Sleeping 8 Hours vs 0 Hours - What happens if you don't sleep

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I want to know our sleep affects your everyday life so in the next three days I'm gonna run an experiment on myself I'm gonna sleep eight hours the first day four hours the second day and the third day I'm not gonna sleep during each day I'm gonna take the same three tests and at the end of the experiment so we're gonna compare the results what's up shakes this is the first day and the first test is gonna be all about physical and words we're going to see how many dips I can do before falling unconscious to the ground if you're not familiar with dips basically from this position I'm gonna go down and up put up and down let's do it it was probably 17 second test now I'm gonna say to test the ability of my brain while I was playing with the bars my great team thank you very much has found the perfect and professional test online reaction time test when the red box turns green click as quick ears again let's try 385 doc 91 percent which is pretty good I think the second test visual memory every level a number of tiles will flash white memorize them and pick them again after the tights are result if you mistreat eyes on a level you lose one life you have to relax great number memory the average person can remember seven numbers and ones can you do more alright five twenty eight twenty eight twenty five sixty over if you if you sing the numbers it's easier now it's time for the third and last test idea and absolutely boring video of myself doing absolutely nothing basically I'm gonna have 30 minutes to make something happen in post-production I don't know what creativity test I'm gonna try my best yo [Music] [Music] okay guys so far so good I'm gonna just wait a few hours and then I'm gonna city because if I wake up in the middle of the night I will have literally nothing to do this place where I live is a little bit sketchy by the way today I've had really good I usually sleep seven hours so it was like everything fine it's time to sleep right now first 33 and I'm gonna wake up at 8:30 to understood that I'm losing a lot of time doing absolutely nothing thinking about nothing let's see how my body works today let's go to the park let's see what I can do with four hours of sleep I felt like I was about to pass out but I did more dips around the Sun honestly let's see how it goes with the next test reaction time test reaction time 399 is Gupta visual namely this time I made 13 which is way worse than yesterday and also this one was pretty bad so he mentally I'm definitely worse than yesterday creativity test this is the video and in this one I do absolutely nothing alright I have to remain notes I really opened not gonna create an obscenity like yesterday yes are literally burning this time okay [Music] I think someone punch me in the face I didn't notice that but hey guys it's 10:00 p.m. right now the original plan was to spend this night without sleeping but right now I can't I'm so tired bro because I slept for hours last night so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna sleep eight beautiful hours tonight tomorrow I'm gonna do things and then I'm gonna spend tomorrow night without sleeping I really hope I've made my point see you tomorrow night it's tomorrow it's about 10:00 p.m. I think I'm gonna spend all the night editing this video [Music] I'm so tired in one hour I'm gonna go training by the way guys today I wrote a lot of videos for new videos it's gonna be always bigger and better believe me I'll try your best 638 I'm gonna go right now for sure the ceiling the morning is beautiful and I feel like I have to try let's do it I'm about to die but that was not bad I have to go there I feel like an idiot I can't keep my eyes open I can't speak English I don't see anything I keep forgetting what I was doing the second before my way let's try the test reaction time is bad visual memory he was not bad at shaggy so last one number memory creativity test yes I'm gonna sleep when I wake up we're gonna compare the results I probably slept 12 hours and it's finally time to compare all the results as you can see sleep didn't affect the number of tips but sleep made a huge difference in the energy left after the exercise the first day I had a lot of energy left the second day I didn't feel really good and the third day I thought I was about to die but away probably the first day there was something wrong so yesterday I shred again after a full night of sleep and I did 20 dips and after that I worked out for an hour about the creativity I don't know what to say let me know in the comments which video you liked the most sleep at the huge impact on the reaction time the last I sleep the longer it takes me to react we can to say the same thing about the memory so what is the moral of this story you need to sleep to be awake Mike Shaykh see you
Channel: Mike Shake
Views: 4,816,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sleeping 8 Hours vs 0 Hours - What Happens If You Don't Sleep, What Happens To Your Body And Brain If You Don't Get Sleep, sleep deprivation, sleep, mikeshake, what happens to your body and brain if you dont get sleep, what happens if you don't sleep, what happens if you don't sleep for a day, what happens if you don't sleep for a week, what happens if you dont sleep in minecraft, no sleep, sleeping, sleep experiment, sleep challenge, Sleeping 4 hours a day, not sleeping for a day
Id: jHstgVlI0Dk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 15sec (435 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 10 2019
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