Sleeping Gods | Playthrough | Part 1 | With Colin

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hello everyone and welcome to the one stop co-op shop this is colin and today i have a real treat for you i'm gonna start a campaign of sleeping gods now here's the thing first of all huge spoilers in this game i do not recommend you watch pretty much any of this if you're planning on playing this on your own and you do not want to have spoilers so this is really for people that maybe are thinking they're not gonna even pick up the game but they'd like to see how the game plays or for people that just are here for the journey because this is all about the journey second of all i have actually already played this full game one time with barrett baron and i just played it on our own we played an entire campaign had a great time so i'm going to be playing my second campaign that means i have some updated quest cards i will also be taking into account everything we learned from that first time that we played i'll also share with you the different uh totems that we have found and because we played the campaign one time we have some additional rules that we can put into effect for this game which i'm going to do so tons of spoilers tons of new things i just want to make sure that you're okay watching this okay you're still here well i appreciate you and i'm really excited to go on this journey with you i'm gonna be completely honest when i say this in the last three years has probably been my favorite game that i've played at least maybe even longer than three years i absolutely love this game ryan has knocked it out of the park and i just cannot wait to show you and i cannot wait to experience this game with you there is one other thing i want to mention and that is band who i played this first campaign with he's actually going to be recording his second campaign as well but we're not going to watch each other's videos and we're going to release them around the same time and we're going to do our own things and then at the end of it we're going to see and compare where we went and the different things that we experienced so i highly recommend if you enjoy watching my play through make sure to check out his or heck don't even watch mine just watch his because i'm sure he's gonna destroy me or you can tell me in the comments about how much better i'm doing than him yeah let's hope that that's the case okay without further ado we're gonna do a very light quick setup i'm gonna show you some of the additional changes that we have since we have completed uh one campaign and then we're going to jump in the goal in this game is very simple you're trying to find totems you're trying to find as many as you can in the time that it takes you to go through three event decks each which have 18 cards in it so essentially 18 times three is how many rounds you'll have assuming you don't die at the end of that then you have a specific ending we had ending number six we found the gate stone the mikra's salt we found the nightmare stone we found the stone of deceit the stone of earthquakes the stone of undeath the stone of storms and the stone of squids look at all of these ones we haven't found oh my gosh i love it we also didn't play with the dungeons expansion so that's something i definitely want to delve into while i'm doing our playthrough and bear probably will too so hopefully we'll find a different dungeon than he does but depending on how many totems we have found and how many different endings we've had we get to unlock certain cards so if you look down here we've unlocked quest 171 172 169 170 and 168 because we found a total of eight totems plus we've had one ending so it's a total of nine quest cards 171 and 172 provide us with a cargo bay this is an optional rule i am going to play with this one when setting up the game you may choose to add the cargo bay room to the ship place it on the ship board it's another ship action when you use it you gain three command you also draw six ability cards choose two of them and discard the other four the cargo bay cannot take ship damage and cannot be disabled by damage quest cards 169 and 170 we have the expert port we're also going to play with this one at the start of a new campaign you may choose to play with this variant instead of the standard port use the x port or the expert port each time you visit the port first gain one grain token for free the in restores only one health per crew member instead of the two but costs only three coins to use you may now pay a set of exactly two artifacts at a port to gain three experience and three coins and if you play with this variant for the entire campaign you can add 15 points to your end score so i'd just like to show you the difference between the regular port and the expert port you can see it costs a little cheaper we actually are going to gain some grain but then we don't get as nice of an ability we're only healing one health for each crew member we can still do the shipyard the healer it looks like we can still do the healer but we now have a collector ability we can also do our spending xp so definitely going to do this one our third and final variant that we can include is deadly combat i'm actually not going to include this one and the biggest reason is i think it would add a challenge and if i wasn't playing on camera i think it'd be great but on camera it's already hard enough to do everything and so adding additional abilities for our enemies i feel like this is not going to add value as you watch the videos it's only going to make combat longer and although combat is cool that's not really part what's important of the game but let me at least explain this so at the start of the new campaign you may choose to play with this variant each combat randomly choose one enemy card to tuck this card beneath that enemy card so now it has plus two damage and it regenerates one health you can't ever block these and just like the port variant you gain 15 points at the end if you use it for the entire campaign we're not going to use that one we're just going to play with the port here we have our shipboard now something that i'm not entirely sure on i'm going to try and look this up quick if i put the cargo bay here does it block off the stick bay i don't think it does but the picture kind of blocks it off and heck the picture kind of blocks off the hull and it blocks off the deck so i might take a look quick i don't think that would make sense it would block all of that but the art does match so if you put it there yeah i'll have to look that one up needless to say i've already set up our event deck i have six of the perilous events six of the medium level events and six of the calmer events we have those in order six of each and once we go through that we'll have our first end event then we'll go through a second set of these we'll pull out more six of each again and at the end of that we'll read story 1.2 and then the third time we'll go to the finale well fortunately i'm not the only one that had this question looked it up and confirmed this goes to the side of the board and not on here so it's just an additional action that we can take i also have all of my exploration tokens i've shuffled those up if i do ever go to the bay i can reveal one to three of them and gain the benefit of one of them and any of the detriments of all of them that i flip we always start off with our four adventure cards gloria walker you can spend a command to go ahead and draw two ability cards you can use this one to redraw fate you can use this one to use three of any type of food you've got grain meat or vegetables to remove three fatigue and get rid of up to one of our low morale you can also make some flapjacks that cost three wheat and you can remove three fatigue and three health we have our market cards here that i've shuffled up we have our ability cards here that i've shuffled up and then we have our level cards here that i have not shuffled up i will leave those face up and throughout the game as we earn xp we can use that xp to gain these permanently for the rest of the campaign something that they don't tell you when you first start playing the game any of your ability cards are only temporary after you go through the event deck you have to discard all of them in all of your characters however these will stay on for the rest of the campaign which i love those so what we get to do at the beginning is we'll gain one command token and we get to draw one ability card and you do that at a per player level so since i'm only playing solo i will only grab one of those not nine because there's nine characters we have a rapid strike even if this crew member misses they deal their damage first kind of cool it cost us