Wisconsin Parade Massacre Preliminary Hearing

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Let's take you live in the court the court commissioners Kevin Costello he's running this preliminary hearing, let's listen to it. >> Permitted for the judge's There's a number of other meadi outlets here any media that going to be recording or doing other yes, the dotting the jersey assembly to effectuate that So with that you know some housekeeping to do we have a lot second amended criminal complaint that's been filed in the case who's going to be the council today for the defense I am so attorney keys has Mister Brooks all received a copy of the complaint for the second Amendment from the comparaebl to what he we treat it. s. So we're able to walk to needs. >> Tend to go through each. >> What what the charges but the penalties are but then referee ncwho the victim was when the abduction by the defense to that would you like me to read each of them separately. >> I don't think each count needs to be run separately we also have reviewed with Mister Brooks. The charging language of all of the news. >> Pounds and we're waiting any reading if anything OK thank you. >> I do I think percent of the statue havtoe review this with Mister Brooks MR. Folkwes talked about called one too 4, 5, last time we met. There's now been additional charges as you won't find in the second Amendment plan church out 6 charge we're a first-degree intentional homicide use as a use of a dangerous weapo That's regarding the death. That is a matter thacat rries a maximum possible sentence to life imprisonment that may be increased by over 5 years the penalty minutes. Helps 70 to 67 all charge you individually with first-degree reckless endangering safety use of a dangerous weapon. Each of those are stand-alone archge which each of those have the same maximum possible term that is a fine of not more than $25,000 imprisonment for not more than 12 years in 6 mohsnt or both. Each of them has enhanced penalty. Use of a dangerous weapon that uld increase that penalty by what 5 years. That's for each one all the counts beten 7.67 out 7 in all these are involved the same date and location Sunday November, 21st 2021 on Main Street in the city of Waukesha Waukesha County Wisconsin. How 7 has a pick them all listed. In gee I help can pick them. Jay help 11 it can pay t well that call 13 victims M. 14 victim in all 15 victimll a out 6 to g the P all 17 victims, you how 18 victim are how 19 victim thats how 20 that T all 21 that them you call victims, he called 23 that W how 24 that the next hopefully find that the Y 26 victims e. 27, the double a home 28 that that would be that tn.he 30 with them over the top 31 that the E all 32 that an F F. How 33 that the Gigi come for the 4 victims H H how 35 that I ho 36 that J J all 37 KK help 3id a the Al top of the 9th, but t M M. And in. 41 that hopefully to get the pp hope 43 that the shoot you hope 44, hopefully find the best pric of 46. TT. 47 you you all 48 with the The pope 49 that w w all 15 of em.th >> Expect all right there 77 of >> Well back watching live coverage of the preliminary hearing in Waukesha wisc Johnson, it is the state of Wisconsin versus Darrell Brooks let's get you back in live. Commissioner is just finishing up the reading of the charg.es >> I ppy that criminal complaint, the second of the plate I would find that probable cause ttoo each of the charges. All told state already found probable cause and consequence of 5 but for the purposeofs today's proceedings and tiny probable cause on the second Amendment coming as ehac of the counts. One through 77 of the probable to play. And so a wree prepared to proceed to the little girl's he's we are >> So if we were on one of well address please don't let me forget the second Amendment viimct witness identified. >> Patients who along with any modifications to bail that need to address that or the imste that we may take up. Why do we proceed when they're hearing so the state was just a part of the first witness. >> Yes commissioner, thank you the state calls detective Tom Casey Brenner the. >> He's also requesting sequestration of any other state. >> 20 after are you anticipating any other witness, no your honor it. >> When you'rebo aut to give in this matter before the courts will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but it's something that you do. Detective what you could have a seat stitch up first and last names. >> For the record the military effort to take them in. >> Us cases C a s new wife y.ou And now one point Sir as a detective for the city Waushake police for I want to work in law enforcement over 24 years. Like the direct your atttionen to the date of 11/21/2021. Were you on duty that afternoon serve, yes, it was and what was your Traffic control position for the Waukesha Christmas parade. >> as a traffic control officer, how you dress. >> Ias w police jacket that had a watch uphe t sunny shoulder. I also had a knit cap on that said front of it and I had a traffic safety vest on that said front and rear of the bat. >> OK so you can see yourself in uniform that they yes it was the Prix takes place where Sir. >> The staging areas between Baxter Street and use mean on where I the search is on white rock and Bay Street and continues don't West on Main Street into West Avenue and then turns East opponents, Avenuend t ahat >> all of these locations you're describing are in the city of Waukesha County a Waukesha state of Wisconsin. Yes, there. >> Okay and. >> You said that you are saying traffic control what does that mean. >> I was assigned to keep lal vehicular traffic out of the area. In just a low of the people that were in the tree Trend traversed on the roadway. >> I assume there's multiple police officers assigned to traffic control. Yes, there were you know about how many officers are working this parade. >> Officers reserve officers in some community police officer there's that were signed. >> I would estimate about 30 all in uniform of some dege,re s.ye Units are groups for participating in the parade the'sre approximately 100 groups with each group containing multleip participants, okay and how about spectators spot how many spectators attend out and then I would assume that there are thousands of people there to watch the parade, okay. length of the parade that you describe for basically the beginninatg white rock down to West Avenue. What's that approximate this moves on 9 tenths of