Neville Goddard - Invisible Things

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Tonight’s title is “Invisible Things.” When one thinks of Jesus, they see a man, or by any other name, maybe they see God, but they see a person, something visible. When we read the words, “We have found him of whom Moses in the law and also the prophets wrote, Jesus,” one thinks of a man. It is my hope tonight that you’ll find him and you will see he is not a man. “The invisible things of him are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made.” You read that in the 1st chapter, the 20th verse, of Romans. They’re understood by the things that are made…“even his eternal power and Godhead.” “That they may seek the Lord, in the hope they may feel after him and find him.” So he’s not far from every one of us, “for in him we live and move and have our being.” That you find in Acts, the 17th chapter (verse 27).

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[Music] welcome to the reality revolution i'm your host brian scott today we're going to delve into a wonderful lecture by neville goddard called invisible things delivered on february 8 1966 a rather short lecture with some news stories and examples but a very powerful question and answer session where he discusses everything from astral projection to some very specific questions on the promise that many of us have asked in the past invisible things by neville goddard tonight's title is invisible things when one thinks of jesus they see a man or by any other name maybe they see god but they see a person something visible when we read the words we have found him of whom moses in the law and also the prophets wrote jesus one thinks of a man it is my hope tonight that you'll find him and you will see he is not a man the invisible things of him are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made you read that in the first chapter the 20th verse of romans they're understood by the things that are made even his eternal power and godhead that they may seek the lord in the hope they may feel after him and find him so he's not far from every one of us for in him we live and move and have our being that you find in acts the 17th chapter verse 27 so we'll take it from here and try to develop it for you christ is called the power and wisdom of god he's referred to in scripture as the word of god we're told he was sent by god we're told my word that goes forth from my mouth shall not return unto me void but it must accomplish that which i propose and prosper in the things which i sent it isaiah 55 11. so he sends his word let us look up the word word in hebrew it's dibar d-a-b-a-r it means to arrange figuratively to arrange words into speech to commune to promise so you sit here and you have a request you take now a request and you form it into a sentence you are communing with self for this that you are doing you are doing it and yet i and my father are one the one forming me is forming out of himself for in him i live and move and have my being so i stand here and you tell me a horrible picture but now i'm trying to arrange in my mind's eye the solution of that problem if i can extract the solution of the picture you just paint it then i have him for his name is jesus his name is to save he is the savior can i commune with myself and so trust this feeling that i can actually say to myself i promise how it is going to be done on this level i do not know but it will be done i simply take a sentence implying the fulfillment of my dream my desire and having arranged it i have the word i have jesus i have found him now i send it he will not return unto me void but he must accomplish that which i propose and prosper in the thing for which i sent it i am a person and he and i are one so i'm not going to deny the right of anyone to think of him in terms of a person he is a person gotten person sourced person received so i say to them yes a person but i then am he i conceived it all in my own imagination and trusted completely in this presence which i am myself to see some greater way to do it the whole vast world is myself pushed out the whole vast world is but response it can only respond it does not initiate so it tells me constantly that i am sending it out into being i'm only sending myself sending him to accomplish that which i propose and he never fails his name shall be called the word of god thy word is truth the word dabar is simply to arrange words so they form meaning when they form the meaning i commune with myself and then say to myself is it done and actually speak to myself it's done when i can say to myself it is done and actually believe in this communion it's a command so the word dabar means to command to arrange arrange words so they form speech to commune and to promise we have all these definitions in your james strong concordance so this is the word that was in the beginning that all the invisible things of him from the creation of the world were clearly seen being understood by the things that are made yes even his creative and eternal power and godhead so i see what i am doing from this invisible reservoir they're all present everything in the world is i simply single out that which i want to form into a meaningful word and then send it all i do is wait wait for the echo wait for the response and it must come i am speaking from experience it will come if you can sit here this night and shut out the obvious and carry on this conversation within yourself communing only with self and then as you commune you just say is it done it's done and trust it implicitly for faith is trust in god holding god trustworthy it's your own being but you're seeing this world from a higher level you're not seeing it here at all you're seeing it from an entirely different world a higher level altogether you're seeing the thing done it will impinge upon you upon the whole vast world anyone it can use to give birth to the word it will use without their consent without their permission without their knowledge it doesn't need the knowledge of anyone for they are all itself pushed out now all i ask of anyone here is to try it if this takes from you jesus i wouldn't take jesus from anyone i'm trying to give jesus to the world i'm trying to show man how to find him how to find jesus far from taking jesus from the world first of all i couldn't do it and i wouldn't do it i'm not breaking down idols i'm not here to break down your ideals but to show you who jesus really is so when philip said i found him found him of whom moses in the law and