two command to slot that underneath one of our characters the first time through the campaign they require that you go through an intro scenario that's about two to three turns long you gain both of these quest cards we're not going to do that here because we've already done that once no need to do that again but we have confirmed through the faq that we do get to start with both both of these quests now i'm going to tell you we've already finished the cottage quest so i'm not even going to worry about that one the one bear and i didn't do is the raid so that's something that we could potentially look at doing right off the bat i have all nine of my characters out on the table i have them spread out we'll look at them all very quickly and then i think we're ready to start we've got audrey and mac and what i have to say about the game is you really get to know your characters and i love that i think that's why he makes you play with nine because it can be a little bit overwhelming solo i'm assuming two player was still overwhelming uh to have a total of nine characters you're playing with but certain things happen because of them and you really get to know their personality gosh at the end of the one that we did the ending with raphael oh my gosh something big happened with him here we have marco and captain odessa now whenever you're playing cooperatively whoever's the active player can always use captain odessa but since we're playing solo we can use any of our characters at any time here we have kanan he has one of the best weapons i think captain odessa is the only one that does more damage initially he has the pistol and it's ranged we have kasumi here i love her weapon because she has plus two accuracy that makes her better at hitting and deals three damage not great for block but that's pretty nice and i should mention i'm not going through all of them but they all have specific abilities that we might need to use while we're exploring they also have abilities where we can use command and activate them so like this one we can add plus one accuracy that's only to kanan but we could spend two command to give plus one accuracy on his pistol shot so i haven't decided if i'm gonna tell you about our spoiler on raphael if you want to know let me know in the comments and maybe next video i'll tell you but yeah it was big and then we have laurent over here i really like both of them except for lawrence club is pretty pathetic plus zero on accuracy yeah make some he's not great with the club and finally we have gregory he's somewhat of our healer i do want to mention you'll see that we all also have this token on here that's our synergy token during combat we can potentially give those to other players or other characters who they can use them for their special abilities i am sure you'll see that as we go through the play through okay i think we've done enough setup let's go ahead and jump in here we have our map from the previous campaign that i've played now you're going to see we spent most of our time in this area we delved a little bit down here and that's from the expansion i should mention i have everything for this game just in case we do want to try and track this one down we have raids on last hope mack told us a rumor about rat creatures attacking a fishing village northeast of the zakira trading post the village may not survive the attacks much longer and needs urgent help so the question is do we want to do that or do we want to explore somewhere else ah man they need urgent help i don't know how i can leave that alone turns in this game are super super fast we have ship actions so you get to choose one place on the ship to go don't forget we have our cargo bay let's say we went here we would activate this game two command and then we could gain up to three of those adventure tokens gaining all the bad effects but any good effects after that then we draw and resolve an event card and then we can do two actions we can either try and travel explore go to a market or go to a port so i think actually with what we have here why the heck not let's go to the cargo bay to start off with i've never used it so let's use it now it's going to gain us three command so we're starting off with one command so adding the three means we have a total of four beautiful command i love that then we're gonna draw six of these adventure cards and we get to keep two of them our total hand size for adventure cards is three so that means our hand will be totally full at three cards in total now these cards are somewhat multi-use we can spend command equal to what's on that top right there and then we can slot this in on one of our characters and they will have first of all the ability and second of all an additional stat of that specific type so this would be a strength stat let's see what we get we get to draw six of them so our first one is engine steward our second one is special recipe our third one is coordinated repair our fourth one lessons our fifth one dodge oh my gosh and six one so many another rapid strike we already have a rapid strike i think the two that i'm going to keep are the special recipe and the engines stewart so this one if i slot it on any of our characters it costs us one only one command it will give us plus one to our crafting for that specific character when you cook a recipe also restore one health nice over here we have engine steward that'll help our perception discard this equipped card to repair two also i should mention anytime we do a test in this game when we do that test we're gonna draw fate we're gonna draw the top card of our fate deck this number is how much we add to that test so if you slot higher uh you know higher fake cards it means that you have less of those higher ones in your deck so if i do decide to slot this that means i have one less five in the deck i do think i'm going to spend one command to do this so i'm going to spend one command and i'm going to slot this special recipe under audrey that means now she has two craft symbols so if we decide to use her for a craft test which includes potentially traveling we'll get to add two to our total test value however we're going to have to exhaust her putting a fatigue token on her the first one doesn't do much but the second one we put this on her first of all her combat attack strength so you can see here it's a two it's actually two minus one second of all we can't use her again until we remove fatigue we always remove the two point the second one first and the first one you put on there second and you don't have to use them for traveling but i do like her to have to craft also since i just used this command to slot this i'll put this back into the supply that's important because command is limited so if ever there's no command in the supply for me to gain and i'm supposed to gain any i just don't if let's say i was using her special ability and i decided to use two of these to repair one well those stay on her board and i have to do an action from the ship to gain those or to take those off of her board now we have to draw and resolve an event let's go ahead and flip it over we have crashed airship you find a loop room airship stuck on some rocks we can either search the airship draw two search tokens and choose one apply the effects then discard the tokens or just leave the airship draw fate if one to two gain one low morale no no we're not going to leave that that could be really cool so draw it to a search tokens and choose one apply the effects then discard the token here are search tokens let's draw our first one that one would give us two vegetables and our second one would give us a meat and one point of ship damage well i think that's safe to say in that airship we totally found two vegetables so i'll put that onto our shipboard we now can use that anytime to do a recipe or maybe as a cost for something but i like it now let's move to our two action step of our turn we can either travel that just means depending upon our crafts test we can see how far we can travel we can explore that's just reading something from the adventure book we can go to the market that would mean we draw seven cards from the market deck and then we can purchase any that we are able we have no money right now i'm i'm assuming that we start off with nothing on this second play i think we had something the last time but i think that's from that intro scenario that we're not doing uh and then finally we could go to the port and you saw all those port actions before i think the first thing we're gonna do is travel now many of you know i was not a huge fan of seventh continent i did a playthrough of it and then i immediately got rid of it it was not my type of game one of the things that it had me do which i didn't