a mile okay. Aside from the begniinng and the end the majority of the parade well now Main Street correct correct and that's an area that things laloc businesses. Yes, safe to assume the spectators were lined up on the side of the street on both sides of eth street, yes as you would typically see a parade people. Sitting on blankets are standing and lining the streets to watch the parade. Aside from the police officers and the reserve officers w whoere present to assist with traffic control was there any barricadesre a signs that we're used to notify motorists as to the closing of the road. >> Yes, all intersections and squad cars and barricadeors blocking off t.he >> Streets so vehicles cannot treat a drive Okay to recall what time the parade started 04:00PM what time did you close the road. The street 03:30PM OK so I'm after 3.30 no one was allowed no vehicular traffic was allowed down Main Street correct for it. >> She was a little bit earlier it says l al3.15 when we close out the greater out initially the area that I was assigned to an weight right. Avenue we close that doughnut 01:00PM because that was a stagingrea a for the brain. So between xtBaer Street and Main Street there's no cars a lot on their after 01:00PM okay and then the wrote a little after 03:00PM they start to close down not a lot of traffic out there OK. >> I want to direct your attention of the time of approximately 4.35 and that day what happened at that time. >> I overheard on the radio the swabs were dispatched to the area pretty Park. Reporter plates that involves somebody with a knife OK did you respond to that I did not. >> You maintain your post yesterday that and continutoe direct traffic. Yes. At some point did you observe a vehie.cl That drew your attention yes like that what kind of vehicle was it it was a red Ford escape. that's. What was it about the vehiecl that to your attention to it. >> Well first of prove roles don't there's no vehicles allowed on the parade route. But you miss Lehr heard a horn beeping from the area north of my location and that's what mead the sh.ow >> Focus was drawn so okay and for. >> From the best of your knowledge was it that red Ford escape that was honking its horn. Yes, it was OK. were able to visually observed the vehicle at that. >> Yes I was I started walking towards some road when they heard the war. So it's actuayll the center of that roadway between pray participants when the vehicle first appeared out of Crgai participants, okay so as you just described the parade underway, correct. Yes, it is it had already started in some of the credit actually finished already at that point OK and there's a multiple units traversing in the roadway. To participate in the parade yes, When you saw the SUV atwh did you do. >> I first stepped in front of the SUV on put my hands up and was showing for the vehicle to stop okay. The vehicle stop it or n.ot What are you positioned directly in front ofhe t vehicle. Yes, it was and what happened. Vehicle continued driving into seems a slow speed at that point eventually the vehicle make contact with me and I was only on the hood are you going for it to stop what you did not could you see anybody indesi the vehicle. At that I cannot see that person real clearly, but as a vehicle continued pushing through me I my position change to the side of the vehicle where I was directly outside the driver's side window and I could see inside of the window to see the driver very clearly. >> Were there any other actor checked of Thomas Casey recounting what happened on that day where the defendant allegedly drove his SUV through the Christmas parade in >> Welcome back Darrell Brooks is accused of ramming his SUV into a Waukesha Wisconsin Christmas parade killing 6 injuring dozens more s hipreliminary hearing taking place right now a live. Let's get you back into the courtroom. Actually we're going to return exactly where we left off so you don't miss a Testifying right now is Thomas Casey he's a detective that was there when all this took place and he's recounting it for the county commissior.ne >> Were there any other occupants in the vehicle at that time I did not see an okay and the driver of that vehicle to see that person present in court here today. Yes, I do I do please use it. >> The sitting at the defense table just own right. >> You know the name of that person. Positively identify Mister Brooks of the driver of the vehicle at this point. Yes they go. >> As he drove past, you in the vehicle did you makeny a further effort to stop the V a. >> Well I post on the driver side of the window in continue the only person to staff. Or their parade participants in the street at this time, yes, their work. Where did you see the vehicle. The vehicle continued westbound on Main Street. >> And could you any activity involving a trk ucat that point. >> began chasing after the vehicle to try to get it to stop yes, I was falling behind the vehicle. I could see was on the north side of the roadywa at times even its horn. Eventually its speed increase or cannot keep up with that dan then it West. >> Further West. I mean it's true so you were chasing the vehicle on foot, yes, okay, trying to run behind it and catch up. Did you see the vehicle actually strike any persons at that point not in person okay. At some point did you lose visual contact with vehicle yes like that and about what area was that. Probably just past personal streets, okay. You owkn if there are other officers along the route that so can the effort to stop the vehicle, multiple officers. Had you alerted the other officers to what was happening. >> Yes, I broadcast on the radio that a vehicle had entered the parade route specifically for ski and then we needed squads emergency response to try to stop and okay are you aware of other officers attempting to stop the vehicle. Further West on Main Street. Yes, I am in the vehicle stop for those officers did not those officers were in full police uniform, yes. Are specifically wheref o officer view to run also essentially standing in front of the vehicle when ttpuing his arms up and telling the driver stopped, yes. The driver stopped props are due to an even not okay. At this You personally did not observe. >> Any further contact with the vehicle once it got out of your sight, correct. But subsequently you were signed as the lead investigator in this case is that correct. Yes it was and neck Cassidy have you witness a. Multiple video recordings