Sleeping Dogs - 11 Years Later

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[Music] there's this poke guy think he can steal from Uncle Po and live to talk about it he's at the club when you see him take back what belongs to the son on ye [Music] Tri and way make an example of them the dragon head will want to meet you looks like you're moving up in the world when it comes to gaming I find it tragic when an excellent game is released and ends up being overlooked or forgotten for whatever reason take Titanfall 2 for instance an incredible game with one of the best single sing player campaigns I've ever played EA however sent it out to die by releasing it in between Battlefield 1 and Call of Duty infinite Warfare this move killed any attention the game would have received hurt its sales and eventually led to EA acquiring its developer respawn who would go on to make Apex Legends instead of a proper Titanfall 3 yes I'm still salty about this then there's the odd case of Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy developed by idos Montreal it received excellent reviews and had a good launch win but it was overlooked by the gaming public because Marvel's Avengers wasn't a good game since both games look superficially similar and were published by Square Enix most assumed Guardians was going to play the same and be of similar quality so the game ended up underperforming sales-wise I might actually do a video on that game in the future because it really does deserve more attention and finally that brings me to the topic of today's video sleeping dogs ever since I covered True Crime Streets of LA last December I've been dying to talk about this game I was going to cover streets of New York first but admittedly I'm not all that interested in that game there's this misconception that the game was always meant to be the third entry in the true crime series but that's not exactly true Sleeping Dogs originally began development as a game called Black Lotus which would have starred an Asian female assassin modeled after Lucy Lou initially pitched by Treyarch one of the C- developers of the Call of Duty franchise it was going to be published by Activision until they put a halt on the production and after some renewed interest and wanting their own GTA like series The Game would be renamed True Crime Hong Kong would now star a male lead and developing duties would be handed off to united front games due to over budgeting and delays the game would be canceled again before Square Enix stepped in and bought the publishing rights from Activision since they didn't own the IP rights to True Crime the game would be renamed one more time and become Sleeping Dogs it would debut as Stell reviews from gaming Publications and sell a respectable one .5 million copies within 2 months of release not exactly GTA numbers but still a solid debut for a brand new IP especially back in 2012 unfortunately that wasn't enough to guarantee it a sequel due to sleeping dogs the Tomb Raider reboot and Hitman Absolution All underperforming and selling below Square enix's sales projections they asked any plans for a sequel though we do have an idea of what that sequel could have been in an article written by Patrick klepic for vice he went over the details of a design document for Sleeping Dogs 2 shared by a former developer at united front games we would have returned to playing as way Shen he'd now be working with a corrupt cop as a partner it would take place in a brand new Chinese City and on top of expanding the scope of the game it would also feature the option for Co-Op there's a lot more that was revealed in that design dog so I encourage you guys to give it a read when you get a chance I'll link it in the description down below there was a shred of Hope for more Sleeping Dogs though as Square Enix play United fr games to work developing an online multiplayer game set in the games version of Hong Kong a game called Triad Wars it looked like it may have been the company's attempt at GTA online but after an announcement trailer and closed beta test that project would get canceled too and unfortunately united front games would close their studio in 2016 with that Sleeping Dogs of the series was effectively dead it's not even clear who owns the IP rights right now as it wasn't listed publicly as one of the IP Square Phenix sold to embracer group so either one of the Publishers might own it now all these factors make Sleeping Dogs such a tragic game in my eyes to see what I consider a masterpiece of a game become a flash in the pan that didn't become the next big gaming series seriously sucks it knocked it out of the park in its debut with a gorgeous take on Hong Kong solid gameplay mechanics a complex and interesting protagonist and a great story that pays homage to cop and martial arts films while it lacks the scope and size of GTA 5 I consider Sleeping Dogs this Superior game don't know if that's really a hot take or not seems opinions about GTA 5 are all over the place nowadays you can watch mine in this 4-Hour video here so join me as I dive into Hong Kong's criminal underworld and discuss the game so good I'd go as far as calling it a masterpiece and one that never got the glory it deserved oh before I do depending on when this video Drops video game holiday sales should still be going on which means you can buy this game and all its DLC for as low as $3 on steam or $5 on consoles do yourself a favor and absolutely buy it as even if you don't end up liking the game as much as I do for those prices and what's included it's an absolute steal and I'm doing a longer outro than usual this time around as I'm using it as a sort of end of thee wrap-up for the channel so stick around to the end if you want to know my plans for 2024 he's early I'm not [ __ ] blind relax old boy we're on the same side remember [Music] you he for yeah you got the money the game kicks off with our protagonist way Shen and his buddy NZ facilitating a drug deal with a local buyer things go south almost immediately when a security guard stumbles onto the deal and the buyer freaks the [ __ ] out and starts hacking the poor guy to Pieces the police watching the deal will spring into action to arrest everyone NZ and wey taking off and leading us into the game's first tutorial parkour several segments throughout the game will have you running away from or trying to chase after someone with way sprinting Non-Stop throughout the streets or inside a building leaping over obstacles climbing up walls and leaping over large gaps it's not quite as in-depth as a parkour and Assassin's Creed but it gets the job done and it doesn't feel janky like the chase sequences in Yakuza the game's verticality does add more to the exploration elements of Hong Kong as several hidden Collectibles need you to scale areas in order to reach them despite his best efforts wey is unable to shake the cops and runs right into an ambush it's Jackie for more Prosperity man oh [ __ ] Jackie M it is you I can't [ __ ] believe what are you doing here when did you get back while sitting in his jail cell no doubt stressing the life sentence he's going to get for dealing drugs way bumps into his childhood friend Jackie ma the two grew up together in Old Prosperity projects in Hong Kong before we's family left to live in America Jackie catches him up on what he's been up to now working for another friend of theirs by the name of Winston Chu Winston is the leader of the Water Street gang and is now a red pole a high-ranking member of the sin Triad his gang is a part of as Jackie is set free he tells wayy to hit him up when he gets out of jail and that there may be able to get him a job doing some work for Winston though it's probably going to be a long long time until wayy does get out it seems that the evidence against you has failed to appear how do you explain that you must be a very dangerous man way Shen that is exactly what we want people to think I trust that my men weren't too rough on you officer you might ask them the same question sir those guys are out of shape it paid off though I made contact with Jackie ma surprise turns out weey was actually an undercover cop this whole time though considering the game's marketing and the back of the box already gave that away I wonder why the devs bothered to try and hide it in the opening our protagonist way Shen is a Hong Kong native he and recently transferred to the Hong Kong Police Department after several years of working for the San Francisco Police Department due to him being raised in both locations weey had a good understanding of both cultures making him uniquely suitable for doing undercover work and infiltrating Asian Le gangs while he's mostly a by the book cop he developed a reputation for getting violent with suspects and after his sister Mimi died of a drug overdose became motivated by Vengeance to take down the Gang That supplied her the drugs this caught the attention of Thomas pendrew who recruited way into his plan to infiltrate and take down the sini I'm going to hold off on discussing his character for now as I want to wait for certain story beats to happen first we is voiced by Will youngan Lee who has a pretty long career across TV movies and games you most likely know him from altered carbon Hawaii 5 or working alongside Johnny Gant on the good doctor meanwhile we Superior pendrew is played by Tom Wilkinson who also has a long worksheet but I remember him as Carmine Falcone and Batman Begins and as Thomas Griffith in the first Rush Hour movie remember this for later now that wey has an option to get in with the sun on thanks to his buddy Jackie he's been task with getting close to Winston chew and collecting as much information as he can on the Triad his Handler on this case is Chief Inspector Raymond mock who's voiced by Brian man you know Ryu and Street Fighter of the movie and I'm going to kick that son of a [ __ ] bison's ass Soul heart that the next bison wannabe is going to feel [Applause] it I don't care what anyone says this movie is a damn masterpiece like Grand Theft Auto before it Sleeping Dogs has quite the cast of experienced actors voicing characters in this game and like I usually do I won't bring up every single one of them but I will mention the ones I recognize every now and then throughout the video Raymond has reservations about Way's ability to do his job believing his violent nature and Vendetta against the gangs he took down previously would make him a liability in this case pendrew isn't worried though insisting that wey is the perfect man for the job now that we know the plan it's time to H up our buddy Jackie wait sh man this is going to be great yeah thanks again Jackie I appreciate the intro no problem man by the way you know I tried looking you up a few years back but I couldn't find [ __ ] do they have internet in America I think they're getting it next year guess you were in prison or something Jackie sits at the bottom of the hierarchy when it comes to the sun on and Winston group The Water Street gang technically speaking the kid is more of an associate not an actual proper member of the gang when you first meet him while he's ambitious and eager to prove what he's capable of Jackie is held back due to being a bit dumb and not fully thinking through the schemes he cooks up he effectively serves his way sakate little brother/ sidekick throughout the game Jackie looking up to his former friend due to his capabilities and the fact he's the only one who treats him with respect as the game goes on he'll slowly grow more confident and capable due to Way's influence slowly winning over the other gang members here reminds me a lot of Shinji from Yakuza or Ria from Yakuza 3 with just a smidge of Jesse Pinkman as they walk through the streets Jackie will inform way of how Winston Now controls the night market but is constantly pushing back against his former friend dog eyes now a red pole himself he's gotten greedy and has been trying to take Winston's territory he's also another person they all grew up with the way has a less than Savory history with dog eyes Jackie also lets slip that the sunon are extremely we of new faces at the moment as they recently discovered that there was an undercover cop in their midst said cop met a very long and painful death at the hands of the Triad a fate way himself can look forward to if he ends up blowing this job once Jackie finishes catching us up our little buddy will stop to talk to his sweetheart J and we'll need some