really like was having to look really detailed at the art and trying to find footprints and stuff like that i totally missed it um this game though i also need to look at the art but for some reason i don't mind it i don't know why maybe things are easier to see or i mean 7 continent looks great too but for whatever reason i love that in this game and maybe now if i played 7th continent that would change maybe it was just the time of my life uh but our raids on the last hope i think i am going to start working on that quest first we need to find a fishing village that's north east of zakuro's trading post so zakura's training post is here i know from the other one that that cottage is up here uh so that's that other one the um annie's cottage quest which we didn't even read because that's one that we completed that one is uh by a bridge which you can see the bridge here that's north of zakur's trading post so what i'm thinking is is that this uh actual town is right there that looks like a fishing town right so i need to move from here to here to be able to go and check this out and explore it now there's a rock here so i'm not going to be able to move straight across i need to get two movement to get into here and when i do i have to deal with a five strength test otherwise our ship will take a point of damage so my first action is going to be this turn a travel action now i can choose to use one of my characters or not and i think for this time i'm going to i powered up audrey whenever you do that travel action you're doing a test of craft as you can see here her total craft is two so i'm gonna place one fatigue token on her flip over one of these four five six so we got a total test value of six now if we look at this chart a four through a six means we can move a total of two spaces if we'd gotten a seven or an eight we could have actually moved three but i only needed to move two so that's perfect spaces are separated between these white dotted lines and the actual binder itself so i can choose which way i want to go i could go one two or one two i think our boat's gonna slide between these rocks because you know we are experts at this point we've already played the game once and we'll move ourselves over here that does mean though we now need to do a strength five check if we fail the ship takes one damage i'm not gonna use anyone for this one i'm just going to draw fate if i happen to get a five or a six i pass if not the ship can take a damage we're hoping for a five or a six and we get a four oh we could still try and redraw fate or you know what i could do i could spend two out of my three command to add plus one to our fate draw that would get us at five if we were equal we'd take no ship damage i don't think that's worth it we're just gonna soak the ship damage so the lightning roughed up our ship a little bit we'll draw a fake card to determine where in spot two there's numbers all across the board you can see this two here that tells us the deck has taken one point of damage damage in itself isn't terrible but if we fill up the whole board of the ship with damage then our ship is destroyed we then since we're playing on normal i should have mentioned that uh we would then go back to the closest port we'd uh heal up the ship in full and then discard the next six event cards basically losing time of the campaign not fun so we don't want to have that happen the other thing is if ever one spot has two damage tokens on it we can no longer go there for its action so the deck is slightly damaged i'll deal with it that was our first action let's go ahead and check out 63. we will do an explore action by reading uh number 63 from the adventure book we can see here for 63 it says if keyword raid turned to 56. well we most definitely have that and if you've watched any other playthroughs my guess is they have to let's go to 56. you spot a village on the coast a small settlement nestled against a pine forest smoke billows from the roofs of a few of the huts and the wind carries with it a faint scream these forests are infested with rat creatures says mack we can either a a watch from the safety of the ship or be land at the town's pier yeah i'm definitely landing at the town's pier i'm gonna go check this out rats the size of humans their fur slick and oily rung among the village huts wielding savage tools some of the villagers fight the rats with wood axes while more rat creatures plants with glee near the village edge lighting straw roofs with torches we could either a hurry to put out the fires that's a strength seven check or we could be fight the rats in the village square or we could see loot what you can in the chaos i'm all about taking down rats who likes rats not me so let's go ahead and do a combat 29 30 and 31 level 11 isn't too bad i have my three enemy cards here i'm going to shuffle them up and then lay them out next to each other in a row here we have our three rats that we're trying to take on lots of things to see on these actual enemy tiles the first thing is you can see their health if ever we can cover up all their health spots on their card they're destroyed here it tells us how much we need in accuracy in order to hit them so you can see we need a six for these two and only a five for this one they also have specific abilities so this one says adjacent regen one and adjacent region one what that means is if we do not take care of this rat at the end of the round when they all activate he's going to actually have these two guys regenerate one of their spaces so either i need to focus on him or take out the two guys on either side you'll also see over here we have a weakness symbol that means if we don't cover that up or defeat this enemy by the end of the round he is going to weaken one of our characters same thing with poison over here up here it tells us how much they attack us with if you attack an enemy and you don't defeat it it's going to counter attack it'll counter attack for that base two plus any of the other damage that you see on the card so for this guy it would be two plus two for four but if we cover this up with damage let's say we covered up that tail then he only hit us for two damage so whenever we attack we have to determine which one we're going to attack and then if we succeed where we're going to place the damage on it either to kill it or maybe to reduce its effectiveness in combat what we get to do is grab these four combat tokens we're going to place them on our specific characters that we're going to use for combat you can never use a character more than twice in one combat round uh after we use those four then these three are the ones that are remaining will attack us back what do you say we start off with captain odessa so captain odessa only has five health she has a rifle she will attack with four damage if she succeeds her total accuracy is a plus one we have to decide which enemy we're going to try and take on let's try and take on the easiest one first shall we so we only need a five so right now she has a plus one we need a four or higher to actually hit that um zarg rat brawler now even if we fail he'll attack us back first and then we get to deal one point of damage to them so you're always going to deal at least one point of damage she also has the ability of using two command tokens to add plus one to her accuracy and that can be done after we flip for our fate so i'm thinking let's start by flipping our fate and see what we get we need a four five or six to have this be successful and we flip to two well that's pretty terrible well there's nothing like starting off strong right that was pretty terrible i think i'm going to use one of my three remaining command to activate my gear this means we get to redraw our fate however now that we've used that card we cannot use that card again until we remove the command token that's on it okay we need a four five or six come on oh there's a six beautiful so we just dealt four points of damage to that rat brawler whenever you deal damage to an enemy you have to do the damage orthogonally unless she would actually give her synergy token which we'll talk about in a second this one lets you actually do damage diagonally which is nice uh so what i'm going to do because we're dealing four points of damage i'm gonna go two here and then i'm gonna go three here and then i'm gonna do a number four on this one the head so what that means is since we've covered up the spot that has that synergy token we can give our synergy token to another player another any one of our characters i should say i'm going to go ahead and give it to kasumi kasumi has a plus two with her accuracy so i'm hoping and she deals three damage with her wakazashi so i'm really hoping she can deal some damage now we