also the prophets wrote jesus what did you go to see a man a man wearing what a soft garment those who wear the soft garment are in the kingdom they are in king's houses unseen don't go looking for a man called a holy man called jesus you'll never find him if anyone says look there he is don't believe it you'll never find him not that way but you will find him in yourself in your own wonderful creative power and the day will come you will awaken to discover you are the being called god you and your creative power called jesus christ are one you'll find him so here the word you can construct it tonight you don't realize what you're doing maybe but you're actually sending jesus on his way if it is a saving word if it's not a saving word and you believe in it you must fulfill your command and you'll hit him he takes upon himself all of the blows of the world in man's ignorance if it is a saving word you send him he said i've come to do the will of him who sent me and he who sent me i am one with him john 4 34 but you are sending yourself really when you send what you have constructed as the word so here in scripture from beginning to end he brought everything into the world by word by this word all things were made and without it was not anything made that was made john 1 1. you can ask for something through the human channel and you may ask in vain it may never come if you're depending upon this party or that party the other party don't designate the party just commune with self and let him take all the parties of the world that can best be used to bring about your objective if the one you said must be the one him alone and he drops before your eyes and you bury him are you going to give up hoping are you going to give up your objective because the channel that you selected is not the channel all these are the channels and so you simply commune with the self and let it go so tonight you will find this most practical right down to earth you simply this night single out a simple simple objective it may be a fantastic thing but you make it simple because you trust god not a thing is difficult to god and yet you and he are one but you are doing it and seeing it from a higher level remember everything is easy from the higher level it simply appears on this level when it appears it seems so natural that you might say to yourself well it would have happened anyway but it would not have happened it could not happen without a cause and the cause was the word that you sent you do all kinds of things and all of a sudden you turn to him every one of us forgets not just little lin to be reminded by her father three times in a day everyone forgets the teachers forget no matter how big they are in the eyes of the world they forget the one and only god and the fundamental sin is lack of faith and i am he that's what we're taught the moment i forget i go astray now the phone rang twice today many times really but two most important calls total strangers i said i'm closing on the 25th put my affairs in order and go get my tickets and go only 48 hours ago i did what i'm telling you to do instead of trying to arrange them here seeing that things are in order here talking to this one and that one would you do this in my absence would you do that and all these things just simply turned within not to one person in this world as though i talked to another but there was no other trusting this presence implicitly knowing all along it was myself in self-communion so i just simply assumed within myself that the whole thing was done the morning the bank called we have a draft for you for a considerable amount alright i did nothing this is not the time for it but they had it for me came home having put it in my bank phone rang again it's boak we were notified to notify you that tickets are waiting here for you at your pleasure come in and get them you can go today tomorrow or next month go when you want the only one to whom i turned was myself i did not turn to anyone to put anything in order so out of the blue and one does not depend upon the other the most generous dividend is independent of tickets that's a gift so i say everyone in this world is serving all you need to do is trust this inner communion it's yourself this whole vast world is yourself pushed out so when i say all things exist in the human imagination i mean that literally all things are going to exist there they begin and end there but everything and you are all imagination and you and god are one and you gradually move from a god of tradition to a god of experience moving from a god of tradition where your fathers taught you of a god on the outside to find him on the inside and the jesus of history is your ability to simply take the word and form it into meaning commune with it and send it on its way in complete confidence that it's done and it's done so the invisible things of him are clearly seen by the things that are made i know from what i'm seeing what i must have sent on the way and somewhere wisely or unwisely i constructed it and then sent it on its way so i say to every one of you here tonight don't let anyone tell you that you are less than someone else that you are a young soul that you are this that and the other as you are seated here and you say i am that's god believe it now if you came here this night really believing as you should in jesus let me tell you who he is and if perchance you were raised in another faith and the word offends it would not offend you after you know who he really is he simply is the word that god sends into creation and that word you send if you send it well then you know who you are so here try it tonight i'll be back on friday you should be able to tell me your wonderful stories yes between now and friday if you really believe him you'll tell me because it happened just have to commune with him like a friend we're told he spoke with him face to face just like a friend with a friend that's all that you do doesn't take you more than a half minute to do it just no time at all if you believe if you believe in the reality of these unseen states then i thought of young carl jung the last book that came out about him after he was gone and the day of the funeral of a very dear friend of his he was in bed and suddenly he saw in his mind's eye he said it was not an apparition but i saw him clearly my friend whose funeral i had attended that very day but trained as i am i said this is an apparition but why should i said he take my friend and treat him this way suppose he is here i should give him the benefit