of the the activity involving the SUV driven by Mister Brooks as it proceeded down Main Street yes, I have how many videos were recovered by the Police Department. >> We have 65 different files each containing multiple. And what were the sources of these videos. >> Citizens businesses. Some city cameras that we have .OK >> recordings capture the the path of trail for the SUV throughout the length of Main Stre.et And on the walls, but if you observe those video recordings that yes they have okay. Do you believe they were to an accurate depictions of what happened that afternoon. Yes, they are okay. And in addition otrhe multiple law enforcentme officers have attempted interview many victims and witnesses who were present that day correct. >> Informaonti in the recordings consistent with the information obtained from the citizen witnesses and victs.im Tell us what you saw on the videos is SUV travel down Main Street please. >> Initially as the vehicles traveling on Main Street I would say between white ro.ck Parcel Street to vehicle stays on the north side of the roadway and as it's driving its. It's worn slongwi Once it crosses birsel Street. The vehicle continues driving at a faster eespd increases its speed. And it begins to do a zigzagging motion through eth crowd. >> And some point I'm sorry just to clarify when U sic crowd are you talking about the participants in the middle of the street or the spectators on the side of the road. The participants in the parade. I'm sorry to interrupt poleic can confirm as between Barsw.to >> Broadway vehicle in. Through the crowd getting people running people over and then as thatpp aroaches. Street 2 vehicles increaseins speed even more. The vehicle is zigzagging through the crowd where there's no vehicles it appears that the vehicles intentionally mean for people at one point in the video on you can see the vehicle running over people. One point there's someone on the hood of the car where the vehicle jams on its brakes. Here's to have the person come off the hood of eth car and then continued driving and drives over that person. As it gs etto the 400 black it's another group of people and then continsue driving westbound okay. >> In total about how many people did the Waukesha police. >> Apartment identify as having been the wreck we struck by the vehicle as it drove down the roadway. >> I'm worried about 61 at this point OK. And some of those receediv fatal into 6 of the people for some fatal injures. >> Of the that the knot was there like what was the degree of injury suffeder by them. >> What did it very very fmro some people I'd say road rash swing muscles, there's some people that sllku Fred jurors internal injuries and corrections multiple fractur.es >> I just want to briefly. >> We're going to step aside take a break back with w.ro >> Welcome back to court to be live. Let's get you back to walk a shock County wisc Thompson Darrell Brooks ishe t defendant in this case is accused of ramming his SUV into a Christmas parade on the stand right now Thomas Casey, a detective detailing for eth court. What he says .it >> I just want go through the though, various units that were involved in the parade here. It's my understanding that that investigation is shot. First person that was struck was participating with the re Max. Services first group is that correct that is correct and that person was in about the 200 block of Main Street. That is correct with that person directly struck by the vehicle. Yes, she was injud.re Yes and that the herd as she was marching in the middle of the street. The vehicle then encountered the Waukesha self d.an Tell us what you remember about the videos showing the contact with the election itself and. >> The vehicle suddenly swerves to the left and at that potin it. First it's drum player continues anId would say that it's approximately 10 people in runs directly over the top of tmhe and then turns to the right in surf city and other people with great rolled to pay. >> Some spectators were injured in this ars.ea >> Well for us >> South and members they would all be teenagers are hhig school age. we're all 10 people injured to your knowledge, yes, they rewe some of suffering great bodily harm that's all of them were directly in the roadwayt a the time of this y.es >> First logistics group was the next unit is that correct. Yes was anybody participating in that group injured just 2 people mother and daughter OK. >> They were both directly struck by Mister Brosok vehicle, yes they were. We love the Blazers baseball team was then encounter and in the area to 64 West Main Street is that some rights are correct and tell us what happened with the Blazers baseball teaplm ease the vehicle started to pass on the le.ft >> Isha Liam a contact with a young child and adult. That were crushed between a pickup truck and eventually thrown ahead and hit multiple. >> Participants that were in the Senate roadway or any members. >> The Blazers baseball team injured as result. Mister Brooks striking them with his vehicle yestery.da >> We're about how my.an And we're than anything. >> Talent is assocteiad with blazer baseball team. >> Was one that was that the math. What was the cause of death determined for victim out creel so Surrey role traumatic rules. >> The vehicle that encountered the Waukesha stream dance team is that correct. Y.es >> And that's an area >> known to us as the 5 points area of downtown Waukeash correct. Yes and that's what roadways are in that area. Sir. >> That's where Broadway and Main Street cross also suffered and have a new search site itself. Okay. >> Or any members of the extreme dance team struck directly by Mister Brooks vehicle yesterday. >> Were and where the injured, yes they were in. >> They were struck as they walked down the middle of the street is that correct correct. At any point in this process of we've described so far as Mister Brooks stop his vehicle and check on any of these victims. He does n.ot >> There's >> 15 children with the extreme dance team that were injureds i that correct. Yes. >> The vehicle that continues and encounters the group first citizens bank is that correct. >> in the same area about the 300 block. just west of the 5 points area. Was anyone from citizens bank injured yes, there was and was that a fatal injury yes, it was that would be the victim D. What was the cause of death for victims be determined to be. >> Multiple blunt force traumatic inju.ry >> The vehicle then