Slicing Brisket with Wayne Mueller.

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hey good morning Texas barbecue here we are like what I like to call ground zero we're at little brothers bark tune and today we're gonna we've got we've got Wayne Miller that's going to do a video course he's going to show us how it would slice Christmas you know we've got a lot of people that ask Andy his slice of Bristol and a lot of guys are showing us tricks woman did anyone he's gonna break this thing down for us if he's going to what we're doing and why were doing it so here we are Wayne Wayne is up I guess you could say world-famous as far as being a and to me this is real conventional your life or mine what we're gonna break some parts of my favorite place so much so I guess what I'm going to talk about today is how slicing a person would just be Anatomy why we do why we're doing it well first off a brisket is a by muscular mass that means it's two muscle masses that are joined together this connective tissue and the case of a brisket we have this muscle which is called a flat it's actually a lower underneath the pectoral muscle this top dome section demarco sections which we call the point is this upper PEC toriel message must know the reason that this became barbecue became Texas to sort of the national flag of Texas barbecue was it was peasant right nobody really wanted it he required a mechanism either brazen slow-cooking because you have a lot of tough connective tissue in a muscle and a muscle mass a collective that literally afforded 70% of a cow's torque muscle tension locomotion so it was a heavily used muscle sore like the breast muscle on a bird always in always in the air right so it is the most pronounced it's also the toughest so in dealing with the brisket we had to cook it low and slow really to break all of the collagen down but we can help this out a little bit as well and make this really as enjoyable in your mouth viscosity Piketty it's middle chewy as possible which is have known about about this technique forever and ever done it's called cross cutting and the grades of the muscle of the muscle mass it's in its tension is where it finds its strength so it's able to very elastically expand and contract it's very durable than that matter but if you can cut across that section you don't have that elasticity to deal with so you actually are going to break down the muscle into little cubes and such right when you slice against these lights against that muscle grain so in slicing brisket you have two different grains that are running you have this point section where the grains are really running away from there any perpendicular that's a tree frog face so they go like this the flat has grains of credit about 45 this makes a flat very you make some flexibility the only way you don't wanna part with the front end and go back and cut these at 45 and because the muscles small the tight mud debris kind of stupidly few blacks I felt that one it's life-size you can start at the end and go completely perpendicular and minimize the muscle brain slice but to me that leaves you a strange cut as you get up closer closer to the point so what we've traditionally done is work our way straight back or if we have somebody requesting a question which is more popular today and we generally cut it down the same so we'll start so right here it is the base how to see this muscle flips over this layer of college and this layer of inter muscular fat okay at the base of that is the very edge of this topic toriel so we're gonna hunt that out and we're going to cut it parallel to the very end of the Briscoe so this exposes just the very top part of the point and it shows you know fully all of all of the flat okay and you can see that we are cross grain but the grain itself is at a 45 right there and we will cut across that when we slice it out in this direction you don't have to cut it okay for the flat we don't go in the same direction because remember I told you that these muscles are running left to right yes across this broad ways so we want to cut across them and kind of perpendicular you know if we started in the center right here we're across all of these muscles and again we're at a 45 degree angle since we're going either straight here we're at a 45 across here we're still at 45 yes so by taking this flat and not trying to not trying to take the smallest might but the most efficient by we can just literally make two cuts and expose both sides okay and then choose whichever end is most electable to our guests in this case we'll go cross cut what we have is all of these muscles as you can see this is the length that is pre basically she cheered for you in the flat you'll notice the length of that cut again is about that same size it's basically Pripet preachy for you based on based on how you just simply cut the risk well you're just giving some extra value by having it created for us that's exactly right now here we are we're basically getting my what's that three credits there were three hours Craig yeah we're fraction of the cost [Music] Wow and again by just cutting the flat we can we could see that we've broken this this section up so as anybody cuts across it no matter what bite size all of all of the strands are gonna be running this long it's not going to be hard to chew unless it's severely undercooked [Music] in French oh it's cool they're trying there's no plastic knife they're not always the best seriously [Music] Oh messing about this it's just a little bit bigger to the movies cheering it's right well you can have once again Wayans once again come through for us you've shown us I think last time I showed us how to trim a brisket he showed us how the seasoning talked about cooking today he's slicing their nuts course this is true the country comments credit right here you know this is barbecue big point in takes Marty let me clean you're looking for something so you go come on down assume you can get on that Texas barbecue trail become see Wayne he's got he's got to go cat Thank You Wayne 30 pepsin I'll shake that Thank You Texan pastor Shay thank you
Channel: Texas Barbecue
Views: 20,044
Rating: 4.7714286 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 42sec (582 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2019
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