Gacha Life: The Worst Children’s Game

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gacha life is the worst childrens ga- you know that quote people say when they state "children are the future" children this isn't without its reasons they are the Next Generation to do whatever it is they will do on this planet so it's important that they are influenced to make the right decisions in the upcoming decades but in some aspects I feel like people have been going backwards on this motive which brings us to today's subject got your life foreign got your life without a doubt is the worst game designed for children by a long shot and nothing really comes close it's a fantastic example of what a fandom can end up doing to your title it is a terrible game whether if it's the gameplay it's Community the purpose of it and good God the fandom [Music] gotcha life gotcha life now in case it wasn't obvious enough this video is going to contain some nasties that lie underneath this game for minors we'll be diving into topics such as gambling fandoms war and whatever this is with all the memes that I'll be putting this video aside this is going to be a very serious video diving into very serious topics so if you're sensitive to that I highly recommend clicking off the video right are all the people that clicked off gone all right good okay let's get into this [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] now before we even dissect the community and explore the various topics of eating what in the hell even is this game well at its absolute core it's a game about customizing characters and playing slash using them to create your own story a role play essentially there are of course other ways to play this game as well but this is typically the main reason people use it alright so what's the problem okay well first things first what on Earth is this menu why are there so many buns who is this what is that the navigation in this game from many to menu is just horrible I know a lot of modern game titles also have this issue with just overly complex menus and settings but this game was designed for miners so do you think a more simplified layout would help them learn about the game more smoothly but I guess not once you get past the menu though it has a lot of features you'd expect from a kids game a a collection of short simple minigames [Music] the role-playing feature and a sanitized kid-friendly theme revolving around most characters most characters hamburger actually wait no not even the game gets all that right because this game wouldn't be a proper children's title without loot boxes [Music] yep as if this was somehow not illegal gotcha life has its own gambling system for children to spend all their lovely parents money on basically got your life uses gems as their online currency and you actually start out with a decent chunk of these gems when you first begin the game so what can you use these for you can use them for talking to people one of the ways you can play this game is by hitting the life category where you can explore worlds of gotcha characters to your heart's content but uh oh wait a minute something right in order to engage in basic communication with these guys you need gems as a mean of stamina there you can level up with your XP but once you're out of stamina well you have two options you can either grind for the rest of the day to get back your Gems or you can go to the wonderful shop where you can buy up to twenty dollars worth of gotcha gems wow despite the game clearly spawning a wave of children getting addicted to gambling it doesn't look like the gotcha series is planning to stop the system anytime soon as their sequel gotcha Studio still this problem what makes this frustrating is just how useless it all is in the end the game is meant for role-playing and making scenes it's honestly hard to even call this a game at all so why Implement a gambling system when it clearly doesn't need it why add it other than nothing more than just pure greed and the worst part is that the loot itself kind of sucks so it's a lose-lose it's such a weird system too you spend all this time getting back your stamina by using the gems to just talk to more NPCs and sometimes the dialogue is just alien and of course it wouldn't be bad enough without random loot boxes you can open because how else are we gonna get money from our wonderful fan base oh and the fan base yeah let's talk about that [Music] so we're now at the part of the video where we're stepping out of the gameplay itself and more of into the people that play got your life so the fan base of gotcha life is a bit uh strange and obsessive and predatory I don't think I've ever seen a fanza more ravenous than gotcha life it is truly all the bad parts of a fandom into one and that's it children weird OCS fan ships sexual fantasies and old men yeah old men if there's a children's game there's gonna be someone much older praying on these children and to be honest I don't even think that's the worst part if you believe me easily the worst part about the Phantom is just how accessible it is now you might be watching this and thinking to yourself uh Mr sour now you are cherry picking these examples and the Phantom is not that bad okay fair enough it's not all about fantasies one percent of the time typically with any game you have to search quite hard in order to find the most insane people of a family here all I have to do is search gotcha life and this is my first result the moment you look up gotcha life you are already in the Phantom so what exactly is the content of most gotcha life videos well the first thing you'll probably see are stolen Tick Tock compilations with extremely predatory thumbnails content which is never actually seen in the video most of the content inside you'll get weird kissing scenes love stories guns and oh and of course there's the occasional just painfully unfunny joke typically a lot of this content will fall under