continues on into Connors the group known as the Milwaukee dancing grannies. And that occurs also in the 300 block of West Main Street. You seen video recording of the vehicle striking the dancing grams, yes event what did uyo see. >> The first granny was hit squarely in the center of the cars used in the middle of the the vehicle continued driving it initially was on the north de, the roadway then one to the south side the roadway and came back to the north side of the roadway. There's no cars on the roadway at that time. It hit multiple. >> We say powers and Roland I think you mentioned earlier like of a pickup truck or something you're talking about CARS that were. Accompanying the parade units correct correct okay. How many people fromhe t dancing grannies, a unit or killed as a result of Mister Brooks striking them directly with his vehicle. there were 3 other iivndiduals that were injured as a result of ts.hi >> Cause of death for the 4 individuals participating with the dancing grannies was. >> Multiple blunt force traumatic injury. The vehicle stopped at that point after striking the dancing grannies it's not what happened after. The vehicle, Mister Brooks cleared the dancg ingrannies. >> One point you can see the vehicle suddenly slowdown appear to get somebody up the wind chill. There's one citizen witness that said that Mister Brooks is actually headed south when Dole, I'm trying to see around other people as he was driving. >> Was there a gap in the parade at that point yes there was can you just brilyef describe that please. >> It was maybe a 100 feet sometimes the sometimes go a little bit slower or faster than others. After the dancing grannies, there's a streethe t left but you could accident on and then there is a number of groups that were up about a 100 feet okay. They were in the 400 block of West Main Street. Didn't encounter the group known as the Catholic community of Waukesha on yes, he did. And that was a larger group correct yes it was gdoo Mister Brooks strike, several members of that group with his vehicle, yes, again. A total ofbo aut 19 people injured with the Catholic community. Yes, okay. And they were in the roadway. Yes, they we.re >> Aside from eth people in. >> The roadway marching in the there were some spectators that were injured in the area of 5 pointss ithat correct. Yes there were. >> also some that have been West of that. >> Near the area where the dancing grannies were struck. >> And for Brooks. >> Went through Catholic community grow. Did the video show where he went from there. >> Yes, so that point the roadway curve. Cell phone for a short time until Wisconsin Avenue and he turned left. >> Okay so he stays on the parade route. And the CA encounter an officer in this area of West Avenue. Yes, even what happened there. >> One of our officers saw the vehicle coming at him its officers saying directly in the roadway. >> To be cold Texas dry Casey Thomas case is going through >> Welcome back to the live glad to have you on this Friday morning here we are watching it a preliminary hearing ouoft Waukesha Wis constand the defendant in this case Darrell Brooks is accused of driving his SUV into a crowded parade of Christmas paread in Waukesha Wisconsin in November of last year this is a preliminary hearing what the state needs to do is provide enough evidence in this case directly tying the defendanto t this crime for the judge or in this case, AM criminal court commissioner to say all right, the'sre enough let's go to the next level so the state has brought on a witness. The witness in this case as is the case in many plum an air hearings itis police officer Thomas Casey, he's detailing what he sawn o that November day. >> And of course that officer to the church's service. Well. >> And fired at Mister Brooks vehicle, yes, even the striking vehicle 3 times. The vehicle stopped did not order the vehicle go.at >> Continued cell phone. At that point the roadway turns into West Avenue. He continued her walk and then turn left and eth prospect Avenue. >> Later able to trace the path of travel for the vehicle after it left the parade route. Yes we were where to go. >> Vehicle pull into a driveway in that the backyard and ended up at 3.38 people have no. Mister Brooks got out of the vehiclane d began running cell phone. >> So he abandoned the vehicle, yes. >> And now he's on foot correct will be able to determine where he wt.en >> You want to multiple different Eventually was taken into custody of 5.53 wasf o history, okay. >> At any point did Mister return to the parade route to check on any of these victims that have been struck. >> in in viewing the where there are occasions you observed the vehicle increase its speed along the parade route. >> Yes there was okay and that was at a time when there weer multiple people in the rd.oa Fair to say from the video that most of the parade participants because Mister Brooks was coming up from behind them were not aware of what was going on. That is correct and it appeared from the video that most of themer we struck without even and knowing he was approaching them with his r.ca Just one last detective we make any efforto t determine the. I'm jeanelle of the of the vehicle after the incident had occurred. Yes, we have what happened. We Scott see patrol with chemical inspection unit. >> To inspection on the vehicle. Well as that was consistent currently have what was determined. Though is that there's nothing on the vehicle that was defective that would make the vehicle so not stop for the moment, it Kyra and had a little bit of extra planets and there was eon misspent matched higher other tn hathat they did not find anything that kind of cold wrong with the >> And are you aware of the fact that Mister Brooks was pending that to open cases in Milwaukee County at the time of this incident. Yes I am. Where that he had been released on bail in those cases and have been ordered to not commit any further crimes. Yes, I am. >> Thank I don't have any other questions I thkin >> Okay that's the prosecution asking the question of their one witness that they've told the court they're going to be bringing to this preliminary hearing today joining us now criminal defense attorney David Chee a priest the prosutorec he's in Atlanta Georgia. >> pretty run of the mill pretty let me bring a detective in and just regurgitate what. >> Happened and he was there on the scene.nd A went through. Each othef different groups and you can