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Hey iodine manosphere bye welcome to slender mansion there's a little story there if you want to read it I can do it and find it I think I'm in a coma and I'm sunders after me my Sam slender sickness that's totally a thing sponsor how does that way I don't I'm not even gonna ask hey Shane acquaintance let's promote our twitch o haste which stirs there I'm gonna go there oh come on [ __ ] was that anyway let's go find 12 mementos press space to drop a piece of [ __ ] I have wine supplied Sam ah I guess London wants a nice little run of it with me oh you can go up ah what is she pointing I don't know where I guess I'll find that alright which room first I think we'll have our way in here hello hello hi okay this is pretty nice oh I like what you did with the place lender ah happy Anna when the famine whoa all right let's not play the piano freaking Thunder man what is this a donut whoa slender doesn't like me picking up Donuts oh I see yeah I didn't worry double insane sorry no way let's carry I'm sorry alright so you need to collect Donuts that it what is this what is this okay gang ba ba what do you doing that it looks really weird okay don't worry I got this phone I can't pick it up alright it's just chilling in the hallway looking at the window maybe he's dreaming of the life he never had the life has a farming and farming shell like a frying pan it looks pretty correct in size I'll just take that thank you that's right it started creeping me out a little day oh stop with a [ __ ] thunder holy [ __ ] alright I'm going down I think we all know I'm gonna die down here but that's ok I need a key son of a barrel well where is it then this Tyler kid sauces I don't think that's how you say it maybe Erina more wine oh there you are I can pick you up from there shut up Thunder Jesus Christ give me a second here the [ __ ] is he I don't trust this uh whatever I'm sure it's nothing how many do I have a scowl Oh even more doubt and he put a little cell phone out last night how sandy you know I loved you you know I care don't touch my but I terrible you know I love you and no I care don't be a bear cuz I okay what is this toilet thing Thank You Tyler don't worry about a pitch call pilot song oh I'm surprised I haven't made it I another king come on alright I guess we're down out of here but the game tells me differently I want to check out all the rooms actually ah this is creeping me out don't worry about breasts we have a head call cut yay all right little enough all right I can't hold it all enough right now 5 out of 12 I think we're pretty [ __ ] actually what are you doing here what I need a hell did he go oh [ __ ] don't do that Jace's penis ah hey 20 that's that all right don't even worry about breasts okay I have 5 out of 12 I think it's up can I pick this up ha ha ha where the hell do I fit that in my [ __ ] it's not that big I mean I that is gay pants we're so good I shut up Thunder all right I'm going out of here I don't like it all right I'm just gonna go hey Jo doesn't weigh all right going up I'm coming up I wonder Slendy to know I want to let him grow my balls back oh no I don't know what I'm [ __ ] saying this is pretty [ __ ] creepy it's not a shoe oh it's a phone alright let's head upstairs I don't know where she's PI Jang oh there's paintings on the vast ocean there's an are lovely all right so far so good I'd say I own the same once that bed it's on holiday all right what's up what's up sledding you can't scare me today come here at that gap ass gap hi Oh Marty dark oh no I dropped all right hi I'm fiction it's Jesus okay it's probably not Jay Z's buddy I guess you should I don't like this oh [ __ ] oh no no no stop looking behind fairy god damn it why do I never listen what is this oh not out of 12 good kids possibly do this no I what was that why did he do that balls that what ah is I hey coming in bed with me shut up and can you stop holy [ __ ] shut up and sleep with me come on why don't you sleep with me shut up up when I go in there what is up with these windows nothing by the way am I supposed to go that I don't like this nope I've been in here for sure I think we're done up here not sure though I got 9 bathroom what's up sometimes I do you have something in you socks can I look at the toilets by myself Jesus Christ ah [ __ ] oh one more all right that was not very long all right what do we got over here we got the phone 4 out of 12 oh wait so there's four on each floor at rhymes even holy [ __ ] I'm a genius all right let's go down get four go up get under the door because I want two more on my nipples nipples don't or do they I don't know what I'm talking about all right we got breasts I don't think they do let's do it for the atmosphere that's right I don't give a [ __ ] bring it's not [ __ ] okay it's behind me it's behind me he's behind me he's behind me don't worry about it don't worry about it don't worry about it you got a done it I Love You Man what is this fun to present more suds and it's blinking now amazing don't be there thank you this bathtub looks really awkward I don't know what what are you doing there get away from me there you go stupid ass you teleport backwards out my face is chencang oh hello six out of 12 why is it white okay cool daba daba Doo only six how did how did that happen again [ __ ] s there are anymore on this floor though oh there's one ah the king of cows now we can go downstairs alright that's pretty good I think we can do this press don't even worry about it we'll just jump down I don't know why I put it that I don't quite it's part of the plan don't even worry about it I think it's this way no it's this way let's the other way here it is alright so far so [ __ ] good my TV's turning off it's not good there we go I'd slap maybe you better step your game up oh it's dark it's most definitely very night but that's okay how's that it's really weird all right come on baby we picked this up fine I don't give a [ __ ] 912 I put that in my pocket we're close breasts we're so close we can do this that's another one 12 out of 12 hey hiya dude hey I don't like what you're doing there on YouTube it's great all right what do we got what do we add two more dots more does Smosh we're never gonna make this I'm screwed I might as well just uh ah go fetch it but yeah just place yeah just I love you you'll kill me don't get me don't get me look at me Oh get me go give it no give me look at me I'm Chuck goes back to the engine back with as many didn't duty buddy why the [ __ ] is he on drugs why the [ __ ] has had over clothes but never did it goes don't get me please don't get me Oh [ __ ] that [ __ ] [ __ ] it hahaha I take an exit about all the blood there's a period Locker now why would you do that so she waits a period
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 6,997,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: walkthrough, game, trailer, horror, let´s play, commentary, pewdie, Indie Horror, funny, gameplay, mod, play, pewdiepie, playthrough, letsplay, lets
Id: ZHQ6dxAcRmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 13 2012
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