of the doubt and say to myself he's real the moment i credited him with reality he smiled turned around led me to the door through the garden up the street to his home several hundred yards away and there he pointed out a book one of four the titles of the four books convinced me of at least survival for the whole thing was based on they survive the next day he was so curious he walked up to the street to the window and asked for permission to see the library as he got in there just as they were in his vision there were the books he took a stool and took up took one away and there was the title the title he had seen just the night before when he gave his friend credit for being real if he had said it's an apparition i mustn't treat this as i tell my students not to treat these things as real therefore i must not treat them as real the moment he gave it reality it became real and acted independent of his perception of it and led him to where confirmation of what he was thinking would be found in tangible book form that was young carl young's latest book so i say you can't see this make it real he didn't see it with his physical eyes he saw it in his mind's eye gave it reality and it acted as something real now you if you don't see it you're communing don't see a face there is no face to be seen it's your face and you don't see your face say if you look into the mirror so you're communing with self and you give to self the power the creative power to externalize this communion and it does [Music] so tonight you try it we have just a few lectures left five to be exact closing on the 25th and whenever we get back i'll let you know we have no plans beyond the 25th close the 25th and take off a few days later but in the meanwhile don't forget it don't turn to other gods don't turn to any outside god don't turn to any holy man there aren't any no holy man on the outside if anyone should say to you look i found him there he is don't go no holy man no little icon no outside god the whole thing is taking place within you you must put him to the test the extreme test to prove that you too can send the word and it cannot come back to you void if it can't come back to you void and you sent it and you knew exactly what you've done then who are you only god speaks the word when he speaks it and it fulfills its purpose then who are you he said my name is in them his name is i am so you try it tonight tomorrow night until it finally becomes a habit and you live by it if perschance you should forget it my prayer is that you will not be for long that you'll come right back to it again you may not have a father like little lynn to remind us but you could pick up the book from time to time and be reminded of who you really are you're here to bear fruit and bear it abundantly let no one tell you be satisfied you have enough that this is all right just eke out the days and wait don't let anyone tell you that if you have a hunger satisfy it satisfied in this simple simple way no one will be hurt because when you do it this way he isn't going to hurt anyone for he's not going to hurt himself so if you say i want this that and the other for another all right he won't be hurt if you want it for another ask a very simple question would i want it for myself if anyone gave it to me would i want it yes well then do it and whenever you do it lovingly you're doing the right thing all day long you can create create lovely wonderful things for every being in the world spend a half minute just a few seconds rearranging words when we speak of the ten words of the cross the shortest is made up of two i thirst then we have three it is finished we have those that are nine where each sentence that has meaning is called a word so there are ten words on the cross but none is made up of a single word it's made up of the very shortest of two words but i thirst conveys meaning it is finished conveys meaning and so these words though many words are in scripture the word the word of god you are called upon to take all the invisible words and make a word and speak it into meaning when you speak it you give absolute trust to self though invisible to mortal i you're in communion with self and from that higher level it sees all and can do all now if you're here for the first time it may seem strange i'll give you a chance tonight with your questions to make me clarify the point if i have not actually given you a concept of jesus that is true and you don't think it's true you hold me here until i clarify it for you i tell you that what i spoke of this night is the true jesus so if you could ever say i found him i have found him of whom jesus in the law and also the prophet spoke and it's not that jesus you haven't found him if you found a man you haven't found him no matter who you look for that's not he you will find jesus as the creative power of god the wisdom of god it is the power to fulfill the purpose for which it was sent and the wisdom to do it just send it on its way in confidence that it can't return void today in all of the papers last week's observer they said protestants have reached the crossroad they will either now become the most radical body in the world or return to rome they do not believe in god that's what the writer said filling up two full pages of the weekly paper called the observer very well written they write books saying god is dead and then all similar types all these professors that are in our great universities teaching our children that god is dead they have the slightest concept of who jesus is not the slightest concept of who god is so they want us all then to return to rome for we're headed towards being the most radical body in the world that's what they're saying but don't believe it the word the real word is that bible you read it extract the word the meaning extract all of the messages that it holds for you and then test it come test yourself and see do you not realize that jesus christ is in thee unless of course you fail to meet the test that's what we're told in corinthians 2 corinthians 13 5. don't you realize that he's in you the average person would say to that if he's honest about it no i don't but if you said to him now come and sit with me what would you like and then he tells you then you say don't tell me audibly but close your eyes and talk with yourself as though you were two and then say to the unseen one is it all right is it done and imagine he said to you yes it is done and say thank you and go your way you have found jesus and you found his father who conceived the words