just visualize this parade from the dancing grannies to the Waukesha South high school band. Being hit in many cases these participants were killed. We're not sinayg video we're just seeing hearing a description, but it's still pretty griy.sl >> Yes in remember the good the bird. >> Is always on the prosecution, the government the state to prove their case in chief and in this particular preliminary indoor commialtt hearing all they have to do. >> He should judge and court that this case should be bound over and ttha just heard for trial. >> In its again as I mentioned before it's a pretty live threshold the state doesn't need to show much, but the good news f torhe defense is they get to hear what the evideenc is first hand and said the lead detective being on the stand and are seen exactly why this case should be bound over to be heard. But up here for. really a great for any defeens team defense Council because they get here first thing what exactly the evidence is that it's sort of like appetizer indoor order. Of what will be shown obviously a much juror arena when it does get to felony court. So I expect pretty soon today that this judge will. Allow this to head ovetor felony court and it will benefit. >> Lee it either be a jury trial or the come to some negotiated plea and will wait to see what happened. >> Before that the defense will get an opportunity to ask this witness questionans d this is a real opportunity is it not for the defeens to get. >> Of primary player on the cordre and under growth that can be brought up at trial depending on who knows where therey' going. But this is a a good time to go fishing if you because the stakes are low, there's no jury. >> You don't want to give fishing TD that because you don't want to show your cards be has the defense says wee'r not going to win too they but they are going to win in other ways and other anglesy b having the state expose exactly what they're going to actually show when it does get to the upper port. >> All right we're slipping a break when we come back, we'll see what the defense d Welcome back watching the preliminary hearing in Waushake County Wisconsin. The defendant in this case Darrell Brooks is accused of driving his SUV into e Christmas parade back in November of last year killing 6 people and injuring dozens of others, the state has one witness today that will take the stand. They've asked him questions on direct Thomas Casey's a detective now it's time to listen to the defense questiing.on >> But look at the you indicated on dirtec examination that. >> There were thousands of people in the area for the parade on that happening is that correct. >> That is my last month he said about funded 100 entrsie in the parade completely correct about hundreds of participants for participating in the parade actually walking down the street correct. And then you said there were thousands of people been suspect hating dish and all of the participants cracked that I asked for. You indicated a little bit about the route So you stated that the. >> Staging areas up on white rock Avenue is that correct. And so white rock was blocked off from some Street all the way down through Maine is that correct. >> I believe that is why cops are in a row. >> Which is north of where. >> White rock school is where he was initiallyhe t play with. >> okay and then the parade goes from white rock on the main is that correct. >> Correct and then it turning on to Wisconsin Avenue once it gets to the end of. But but corner of Main Street correct correct. Now you indicated that trehe were barricades and and squad cars blocking off that Street correct. What specific straight talk walking off Main Street, so that people can get on to Main Street from the cross Street. So culls can't get on correct right and so you indicated, you said the words I think squads and barricades prep. So what does that mean exactly where their squad cars actually blocking the cross Street on Main Street. But the front of patients, yes. So was there a spot part every single cross Street. >> Not been directly on the road sometimes a maybe a block up. So the vehicles can't get to the roads the street that is like a block away and then yeah, the street so they would have plastic barricades that are about 10 fe lonetg with way in orange Okay. >> There was not necessarily a squad car blocking the cssro Street that there was a at and orange and white >> And if someone had gone through the orange and white barrier they would have then confronted a squad that was blocking another Street is that fair to say for the weekly us. you indicated that there were a lot of spectators and that were lining the sidewalks of that fact, yes, where there are people who are sitting on the street on the cross Street in front of the barricades as well as some places, yes. So that if someone had turned from Main Street onto a prostrate they could have confronted people before getting to a barricade that fair to say correct. This is a parade right for a loud there's lots of that Kitty and people coughing is that fair to say that and you were describing before on direct that there were some gaps between 2 groups of participants is that correct that's correct. So there's that different groups of participants w ahore walking down the street. And the amount of space between each were wrecked. >> I want to certainly see each group but some groups some arcle osed. Everyone's well. This group that's a little bit slower than other group and the lows a space I would say every group what some groups that a.re >> There are spots where there's nobody walking prep correct and and when. >> Are those spots where there's nobody actually walking in this Street there are still spectators on the 5 of the street prop on the sidewalk sitting on that for things leik that threat. >> Now you indicated that you first observed this red Ford escape on white rock Avenue rep. >> But was driving toward you as you were standing near the intersection of main and lhtig off of that right. >> You indicated under the nation that it he.om >> The complex if you are. You didn't get run over or did you I did not. >> Un observer that vehicle continue on through Main Street and you descrid beall of that. >> And then you indicated that it turned. >> Southbound on to. >> I don't think its Main Street for a very short time and then self Wisconsin Avenue, it's what staff know okay. >> And so the vehicle thenid d not continue on to Wisconsin avenue to follow the paread route for correct the vehicle continued southbound across the fact that in fact correct and then you indicated that it turned off on so a different Street that I can't remember prospect that prospect, thank you. So it did not continue then following the parade once it got to the end of Main Strtee is that correct. Now in describing red Ford escape was that an olrde model, a newer model. 