help defending her honor once some [ __ ] show up to start [ __ ] get off him I don't care who you are let go of Jackie I'mma [ __ ] you up time for the Combat tutorial Sleeping Dogs melee is your standard beat him up Affair making use of different light and heavy attacks to pull off different combo moves you know I've heard a lot of people compare Sleeping Dogs combat to the fighting system in rock steady's Arkham series and that's not really the case on the surface it may look similar but once you start a fight you'll see there's this constant flow to combat with Batman effortlessly moving between enemies moving faster and hitting harder the longer his combo goes on yeah you have different takedown options that can remove multiple enemies from a fight and to keep it from mashing one button over and over you need to be on top of countering enemies or stunning others in order to open them up for attacks Sleeping Dogs by comparison is a lot slower and simpler being closer to the Yakuza games in terms of enemy encounters outside of using combo moves to trade blows with whoever you're fighting or attacking them with various melee weapons you can find you have the option to Grapple them which is the only way to break through guarding enemies once you got your hands on you can hold them in place to wh on their faces toss them into another enemy or run with them before smashing them into a wall or another object enemy attacks can be countered rather easily actually as they'll glow red as they're preparing to attack you giving you a really generous window to block their move and hit them back though if you try to counter before they attack you weey will instead open himself up to be hit for a few seconds unlike the Arkham games there isn't a large variety of enemy types that need different approaches to dealing with them there basically only two first is the standard enemy type and second is the big beefy boys who will soak up more hits and can't be grappled unless you stun them first otherwise they'll grapple and slam you to the ground while this ends up removing some strategy to fights it leans more into being flashier and a bigger spectacle similar to the martial arts films that inspired the game depending on where you're fighting there'll be various environmental hazards you can take advantage of to quickly take someone out you can drop a shutter on them kick them into a phone booth shred their face by shoving it into a fan impale them on swordfish heads and much much more they actually remind me a lot of the interrogation kills from The Punisher game to keep it from being too button mashy you can unlock better and more powerful combo moves that make crowd control easier and let you hit multiple opponents at once I'll Circle back to the extra moves in a bit as there's a few ways to unlock them overall I find the combat fun and satisfying it's not very challenging but it never feels frustrating either it can feel a bit repetitive especially near the end game but does its best to stay entertaining and not bore you after taking care of those goons working for dog eyes Jackie and wey will head over to the golden koi a restaurant owned by Winston's mother and we'll meet the leader of the Water Street gang where the [ __ ] do you think you're going relax man this is wayy way Shen I told you about him remember [ __ ] we can't keep track of your [ __ ] friends Jackie no Outsider he's not an outsider he's from old Prosperity like us hoie all day Jam why is old school you know I grew up with the guy old Prosperity huh think I'm going G I've been on vacation y Jackie said you were looking for people oh Jackie no no no no no no no you should have seen it Winston we just beat up like 10 of dog eyes guys in the market by himself Hi man they attacked us despite some push back from another gang member named Conroy way manages to impress Winston when he hears that he took out several of dogy guys Winston will send him out to work with Conroy while he has Jackie stay behind to learn more about their old buddy way we'll have to go through a brief initiation that serves as a tutorial for countering before we're formally introduced to dog eyes and it was just getting interesting too Winston my old friend so good to see you how's your family huh what do you want dog eyes oh Winston wait wait wait brother I just came to talk to you man for Old Time sake let's work something out here okay we can share the night market huh we're both s both grown men we shouldn't be fighting like children hey who's the new blood this way you remember Mimi Shen back when you first started getting girls with big Smiley Mimi oh yeah first girl ever suck my [ __ ] so what W's your brother and I was the first guy who ever stabbed you you remember me now whoa whoa whoa whoa wait what the [ __ ] man seriously way I apologize I'm really sorry your sister blew me the night market is can't wait to inevitably kill that guy props to wa for managing to keep his composure dog eyes is one of the more memorable characters from Sleeping Dogs he's not your typical power hungry and ruthless criminal more a slimy and smug piece of [ __ ] he never misses a moment to run his mouth especially the wayy constantly throwing Jabs at his dead sister which Cuts even deeper as dog eyes was the one who got Mimi addicted to drugs in the first place which led Way's family to leave for America in order to help her get clean while initially Pres presented as a smug snake who avoids direct confrontation and uses dirty tactics to muscle in on Winston's Turf later event of the game will show there's no limit to how low he'll sink to get what he wants after he leaves Winston will order way and Jackie to go around the night market to collect protection money and remind everyone who really owns this territory but first i'm a bit parched time for a delicious Dragon kick energy drink you got a sale want good clothes for thanks hope you enjoyed it as much we did hey sexy man you want to clothes why don't you daughter around the map are various food and drink venders you can visit to get something to eat which will heal whey and also give him a temporary buff like increasing his attack defense or how fast his health regenerates oh and they all stack on top of each other too since they're relatively cheap to buy and easy to get to it's worth dining before getting into an encounter making that already easy combat that much easier also never forget a man who never eats pork bun is never a whole man after extorting the local businesses for protection money and getting into another fight with dogy crew we will have completed the first step in earning Winston's trust as the mission completes we're given the option to buy new clothes for way outside of trying to make them look stylish with unlockable costumes that make way look like Agent 47 or Adam Jensen or for some reason George St Pierre the right set of clothes will bestow various bonuses like increasing your attack defense or increasing the amount of experience you gain which Segways nicely into our next topic Sleeping Dogs leveling system at the end of each Mission depending on your actions weey will gain experience for his cop and triad score symbolized by three blue badges his cop score starts off full at the beginning of a level with wey being penalized from when he does things like destroying public property injuring civilians and fellow police or biffing it when trying to climb or jump over something while his Triad score is symbolized by three red triangles which starts empty at the beginning of a mission and is filled by way doing hood [ __ ] like Landing heavy attacks and combos using environmental attacks and straight up killing his enemies earn enough experience to level up your Triad or cop level and you'll get a skill point to spend for the respective skill trees the cop skill tree offers upgrades that make police work easier such as being able to instantly unlock cars with a slim gym or making easier to disarm suspects the Triad skill on the other hand will unlock more moves to use increase your melee damage and decrease the damage you take from melee weapons it's a much better implementation of True Crimes good cop bad cop system as it doesn't lock you into one play style and makes it worth it to behave more violently granted it's a bit harder to keep your cop score maxed out during a mission especially ones that involve driving as it's close to impossible not to crash into another car or hit public property but there are other ways to increase it that I'll talk about when they pop up in the story there's also a third type of experience that can be earned face XP colored yellow you won't get this type type of experience during main story missions and is usually handed out by doing the side content with the optional missions known as favors being the main source Mark as little yellow speech bubbles on your map fers tend to vary in their length and objectives which can be as simple as delivering food for someone getting robbed after being tricked and having to chase down the Deep or helping out various members of your crew by giving them a ride out of enemy territory or helping them fight rival gangs increasing your face level will first unlock the face meter in combat which will slow SL fill up as you use combos to take out enemies once it's full and activated Way's health will start to regenerate and he'll be more intimidating making enemies more likely to back away from him and stop attacking for a brief moment from there as you increase your face level you unlock upgrades that improve the effects of foods and drink allow wayy to disarm opponents when the face meter is activated and a valet you can call to deliver your car wherever you are on the map you can increase the amount of face XP you can earn using clothing accessories and more expensive clothing and cars are locked until your face level is high enough so it's worth engaging with the side content when you can in order to unlock those better face level bonuses and especially the car valet swinging back to the main story Winston has more work for us a dealer by the name of Ming who he was offering protection to has stopped paying him and has switched sides to work with dog eyes so he needs way to find him and make an example of him finding Ming in the Night Market will'll chase him around for a bit before fighting him and his friends unfortunately all the Mayhem got the attention of the police who bust away and lock him up again o Shang I'm inspector Tang you have quite a rap sheet here multiple arrests in San Francisco alleged ties to organized crime and now you're here enforcing for the son Oni this upstanding officer of the law is inspector Tang who goes into the whole you need to do more with your life and stop being a criminal routine with way before pendry shows up and lets her know that he's an undercover officer as your Superior officer officer I'm instructing you to release this man but sir I have it on record that he son on ye I understand that I can't simply just cut him loose I mean you're asking me to release a criminal with known connections to the Triad and not only is it against sake Tang he's one of us what Jesus pendrew let me get the door there are few badges outside who didn't hear you it's all right way we can trust her trust her I just met her congratulations tank so now you know despite Way's apprehension and letting too many people in the department know he's Undercover warm up to tang and offer to help with her work referred to as cop missions these cases aren't part of the main story but need to be completed to regress the game you'll get four cases that unlock as you progress through the main story each case made up of a few individual missions since it can be tough to keep your cop score maxed out when doing work for the son on these cases along with smaller cop jobs work to earn more police XP along with unlocking some new clothes and cars for completing them our first case with inspector Tang has way assisting in taking down a big drug dealer by the name of Popstar wee will make contact with pop star after getting his location from that other guy Ming afterwards getting in his good graces by getting back some money owed to him the next lead in the case works as the tutorial for the drug bus side mission where wey will go into a given area beat up the local gang and then hack a security camera then you'll head back to his apartment where you can use his TV to check surveillance and bust the gang in