it! - [Apple] You're the one murdering our friends right now! - [Orange] Yeah but since you're here, you're an accomplice to murder! - [Apple] I am not! - [Orange] Wow, check out that stew! - [Apple] Are you kidding me? Why would you do that to your friends? - [Orange] Hey if you got it, haunt it! (Orange laughs) - [Apple] D'oh! (groans) - [Orange] Oh eggplant. - [Apple] I just, I can't endorse anything about this game! - [Orange] Why not?! - [Apple] I can't get behind it. - [Orange] Oh come on! - [Apple] Man, you're just murdering our friends. - [Orange] Come on, you should play it too. Chop to it! - [Apple] No! (groans) (Orange laughs) - [Apple] The puns aren't helping anything, that's not making it any funnier. - [Orange] Oh check out this guy, he's bacon in the heat! (Apple groans) - [Orange] Yeah, got that cash money, honey, you love it! ♪ You want some more of it! ♪ - [Apple] Actually I don't love it. - [Orange] But you don't rind if I keep goin', do ya? - [Apple] Oh you hit it! (Orange laughs) - [Orange] Oh no, I hit that block. - [Apple] Yeah you hit it! - [Orange] Yeah, I just said that Little Apple. - [Apple] But did you know that you hit it? - [Orange] Yes! - [Apple] But did you really know? - [Orange] Oh, now look at that it's so brew-tiful. (Orange laughs) - [Apple] NO. - [Orange] Get it? 'Cos we're making brew? - [Apple] Aw, that's actually kind of cute! - [Orange] Thank you! - [Apple] No, not you, you the coin with the hat on. - [Orange] Hey po-ta-to! - [Apple] Stop killing the potatoes. - [Orange] Don't be a tater hater! - [Apple] No, I'm saying don't kill them, how am I being a hater? - [Orange] Hey I don't car-ot all (laughs) - [Apple] Nooo! (orange laughs) Are you gonna just keep doing this the whole episode? - [Orange] Uh, yeah, it's like, totally my brand. - [Apple] Yeah, good point. - [Orange] I mean what were you expecting? For me to start making inspirational speeches while I play games? (both laugh) - [Apple] That's not a bad idea, sometimes people just need a pick me up. - [Orange] (shouting) Piggy! - [Apple] Okay, you didn't need to yell it. - [Orange] I did! And if you don't like it, you can hoof it on out of here (laughs) - [Apple] Oh brother. (Orange laughs) - [Apple] Again? - [Orange] We're staying on brand - [Orange] I've got to stay on brand! - [Apple] Thank you. - [Orange] Yo check out this, it's a fun guy to chop! (Apple groans) Oh no, I chopped the board again. - [Apple] Good! (Orange laughs) - [Orange] Oooh sparkies! - [Apple] Hope you chop the board every single time - [Orange] I hope you sit on a thumbtack! - [Apple] Ach! - [Orange] The size of the bowling ball! (laughs) - [Apple] What? That thumbtack would be bigger than me. - [Orange] Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah! Got that finish line! Winner winner chicken dinner! Ooh what's in your stew? - [Apple] All your murdered friends, that's who's in your stew. (Orange laughs) - [Orange] What? - [Apple] What?! You know what! - [Orange] Hey Little Apple, who came first? The chicken or the eggplant? (laughs) - [Apple] Not funny, not funny! - [Orange] Doesn't matter now he's already chopped up! (Orange laughs) - [Apple] Oh you're so mean, I can't believe it. - [Orange] (shouting) Piggy! - [Apple] Ow! You don't need to yell it in my non-existent ears. - [Orange] What, I'm just making sure that you saw that I chopped the (shouting) piggy! - [Apple] Stop it! - [Orange] What's up cucumber, it's knife to meet you! - [Apple] Man, you're kiddin' me. - [Orange] Ah, (laughs) look at this! - [Apple] Stop it! - [Orange] Gettin' that high score! Look at this! - [Apple] Don't do it! - [Orange] Whoo-ee killin' streak! - [Apple] Ah man. - [Orange] You love it - [Apple] I'd like to apologize to all my food friends out there. - [Orange] Oh that's nice that you're apologizing for being lame. - [Apple] I'm not being lame. (Orange laughs) You're the murderer! You're murdering people. Stop murdering our friends. (Orange laughs) What? - [Orange] Whoa! - [Apple] What? - [Orange] Check this out. - [Apple] What's even happened? - [Orange] I got a golden opportunity to chop up some gold blocks here, nice. - [Apple] How? How is this even chopping gold? - [Orange] What? - [Apple] Like how sharp is this knife? - [Orange] I don't know what you're talkin' about. I'm still choppin' food! - [Apple] What? No, you're chopping gold. - [Orange] Yeah, it's 24 carrots! (laughs) (Apple groans) - [Apple] I hate you. I hate you so much. (Orange laughs) How did you know man. - [Orange] You love it. You love it! - [Apple] Seriously, who is serving up a bunch of gold bars to be chopped up by an orange? - [Orange] I mean, who else would chop 'em up? - [Apple] I don't know. - [Orange] Like, the Muffin Man? Shrek? - [Apple] Whoa! - [Orange] Whoa, yeah, we're baking coins up in here! - [Apple] What is even happening!? - [Orange] Well we took those gold bars that we chopped up and we melted 'em down into coins. - [Apple] Why wouldn't you just use the gold bars? - [Orange] No, that's crazy, you're