2010. >> That was an okay and and. >> When you were having contact with the vehicle did you notice that the windows were up or down. I believe that they were all upSo. all the windows were closed on this for the state does that prep products. >> So you could not see inside through an open window that pref you would have enbe looking through the gls.as Meet the windows were not cracked open at l.al And when you are next to the vehicle, you could hear eth engine noise is that correct. >> Not a recall during ttha time and I don't know if it's because everything else is going on that that was excluded, but I don't really recall any noises and I was full focus on the vehicle and the driver of the vehicle at that point. >> Now you indicated the boat both yourself and officers that view trainer but r.un Alright officer is you a ondfficer be were head on with the hicle as that front that is correct and you indicated in fact you are eye to eye with the driver of the vehicle is that correct. Yes and you're right next to the window and so it's offic.er A trend at a later date is that correct there was and what is probably a few minutes later I believe he was directly in front of vehicle. >> I was in front of the vehicle and then off to its side. >> The driver as you saw the driver as it was going to pass He was wearing a gy. >> I >> know that later but at that time I was focused on its face that's all that e icI did not see a sweatshirt I know later that he from looking at video and other things that he was wearing a ay sweatshirt. >> OK and so when you're looking at his face you couldn't see it here at all for >> I saw that dark here and he had some facial. >> They're OK but yocau n see like the length of the hair >> I personally did not see that. >> Because it was covered up with a hood is that corrt.ec >> I was just focused on his face I mean I was just zeroed in on this what I was looking at it happened very fast. I was very warranted on its I do not recall seeing that it's probably because of things happening very fast. I want to remember I wanted to remember spaxce focusing on that's oy.ka >> And so you indicated under examination the actually stepped in front of the vehicle and pounded them and yelled for the driver to stop practice. And you did not enupd underneath the vehicles like >> I got to be a cold driving at a slow speed of that time. And I was able to step off to the site is it for us we passed. >> And then you witness the vehicle driving for how long did you say. We tell about ourselves. >> That's how far you can see it's a vehicle started to pick ups Steve and then it was getting too far away for me, not excited. It was best to go back to my squad getting to their to pursue the vehicle fuher.rt >> And then officer but ran you indicated observed the vehicle as well do you know how how long officer but run was able to personally observed a vehicle drive. >> I mean it's been a very short time, I mean we estimate that the car is on the parade roads approximately 3 to 4 minutes. So we're talking a very short amount of time for. >> I indicated on direct examination at you reviewed video from where you're able to see the vehicle then continuing pass for you personally obseerv the vehicle, yourself correct that's correct and during that You I saw the driver did not drive on any sidewalks effect cracked. >> That is correct. >> And beyond the vehicle did not strike any other vehicles crack that is correct that vehicle did not try to make any oerth vehicles get not over roll into other vehicles or parade participants or spectators Pratt. >> I did not see not over either vehicles. >> In fact there were times when the vehicle almost dr.op Spectators another parade participants but didn't hit them is that correct. >>es Y please. >> There is a time when the vehicle was driving in the open Lane between the spectators on the sidewalk on the for a purpose of a prop. And at atth time. But the Ecole went around rather than striking a small clouds of standing in eth roadway prep. >> There are times that you avoid people that's what you're asking. >> Now as you are observing these videos that you have teens. Throughout the padera route is there consistent video of the rear of the vehicle. From my consistent and you often see the rear of the vehicle and watching the videos are you looking more. >> I'm down for for the front of the vehicle. >> It's a it's a split between that for you you can see the vehicle, the rear vehicle, multiple times. >> How many times. I would have to review the records to know that. >> All right detective Thomas Casey being asked questions by the defense lead there trying to establish that mbeay the defendant took a wrong turn. >> And didn't realize it was a parade route and and then maeyb just freaked out. We're goi tong take a quick break here we come Welcome back to the live Washington preliminary hearing the defendant in the case is Darrell Brooks is accused of driving his SUV into a Christmas parade in Waukesha Wisconsin in November of last year the defense has an opportunity to question the only witness being called tayod on for the prosecution, the witnesses Thomas Casey he's a detective he was on scene, let's rejoin where we left off with the defense questioning the detective. >> You indicated on direct >> what you observed and we've the oath. >> Each of the 6 people who suffered fatal injuries, but correct. >> It show that the video show 5 of the 6 people being struck. >> And so on. Let's start with the. On direct examination per asked about the first person who was who is with the re Max group crop. So that person was near that area of the 200 block of Main Street is that correct correct where where is that exactly what's like of. >> We are still in Casper Street. >> Thank you and and. >> There were other peleop around that person who we.er There are other people in the vicinity of that single person who was struck in and killed correct. Not everybody who has met with him and he died for that time correct. >> There's only 6 people that died on of hundreds, okay. >> On