the act of buying drugs not 100% sure how legal any of that is but I'm not well informed about Hong Kong la enforcement the final lead in the pop star case will unlock when you complete another drug bust you'll tail pop star using a chicken van and then covertly photograph him making a deal and killing his buyer the evidence enough to lock him up for good it'll be a while to the next police case so for now it's back to working with Winston and the son on meeting up with Jackie he tells us about a shipment of illegal Goods that dog eyes is going to receive way sees this as their chance to start moving up in the ranks faster so they decide to steal the good and give Winston a cut heading down to the docks the boys will jump dog eyes goons before they have to chase after them and the van carrying the goods guess now's as good a time as ever to talk about the driving and Sleeping Dogs it's fine cars handle well and I don't have much trouble making Corners braking feels a little weird though as the car tends to slide for a little bit when trying to make a complete stop also getting onto a motorcycle can feel annoying as wey has an unskippable animation he does every single time he starts a bike not a big deal outside of missions but in ones where you have to chase after someone it could be frustrating and have to wait a few seconds before you can actually follow them driving in this game does have some unique elements to it for one you can manually smash into other cars letting you damage them enough until the car is completely disabled the other option is what the game refers to as action hijacks where you have to get close to another car hold down the button so we can hang out of his car and once you see the green arrow press the button again so way can fling himself self onto the other car wayy will then position himself over the driver's side of the car yank the mount and take over the ride it could be tricky to pull off if there's too much traffic meanly as you might accidentally jump onto the wrong car but otherwise it's a fun little mechanic it can end Chase sequences faster and without causing too much collateral damage after grabbing the goods and finding out they were just knockoff watches we'll drop Jackie off to your Warehouse where he'll sell them off to a contact of his oh well got to start somewhere when it comes to selling illegal Goods right after heading back to his apartment for a good night's sleep the following day A striking young lady will catch Way's eye as he leaves his [Music] place uh excuse me do you speak English I like to think so enough to get by anyways you yeah I wait what do you mean oh yeah yeah I speak English I kind of guessed what can I do for you Amanda here is the first of several ladies that wake can after meeting them she's also voiced by Emma Stone of all people I'm going to swing back to how girlfriends will work in this game in just a sec but first I want to go over some other things introduced in this Mission first is the games Collectibles which most players probably would have discovered before this point scattered around Hong Kong you can find Health statues that we can pray at which will increase his maximum health when he prays at four of them and later five as his health increases next we got lock boxes that carry a decent amount of cash and sometimes unlock a piece of clothing for way the security cameras used for drug busts are also considered Collectibles also there's a DLC pack that adds red envelopes into the game that would give you even more cash though it's included by default in the definitive edition of the game the locations of those envelopes are now randomized though while not marked on your map not initially at least they're usually pretty easy to spot as they'll flash light when you pass by one which brings us to the last collectible the 12g Chinese zodiac statues which are tied to the martial arts school which is run by Way's former Master sefue can I help you yeah I'd like to sign up for some Kung Fu classes I read about your school in my guide book uh your guide book yeah it said you teach a style with a long lineage but in spite of all that it's still considered very effective you want to take classes okay and you did you also read about this place in some book well I I know you yes siuk I used to be your student I'm way wayen ah yes the one who went to America so you brought this girl back with you uh your skill level with girls very good now time to assess your skill level in Gung fu I love how sefue pulls a 180 from being rude to Amanda at first cuz she's a tourist to appraising Way's game when he thinks he wiped her up in America his martial arts school is where way can unlock his extra combo attacks starting off with the directional strike where he can attack in the opposite direction he's facing before way can continue his training he needs to track down the Jade statue stolen from Seuss's Dojo who will then teach him a new move for each one he brings the statues are hidden around the map with a few them only appearing in Mission specific locations but don't worry these statues aren't permanently missable though how you could miss them is beyond me as the game will always put them in your direct path during those segments but if you blow it you can replay the mission from the score screen in order to get the jade statues this does mean the better and stronger moves are locked until you get much farther into the game you unlock finishing moves that hit multiple enemies the ability to break a guy's arm or instantly stun them with the final ability being a powerful Counterattack in the form of the dim Mack what the hell is a dim Mack death touch blood sport is also a masterpiece of Cinema and I will hear no arguments to the contrary while some of the extra moves can feel a bit like Overkill during regular enemy encounters they do even the odds and give you a fighting chance if you participate in the optional martial arts clubs dotted on the map after ways unofficial first date with Amanda goes well he'll get her number and can call her up for another date girlfriend and Sleeping Dogs feel very underutilized if I'm being honest each encounter with one of them is more or less the same as you'll bump into one of the girls during a story Mission get their number afterwards and can call them for an optional date the date themselves vary but are extremely basic and don't need you to pass a speech check or do much to impress her in the case of Amanda here we're going to Victoria Peaks after hours when it's closed after bribing the guard wey will walk around with her and Snap photos of her with his phone for her blog impressed with his ability to take photos for Instagram which any of you in the audience with a girlfriend knows is way harder than it sounds Amanda immediately gives up the goods so uh was this like a date sounds good to me what do you think definitely I mean uh yeah yeah that sounds great well thank you for the date then so hey I have an idea oh really tell me more after sexing her real good waye will now be able to see nearby Health shrines on the mini map and then she vanishes from the plot never to be seen again which left me so confused the first time I played especially since they had Emma Stone voicing Amanda you think she would have had a bigger role in the plot as a way to market the game with Emma playing the love interest that way has to constantly lie to and cover up his secret of being an undercover cop while also protecting her from the dangers of working for the Triad but nope she's basically a glorified Cameo admittedly I'm fine that the girlfriends don't play a bigger role in the main story I had no issue with San Andreas doing the same thing but San andreas' girlfriend system was more fleshed out as he had to take girls out on multiple dates choosing things they like in order to raise their relationship value until you Max it out and gain whatever bonus they offered yeah being able to unlock the ability to see a certain collectible on the map instantly is useful but maybe you can unlock more clothes or cars if you continue dating them I don't know could just be me being nitpicky as someone who has sunk hundreds of hours into Persona 4 and five I really loved all the work involved in getting your relationship up with another character the small stories they'd have and all their interactions with the playable character not just whatever bonus or upgrade You' get for doing it it just feels more like something that was thrown in as opposed to a mechanic they put some real thought into that's it for the tutorials and dating for now so let's head back to the golden koi and continue our work for the son you done good you restored order to the nightm mark well he took a chance on me Winston I wanted to make sure it paid off you got the right attitude it's going to pay off for you you'll see Winston impressed by Way's abilities gives him his own minibus racket to control he just needs to take control of the route from its current owner dog eyes grabbing some of the boys will have to hit up some of the bus stops under dogy control taking out his men and stealing his former customers during this fun drive around the city Conroy that guy I brought up before will be giving away a lot of [ __ ] still suspicious of who he is and what his motives are he recounts the story of how they found the previous rat in the son on and how his refuser to a kill gave him away more or less repeating everything Jackie told us earlier Conroy [ __ ] talking doesn't phase away and we managed to finish the job without further incident our Antics and taking over the Mini Bus racket didn't go unnoticed by dog eyes as explained by Winston in the next mission the manager running club Bambam has stopped paying him protection money and is now siding with dog eyes so it's up to way to go and change his mind after getting past the bouncer and into the main club he needs to sweet talk the hostess and his next one night stand Tiffany in order to find Benny which he does by demonstrating his lovely singing voice during some [Music] [Music] karaoke assuming I played the audio in the clip and didn't replace it with a Yakuza song to avoid a copyright claim I like how way sounds like he's just a normal guy doing karaoke willan Lee isn't given this crazy singing performance just what you would expect from the average person who does karaoke I realized what I'm saying might sound extremely stupid but I'm so used to the top tier singing in the Yakuza series that I forget most karaoke singers are bad to average at best that's kind of the whole fun of karaoke seeing who in your friend group is the most toned deaf getting Tiff's number and finding out where Benny is will head upstairs get into a giant fight with a bunch of dog eyes that spills onto the dance floor and ends in the bathroom where Benny will see the error of his ways and go back to Team Winston coming back to Club bamb bam later for a date with Tiffany wey will sing for her again sex are good in the VIP room and now see the locations of jade statues on the mini map since we spent some decent time with the son y now it's time to check in with Raymond you're late Conroy is still watching me he's got a real hard on is your cover compromised well you haven't fished me out of the harbor yet all right how are you doing how am I doing [ __ ] Raymond where do I start there's a civil war brewing in the sun on ye Winston and dog eyes escalated practically every day don't you read mying reports I mean you personally how are you doing while we is certainly on edge he's got more issues to deal with as after you complete the first cop case and take down pop star Winston will ask him to drop by the golden Coy wait we've been waiting for you you guys smell something I do just a sexy G you know what happens to rats way uh yeah I I heard Conroy gave me all the details when he was helping me out on that Min so what the do you think you are huh you come in out of nowhere and suddenly our guys start to get arrested he ran it out pop star Winston I know he did oh you going to do no this [ __ ] right here is a snitch is that right M you [ __ ] WTH I sent you to pop star and now he's in jail yeah and who stands the game the most from that you're going to take over pop star's whole Kine racket now no more scraps for you you'll Supply the whole city with drugs you and dog guys popsar is gone but you're still dealing aren't you so who's supplying you are you guys actually listening to this [ __ ] he's a rat he's aing rat stop you're still working for that bastard aren't you wait where I swear always a dirty you get in this business for yourself you're bound to end up like little L you know what happens to rat he ran it outon I know he did are you going to do to what while way nearly managed to avoid blowing his cover he got to see up close and personal what will happen to him if he does since I haven't really gone into it now is as good as time as ever to talk about Way's character I brought up that he's mostly a by the books cop who can get a little violent at times it's mentioned in the in-game Case Files but remember how I said he wanted to take down the Gang That supplied his sister with a drugs chod on well he didn't exactly do it within the law as it's widely believed wey was responsible for gunning down the gang's leader two hat chin and that he personally tortured and killed Mingming Trin the dealer Who Sold Mimi the the drugs that led to her overdose while the game states that no evidence proved wey was involved it's also heavily hinted that the San Francisco Police Department may have covered it up so Raymond's belief that wey could still be on a vendetta is a reasonable concern despite that reputation he's actually very calm and a level-headed guy wey tends to deescalate situations talking down the more hot-headed Winston into taking less violent routes that will yield better results for him we's issue is less that he might sink to that low again and more the identity crisis he starts to suffer from as he gets closer to the son on it's admittedly a bit of a cliche as you see this thing happen a lot in movies centering around an undercover cop infiltrating a criminal organization where spending time learning about and bonding with the criminals he's supposed to take down he starts questioning what's more important his duty to the law or his loyalty to his new friends think Brian and his relationship with dom in the first fast in the Furious movie still the best one in the series as far as far as I'm concerned wey is a bit of a unique take on this Trope mainly because the people involved are ones he previously knew and grew up with spending time with his old friends and catching up with them he has a much harder time wanting to take them down you can even argue that part of the reason he tries to deescalate things is less to save himself from doing more unsaving things but to stop his old friends from going too far and to potentially get them a lesser sentence when they get brought down of course that would ignore anything they've done before came back but still the issue of him going on a vendetta does rear its head later but for different reasons and I want to avoid spoilers for now it's time for wayy to once again jeopardize his safety as we need to start bugging Winston and spying on all his going ons for the sun first we need to pick up the spying equipment from a techie chick by the name of ping can I help you with something yeah are you ping no there's no ping how about the owner then I'm the owner just not ping all right not ping I'm picking up hardware for orange Lotus you know it orange Lotus sure this is some pretty sophisticated stuff sure you can handle it I'll manage my numbers on the package you need a hand getting slot X into socket y give me a call smooth way real smooth not ping is his next girlfriend who after the obligatory date and sexing we Mark hackable security cameras on the mini map after briefly getting robbed and getting our bug back wee will need to sneak into the golden koi without being spotted in order to plant it we'll then get some quick little mini gamess where he has to unscrew a vent calibrate the bug put the vent back on and unlock the back do to escape before Winston shows up the little mini games remind me of the same ones from Chinatown Wars though they don't pop up as often mission complete it's time to risk ways cover yet again by working with inspector Tang on her next case this time around she wants help in taking down an illegal street racer by the name of Hot Shot really swung for the fenes with that nickname we'll call up our boy Jackie to see if he knows anything about the illegal street racing circuit and he says to hit up a guy by the name of Ace grabbing a fast car we need to beat ace in a race before we can learn more about hot shot and it's stupidly easy mainly because the game doesn't stop you from just ramming into the other racers in order to take the lead after after winning the race will now know how to find Hot Shot the next lead in the case having wayy bug the guy's car and Trail him to listen in on his conversation that guy NZ from the opening of the game makes a reappearance talking a lot of [ __ ] about wey and insinuating the hot shot that he might be a cop we'll have to do another race before the final lead in the case unlocks wey is set to meet up with Ace but when the guy's a noow you'll have to trace his phone to find his location which we do by running around the street till we get a good cell phone sign signal racing to his location we too late as he and his girlfriend were run off the road by hot shot in an attempt to kill him while he succeeded in killing Ace his girlfriend is still alive and with her testimony we can lock up hot shop for good after we trick him into racing us and lead him into a police Ambush police work complete for now time to get back to undercover work we'll get a call from Tiffany who was asked by another client to dispose of a gun and needs Way's help in getting rid of it the said gun belongs to Charlie Pang a guy working under dog eyes calling up Raymond to let him know about this important piece of evidence he'll set up a Meetup under an underpass though when we arrive we're greeted by pendrew instead who walks way through the crime scene of a recent shootout and Begins the shooting tutorial of the game due to the game setting of Hong Kong where guns are much rarer to come by than in the states Sleeping Dogs doesn't have a heavy focus on shooting gameplay in a similar fashion to True Crime Streets of LA that means you can't buy any new guns you can't pull out your pistol during a brawl and any new guns you come by during a mission get dropped and don't get carried on into the next one with the exception of some unlockable pistols you can acquire which I think is to the game's benefits as it allows for more Mission variety and stops you from steamrolling every encounter by pulling out your best gun as for the shooting gameplay it's fine but it's a bit iffy to start you got your standard cover mechanics snap behind an object and pop your head out to return fire or fire blindly over it while protecting yourself by vaulting over an object and holding down the left trigger as you do you'll enter a slow motion bullet time mode that makes it easier to land head shot and pick off multiple enemies the iffiness comes from actually trying to aim and shoot and I'll be honest I'm not sure if this is an issue with the PC version and using a controller with it as I didn't get the same feeling when I played it on PS4 when I'm manually aiming it can feel a bit stiff trying to move the cursor even when you're balting and things are slowing down other times the cursor seems to work off some kind of aim assist as it will lock on to an enemy faster and other times I have no issues at all and it works perfectly fine I actually went back and replayed a few of the different levels to try to get a better understanding of it and I think it has to do with the specific guns you're using pistols and guns with slower rates of Fire have that stiffer aiming while assault rifles and guns with higher rates of fire the aiming is much smoother I'm not sure if this was an intentional design choice and it's not terrible but it can feel wonky in the middle of bigger firefights especially when you switch to another weapon also enemies tend to be more spongy than I'm used to and your head shots can be inaccurate meaning you could end up firing several shots before it actually domes the guy you're shooting at despite that though shootouts aren't completely overwhelming thanks to the generous amount of cover objects you can shoot to cause explosions the fact you can abuse the vaulting slow motion and because you can disarm enemies if you charge at them and knock them down some of the perks in the cop and triad skill trees will also improve your aim and with one perk giving you stronger explosive rounds for your pistol you can also shoot while driving which actually controls surprisingly well I've never been a fan of this mechanic in other games like GTA it always felt so awkward trying to balance driving and shooting at the same time here thanks to the camera control and a larger cursor it's much easier to shoot someone you're chasing or who's chasing you and you can disable an 's car by just shooting out a tire which will cause things to slow down as you watch their car or motorcycle flip into the air ending these encounters much faster overall I think the shooting's fine not terrible by any means just iffy to get used to since the majority of Encounters in this game are hand toand you won't be in enough shootouts where it becomes a bigger problem if I had to take a guess shooting might have been thrown it later in development explaining why it feels a bit unpolished oh and this whole shooting tutorial we were doing with pendrew turns out we were actually staging a crime scene good firing way pendrew what are you doing I told you he wasn't important now he is he's going to help us nail Charlie Pang it's for the greater good way you understand call me crazy but I'm starting to think the police aren't any less dirty than the criminals they're trying to put away our newly acquired gunslinging skills get some immediate use in the next mission as the Civil War and the sunsong Y has escalated yet again dog eyes went after Winston's family shooting up the golden koi injuring some of the customers and killing two of his men though his mother luckily made it out okay boiling with anger he wants the Sweatshop dog eyes moves his drug through burned to the ground and a dealer by the name of shiwa who runs the place dead once again Wei talks him down reminding him that taking such a big source of money from the sunani could piss off their chairman He suggests burning the place down but keeping the dealer alive putting him to work for Winston and kicking the chairman a bigger cut he agrees to Way's plan and send a large group of boys to the warehouse to get the job done after fighting through half of the sweat shop and shooting my way through the other half we'll find seiwa and chase after him as everything explodes around us the local cops will greet us outside and seiwa will give us the slip and run off in a cop car leading to one more chase that introduces the action hijack mechanic dragging the guy back to a garage owned by Winston he'll thank way for all his good work and that [ __ ] Conroy apologizes for not trusting him hey man look I don't do this often but uh I'm sorry I was wrong about you you show your true colors tonight brother well all right looks like we're finally proving ourselves and starting to make some real moves in the sunon everything is coming up mhouse nothing can go wrong now oh hey Calvin what's up buddy what's up I got some bad news for you you know Tiffany from the club she been stepping out seeing that long finger Chow on the side what there's no way listen man I overheard her talking to him on a pay phone outside her place I guess she's keeping him off herself cell what Tiffany the love of my life cheating on me how could she do something like this to me after some legal wiretapping we confirm it's true and with Calvin's help he'll tell us when she goes and meets her other man thanks Calvin you're a real one I'll convince the department to let you plead to a lesser charge when I take downsi oh so the big Triad gangster is mad now only the big Triad gangster can sleep with other people whoa Triad I'll see you later who is this not ping person you think you can fool around on me and I don't care you didn't mean anything to me it was just part of work wow Tiffany cheating is one thing but going through my phone without my consent how can I possibly trust someone who doesn't trust me I think it's better that we go our separate ways oh well at least I still have not ping San I went by bam Club looking for you who's Tiffany you rat you cheating Pig I can't believe I ever fell