this category called memes no not the comedic memes it's called animation memes and it typically has characters either Bob their head up and down to random music or have themselves be put in some pretty dark settings or both actually tell you what you know what those eyes remind me of hang on wait give me a second I mean can you even Spot the Difference and easily the weirdest part about this content is that it's extremely popular there is a demand in market for this kind of stuff for reference my most popular video I've made is the slowly Tubby's broken Masterpiece one ranking in at around 2 million views a 44 minute video that took me three months to complete on an editing software that wasn't even designed for those kind of videos on a 64 gigabyte iPad while also not being monetized at the time making it purely for fun and even when the video was done after all that chaos editing it it would take me another 10 months for it to just get 10 000 views before it finally popped off in March of 2022 this YouTuber here makes a 16 minute gotcha life video and in the span of three years gets 37 million views and what exactly is the content foreign so yeah my channel is screwed I can't compete with these numbers oh and let's go back to those Tick Tock compilations yeah tick tock you thought some of the gotcha content on YouTube was bad check out Tick Tock now in their defense it does look like they're taking steps to restrict the content more than YouTube in fact you can no longer even look up gotcha life you can still bypass the system though for the most part but since we're on the topic of tick tock I should also bring up YouTube shorts which is not only even more predatory due to the less stricter rules but it actively encourages it a typical code word for 18 plus content on got your life is heated which I'm sure is about as weird as you could imagine and even if you didn't look at the heating part of gotcha life you will still get 18 plus content without even having to scroll that far and hold up 18 plus hello and because of the way tick tock's algorithm Works where the more content of something you watch the more likely you are to get it you will always be getting got your life heating YouTube shorts breeds this kind of content and breeds viewers who enjoy this content who in all likelihood are literally babies so yeah got your life psychologically damages the developing brains of kids could it get any worse um yeah [Music] so of course if there's gonna be a game whose demographic is made up of kids but the content itself is leading to adulthood there's gonna be the occasional file yeah I don't want to say that word so I'm just going to refer to them as old men and hold up wait a minute because YouTube doesn't see this stuff as YouTube kids content the comment sections are on oh no and I'm sure you can imagine how strange the comment section is gonna be in fact let's actually take a look cat the first one she really thought she was a baddie when the girl left her toys on the ground and then the mother slapped her then I was like how could you slap your child but I still like to keep a five up melon melon the third one is racing oh um why is the black girl the bad guy like kids watch this this is a bad example to kids welcome my hola hello abusive mother why so shocked with the transgender son like what did you want to so other than kill her like you were shocking her like hey I love you oh if your mom is dead I'm sorry for your loss [Laughter] another something completely different thankfully YouTube has been attempting to tackle these huge issues on their platform but it's just not good enough at the moment you can still get away with so much and honestly a lot of the videos are rewarded for their sketchy content I can't believe I have to say this but Tick Tock has better restriction guidelines than YouTube at the moment at least when it comes to gotcha life eating and even if the YouTube guidelines were far stricter to avoid these issues what's stopping these old men from just going to YouTube shorts which practically promotes this kind of behavior and even if there wasn't pedophilia even if there wasn't 18 plus content on a children's game the gotcha Life Community has built up quite a reputation of being extremely toxic imagine the FNAF fandom at its peak in 2014 to 2016 but on LSD steroids while also having 12 heart attacks all at the same time and that's the gotcha life comment section and yes I understand got your life specifically is not unique to this problem but it's definitely the worst Phantom I've seen in quite a while and nothing really compares if there's a lesson that you should take from this it's that got your life is not safe for work and not safe for kids it's a weird game with flute boxes and Gathering overly complicated menus a toxic fan base and a creepy fan base all hidden right under that nine plus rating so yeah stay away from got your life please and yes not everyone in the gotcha Life Community is mentally insane only a majority but seriously if you want a more refined role-playing experience that doesn't include pay to win mechanics in a toxic fan base then just go play duck life you're literally pretending to be a duck and it's awesome [Music] thank you foreign [Music]
Channel: Sournale
Views: 725,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sornale, srnale, souknale, sourale, sournle, sournail, surnale, t3rr0r gacha life, gacha life sucks, gacha life docuementary, gacha life, sournale gacha life, sournale, gacha life exists, the worst kids game, the worst game, most terrible game, suornale, suornlae, sournlae, sorkale, surale, terror and sournale, terror, terroryt, t2rr0r, t1rr0r, Sweetnale, bitternale, gambling gacha life, gambling, gacha life compilation, gacha life tik tok, gacha life gameplay, gacha life fanbase, gacha life bad, no
Id: G4ViJuzutuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 29 2023
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