Slender - Revisiting Slender is Pure Nostalgia..

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Yo listen to me. Is this just me tripping or did he upload this video yesterday too? Because I swear to god I’ve seen this entire video

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/michaelscott158 📅︎︎ Dec 10 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] we've hosted many celebrations since the launch of this most relevant of games we look far and wide to bring you the most up-to-date and interesting topics but then there is one subject that we somehow missed welcome home my tuber friends every home is different and love is central to every one of them it's a theme that is sure to appear in our room events i look forward to virtually visit your dwellings hey how's it going bros today we're playing the scariest game of all time slenderman he's a slendy mandy slenderman you are champion slenderman sunderman i learned a new song we summon slenderman with this song [Music] slender if you're real kidnap me i'm a child [Applause] too scary we have to do it guys everyone grab your recorder and let's do this together yeah yeah put your browser on dark mode right now because it's about to get real slenderman if you're there we're summoning thee all right first i want to react to my old slender video the classic here's me as you can see i'm using obs and my microphone is peaking i should probably do something about that eh ain't got time all right so this is in 2012 dude god damn 13 million views that is actually not that much right i thought slender was bigger than that what the [ __ ] i guess in 2012 youtube wasn't as big this was like the first viral kind of thing i had which was that i found this game called slender on my bro forum someone posted it i double checked on youtube has anyone else played this nothing no one and i was like this is gonna be amazing i i thought to myself i better pull out my craziest face for the face can there's a thing i did i thought it was funny to start off the the video with a crazy face because you only see it for a second if you really look how's it going bro god damn i look different hey can i see this can i compare oh no what happened i used to be blind now i'm just right now i'm just death at least i'm stronger now i could kick the [ __ ] out of that okay at least i got that on him i remember that shirt my mom gave me that shirt welcome to i guess the game will show you in there it is slander it is an um horror game it seems pretty basic i think it was made for a competition or i'm mixing it up with something else it wasn't made for a competition i don't think so at least maybe i'm mixing it up with something else how scared did i get oh [Laughter] laughing at myself eight years later hey i hit that ten minute mark i don't think that was intentional yeah yeah this is my first viral hit i was so proud because i always wanted it okay enough of that i just wanted i just wanted to see it before i play it let's load this bad boy up are you guys ready yeah spoopy first let me just do this i'll see [Applause] i don't remember that this is annoying stop it you ruined my intro how's it going bros my name is beautypack welcome to a new game i found it's called slender i think it's the first game or the second uh i don't know i could be confusing it with something else but it should be pretty scary all right slander eight pages ah brows this is crazy collect eight pages oh god it's so dark oh no follow me bros we'll get the eight pages i've never actually beaten the game i don't think i can it's really difficult but i'm up for the challenge bros okay eight pages let's go ah we found the first one brush it's right here what does it say let's check it out brush [Music] stephano stefano are you what there [Music] i need your help man eight pages it's just seven more god damn i'm slow oh the truck the there's the red truck and then there's the blue truck i remember this there's a red and blue truck inside the man of course of course i'm a gamer i knew this but where's the note bros is it not on the truck i swear to god doesn't it is it not is there seriously no note on it all right no luck bros god i run out of breath quick huh all right we must we must be strong brush the barrels are coming for us those [ __ ] barrels no it's god am i walking in circles well we'll know soon enough that blue truck just as i remembered it bros there must surely be a note on this the blue truck if it's not on the red truck it's on the blue truck honestly it's got to be here right what yeah yeah yeah i found that funny follows ross what do you think is following us two pages yes six more let's go okay but where bruhs do something it's fine i probably should stop running so much jennifer give me this there's no jennifer's in this game i think we shook him brows all right it's deeper in the woods just don't look back god damn it we need six more pages are you serious this can't be happening bros oh god i remember this bros maybe stefano is in there or maybe teleported naked guys oh oh should we look back oh he's not behind us okay good mr chair mr jam what are you doing mr jack mr chair who puts tiles on the floor what yeah mr chair felix i'm sorry i couldn't find a note god damn i'm disappointed in you mr chair i will not be chairman activating any longer okay that's all right isn't that you usually like scoop i need you man i can't do this without you man oh god oh he's teleporting stop i'm going to the woods brush it's our only chance to make it we got gotta do this bros we got two pages we can do this i got a good feeling all right here we go he can't catch him he's slow he may be able to teleport but he doesn't have like i don't have legs damn it this is a problem we're not gonna die at two pages this is embarrassing i'm older i'm smarter i'm fast this is the start stop you can't catch me slendy i'm not a child i'm a man now i ain't afraid look i'll play without the lights on slender's just teleported naked guys but without the naked part it all makes sense oh come on man i'm so s i didn't realize just how slow you are like