direct examinationou y talk about the Blazers baseball team in the area of 264 West Main Stetre correct correct. You described that the Ford escape was on one side of the road and then move to eth other side of the road prep for in fact, the vehicle swerved around on another truck that was in the parade route. It once around the truck, OK and on the left side of that truck was where the parade participant for walking correct. >> Great participants on both side of the truck, the one that was struck and killed was on the left-hand side of the truck, okay and it was relatively close to the top of at fact, correct. >> You talk about the group of participants in the parade route. With the Catholic community of Waukesha correct. >> In your direct examination you've indicated that there were that was a large group of people participating in the parade preps. And you said that there were ouabt 19 people who were injured as part of that correct correct none of the people by prof. Okay that The driver, the driver of the vehicle swa arrested use them. Somewhere on Elizabeth. So Mister Brooks yes, yes, you identified him as Mister as Darrell Brksoo correct. And that was it you who took him into custody or a different officer other officers. >> He spent been a period of With officers after being arrested and correct. That 0.1 of the op the service who spent time with him reported an odor of marijuana about that person correct. Correct. In fact that officer reported that Mister Brooks had read lifetime glassy eyes, correct, correct and it's now an odor of marijuana on him correct corrt.ec And then one of the For a couple of the officers I think that attempted to interrogate MR. That that is correct that was not you about correct that is correct. You review reports of those other. >> A law enforcement officers who spoke with Mister for us p.re And those detectives showed Mister Brooks photos and videos of the incident occurring is that correct. While those officers were showing Mister Brooks photos and videos he did not want to look at that in fact there to say. That's fair said in fact he would put his head down correct correct in turned his head away from the photos and the videos life wrecked. d Anat one point he even beg the law enforcement officer to stop showing them to him correct. I believe so. Mister Brooks indicated tone o of the detectives that quote I didn't mean to kill nobody and put that correct. I believe that's the courts. Just a couple quick Effective Casey. Cross examination were ask.ed >> All right that was the cross examination will pitch the redirected just a bit want to bring in David shipper to lkta about what we just watch and maybe we do get a little window here David into the defense in with their questioning establishing that at the end of the day. The loan was all said and done he said I didn't mean to kill anybody. Possibly under the influence of marijuana, the defense wants that out that's typically reverse of what they normally lot but tyhe want people to know that and it was unclear of what this could have been maybe a parade route that wasn't could have been deciphered possibly by a moat the wrist trying to establish that early on overall your thoughts about this cross examination in may be a window into up possible defense down the line. >> Well, I mean good luck with the I catn' see her Wrong parade rteou or being the influence of marijuana or any narcotic nca be any defense. I don't feel the defense has a defense but again it's way too early for that and I'll get back to what I. Suggested the prior I really feel ttha Mister Brooks it's going to get through some serious psychological evaluations miss. a competency evaluation of it I think the defense is it going to show their cards now, but they're going to t tory seek that he's not competent to stand trial th hate probably did know right from wrong or what he was doing at the time, but they wouldn't show that is. At this part shaker was committal and or preliminary hearing. And again the defense is not going to show much but but think about it mean what could be the defense here. We don't know we really don't know what the motive is is it could be that it comes out down the road that there was some sort of motives may be some little jet that maybe he was a lot to some Cole are some groupers it may be a some sort of a group or maybe it was discussions just crazy in what we do know is that there was a. Incident with his a significtan other he did try the runner over will you did mention that he t goout of very low bond. >> So we know that it again this will be moved over to felony court in then it's going to be set. >> For down the road and the size of defense and the prosecution wasnt time to to to prepare and then we'll just have to see wrehe the chips fall where they may be. >> Is this a case that cou beld and you would expect to the case that plea odsut in that the defense at the end of the days. It comes to the state and says listen. We've got a mentally ill in our estimation individual high as a Kite I didn't realize what he was indog and feels really bad he's willing to cop to spend the rest of his life in prison but you know with possibility of parole down the law and let's not go thrghou this because it's going to be horrible for everybody would be and I guess my question is in a case like this that is so emotional there were members of a victim family members in the courtroom today we understand from our team on the ground there. Is this a case that the state at the end of the day would love to plead out with the because there's no death sentence in and not have to go through this or is this something that they want to go through frontnd a center for that. >> Well, I mean at the end of the day. >> This size would love not to get a truck trials are very detail their time consuming their exhausting there. >> Hard work for everybody takes taxpayer money jursor times just everyone's time. But do I think that this state and eth government is going to all for a parole sentence absolutely not noat chance not with the eth amount to Preston coverage and this is how many people you know are children murdered hears an onpe but on the flip side and as a defense attorney, why would you ever get to trial. If there's not any sort of you know gay she ation involved is so do I think that there's going to be a negotiated plea no because I think the state's going to like what you complete. As for the rest of your