for you I can't believe I let you do all those things I will never forgive you never just don't even try just don't even bother okay okay call me man you really can't find a good woman these days can you oh well who needs them they're just a distraction from my work for the sunon I'll just go to bed wake up recharged and go hang out with Winston and the homies this guy wants in he's going to have to show me some blood on his hands you show your true colors tonight brother you are an officer of theol meeting up with Winston his little war with dog eyes hasn't gone un notice by the chairman of the sunani uncle po he's called to sit down to get his side of the story and Winston will ask way to accompany him there the boss man is noticeably rattled as even by keeping seawa alive Uncle po could still punish or even kill Winston due to this whole mess on the way there he admits his frustrations in getting put into this situation in the first place proud of all he's built but potentially losing it all just because dog eyes got greedy and Winston couldn't stand down having grown closer and more confident in Way's abilities he asked him to look out for the rest of the gang in case something happens to him admitting he's far more capable of a leader than his other men a that's sweet Winston but hopefully it won't come to that unle po ah Winston come in sit down have some tea he and you young man must be way Winston speaks very highly of you Winston has been a good friend to me I've tried to do right by him I like the way you think that's the attitude that makes us strong loyalty discretion used to be more common it's been a while since we got ourselves another notable actor in this game with James Hong providing the voice of Uncle po fitting he would star in what was once game part of the true crime series as he was also the voice of ancient woo in Streets of LA and I think he played another character in streets of New York despite Uncle Po's kind demeanor there's a thick tension in the air as he has a reputation for being ruthless his polite demeanor slips when he glares at Winston when wey tries to give him all the credit for sparing and saving siwa and again when he insists that wey not argue with him and to just accept his gratitude he'll send him away to go work for an associate of his named Rand hoe who does deck collection leaving Winston alone with him and his adviser it really does feel like this could be the end for the guy even his uncle po starts off by saying that he understand Winston was provoked by dog eyes luckily he does make it out of that room unscathed driving out to meet Roland hoe the old guy offers we some advice after hearing about his situation with dog eyes here's a tip for you kid don't take on a boss in your own Triad unless you know for a fact someone else is going to back you up hierarchy is the only thing anyone cares about always have always will certainly some important info to take to heart anywh who he needs us to go collect a debt owed to him by a woman named paty Wing tracking her down chasing after her and taking out the guys she hired for protection will hijack her ride and confront her about the money she owes she apologizes and begs not to be killed offering up the drugs in the trunk of her car as payment for her debt returning the car to the impound lot we can now do debt collection jobs for Roland as a way to make some extra money afterwards wey will meet up with Raymond who grills him about what happened at the warehouse threatening to pull the plug on the whole operation though he calms down after finding out wey has personally met with Uncle Poe and is being marked for promotion Raymond still warns to reel things in as it could be disastrous if the media finds out a police officer is involved in creating this chaos heading over to the golden koi we'll meet with 's mother miss cheu her son is getting married and she asks wey a favor and helping the bride to pick something up for their wedding agreeing to help we'll head outside and meet Winston's fiance Peggy hello waye thanks for driving me around yeah no problem so where are we going the flower shop I still have to pick the color I want he won't believe how much work it is to get ready for a wedding we've been planning for 8 months now and there's still so much to be done I'm sure it'll be fine h it better be perfect my wedding has to be perfect damn what is a babe like her seeing a guy like Winston Peggy is pretty chill and a nice girl she considers wey and the other guys in the gang like her family insisting that he let her set him up with a girlfriend after her wedding she even manages to get along well with Miss jeu who took Peggy's side and sat Winston down one day screaming at him to start treating his future wife better after finding out he was neglecting her we'll First Take Peggy to the Bridal Shop so she can try on her wedding dress before receiving a text from Winston who says the van carrying their wedding cake was stolen probably by dog eyes Christ this guy is so [ __ ] Petty after finding the van and saving the cake we'll break into a sholon temple to steal an orchid so Peggy can use it as the centerpiece at her wedding everything in place for Winston's wedding will skip ahead to the big day a look at those two they look so great together I hope that they have many years together and that their first first child will be a masculine child [ __ ] hearing gunshots and finding some guests dead outside once way makes his way inside the main hall he'll discover that the catering staff were actually Triads in Disguise possibly their Rivals the 18K and are now attacking the wedding guests fighting and then shooting our way through them weey will eventually make it to Winston and Peggy but he's too late Winston [ __ ] oh God Peggy Peggy out of here CH she doesn't deserve this wion Winston [ __ ] [ __ ] Peggy got another one if you played sleeping dogs before chances are this moment and one other one has stuck with you the way it's stuck with me all these years this was basically my red wedding before the actual red wedding on Game of Thrones not only is it shocking but it happens just as wayy was growing closer and building a real camaraderie with Winston Peggy and the rest of the gang while things have slowly been growing more and more violent over the game this level of brutality is on an entire different level not only did the perpetrator cross the line by attacking Winston on what was supposed to be the happiest day of his life he broke the Triad tradition of not attacking during secret events like a wedding or a funeral which will no doubt mean War but also means the police will get involved due to all the civilians caught in the crossfire poor Winston you weren't exactly a saint but no one deserves to be gunned down on their wedding day let alone watch watching your wife get killed before your own eyes before you bite it don't worry buddy I'm going to hunt the bastards responsible and get revenge for you and Peggy fighting through the wedding hall we'll spot Uncle po who gets shot and chased by the attackers reaching him we will have to get the old man to the hospital before he bleeds out all the while fighting off the remaining attackers after getting him to a doctor and fleeing the scene wey will meet up with Raymond again he wants to pull him off the job worried things are becoming too personal for him with the of his friends which it certainly has now but with Winston Dead We has effectively taken his place as leader of the Water Street gang basically becoming the new red pole by default Raymond backs off again but it's only a matter of time before things boil over and wey loses control anything happens to me you look after our people okay get Peggy out of hereon she doesn't Mrs is Che I was just stopping by to see if there was anything you needed dropping in on Miss cheu to offer his condolences wey lets her know that he recognized one of the shooters and Promises to find him and get answers on why they attack Winston she has another idea though and asks him to bring the guy to her instead I wasn't sure who wey was talking about at first but it was this guy we saw who shot and chased after Uncle po a guy by the name of Johnny ratface after calling up Ricky Wong someone we briefly met before sitting down with Uncle PO he gives us the guy's number and we track him down to the docks after a very long sequence that has us chasing him all over Hong Kong we NAB him and bring him back to Mrs chew the rat face meet Mrs CH Winston's mother Asama I don't know what this guy told you [ __ ] I don't know what you're talking about you crazy old [ __ ] please it's all L wait wait don't leave me here she's fing crazy okay okay I'll tell you anything you want to know just please don't heading over to Club Bam Bam to meet with the boys they get into a discussion about what their next moves are and how they plan to get revenge on the 18K the sun's rival Triad who most believe were responsible for the wedding Massacre we isn't convinced it's them and and thinks some other group may want them to think it was 18K in order to cover their Trail their conversation is soon interrupted by the arrival of ponytail the right-hand man of big smile Le another red pole in the Soni with Winston's death he's there to let them know that all profits from the club will now go to big smile Le Wei however isn't done with that idea which leads to a giant shootout throughout the club which eventually spills onto the streets from there he and Jackie will chase after ponytail way going at it solo when their car getss taken out the mission ending in a one-on-one fight between the two tell your boss stay the [ __ ] out of my territory [ __ ] you way come on we after all that how did you let him get away running from the cops he gets saved by a mysterious person in a limousine once they make it to safety he's properly introduced to his savior broken nose Jang yet another red pole in the son on she reminds Wei that he'll need the backing of another red pole if he plants the butt heads with big smile Lee Jang is willing to be that person however she's concerned about the stability the sun Oni especially if Uncle po doesn't survive his injuries so an election would need to be held to choose the next chairman not so subtly asking for way to back her if and when the time comes as the only other option would be big smile Le who Jen feels will ultimately lead the Triad to ruin with his more ruthless ways since that [ __ ] Lee just shot up our club it's an easy choice to back her touching base with our little buddy Jackie we'll help him in getting the money owed to him from that scumbag NZ who I forgot to mention has been working as an informant for the Hong Kong PD this whole time but he's a shitty one who is still committing crimes under their noses since he knows wey is an undercover cop and could blow his cover we'll have to grab him and deliver to inspector Tang who will lock him up to keep him from snitching returning to the golden koi Miss cheu managed to get some information out of Johnny Rapace before turning him into soup and has learned who was behind the wedding Massacre Sammy dog eyes dog eyes did it is that what Johnny told you turns out it was dog eyes all along which I mean yeah no [ __ ] he and Winston were beefing through the entire first half of the game dog eyes was the one constantly escalating things and he's scummy enough to attack someone on their wedding day when they've dropped their guard hunting down dog eyes he had first thinks wey is after him because of what happened to his sister before wey tells him it's actually about the wedding he tries to bargain and make a deal with him offering to cut him in on the business he's running with big smile Le his pleas falling on deaf ears wey will fight his way out of the fish factory and deliver dog eyes to miss cheu what what the you doing huh wait wait wait wait wait sit down and shut the up Jesus I haven't been here ining years it's cool M I already ate hey what the you doing I'm not fing hungry oh what wait if you have a problem with me then let's sort it out ourselves okay we don't need to bring her into this sorry it's nothing personal just business oh God I'm sorry please please no no well I think this is a fitting end for dog eyes getting hacked to Pieces by the mother of his former friend that he killed I'm not so thrilled about big smile Lee taking the Reign and becoming the big bad for the rest of the game meanly because he lacks the