did not defeat this rat brawler so because of that he will retaliate against captain odessa he's going to deal a total of two damage but we blocked his arm we damaged his arm so he's not gonna deal with plus one if you look here her rifle gives her one block so what that means is we only take one point of damage so we have one damage we have four health remaining and you know what i'm thinking we're gonna activate captain odessa a second time once again attacking the same guy hoping to kill him and maybe even do some splash damage we're hoping for a four five or six again we flip to four four plus the one is five damage that's our five accuracy that accuracy gets up to where his armor is so now we're gonna deal the four damage with that four damage we're going to deal one here then we'll deal one here and then we're going to splash two damage over to the zargarak elk rat alchemist now you can only splash over half of the damage the amount of half i couldn't let's say deal one damage here and then deal three over on him i have to do at least half to the one that i'm attacking but i can splash it over to an adjacent enemy no problem so i just dealt one two three four damage this uh zarg rat brawler is toast so i'm gonna remove him he will not counter attack against odessa which is great i will discard him and we've already dealt one uh heart damage to this rat alchemist next let's have kasumi attack she is going to attack the rat stabber our plan is hopefully we can take him out we need a six we already have a plus two for accuracy so we only need a four or higher from the fate deck we'll flip over our card and we have a six beautiful six plus two is eight that's greater than the six or i should say greater than or equal to the six so let's deal three damage we'll go ahead and spend one damage to cover the arm and two damage to cover the body we're doing that because now he's going to counter attack and kasumi has no block so that means she's going to take the full blow of his attack well his attack is only two because he took out his arm so he we will have kasumi take two damage and we're gonna go ahead and have her attack a second time if she can deal three damage here we can use odessa's uh the attack diagonally uh synergy token and you can go one two three and take out that zark rat stabber come on kasumi you only need a four five or six well flipping we get a one well that's absolutely terrible so what i'm going to do is i'm going to use her special ability here if ever you draw a fate of one you can use this to flip and draw a new fate so let's see what we get we get a five five plus the two is seven beautiful seven is greater than or equal to this guy's armor so we are going to use this synergy token so we can do damage diagonally and we'll go one and then we'll diagonally go two and then we'll do the third one here this guy has no health left he will not counter attack he is gone unfortunately though we have now done all four of our combat actions so this guy here will go ahead and attack us he's going to attack for a total of two plus two is four he'd regen his friends but we took out both of his friends so that's not happening but he is gonna deal four damage and we have to pick one character to take all four i think the one we're going to choose is gregory he can soak it he'll take four damage he's got two health remaining i did almost forget kasumi did cover up this arm spot and you see that has that synergy token that's amazing she can give her plus one damage synergy token to someone i'm gonna go ahead and give it to rafael we've completed our first round of combat i've gone ahead and grabbed all four of our combat tokens i am now going to start the next round first thing i'm gonna do is activate raphael he will deal plus one damage he has accuracy of three with that hammer so he only needs a three to hit this guy and if he does he can discard that synergy token for plus one damage so he can deal three damage with this attack he only needs a three or better to hit and he gets a six yeah he's gonna blow him out of the water normally that hammer only deals two points of damage but with that plus one it'll actually be three and i think i'm gonna go for the throat here i'm gonna go head head and head the only bad thing about this with that three points of damage is we're gonna get hit for four and that's on raphael and he has no armor or no block i should say but he does have seven health so he'll soak the four hits no problem but that means if he can do one more attack he can just take him out with that body shot and as much as raphael would love to take out this rat alchemist who just hit him right across the face i am gonna have mac actually do this final test because she has plus four for her accuracy she only needs a two or better uh let's see she gets a three beautiful four plus three is seven that's equal to or greater than the six she'll deal two damage technically there's a synergist symbol there but we will not pass synergy tokens we'll actually put all the synergy tokens back because combat is ended you don't get to carry those over between combats since we just annihilated all those rats let's turn to 61.3 the remaining rat creatures flee to the forest a weary man in a blood-stained toga seeks you out you arrived just in time but i wish you'd sent someone to put out the burning houses at least some of them still stand you did your best though i'm sure well apparently we should have done that gain two coins one grain and one xp complete quest one note last hope is now liberated in future actions you may explore location 63 to visit the village and talk to the townspeople let's return to the ship there's a spot here to report all of our experience so we have one hopefully many more to go we've also gained our two coins and a grain beautiful so that's going to end our first turn let's go ahead and move to our next ship action we're not able to go to the cargo bay again since we're already there so i think this time let's go to the quarters the quarters since we're playing one player we're gonna grab three command tokens we already have one so we'll grab three that makes us a total of four command that we have and then we can remove up to two command tokens that are on the board so i have one on that gear card that i'm going to remove and i have one on consuming that i'm also going to remove i think those are the only two that we've used so far we also get to draw one ability card and we get the cleaning instant effect oh nice so if anyone does get low morale i can just pop that on someone and it's a one beautiful i got that out of the deck awesome i'll put that in my hand i have a total of three ability cards now in my hand we'll now move to our event card let's flip it over we have a sunken ship in the glittering turquoise shallows you spot the skeletal remains of a ship sleek shark circle the depths we can search in we have to do a perception five test if we fail minus two health we'll gain a coin yeah minus two health we can have someone take two damage so i think i'm just going to draw fate for that five or higher let's see how we do we have a three so we failed i could discard a card in my hand that has the strength symbol to add one to it but that's still not enough so i'm going to have someone take two points of damage let's go ahead and have raphael take two points of damage so he'll go from four to six uh that way i can just go to a port and spend a coin to heal him and of course i said strength i meant perception sorry i have a perception ability card in my hand i could have used we still will gain the one coin best part about the game so i do have three coins we now get to do two actions and since we cleaned out all the rats here let's go ahead and just check out number 63. the edge of the village rests well within the tall trees of the forest the towering pines might have given a sense of protection if not for the recent rat creature attack we can a explore the edge of the forest be eat at the fish house pay one coin see visit mikra's temple or dia leave the ship i think let's go ahead penguin food we have food let's go ahead and visit mikra's temple first i'll pay one vegetable for that a woman with long braided hair teaches you how to make a tea offering using honey and flower petals this will help you enter an ancient shrine to vallarde on the island to the west she says though few return from that place that definitely means we should check that out game quest card 16. that is shrine here at a temple in last hope we learned how to make an offering that will open a nearby shrine in the red rocks to the west oh now we'll turn back to 63. we can now either explore the edge of the forest or eat at the fish house i think i'm gonna eat at the fish house