life in jail with no parole then why would anybody do that you must all you know it take a In in that actually true one of the lottery per se and it have a very very smli some chance of get to get I that's why a lot of these cases do get a tree. But I fully expect us to get a trial because I don't see thathe t defense of Mister Brooks's team working except a life without parole. Why except that when you can get a trial you're going to get that anyway. >> You know my sense where steps I take a break whewen come back, we'll hear the rebuttal. >> Or the redirect from the state of Wisconsin witthh is witness detectives Casey and then find Welcome back to watching the preliminary hearing which took place this morning in Waukesha Wisconsin and Darrell Brooks is the defendant accused of taking s SUV and driving it into the parade route of the Waukesha Christmas parade in Novbeemr. >> Of last year Thomas case is the only witssne to testify I for the state we just heard the cross. That's now listen to redirect and see what the commissioner decide. >> Cross examinationere asked summarize what understood the cross examination of the. You're asked about scenarios where. It was implied that Mister Brooks couldn't leave the parade route was it was locked up and down both sides of the street by people at all times or squads or something like that correct. If that Mister Brooks could have just simply stoppedhe t car to avoid strike. Anybody or any object correct correct. You also asked about the fact that you personally. Killed by Mister Brooks vehicle, correct. Then in fact you had the benefit of facing the vehicle seen coming in being able to react correct correct the other parade participants atth were. Struck by Mister Brooks did not have that same. >> And pointedly. >> That is correct speed is also important that when I saw means during maybe 5 miles an hour. We use at the West and the role is maybe going 40 or 50 miles an hour. There's there's a big difference Ward started 40 and. >> And fair to say if he was under the influence marijuana at the time of these events 32 struck somebody injure them that would be a felony offense as well correct. All right, thank you. I don't have anything else with the tip of the stuff out there. The app or any other No Sir eth state would rest. So the keys or this is no witnesses defense rests. Thank you we are going to the ste.at The state will provide over without argument your honor if you turn the keys and the defense objects to bind over. >> pursuant to what the law is or my decision on whether or not the state has presented sufficient evidence to show that the defendant probably committed a follow your phone is within the jurisdiction of the court. There is ample idevence. All France as far as each of the group of that. How it's pumps one throh.ug 6 pumps several through 16 said. 63% of the 8 spent 5273. Momentarily bill Johnson, the force of the 5 each of those discussed there is ample evidence that we chose to show r that you probably committed a felony or felonies within the jurisdiction of this court based upon what I want to buy a new trial. Turning kean's have you see the Capitol from a ship. >> Kind of requesting an arraignment date may previouysl obtained one with madam clerk. >> What would you like that in front of this court for eth trial court. I think it's been scheduled in front of this court so that the men of court. >> We were 11 at 1015 back here. >> All right and so we do veha for their house there is now the second amended victim witness identification key and modify the appeal by commissioner originally said. Mister Brksoo you may not disseminating the information regarding that particular identification yke except to your lawyers. >> Although I didn't liktoe think that one too. Get further into the bail issues but I would need to ask. And our last bail hearing Mister Brooks possesses you. Now it possess a passport if you does of course bail and will during that that over higher too being released to the sheriff's Department for the clerk of courts office but I understand people's lis,ve according to police. So anything else from the state. >> Nothing else other than to request the the prior condition of a lobbyist requirements but have no contact with the victims. We would ask you to extend that all of the victims now in second become can. >> Thank you and I were unless you want to be heard on the Trump King, so I am way too. Well. Gra tnthat motion so Mister Bush may not have contact with any of the all victims like a five-second commend the victim witness identification s.he What's lessors anything else from the state before I get .to >> Only The victims. >> I was going to address that as well your honor so. We are in full compliancthate the mites notification I know that I some victims that our presence personally and some that are participating in the live stream but we have fully comply with them is myt' understanding that no one wish.es >> Rest the court and scheduling least that was the information out by the beginning of the hearing and I think toll at this point ttha that still the case. >> We did confirm with the peopleho are present in the courtroom about that next court date of February 11th. Everybody who's here indicated that was an agreeable way. Certainly if we find out that there's an objection to that 8 from oersth that would require the court. Take taking that issue uwep will alert the court and me defense but right now we believe February 11th is a grave of everyone and nobody wishes to be here for themo t >> recognize that we're victim believe that the more. >> Most personal is in the courtroom and she was indicated to you what nobody wants taso far as the victims to be heard. >> making rules, no your honor that. So we have our gate. >> gather up again and that lead. >> back far away lands on my serve anything further we can beithdrawn. Your full force. >> Okay, no surprise court commissioner Kevin Costello says yes there's enough here bumps it up will now go to court. The victor the defendant will brain February 11th, the terms of the 5 million dollars bail stays in place there were some victim family members in the courtroom declined to interact with the court we'll step aside take
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Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 24sec (4044 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 14 2022
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