Cockiness and personal connection to wayi that made dog eyes a compelling villain that you love to hate big smile Le is basically your runof-the-mill evil Crime Boss like they try to connect him to dogy actions but nothing outright says ordered the wedding Massacre it ends up benefiting him for sure what with Uncle pole getting shot but that seems more like a coincidence than something he planned for I don't know maybe there was some cut dialogue or content that would have tied him to the whole ordeal better oh well in the meantime we got another police case to take care of dropping in on inspector Tang she needs help in investigating a potential serial killer one who's been targeting Triads for the last 6 months heading down to where the local cops are holding his latest victims we find out one of them is our fellow gang mate Vincent uh who was he again oh this guy uh yeah kind of hard to feel anything here when the guy is basically a background character oh and I'm just going to speedrun through this case as we're not investigating a real serial killer but a crooked Doctor Who was harvesting organs and selling them on the black market for the 18K man another disappointing serial killer side mission after the last one in Watchdogs what the hell well let's just go and check in on Uncle po heading to the hospital he gathered his remaining red poles broken noosed Jang big smile Lee and his nephew Tu chin Sao and he guesses on why he's called that the son on Yi needs a temporary chairman until Uncle PO is recovered big smile Le tries to nominate himself for the job but Jang beats him to the punch and nominates tuin as she believes that since he's Uncle Po's immediate family he can maintain stability and carry out his wishes without any agenda the old man agrees while also asking his adviser pockmark to formally initiate way to become a redpole and that he also bring along any members in his group that aren't formally sunani yeah despite all the work we've been doing for them pretty much everyone under Winston was still considered foot soldiers and part of his gang but not full sunani Wei's initiation requires him to hunt down and eliminate a former dealer for the Triad one who refused to stop selling the kids and switch sides to the 18K telling Jackie the good news we'll pick him up to find our Target and things don't go exactly as planned despite saving Way's life and ensuring their promotion poor Jackie is shaking up after the shooting despite initially getting we in with Winston and his crew the kid never really went at this life hard he always tries to make his moves by stealing and selling Goods man never really took part in the more ugly work the gang does this is the first time he's ever killed someone and even if it was to protect his friend it's still an ugly feeling things will only get worse for Jackie to as after the gang are all sworn in and become official son wey will meet with Raymond who wants him to start investigating in associate of the Triads by the name of Sunny wo oh and to set up Jackie to get arrested so they can use him as an informant wayy doesn't take it well oh before I forget Jackie Ma we're taking him in Jackie from what I read in your reports he'll be a good source of info and it won't be hard to make him talk we'll need you to set him up for us that that makes no sense he's nobody he's a criminal way you're a cop I had to be a broken record but it sounds like you're getting attached I'm not getting attached I'm just I'm not a idiot okay he's part of my cover he brought me in he's the one who vou for me and now you're so high up you don't need him he's outlived his usefulness so we're bringing him in I'm taking this up with pend this came from pend taking him in accomplishes nothing and it makes my job harder I'm not doing it you don't have a choice all right it's a direct order yeah direct order well that's an order you can shove directly up your ass Raymond we want the red pools the lieutenants like Winston open your eyes Raymond I am Winston now that's what worries me way you're one of [Applause] them his superiors having forced his hand wey has no choice but to set up his buddy Jackie meeting up with the kid he tells us about a shipment of jewelry that the 18K are about to receive down at the docks on our way down there to steal from them he feels in that he hasn't been sleeping so well since he killed that dealer it also sounds like Jackie is starting to have second thoughts about this life too you could tell way actually cares trying his best to reassure him about what happened even trying to talk him into laying low for a while till he feels better hating himself and pendrew when he watches Jackie get ambushed and picked up by the cops at the end of the mission sometime later we'll get a frantic call from Ricky who needs way down at the hospital as the 18K are attacking the place is trying to finish off Uncle po despite having zero backup and fighting an almost endless Army of 18K Triads the pair managed to survive and protect the chairman Ricky points out it was just dumb luck though and with the Triad code deteriorating even more he believes things are going to get even worse that said we did impress him as in the next mission Ricky will formally introduce us to Sunny well Sunny is a shady businessman working with big smile Le running a legitimate operation as a a record producer and an illegitimate one creating porn using kidnapped women he asked way to show a record producer from America named King around Hong Kong doing just that we'll drop by a club called kbar and meet Way's next girlfriend a Russian Hostess named Ilana calling her after this Mission and going jogging for their date he'll sex her real good and can now see the locations of lock boxes on the mini map after showing King a good time we'll drop him off at his place and he and wey Will Make A Deal to distribute drugs from La returning to Sunny he wants wey to go pick up his newest upcoming Starlet a Girl by the name of Vivien who is also Ricky's girlfriend heading out to meter we're introduced to her friend Sandra we's final hookup and who is voiced by Lucy Lou like Emma Stone as Amanda it feels really weird they only have her in the game as a glorified Cameo more so since this game's root started as an action game with a female lead modeled after her you think they would have brought back that idea in some form now that they had the real Lucy Lou working with them any who after way calls her up and shows her how fast and furious he is on the streets and in the sheets she'll unlock more racing missions kind of a lackluster reward compared to the other girls especially since there's so many races dotted on the map already I get they were out of Collectibles and all the other optional stuff like the fight clubs [ __ ] fights and maang are already on the map but I don't know maybe unlocking her sweet ride would have been better after the mission ends and wey is done playing chauffeur he'll get a call from Ilana whose friend has gone missing this unlocks the final police case which involves a kidnapping ring I'm going to skip the finer details but Wei will discover a guy named Yar Li is behind the kidnappings and after asking Ilana to act as bait he's able to find the missing girls and get the evidence needed to put the guy away this case ended up making Ilana my favorite of Way's girlfriends mainly because she has a little more to do and you can actually get to learn more about her it's not much but it's something or maybe I'm just a sucker for a girl with a Russian accent who knows ah kind of you to join me care for some tea like like thank you meeting up with broken nose Jen she's not thrilled that Tu chin is getting so comfy in his position as temporary chairman especially since he plans to make it permanent if Uncle po dies since big smile will most likely kill him and take leadership of the sun Oni by force if that does happen Jen proposes an idea to have him step down voluntarily and force an election to be held she wants to take advantage of Tu Chin's drug habit upping the quality of his Supply and then having wey push him over the edge so he'll use again since the guy is extremely superstitious and heavily believes in fune Wei will team up with old salty crab jang's driver and break into Chin's house then once inside the'll move [ __ ] around in order to mess with him he doesn't have a huge role in the plot but I love old salty Krab he's a funny guy and he really gets into messing with tuin wait wa wait see that clock set the time 4:44 and unplug it that a freak of w 444 yeah this could work also he's apparently not Ping's Uncle though I'm not sure if that's stated anywhere in the main story as I only learned it during the DLC story which I'll briefly cover towards the end of the video after successfully driving a man into a drug habit J will call up with some bad news Uncle po has died well [ __ ] it'll be a bit until his funeral and the election for the next chairman is held so it's time to head back to Sunny wo arriving at his Studio to talk with them Ricky will hang out for a bit before leaving to a premere party with Vivian once he's out of earshot Sunny has way to break into and bug Vivian's apartment so he can keep an eye on all her moves and use anything he finds against her as she flakes her tries to quit breaking into her place W will plant the bugs and then avoid getting spotted when Ricky and Vivian show up using a USB to steal some info off her laptop he'll sneak out of there and then meet up with pendrew wanting an update on W's progress investigating Sunny well he thinks the data we stole could be the piece they need to take him down wey doesn't want to involve Vivian at first but laments and agrees to getting his boss a copy of what he stole but only if he frees Jackie which pendra agrees to heading back to his apartment to make a copy Vivien unexpectedly drops in Sunny sens her to take care of we but he's a real one and can't sleep with his buddy's girl much to her relief heading back to pendrew the mission closes as way time and the son on y has come to an end wait did you bring the video and Jackie done this should be all I need to put Sunny wo away for a long time and with Uncle po dead wait how' you hear about them good news travels fast I'll have Raymond range your debriefing congratulations way what are you saying I'm saying it's over you've done your job it's time to come in it's not over not yet way the son on ye is seriously crippled your mission was an unbelievable success I must admit I thought you'd be Happ big Smiley will take over it'll be even worse than it was under po I can't come in now I'm not finished yet I understand your personal reasons for doing this your history with the son on ye this is why I selected you but you've done more than enough those are my orders [ __ ] your orders and [ __ ] you too penu I came on to take down the son on ye not to shuffle the deck Shen you're making a mistake way the son on ye is Ser seriously [ __ ] big smileing will take over it'll be even worse than it was on Shen you're making a mistake [ __ ] your orders [ __ ] you two pend oh way good to see you man thanks for picking me up you joking of course I'm going to pick you up you're my boy you okay Jackie they treat you all right in there despite the heated exchange we had with his boss about being done with his case the old guy did honor his end of the deal and got our boy Jackie out of jail we'll get him hooked with a new suit and then make our way to Uncle Po's funeral during the drive he admits that while sitting in the joint he's had a lot of time to think about what he wants with his life he wants to leave the criminal life behind especially if the end of that life is getting killed Jackie isn't sure he's cut out for much of anything else but at least he wants to try maybe run run some kind of business with his girlfriend J that's the girl he was sweet talking near the beginning of the game and we haven't seen since also I'm not actually sure if she is his girlfriend now but he brings her up a lot arriving at Uncle post funeral there aren't many people there outside of the red PS Jackie Ricky and pockmark I kind of figured the death of the chairman would mean that every member of the sun on would be in attendance but I guess not they probably should be though as the 18K have shown up as well and are itching to start some [ __ ] only the police and pendrew pres keeping them in line that is until they conclude their business and