next that's uh pay one coin we have three coins we'll go down to two you must try this goombo says the cook with a grin it's my own recipe i'll share it with you though if it's not too spicy for you restore to health beautiful kasumi is going to restore the two health we could restore two health from anyone that we wanted but that way kasumi is fully healed and we'll gain adventure card 1 spicy goombo then go back to 63. spicy goombo needs one command to activate and we need to have one meat one vegetable and one grain and we can remove three fatigue and restore three health what do you guys think about exploring the edge of the forest i like it let's go to 63.2 we don't have keyword abysmal or maneuver so we're going to keep reading you find a hut in the middle of the forest a withered man greets you hello i'm ulim he says with a weary smile you're those sailors from the raids thank you for what you did those demon rats have lived in the forest for years but when they openly attacked our village we were not prepared to defend ourselves but i have another problem my son went looking for pearls weeks ago and hasn't returned i know where he went a huge cave in a rocky island just south of the peninsula a dangerous place where demons dwell my son is greedy and i could not stop him i fear he's already dead please i feel you're the only chance he has now gained quest card 4. we have rescue ulam's son we met a man named ulum in last hope his son has gone searching for pearls in a cave south of the peninsula nice oh that's abysmal cool well i don't know about you but south of the peninsula looks like it could be here 54. that looks like a cave i'm kind of interested in checking that out i like helping saving people right we could also try and go and find that shrine but i think that can wait a couple rounds let's go ahead and see if we can get one travel movement which we should be able to i'm not going to use anyone for this test we're just simply going to try and travel here we're guaranteed to get one movement hopefully this is a one i just wasted a five oh well a five does mean we can move two spaces but i still think i'm just going to move one to here and we'll check out 54 next turn let's go ahead and move back to the ship before we do that i am going to spend two command i'll put that back into the bank because i am going to put out this cleaning although i don't get the effect because it's only instant and no one has low morale we now have audrey having a total of two three craft she is our craft queen she as you can see she's all about the engine so she will help us travel when we need for our ship action this time let's go ahead and move to the sick bay that's going to mean that we can heal one point of damage on captain odessa captain odessa only had one damage so now we only have two characters that have damage on them we're going to draw another ability card and this one is uh maintain instant effect repair 1 ship damage that's a great card and we're going to gain three more command i have two in my supply so it's a total of five i'm telling you comparing this to plane uh with two player i have so much command with two player i never felt like i had enough command let's flip our next event card and we have merchant vessel a well-provisioned ship approaches convince them you need help cunning six we could gain a grain or buy food pay one coin to gain two grain or just bid farewell yeah you know i really like grain let's go ahead we could try no i want two great so we're gonna spend one coin and we're gonna gain two grain that means we now have three grain which means we can use our flapjacks if we want however we only have one coin and one vegetable left wouldn't you say that this looks like a cave yeah i think i'm gonna check it out so let's read 54. the sea rages in the island's rocky jaws boulders scatter the approach like gravestones brave the rough seas in the row boat turn us 161.5 navigate the manta core closer to the cavern savvy 6. if we fail we take two ship damage oh do which one do i want to do i think i'm going to use both kasumi and kanan here to add to savvy for this test so that's the savvy symbol so now we only need a four or higher to succeed let's go ahead and draw the top card four higher we've got a five beautiful so we succeeded rogue waves throw the manticore towards the rock but you guide it through the rolling seas to a calmer cove where the crew lowers the rowboat turn to 161.1 the ocean roar gives way to the echo of dripping water a giant door carved into the cavern rock opens and a creature emerges you cannot see his face but two eyes glow above the robe the color of blood in water his dark face flickers like a candle made of shadow so many visitors this month he says in a deep hollow voice we're looking for a young man you say the creature chuckles his face flashing with malice yes he was taking my pearls but he makes good conversation and i'd bore without him all the other souls here have lost my interest would you like to come and see him inside the doors ullam's son sits chains to the floor amid a pile of bones his eyes pleading face sunken and pale he seems well don't you think the creature's face twists into a cruel smile why not leave him here i could make a fair trade we can either just jump right into combat it's a level 16 holy moly that last one was a level 11 and i have two guys that are pretty much exhausted attempt to negotiate the release of the prisoner that's 161.3 or accept his offer yeah you know this guy he was a little bit greedy but i can't leave his dad like that so i think let's start trying to be negotiable let's go to 161.3 the shadow creature pauses what do you have in mind we can either a y star of your intellect with just one soul you say in the city you could find many more this is a savvy seven gain one low morale and turn to 161 if we fail if we succeed we turn to 161.7 or we can bring someone else to talk to you you lie that's a cunning eight if we fail we gain one frightened and we turn to 161 otherwise we turn to 161.8 well i feel like savvy seven is more likely to happen than cunning eight seven versus eight so let's go ahead and try and do savvy seven we'll use laurent for one captain odessa for two gregory for a three and that means we only need a four i think i need to do more than that we'll do mac for four so that means we're sending mac captain laurent and gregory so that means we already have four savvy we just need three or more from our fate flip come on three or higher three or higher oh that's a one well you know what we're gonna do with a one we're going to use kasumi please redraw that we'll use one command token to do that come on oh that's a one that's absolutely terrible let's go ahead and use our gear here we'll use a command token to redraw again a three or higher come on there's a three three plus the four is a savvy seven excellent then i will visit a city i've lived here for far too long says the shadowed creature oh god is that a good thing chains broken linson hovels to his boat tied near the back of the cave was he ever planning to leave you ask not with this that's certain he smiles and hands you a stone that flickers with a dark fire for my freedom he bows and sets off into the sea we have gained two coins two xp and adventure card 48 we found a totem already the stone of fitness definitely didn't have that one before complete quest four well thank you for that and game quest 7 and 103. oh i love this game so much okay so we've completed the abysmal one let's go ahead and get all of our rewards two xp and two coins we have one in our supply already so we now have three coins and we have three xp here is our first totem for this campaign and it needs three command tokens but look at this ability remove a combat token from a crew member and use it again that is amazing i love how the totems are also adventure cards that we can use okay our two quest cards we have maneuver we visited the shadow creature and found ulum sun and then we have unleash shadow creature unleashed oh that's great we convinced a creature of the darkness to visit a nearby city what have we done yeah yeah i was wondering about that uh we'll probably pay for that later or maybe we'll just go to a whole new area and just let this area rot i do think i'm also going to use our flapjacks here i'm going to spend three grain and that allows us to remove three fatigue so we're gonna remove one from mac one from audrey and one from captain odessa so all of them are fully unfatigued because they only had one fatigue token on them and i'm gonna heal three out of the six damage on raphael so now he only has what uh three damage left we have one more action for this turn and i'm thinking do you see these red rocks here i feel like