crazy. - [Apple] You don't have to make them into coins. - [Orange] (shouting) Piggy! - [Apple] Please stop doing that. - [Orange] Hey Little Apple, I know carrotay! - [Apple] Stop it. - [Orange] (laughing) Get it, carrot, carrot-ay! - [Apple] Yes, you don't have to explain it I know it. I know exactly what you're saying. Stop it! - [Orange] I have to explain everything so many times, it makes it funnier. - [Apple] No, you actually don't. - [Orange] What, what the!? - [Apple] You broke it! - [Orange] Oh! - [Apple] You broke it! - [Orange] Oh no. - [Apple] Now it just starts right over again - [Orange] Yeah for a second there I thought I was going to lose my knife. - [Apple] Yeah that wouldn't have been a bad thing. - [Orange] Yeah, but then I'd have to use something else to cut up the food. - [Apple] Yeah but, I mean, like what? - [Orange] I mean if you've got some spare TNT laying around, I could totally use that. - [Apple] No. Don't say it! - [Orange] (shouting) Piggy! Yeah, yeah, yeah. - [Apple] No, I said, "Don't say it, don't say it"! - [Orange] Why, I have to. It's kind of a pig deal. (laughs) - [Apple] (groans) I hate you so much right now. - [Orange] What, you don't like my piggy excitement? - [Apple] No, in fact, I do not. - [Orange] Well you can't hog all the piggy excitement to yourself. (laughs) (Apple groans) - [Apple] I'm not hogging any piggy excitement. I have no piggy excitement. No piggies! - [Orange] You're a pig party pooper. - [Apple] There's no such thing as a pig party pooper. - [Orange] Yeah there is, pig party pooper. - [Apple] No pig party pooper. - [Orange] Pig party pooper! - [Apple] Meh - [Orange] Hey what's up little buddy - [Apple] It is kinda cute. - [Orange] Why thank you, I sure try! - [Apple] Not you! (Orange laughs) - [Orange] Okay. Win a prize! Okay, whoa. - [Apple] What do you get? - [Orange] I'm picking this one, what is it, gimmie gimmie all these gifts. - [Apple] Oh 15 coins! - [Orange] Okay going for this one - [Apple] Next briefcase - [Orange] And then, briefcase number three. Whoo-ee, what's it gonna be? Ah only got 5 coins that time. - [Apple] ok - [Orange] What's that thing that I got down there? What's that thing? - [Apple] It looks like a playing card. Like a King card. - [Orange] Ooh, let's play Go Fish! - [Apple] I don't think that's an option. - [Orange] Wow, check it out! I'm choppin' 'em up with a playing card. - [Apple] You are, this is so weird. He looks really happy about chopping up this food. - [Orange] Well he is, he's having a good time. Just like you are, huh Little Apple? - [Apple] Yeah, something like that. - [Orange] Yeah, we sure have fun. - [Apple] Oh brother. - [Orange] Come on, hop to it and chop to it, yeah! Choppin' 'em up with a playing card. - [Apple] How the heck are you even chopping up food with a playing card? - [Orange] He's a very sharp individual. (laughs) - [Apple] No, no sir, that's a hard no. - [Orange] Yeah, look at all them coins! Oooh, I can get a knife! - [Apple] Why are you happy about this? - [Orange] What, you don't like (shouting) knife! - [Apple] Oooh, ahh, where? (Orange laughs) I just hate it when you say that because I always think that there's a knife coming. - [Orange] Wait, what do you mean? What do you mean? When I (shouting) knife - [Apple] No no, where, ah! - [Orange] In the game? - [Apple] Oh, stop doing that! - [Orange] Stop doing what? I'm just telling you there's a (shouting) knife in the game! (Apple groans) - [Apple] Seriously every time you do that I look behind me because I'm just expecting - [Orange] You're pregnant? - [Apple] For a knife to come down and chop me. - [Orange] (shouting) Piggy! - [Apple] Okay, okay, okay. - [Orange] Hot lava! - [Apple] No, don't even start that either. - [Orange] What? Hot lava? - [Apple] Don't. - [Orange] Hot lava! - [Apple] Don't. - [Orange] (screaming) Hot lava! (Apple screams) - [Apple] Okay, I am done. I am done watching you play this game and murder our friends. - [Orange] No, no no, don't leave yet. - [Apple] Why? Why should I not leave? Tell me one reason, give me one reason why I shouldn't go. - [Orange] Because (shouting) knife! - [Apple] Yeah, really funny, I'm leaving now. - [Orange] No, (screaming) knife! - [Apple] What? (both screaming) (metal clanging) (chopping sounds) (both screaming) - [Apple] (screaming) Get out of here! - [Orange] (screaming) Oh no! - [Apple] (screaming) Come on Orange, we've gotta get out of here! (upbeat electronic music)
Channel: Annoying Orange Gaming
Views: 4,126,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: annoying orange, ao gaming, ao games, let's play, ios, gameplay, annoying orange gaming, SLICING OUR FRIENDS! 😮(AO and MA play Perfect Slices), perfect slices, satire, spoof, lampoon, parody, comedy, cartoon, video games, midget apple, little apple gaming
Id: ZZ7fPjct394
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 40sec (460 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 11 2020
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