you're barely moving another fence i found the blue truck i found the red truck oh that's not good is he over there that means he's over there [ __ ] what you can't just do that and silent i haven't even found any note yet it's all good it's all good dude i am actually no i'm not scared oh yeah yeah yeah yeah i remember these the silos of course brush the silo the cybros as i like to call them okay it's on one of these we just got to find it it's got to be on that side okay okay i'm going for it i'm going for it i'm going for it i'm going for it [Applause] i gotta go where he is this is total bullcrap all right he's gone he's gone i'm not afraid uh where are the [ __ ] notes i'm starting to think there are no notes in this goddamn game it's too dark i can't i can't see [ __ ] no no no fine i don't care anymore i can't find a single note i've actually devolved over the mistake yeah why why what this no stop i know we can't be outside the building but i scanned it oh what the [ __ ] dude what'd i do what'd i do i didn't do nothing oh [ __ ] ah bros i think this is it not even stefano can get oh the flashlight does run out you were right oh no you were oh no you were correct and i was wrong it's fine as long as i keep moving it will be okay what is this is this my last hope yes i found one i got it yes oh i remember now there's another place to go let's go i'm a gamer three pages let's go browse hell yeah we can make we can make it stop riding f we can make it i hate woods i've always hated woods super sweden they always freaked me out the moment he's not behind me don't worry he's not behind me oh i was right okay cool stop no i'm trying so bad to see man yes yes we're gonna get another one no [ __ ] way i'm dying on three the cylinder of course oh god i'm so slow okay yeah i got you man where's the note there's there's no notes he took them all down i knew it i [ __ ] knew it without me three out of eight oh god that was terrible i think that was the problem i had too much grass detail uh this is better those goddamn bearings must be working with slenderman how do they know should i say my flashlight yeah yeah good call good call i can't tell if the map is really huge or if i'm extremely snuck okay that's that's the tree there's always a note on the tree that's not a tree well we got ourself a new voice and gauss of course yeah help me i'm not helping you jennifer it did i love it shut up i hate you stupid jennifer i'm married now jennifer get over it i can't see anything uh yes bros it's that thing there's always one on these oh there's always guaranteed 100 percent 100 spawn rate i told you bros i told you no no no no what about yes yes yes yes two notes let's go brush bros i must save my batteries chopped knees i speak japanese yeah i feel like there's something stuck in my butt uh much quack like what the quackity bag was that it i don't care hey that's happy wheels we'll play that at some point [Music] i don't love what's that myself was that what game was that dead space i guess uh three pages is my limit huh police bill was a reference dude someone left the toy truck of toy police car at my old flight in sweden one time and i was so confused no slime oh i got dodge time we found the blue truck yes mouse we're on three yeah now onwards to that red truck i gotta make it to four bro and not yet now yeah come at me bro come at me bro the red truck we found it please please please please please please yes four the red drug ain't no putting like a pewdiepie party bonfire checkpoints in disguise hey pewter do you think i'm sexy pewds yeah yeah i'm picky yeah oh this that silo yes could we be the fifth page this is it thanks for sticking with my channel ever since that was a note yes bye baby let's go oh god no what have i done there's three more we can do this i am so lost my face is so scarier than the game oh there's t-mode what is that what the what i've never seen that before is that a glitch oh it's the wall it's a wall feeling stinks great all right all right all right we got this we got this six baby six baby i'm coming for you six baby six have i looked at this before i i don't remember ah frick no not like this rose oh god i can't do that voice anymore i ruined my vocal cords over the years of screaming come on there's gotta be one here i can smell it i'm triangulating sonar this [ __ ] that's how the speedrun pros does it all right i'm starting to think maybe there isn't a note on this one they call it [Music] no not the blue truck i made it i made it i made it yeah i'm gonna run out of batteries any second f's in the chat five new record hey i'll take it very nice i think i'm slendered out but i enjoy that hope you guys did as well very nice it was megan fox after all these years she came back forgot how draining it is to play horror games i mean i'm not like i was scared or anything oh good i'm trying to turn on my lights there we go ah ah yes sprouse that was crazy now smash like and subscribe for more epic yeah hope you guys enjoyed smash like subscribe look at graph and uh yeah see ya profit yes huge thank you to everyone for supporting the arcade indiegogo campaign it was a huge success to say the least look at this thing it's beautiful now as a popular demand this thing now works with pc games top pc games i'm talking call of duty doom gotta try this baby on doom pubg valeran you name it okay we don't have every game but a ton of games so the blaster now works with geforce now which is very cool it also works with pc it has a ton of library of android games it's just a new way to play we're bringing it to you so the product is now available at the website itself is very cool check it out honestly but you also get ten dollars off if you enter the code pewdiepie to get one of these bad boys so yeah link is in the description check it out
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 3,521,359
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: 4HtSJT2ChRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 41sec (1241 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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