that might be the shrine 186. so if we go there that would cost us two total movement i think well we need a four through a six to just get it outright or do i use audrey yeah let's just draw i always can if i want discard this to add one to our craft if we're close to just about getting two movement let's flip our card and we have a six beautiful we can move to no problem the manticore will slide itself right through here a second time and then next turn we'll check out 186. for now let's go back to the ship i'm only going to gain two command by doing this but i still think i'm going to go to the bridge because that means we'll get kasumi's ability back we're going to get that gear to redraw fate and we will get the flapjacks back available to us i'm also going to gain two of those right now i have two in my supply so i have a total of four command we're going to draw uh uh whatever you call it an ability card and we have rapid strike oh yeah we know what that one is i now have four in my hand i'm going to go ahead and discard the level 6 rapid strike just in case we shuffle i want that 6 in that deck as much as possible let's now see what event we're going to have we have rotting leviathan who wants to deal with that carrying birds and schools of sharks circle a huge unidentifiable creature floating on the sea ahead navigate away from it we have to do a 76 if we fail we gain too low morale oh savvy really i don't really want to use anyone and i can use captain odessa just to get rid of low morale so let's just flip we got a three yeah so we're just gonna take the low morale i have to place them out on two of our uh characters that we're playing with what they do it's uh you have to pay one command to use them for a challenge so i'll go ahead and put one on captain odessa because i'll immediately get rid of it for her and then i'll go ahead and place one hmm let's place it on mac we'll then use captain odessa right now use her ability and remove this low morale so we only have one next time i clear her board i can use her again by doing this though we cannot now use these other abilities because you can only ever activate one of these three abilities one time until you remove this command token and then you can use uh one of these abilities a second time for our first action let's turn let's explore 186. spires of rock flame orange as the sun slides into the sea bewitched with curiosity you follow a narrow stair to a solid oak door covered in carvings at the center of the door is a face his portly cheeks flush by the light of the sunset as you approach he speaks with an air of authority go away you are not welcome we can either a open the door and that requires our keyword shrine which we have or b asks the face what it knows yeah we definitely have the shrine 186.4 you make some honey flavored tea for the wooden face as you pour the golden liquid into his mouth he sighs and the door swings open shafts of orange light float into the chamber illuminating the dust in the air there are 12 doorways in front of you each carved about with three symbols to your left is a narrow corridor and beside it a cluster of clay pots a bit more honey next time the face calls after you and it looks like my friends we have a puzzle look at this a through l all these different symbols we've got tons of different options here we can choose to go through all these different doors a b c d e f g h i j k l or up top here we have examine the chamber that's a perception five uh or we could search the narrow corridor to the left that's also a perception five or search to the clay pots nearby that is also a perception five test no matter what don't forget we will be able to succeed at these we just might have minus three health minus two health or minus three health yeah you know uh which one do we wanna do examine the chamber let's let's start with m let's examine the chamber a perception five i have one perception card in my hand so i'm just going to draw for it let's flip our card and we have a four beautiful i'm gonna go ahead and discard this perception card in my hand to add plus one to that test that's a perception of five let's go ahead and check out 186.1 a stone tablet leans against the chamber wall under the dust is the image of a footprint turned to 186.4 so i think that means we need to pick one that has a footprint let's go ahead and search the narrow corridor to the left this is also a perception 5 test i'm not going to spend anyone again let's see if we take 2 health is damage we need a five or a six or how about a two that is not going to be a great let's go ahead and deal two damage to raphael he already has three so two more puts him up to five damage out of his seven health in the corridor a carving breaks from the wall landing on your foot you lift the stone to find an image of a diamond i'll land it on her foot so we've got footprint and we've got diamond of all these that i see i see a footprint in diamond on this one i see just a footprint no footprint ah footprint and a diamond ah seriously i was hoping that we don't i think we have to check out the last one uh yeah nope doesn't look like we have any other chance or choice we're going to search through the clay pots nearby this is a minus three health do i want to use any one it's a five three damage i'll just have someone take the three damage i'm trying to save people in case there's something else after this so let's go ahead and just draw and i generally like to not use people if you still succeed when you fail there are ones like the one that we just did against that demon where if we failed we went to a different passage so that's what oh beautiful that's a six no one takes three points of damage uh but yeah that's why these ones i generally tend to not use your crew and that's something that you kind of learn as you play moving aside the pots you uncover a tablet with a carving of a water drop as you sweep sand from the stone another picture emerges a box with a star a diamond and a moon inside and standing next to it the image of a strong woman oh so is this meaning that we actually should do that one what a diamond a box with a star a diamond and a moon or are we looking for the water drop the diamond and the footprint well i believe i have two options i have the star diamond and moon here that's the d and that's where that woman the picture of the woman was or i have the foot the um diamond and the water droplet that's f d or f i i have no idea d or f the the woman makes me think we should check out d first so if we're gonna do d and we look down here and d tells us to go turn to 194. i'm nervous if explore token a it turned to 194.2 definitely do not have explore token a a stone box stands at the back of an empty room the lid covered in dust shimmers in the light of the dying day we need to attempt to open the heavy lid of the stone box that's only a strength six or we can return to the entry chamber no let's open the box let's make that a test of four instead of six we'll use both of them for their one strength and let's draw our card we need a four or higher that's a three oh that's not enough but you know what we can use mac here now the low morale that's if we use it for a challenge we're not we're just going to use two homemade seems expensive but we use two to add plus one that's a four then plus their two is five six no one takes damage the box lid is massively heavy but you manage to slide it off and it drops to the floor with a crash inside is a pair of heavy brass bracers covered in strange symbols you feel an intense sense of despair when you touch them oh great gain one xp explore token a and it uh adventure card 19. that's our fourth xp and the gloves seem pretty cool except for that with that plus three to our strength we're also pushing down our morale now we have to turn back to 186.4 so that was not the way out let's see if we try that other door let's try and open the door f or go down that hallway f will be i think it's 198. let's see yep 198. the tunnel broadens into an arena seats carved into rock around a ring of dust and dried blood the floor rumbles and chunks of stone ceiling rain onto your startled crew as a creature erupts from the ground oh great combat 3638 this is only a level 11 though well this may only be a level 11 combat but look at this guy he has a 7 a 7 as his armor that's gonna be great and i have a whopping one command token okay i've grabbed my four combat tokens let's see who i want to have go first i think starting with captain odessa again is not a bad choice she only gets the plus one but we're going to go for the hexic demon so all we need is a four or higher from the ability deck let's see if we can do it we'll flip our card and we have a four four plus one is five that means