Meet youngest US woman on death row (FULL VERSION) | A Hidden America with Diane Sawyer PART 4/6

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Ocala Flordia at the Lowell Correctional Institution two young women come down the hall waving smiling together like girlfriends they are Tiffany Cole now 33 Amelia car now 32 separate crimes two separate lives until they became neighbors on the notorious corridor do you call it death row no we call it life row its life bro life row why because we're not dying we're living do you ever think I might be executed no you can't have that mentality because that means you've except already dot you've already done yeah you never gave that mentality to women neither of whom had ever spent a night in jail before living lives so familiar Tiffany played the flute in high school cheerleading girlscouts Amelia book smart and says she modeled and was in the school Marines both say they were sexually abused as children and both met the wrong guy Tiffany says she barely knew her boyfriend three weeks three weeks and did you ever been in trouble mm-hmm it is hard to connect the face in these photos to the horrible crime committed with her boyfriend and his friends neighbors of her family first robbed then buried alive and a grave I didn't know what was coming and that's all I'm gonna say about that her lawyer told the court Tiffany Cole thought the grave was four items they were stealing he also talked about that sexual abuse by her father and her drugs her mental and psychological problems the jury saw a damning photo after the crime they convicted her I'm not the same person anymore I have peace I have joy I have a sound mind and Amelia the youngest woman on death row convicted of another horrifying murder helping her boyfriend suffocate his wife with duct tape and plastic bag there is a police tape of Amelia after her boyfriend confessed she's eight months pregnant with his child no choice she admits she was there but says not when the wife was actually killed her lawyer argued there was no physical evidence that she had even touched the duct tape but when the judge gave her her sentence he called her cold and said may God have mercy on your soul the duct tape thus fixie nation what do you feel in what aspect like reflecting yes they say they are reluctant to talk details of the crimes because they're both appealing their sentences it's hard to answer because it's like I wasn't where all that happened but looking back and thinking about what she had to go through and you know what her family is enduring is terrible and they asked some questions of us about the justice system a study estimates one in 25 people on death row is innocent of the crime and 75 percent have no money for private lawyers Amelia says she had no money but her boyfriend hired a high-powered attorney he got life she got death how many rich people are in prison seriously seriously I'm definitely on death row life sentences we're all people who are either minorities or didn't have any any money unfortunately equality is an illusion and before we leave she has another question this one about TV have a question why do you think there's such a desire to make women look so bad in the media you know they watch endless crime stories about women who kill like Jodi arias you know that thing went huge I don't understand why does America want so bad to feed off of this negativity the young women get up to go back to their selves 24 hours a day except for the three times a week they're outside on concrete for two hours in a different building the chamber where Florida executes death row inmates across America there have been five executions of women in the last decade another one scheduled for Monday and when we contacted the victims families in both these crimes they told us they believe the death penalty is right the women said they will go back to their books and their prayers and praising God in the process you know and you showing people were people it's not over there is forgiveness and there is hope you
Channel: ABC News
Views: 18,775,837
Rating: 4.7887797 out of 5
Keywords: Diane Sawyer special, Diane Sawyer interviews, Diane Sawyer hidden america, Diane Sawyer 20/20, documentary, ABC News, prison, jail, women in prison, diane sawyer, behind bars, Diane Sawyer prison, Women in prison, reality, prison life, tour, prison fight, freedom, inmates, america, this is america, youngest inmates, juvenile, interview
Id: dlZs0GMRqT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 3sec (303 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 26 2018
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