arrest sunny w hey you you can't do this here it's a [ __ ] funeral goddamn police why don't you show some [ __ ] respect huh why don't you the 18K are about to do this city a great public service and anyone who stays here deserves everything they get pendrew leaving we in the the rest of the sunon to the Wolves they're on their own as they have to shoot their way out of the cemetery this is the first mission to give you an explosive weapon as wey will snatch a grenade launcher from one of the 18K it blows up stuff real good after making it to safety the red pole leaders will get into an argument about instating a new chairman immediately despite big smile Lee's push to instate himself he's forced to back down when Jang and Wei insist they follow tradition and have a proper election though he not so subtly threat everyone there that electing anyone but him would be disaster for the Soni a threat he promptly carries out in the following Mission getting a texts from Conroy and meeting up with them bigal Le has declared war attacking all of the sunon controlled businesses demanding they back him as chairman in the election or die after driving around to push back against his forces we'll go and meet with Ricky to convince him to turn his back on sunny and big smile Le he's aggressive at first thinking that we had stuck with Viv but when the two of them confirm wey turned her away something Ricky didn't even do when she was forced to approach him he settles down Vivian explains the cops have a video of her with Ricky and they're threatening to release it if she doesn't testify against Sunny her safety on the line if Sunny finds out Ricky agrees to side with wey and keep her safe with sunny wo out of the way that just leaves big smile Lee to take care of wey will get a call and meet up with Raymond afterwards he tries to get him to leave his assignment and come back clean now that he's cross pendrew there's no telling what he'll do it's very likely he'll expose that way as a cop and ensure he gets killed before we can formulate a plan on what to do next he'll receive a call from Jackie Jackie not now I'm busy Mr Shen we have your friend so listen very carefully you'll receive our instructions follow them if you want him to live look it's Jackie I need to go wait wait oh yeah I forgot all about Jackie after the chaos at the funeral I didn't realize that he was nowhere to be seen when everyone got to safety his abductor will send wey a location on where to meet which predictably is a trap as the 18K are waiting there to Ambush him after taking them all down getting the phone off their ring leader Horseshoes and using it to trace the location of another guy zwa will'll chase after him and get his phone to finally find out Jackie's been buried alive on magazine Island ah [ __ ] I hope it's not too late calling up old salty crab in order to get his hands on some heavy artillery we will hop on a boat and make his way to Jackie fighting off an endless wave of 18K goons until he finally gets to the island Jackie Jackie [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] man you [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] are you okay [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] manal I'm right here brother thankfully they only buried Jackie alive so we made it in time before he ran out of air on the way back to the mainland he explains that big smile's guys grabbed him at the funeral this entire experience vindicating his decision to leave the son on ye for good wayi supports his choice but ask him to come to the election and testify what big Smiley did which Jackie agrees to the following day Jackie will text Wei wanting to meet up and well let's just let the scene play out Jackie Jackie the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh my God Jackie [ __ ] Jackie [ __ ] oh Jackie my poor Jackie you didn't deserve this like the wedding Massacre this is that other tragic scene from Sleeping Dogs after having just saved his life I'm sure most players would have assumed the kid was going to make it especially since it was such a close call but then bam it pulls the rug from under you not only killing Jackie but in a much more brutal way than Winston and Peggy you can't see it cuz I had to censor it for you tube but the poor kid was gutted his inside spilling out of him when way finds him and he was heavily tortured before they finished him off they didn't even kill him to shut him up just as a means to get the way such a heartbreaking end for a kid who was so damn close to turning his life around hello Mr Shen or should I say officer Shen my name is Mr Tom perhaps you you heard of me [ __ ] you I'm no cop when Way Comes to he's been beaten up pretty bad and is now in the torture chair himself coming face to face with Jackie's killer the sonon infamous Mr Tong he explains how they tortured him revealing to the kid that wey was an undercover cop though Jackie refused to believe it and stayed loyal denying any attempts to confirm it was true Mr Tong plans to torture way until he admits he's a police officer using his ession to a shame broken noosed Jen and ensuring big smile Lee becomes chairman it doesn't seem like they actually do know he's a cop just working off rumors so they need his confession Tong immediately gets to work on wayy slicing him up smashing his toes with a hammer using a [ __ ] power drill on his leg this guy doesn't [ __ ] around he gives way a break when he passes out but we'll come back to continue his enhanced interrogation techniques unfortunately he breaks movie villain rule number number one don't leave your henchman alone with the hero or else they might get away as [Music] such way finding his second win and activating his health regen will now fight his way out of the building beating up everyone in the first room before shooting his way throughout the rest of the level until finding that bastard Mr Tong and getting his revenge for Jackie I'm sorry Jackie [ __ ] Lee [ __ ] the election you did this Lee and I'm coming for you [ __ ] heading to big Mal's location it's another big shootout throughout the docks and then his restaurant killing his right-hand man ponytail surviving a Point Blank Range hit from a shotgun and then chasing after big smile Lee one last time leading into a final battle surrounded by a ring of fire just like in True Crime Streets of LA you [Music] [ __ ] you're done piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] how does it feel pig to know that your boss sold you out pend you [ __ ] your way almost as bad as you [ __ ] Jackie you were supposed to die with Winston dog eyes blew that and that poke guy Tong [ __ ] worth but that's okay cuz I am going to enjoy killing you myself [ __ ] you man this final fight is super underwhelming like I'm glad it's not the frustratingly difficult fight against General Kim in Streets of LA but man there isn't really much here you can't attack big smile Le normally and can only damage him with a counter and since the window for a counter is huge it's easy to hit him so it's just a much slower fight than usual oh well the way we finish him off more than makes up for it [Music] though all this dirty business finally over with Raymond will check in with wey thanks to big smile Lee we now know for sure pendrew blew his cover unfortunately since we turned him into ice chips we have no testimony to prove it with pendrew now up for promotion and heading to Interpol no one would listen to a word against him it's a bittersweet ending while we managed to stop big Smiley he was nothing but a puppet this entire time and the true Mastermind got off scot-free except not really as when wey returns to his apartment he finds a package sent to him from broken nose Jang it's Hospital footage from the day of Uncle Po's death turns out he didn't die of complications from his gunshot he was murdered by pendrew the two of them had a secret Arrangement made ages ago Uncle po gave up his Triad Rivals the three tigers in order to make Pen's career in exchange he would let the old man and sunny continue their operations without issue allowing the sin y to gain more control of Hong Kong and grow even more powerful however now that pendrew had bigger plans on moving up to interpole he needed to clean up any Loose Ends which meant a resting sunny and killing Uncle Poe eh I'm not sure how I feel about this reveal on the one hand I never even considered the idea Uncle po was murdered so it's a nice Twist on the other hand how did Jen get her hands on this footage and it seems a little stupid for a schemer like pendrew to risk incriminating himself by carrying out Uncle Po's murder it feels like things moved a little too fast here to ensure pendrew goes down and not end the game with a bittersweet ending what would you like me to say whatever I did I made Hong Kong a better place I serve the greater good with pendrew aspirations Up in Flames way gloats that he'll spend the rest of his life in prison though it might not be a long life as his new prison buddies know he's a cop and that he killed Uncle PO with that the game comes to an end as wayy speaks with inspector tang and decides what his next move is so what are you going to do now I don't know job's over but I don't really have anywhere else to go strange to say it after all that's happened but Hong Kong kind of feels like home yeah but which Hong Kong officer and what about Wayan he proved himself to be loyal to me one way are the other and isn't that what really matters leave him be yes I'm J drive all righty before wrapping up this video and summing up my thoughts on the game as a whole I'm going to briefly go through the DLC I know I ended up skipping the DLC for Watch Dogs so as an apology I'm going to do a shorter video review for that in the future as it really deserved attention first of the DLC is Nightmare and North Point which brings a spooky spin on the game setting the Restless spirits of the Dead have escaped hell and are running a muck in Hong Kong thanks to the machinations of big scar woo a former red pole in the sun Yi who's come back looking for revenge in life he was too ruthless and out of control so Uncle po ordered his execution with big smile Le's enforcer ponytail carrying out the deed he and a group of of guys would run him over stab him over 42 times and finally grind up his body at a cat food factory and as one final [ __ ] you to him they made sure to preserve his pinky finger denying him proper rest and so his Spirit would never find peace in the afterlife man what did he do to make them [ __ ] that mad like for real his demise is so excessive and Petty I really got to wonder what he did exactly that pissed off Uncle po that much after everyone in the Underworld found out how he was turned into Capo they started calling him Smiley cat the name of the brand and Factory where his corpse was ground up hating his new nickname and everyone making fun of him in the afterlife he broke out of Hell seeking revenge on the Soni and since most are dead by this point he settles on tormenting way and kidnaps not ping who I guess is his Canon girlfriend Smiley CAD has summoned an army of Jang XI and Yao gu to help him since we can't exercise them by chanting y Mo guu f z he'll have to follow uncle's other advice instead magic must defeat magic after drinking a special tea that replaces his face meter with a sort of chi meter wayy can now fight back against Smiley cat's Undead forces teaming up with the ghost of Vincent you know that one guy in the main story who was killed for his organs weey will stop the spirits of the underworld save not ping and put an end to Smiley cat once and for all overall it's a fun DLC and probably my favorite of the three reminds me a lot of what Rockstar did with Undead Nightmare and Red Dead Redemption it's just painfully short with a runtime of about an hour so it doesn't really get to explore the new ideas it introduces the same problem plagues the other two DLCs next is the Zodiac Tournament an homage to Game of Death and other' 7s martial arts movies unlike the other two DLC which can be started right from the main menu for this one you have to go to the starting mission ingame to access it we will participate in a mysterious Martial Arts Tournament on a far away Island putting his kung fu skills to the test you have to fight some of the best fighters around in order to win and make it off the island alive probably my least favorite of the three while it does introduce new opal statues