we're dealing four points of beautiful damage this hexic demon hits pretty hard so what i'm thinking of doing is going one two and then splashing it over to this level seven uh armor guy three four because that way it'll be easier to take this guy out he only will hit us for two this guy now will retaliate against us only for three damage instead of four five six so yeah i mean it stinks in one way because i'm putting out damage that's not even blocking any of his hearts oh did i and i covered one of these awesome so we can give our synergy token that i have over here to another character i think i'm going to give that to mack let's give that to mack yeah i think that's a good idea we have four damage here we're going to take three back but our uh rifle that we use has one uh block so we'll just take two damage from that hexagon demon we're going to go for that hexagon demon again using kasumi this time we're going to use her she's at a plus two so we only need a three or higher let's go ahead and flip this we've got a two what can we do i guess we'll have to use our last command for a redraw so we need a three or higher to be able to hit him we have a four four plus two is six so that means we get to deal three damage before he attacks us back oh and i have just the idea three damage two and one and we just covered up our synergy symbol so we're gonna give our plus one damage here over to mack so max gonna have plus one damage of course kasumi's gonna get attacked back for three damage and she has no block so she'll take three damage we have two more command tokens i'm actually gonna use both on mac because mac has a plus four guess what she's guaranteed to hit him because the ability cards go from one to six so we're guaranteed to get a one for our first success at least and that's a one that's a great time for that so that was a five we just dealt two points of damage we'll discard this uh to be able to do three points of damage three points of damage is just perfect we'll take these two out he's unfortunately gonna hit mack back for three damage and she has zero block with her saber so she has three out of the five damage on her oh boy i am damaging everyone here and i really wish she could give her synergy token but there are no synergy symbols here but we're gonna do the second attack remember we're at a plus four for our accuracy and we're gonna add a five to that that's definitely enough to do the regular two points of damage and that takes out the hectic demon and he will not attack us back because we defeated him with that attack that does mean though at the end of combat the cinder cave guard is going to attack us for two straight damage i think i'm gonna have greg take that attack that'll put two more on him he has six he's now been exhausted but i wasn't gonna attack with him anyways so i i'm trying to have the least amount of people have damage on them if possible okay now we're gonna grab our combat tokens back and let's see we have to hit a seven i need to do one two three four five points of damage to this guy well this is going to knock mack out because she will take two retaliation of damage she only has five health but let's still use her because she only needs a three or higher for this attack she gets a four four plus a four is an eight she will deal two damage before she goes exhausted since i'm here though i'm gonna put the five damage on her we can no longer use her this combat because she's taken all the damage that she can that two damage though will take out the cinder cave guard's legs now let's go ahead and do raphael he also will go exhausted with this attack but i don't know what else we're gonna do i don't know what else we're gonna do we're going to attack he's got a five beautiful five plus the three is eight he'll deal two damage and then of course he'll take two damage back and he's now at seven damage so he's also exhausted our crew is dropping like flies i think that's down to three that are down but all we need to do is one more point of damage i need to get to a seven actually i don't i can let someone even miss this he can attack back we'll be able to do one point of damage and take him out so who do i want to have do that well kasumi already has damage on her so let's go ahead and choose her she just needs a five or higher to actually hit first are you serious we got a five wow five plus the two is a seven that means we'll take out the center cave guard that actually means she takes no damage because we just defeated him heck yeah i will say i was not expecting that to work not at a seven i was just assuming we were gonna have to pot shot him after he hit somebody the shadowy creature vanishes in a burst of darkness like an exploding inca bottle at the far end of the arena you find a broken tomb and within it another totem we gain three coins two xp and adventure card 45 complete quest card 16. so we've just completed the shrine we now have a total of six experience we found our second totem already the stone of blood that's a new one for me i haven't seen that one and three more coins we have three coins in our supply that's a total of six i'd love to say we want to go to a market but no with half of our team totally exhausted we are going to be looking for a port to do some healing that was only our first action this turn i think our second action we're going to start moving towards a port there's actually a port up this way so i've already been to this one during our first campaign there's a curious trading post so let's go this way because i never went to that one we're gonna go ahead and use audrey for this audrey watched everyone in that combat and she goes you know what you guys i'll get you to port i'll get you to port she's adding three to this travel test and then we'll add four four plus three is seven that was a pretty nice pull we're gonna be able to move three spaces so we're gonna move one here that means now we have to test quick our strength of five let's see what we get we get a five beautiful and then you can see right here this says 17 that's the page that we're going to go to from here we're going to move off to page 17. and look at this art i love it i've never been to this page look there's a tiny house up here there's these awesome columns i really want to check that out but second move is here our third one we're going to limp ourselves over to lynn's grove let's go ahead and end our turn now let's go into our ship action for our ship action this time we'll move over to the sick bay we're gonna remove one damage on odessa so uh our captain odessa only has one damage on her we're gonna draw a new adventure card oh this is just a basic two that's not a bad one to draw i'm going to discard our defensive stance here i want to five back into that deck i had to do that because i had three in my hand already i'm going to go ahead and gain three command i have none so now i have three thank goodness and then let's go ahead and see what event we're gonna have we have a sunken ship we seem to find all these ships everywhere we found an airship that says in the glittering turquoise shallows you spot the skeletal remains of a ship sleek sharks circle the depths search it perception five fail you have minus two health gain one coin i don't think i'm gonna spend anyone on that i can have somebody take two health i have no perception to use we're gonna flip that's a two so you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna have kasumi take the two points of damage that's gonna exhaust her but that's totally fine because we're gonna go into a port now and heal up like nobody's business so she has the full five points of damage on her now let's go to port we can do as many of these actions as we're able the first thing we gain is one of these grain we get that for free because we stopped at a port next we can spend we have a healer pay one coin per crew to restore all of their health well i'm gonna do that with four of my characters all who are totally exhausted that they won't be anymore mack will fully heal we'll have kasumi fully heal we'll have raphael fully heal and we'll have gregory fully heal that way only captain odessa is one that has damage and she only has one then i have six xp and so i could buy some level cars if i would like if you're also watching baird's playthrough i bet you anything he's gonna pull out these three as some of his favorite level ups there are tons for each character between three and four of them up here tells you the cost but i have a hard time not doing the plan ahead gain two command at the start of a combat just think if i had three command instead of one we would have had a lot more options that we could have done for that combat and combat happens all the time uh this is great for our movement but i don't think we need that yet and then this one we can just whenever we go to uh the bridge we'll gain an additional command so that basically makes that spot even better so i think this time though since we have exactly six experience let's use all six the captain will have this plan ahead that means she has plus one cunning for the rest of the campaign and she has this ability that was our first action for this turn our second action we could check out 201 120 or even 165 or up here 149. now this looks like cliffs if i go there i'm probably going to run into the cliff that's at least how i've seen these before i feel like 201 or 120 i don't know which one i'm going to check out 201 first i think if keyword reminiscence turned to 201.4 i don't have that keyword i'll write that down on the map so i don't forget i think someone i know lives around here says mac she leads you to a small cottage outside of lin's grove rushing ahead she knocks loudly on the door carolina yeah salty dog are you in there or not open up a woman opens the door she's tall and muscular with short hair and a gold earring mara johnson as i live and breathe he had better come in we can either go inside with mac or wait outside and raid the cottage garden now let's go inside 201.1 this is carolina we traveled together for a while explains mac as you enter the cottage the rooms are sparse with minimal furniture the walls are empty of any decoration i'm moving soon so most everything's packed but come on and sit down carolina leads you to the kitchen where you all sit around a long wooden table i can see it's been a few years she says nodding at the gray and max hair max laughs and how long since you gave up piracy and settled down carolina turns to the crew she loves to bring that up but i was only a pirate for a few months turns out i make a much better lumberjack mac and carolina exchange old stories but soon the whole crew joins in on a lively conversation when you finally get up to leave carolina asks a favor it would be a great help to me if you take some old supplies off my hands and give me less to carry consider a thank you for letting me catch up with an old friend well this is pretty gosh darn nice gain two grain one materials and two vegetables remove all low morale which by the way mac was the only one with the low morale that is hilarious totally thematic and not even on purpose that's why i love this game uh then we have a game quest card 51 and return to the ship that's a heck of a lot of good materials right there plus quest card 51 we have reminiscence we visited the old house of a woman mac used to travel with okay cool i think we're going to do one more round for this video and then we're going to call it our plan is to do a total of nine videos so it'll be six event cards per video and we'll try and stay together at the same time of videos coming out between bear and i so that way if you're watching them together you can watch his and then ours and then compare the two based on where we are kind of a fun way of doing this i think i'm definitely going to go to the bridge this time i'm only going to gain two command but i'm going to refresh all of my items and i think i've got one on captain odessa two on mac yeah i'm gonna get all of those back and i now have five command in supply i'm also gonna draw an ability card as well we'll grab this one and we have engaged gain one command when you explore oh my gosh this is one of the best ones ever i'm immediately paying for that right now i'm gonna spend two i'm gonna put that yeah i'm gonna put that on to raphael right now let's see what our event is this time we have choppy seas white waves crash against the hall when you travel this turn minus two fate well hopefully we won't do a lot of traveling then i think the first thing we're going to do is check out lin's grove let's go to 120. and since we're exploring we'll gain one command gosh darn that's an amazing skill card the banks are piled high with massive pine logs waiting to be loaded into ships a group of low wooden buildings clings to the shore all built from the same pine wood the forest looms almost threateningly just beyond the buildings muscular men and women bustle around on various areas almost every one of them that carries an axe oh i like this place we can either a explore the woods b visit the local museum c purchase materials pay one coin for one material yeah i don't need to do that or return to the ship let's start by exploring the what's 120.1 the forest is denser than you'd expect it to be and given the massive logging operations going on the people of lindsgrove with all their axes have barely made a dent in the trees it's a tough hike and you eventually stop to take a break while you're resting you hear gregory call out it looks like someone's missing their property he says he discovered a wooden trunk a small car written in a language you don't understand is attached to the handle with a string let me see it says mac it says if found please return to s zasi a small rocky island near lin's grove gain quest card 65 so quest card 65 is trunk we found a wooden trunk with instructions to return it to its owner someone named s zassie sounds like we have another quest on our hands i love it let's now check out the museum 120.2 the museum's tour guide an old man with copper skin and a cheerful disposition introduces himself as garland this region has a rich history he tells you as he guides you through the small museum once the gods lived here before they went to sleep after that the pan empire had a stronghold here until their civilization was destroyed too lynn's grove is a fairly recent settlement i already had wrinkles by the time it was built the man glances both ways and gestures for you to come closer everything here is new not even the trees themselves are as ancient as they appear if you want to know more you should sail by the pillar of commetter and see what you see oh that sounds awesome we can now either a purchase something from the gift shop pay a coin go to 120.3 show garland the inscription we don't have sapling bummer or return to town now let's go ahead and pay the coin the gift shop is full of various items made of pine roughly carved figurines of forest mammals and wooden signs with saiyans carved on them such as lynn's grove only the gods have time to sleep around here or lin's grove would you like to stay those are funny there are also several piles of plain pine planks for sale we could always use more materials says audrey with a shrug we gained more materials okay so maybe that was kind of a waste i was hoping maybe he'd give us something uh the material we can just use to fix our ship well the pillar of kempter sounds really cool it makes me think of maybe one of these and then we need to return that trunk to a rocky island that's near lin's grove we've got a rocky island here but i'm thinking this one because there's an actual house here let me zoom up wouldn't you think someone would actually live there so i think that's where i'm going to go next if i'm wrong i'll have to backtrack a little but i'll deal with it so i have one more action before we're done with this video and that's going to be the travel let's go ahead and flip a card i'm not going to use anyone we only have a three bummer i think that means we can only move one you know what because of that i'm actually going to discard this and this will put us at four because it's a craft test with a movement of two we can move one here and sneak in to here that way at starting our next uh video we can check out 137. i really hope you guys are enjoying this so far do let me know in the comments a if i've missed any rules because you know i've played this an entire campaign and i may have read something wrong i've been playing it wrong the whole time or b if you have any suggestions or if you say hey colin don't forget you missed this thing or this quest or did you check out this thing i'd love any of those comments to help this be as successful as possible and you know i need to beat berenton the amount of totems i found so i'm at two right now you can let me know in the comments how many he has at the end of his first video i gotta make sure that i have at least the same amount if not more all right thank you so much i will catch you at our next video that will come out next week see you at the next stop
Channel: One Stop Co-op Shop
Views: 39,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board, game, one stop, co-op shop, oscs, sleeping gods, playthrough, solo, red raven, ryan laukat
Id: YCNYcppdD54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 27sec (4167 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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