to collect and unlock a new mixed martial arts fighting style it's again held back by being way too short and the final DLC is year of the snake taking place after the events of the main story and the only one of the DLC that could be considered Canon it starts with wey being demoted to a regular Beat cop after doing some regular police work he'll end up butting heads with the Doomsday cult that believes the world will end on Chinese New Year and to facilitate said end of the world we have been ordered by their mysterious Master to carry out various bombings all across Hong Kong so it's up to Wei and inspector Tang to hunt down the cultist uncover their plans and bring a stop to the Master's Plan before innocent people get killed during the Chinese New Year celebration this one was a bit of a mixed bag while I like this storyline most of the missions felt very repetitive and it really didn't do much different from the main game overall I like the DLC but I would have preferred one bigger content expansion as opposed to these three smaller slices turning Nightmare and North Point into a bigger story like undead nightmare with tons of new demonic creatures to fight and new mov to unlock would have been so much better to sum up my thoughts on Sleeping Dogs as a whole it really is the definition of a jack of all trades it does quite a lot of things good some great even but doesn't necessarily Excel or reinvent anything and I'm totally okay with that like not for nothing when did being a jack of all trades become a bad thing not every game needs to redefine the genre or be the best in that genre it's absolutely okay for a game to be an eight or even a 7 out of 10 experience I use the word Masterpiece a couple times throughout this video and when I say that I don't mean Sleeping Dogs is perfect or Flawless when I call a game a masterpiece it's because it created a fun and memorable experience where the positives far exceed the negatives to me the last game I reviewed Watch Dogs was a fun game with engaging mechanics a decent open world and with some memorable Side characters but it was dragged down by its seriously flawed protagonist in Story sleeping dogs flaws however aren't big enough where it drags down the entire experience I wasn't big on big smile Le being the big bad or how abrupt the ending Fields with dealing with pendrew but they don't distract from or ruin what's good I like way as a Agonist Hong Kong is gorgeous its open world isn't too big and it has just enough to find something to do outside the story the combat is simple but fun the shooting is a little iffy but not terrible or frustrating the story was strong enough to make me care about its characters what happened to Winston Peggy and Jackie has stuck with me ever since I first played the game it's got a lot of what makes Yakuza popular and why I like that Series so much it's a game that got so much right on its debut [ __ ] GTA 3 had a lot of flaws when it debuted but it still ended up being popular and redefining gaming as we know it similar to my other favorite games I consider masterpieces like San Andreas Chrono Trigger Final Fantasy 10 Mega Man Legends sleeping dogs created an experience that's stuck with me and I love returning to it time and time again it might sound hyperbolic but that's what makes a game a masterpiece to me I'd like to point the finger at Square Enix for killing the series and not greenlighting a sequel but I don't know that I can remember this game wouldn't have seen the light of day if they didn't buy the publishing rights from Activision they needed to see some return on investment so if they barely broke even they may not have wanted to take the risk which sucks but that story has been told hundreds of times in this industry especially during the PS3 and 360 era where tons of series and Studios crumbled under the cost of HD gaming Sleeping Dogs should have been the foundation for a new big and popular gaming series with Mill millions of units sold one that could be a proper rival to the GTA series instead of being a flash in the pan one of aind experience and that's the video thanks for watching man I am absolutely exhausted if I'm being honest I don't think I ever properly recovered from my burnout during the GTA 5 video despite my best efforts to relax and do some smaller videos to get me back in the swing of things I still felt partially drained the last few months don't get me wrong after haven't lost my passion for this at all but it was starting to feel like it was taking me longer to get my videos done even if I was hitting my goal of two a month my scripts have taken longer to work on partially because of writer's block and also because I was driven to be more comprehensive and not just feel like I'm narating the entire game to everyone trying my best to be more in depth with my discussions of characters and story moments Beyond just a surface level observation I'd like to think I've succeeded in some part in doing that but there's always more room for improvement I've also been trying to improve on my vocabulary cracking open a thesaurus every now and then so I'm not repeating the same phrases over and over though I purposely avoid using too much flowery language my approach to speaking is to keep it feeling natural and how I actually speak in casual conversations like I'm your buddy telling you about this sick new game I just discovered as opposed to sounding like I'm doing a book report for school it's a hard balance between sounding relatable but also being comprehensive in my discussion but I've been happy with it for the most part though I want to inject a little more of myself back into the scripts and sound less like your average game reviewer I'm going to expand the type of games I cover as while there's still plenty to talk about in the world of open world crime Sim GTA like games I want to dip my toes into other genres too the positive reception on The Walking Dead video has pushed me to look at the other season and other Telltale Games I'll probably take a look at The Wolf Among Us before I do season 2 of The Walking Dead though if you saw my poll on my Community page you know I want to start covering Final Fantasy games and it looks like the majority of you want me to talk about about Final Fantasy 7 first which admittedly I'm probably biting off way more than I can chew by discussing what many still consider the best Final Fantasy game if not the best game of all time more so because the game has been talked about to death at this point but I'm eager to take the challenge especially because I don't have the same attachment to the game that other fans do and honestly I really like the direction that remake is going in don't worry I'm not going to come in with a contrarian point of view trying to act like it's overrated I absolutely agree that it's an amazing game it's just not my favorite Final Fantasy or even the best in my opinion that's Final Fantasy 10 I won't say when I'll do the video on it I want to take a slightly different approach than I usually do but also want to avoid doing a box standard review too I'll need time to think about how I want to do it and want to give myself plenty of time to work on it but I'm hoping the result will be enjoyable if it works out I'll use it as the template for future Final Fantasy and RPG related videos so it better get hundreds of thousands of views and likes or no Final Fantasy FY 10 review for you guys just kidding obviously going back to the stuff that falls more into my normal content I'll move on to Mafia 2 soon I think I'm ready to jump into talking about Hitman I'll probably go with blood money since it was the first one I played in the series and dive back into GTA covering the original two games and GTA advance and of course I'll be talking about GTA 6 too I just need more trailers to drop that give me more to discuss outside of the graphics I also want to do max pain it's another game that's been discussed and analyzed to death but I think my reviewing style will be enough to bring something different to the table rip James mcaffrey I want to finally play The Darkness do something on blood rain and the suffering and of course return to Rockstar Games library and cover Red Dead Redemption hell maybe I'll go back to Pokémon I really want to do a video on gold and silver so I have a lot of ideas for 2024 and I'll try to find a nice balance of content that will get all of you interested I can confidently say that 2023 was an amazing year for me I'd go as far as saying it's the best year I've had in like a decade not just because of how much the channel has grown but in my personal life as well for the longest time I felt like I was just going through the motions never feeling particularly ambitious or with any real goal in mind I just kind of figured I'd move from job to job and that'd be it find something stable that pays the bills but not really fulfilling but then the channel started to take off and suddenly I had something I was passionate about hard work actually felt fulfilling now and was paying off I've said it before but I can really see a future in becoming a full-time YouTuber I'm going to wait until I absolutely ready but I'm hoping to make that leap next year I know AdSense can be unreliable so I'll finally get around to doing a patreon and fleshing out the membership options more think I'm going to add the option to watch videos early and uncensored to make YouTube memberships more enticing also I'm going to try and finally commit to streaming next year too part of the reason I haven't is because it's it's pretty crowded in my house so it could be tough to stream without being interrupted I think I'll try streaming late at night on weekends like after 10: p.m. or something and see how that works out for the most part it'll be chill streams of me playing games of already covered for the channel or collecting footage for upcoming videos as more GTA 6 News trickles in and More Trailers drops maybe I'll do some streams discussing my thoughts and what's shown and what I want out of the game oh and I'm going to do it here on YouTube and not twitch rather keep everything on one platform and not make you guys sub to me on another website random question but what do you consider the best video I've done might be an out there choice but for me I think it's the mafia video it really pushed me to try something different and compare two different versions of the same game measuring each of their strengths and weaknesses second place is probably the Walking Dead since the point and click mechanics are so simple the video was strictly focused on the story and characters I had to slow things down understand what the story was going for analyze the characters and understand their various point of views I like the way I do videos I feel it suits me perfectly but there's always room for improvement and I think I can use that style to review games without feeling like I'm just narrating or bloating the runtime and I guess that's it I'm going to take a few weeks off to properly rest and catch up on my backlog of games might be able to finish Phantom Liberty and sink some decent time into balers Gate 3 huge thanks for getting the channel to over 50 5K subscribers and for helping San Andreas become my first video with a million views on it hopefully it'll be the first and more to come GTA 4 is getting kind of close so if you guys want to watch that while I'm gone that'd be great keep an eye on my community tab for any updates or to see whatever I'm playing follow me on my Instagram too if you like I'm going to try and be more active on it again and check out whatever video of mine that gets recommended here at the end have a happy New Year and I'll see you guys in 2024 I'm fuzzy slippers and I'll see you later [Music] peace
Channel: FuzzySlippers
Views: 150,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sleeping Dogs - 11 Years Later, sleeping dogs, square enix, wei shen, dog eyes, jackie ma, Hawaii Five-0, united front games, triad wars, sleeping dogs 2, gta, grand theft auto, watch dogs, hong kong, rush hour, true crime streets of la, lucy lui, will yun lee, james hong, emma stone, pc, ps4, definitive edition, dlc, nightmare in northpoint, zodiac tournament, year of the snake, fuzzyslippers, fuzzy slippers
Id: dnLWzguEBbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 5sec (6365 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 31 2023
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