you say i did well you're the father of them aren't you you can't deny you're one with him no so i and my father are one yet my father is greater than i for he conceived it he rearranged the structure of the mind and then i asked is it done and he said yes and i believe him implicitly now wait and see if in 24 hours 48 hours in the not distant future it works then you found him moses spoke of him yes moses spoke of him in the law no one understood him they took the law literally on the outside something external the prophets too oh yes they spoke of him and finally i found him and to have found jesus and not let him go as we are told in the very end of the drama now that you have found me don't let me go but let all else go and they held on to him they came into the garden and there he was and when he said whom do you seek they said jesus he said i'm jesus and they all fell john 18 4 when they regained their composure he said whom do you seek again they replied jesus he said i've told you i am he now that you have found me let all else go it's put into a dramatic form as though a man is speaking to a man just as though i am asking you tonight to commune with self as though there were two and yet they are one so in the end i and my father are one and i send my word and then watch it fulfill itself in my world the end of these lectures neville would give two minutes of silence and then have a question and answer session there's a long one after this one so we will give two minutes of silence followed by the question and answer session now let us go into the silence [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] question recap different ways people have reported to you the way they use the law neville says last friday night what lynn did that's a way you know what you've done with the trees and you looked beyond the obvious and saw what was not there to be seen then you didn't ask him to cut them down he cut them down didn't he that's a way getting out of the army was a way you know that way bringing to me a very big generous dividend far in excess of what i even thought is a way i simply talked to myself and thanked myself for it it was cabled not even by letter well there are as many ways as there are people what is best for one isn't for the other how do i simplify it and bring it to a point where it's so simple that a child can do it tonight is very simple communion with self he doesn't have to be an einstein doesn't have to be a giant it doesn't have to be some fantastic person just a child a child could do what i did if it could believe in the reality of the communion so i said last friday it is my aim to raise you to a confident faith in imagining that's my purpose one can only lift himself up to believe in the reality of that unseen imaginal act it's done but the average person will say what little me i couldn't be that powerful i don't have the background intellectual social the financial none of these you don't need any background question neville i'd like to give a testimonial to this wonderful truth i'm a singer and i wanted to be on the art link letter show and you're supposed to have somebody introduce you so just in my imagination i thought well i don't know who's going to do this but i imagined i was already on the show and i'm singing on our link letter show so today i got a surprise telephone call from a friend and she said i didn't tell you but a month ago i wrote a letter and you know i borrowed a photograph of you i said yes she said the 16th of february you have an audition for the art link letter show neville says well thank you now that's another technique question i didn't know how i didn't do a thing but right in there pointing to the head my best friend did it and didn't even tell me and i didn't tell her neville says all right that's how it works you see there is no such thing as two of us not in the real sense of the word that's israel's contribution to the whole vast world here o israel the lord our god is one lord so it seems to be diversity seems to be but in the end there is only one but thank you danny thank you very much by the way the cards of my friend freedom are at the door if you're interested we quickly picked out 200 names out of the 2000 question i don't know how even toward it when you speak of jesus christ what is the exception there christ jesus and jesus christ yes well paul interchanges them he speaks of christ jesus as often as he speaks of jesus christ so he doesn't really mean to when he speaks of jesus christ or christ jesus christ is really messiah it's the anglicized form of the hebrew word messiah neville is it possible for you to estimate the time of resurrection to the time of being born from above it's a matter of moments same night ascension that comes nine months later but resurrection that comes the same night comes first and your exit from the tomb is your birth as you make your exit from the tomb where you were awakened to be resurrected is to be awakened from a profound sleep a sleep that is so deep it appeared to all of the watchers of the world that you were dead awake you sleeper and rise from the dead ephesians 5 14. so when the lord awakes to find himself entombed he comes out the exit from that tomb he pulls himself out of his own body question inaudible not if i would analyze it for the gentleman you awaken in a tomb it's your skull you know where to push to get out at the back of the skull you push you start coming out like a little child only you're not a child you're a fully grown man you come out and when you are almost out you pull from here down you pull the remaining portion of you out of your own skull because although it's a tomb the minute your head goes through the opening in what is a skull you feel it here the symbolism is a huge big tomb a sepoka but when you start coming out of the big sepulcher you actually come out of here it's out of here that you're coming the base when you're almost out you pull and then you turn back and see this out of which you had emerged question well then isn't it a question of i have power to take it up and put it down that this is the sheet and i am outside of the sheet within the sheet but outside of the sheet i can lay it down take it up and put it down but this is a sheet and i am inside of the sheet you see this is not what a certain school of thought talk about called astral projection hasn't the thing to do with an astral projection i have had those through the years it's not that at all this is something entirely different it is your resurrection from a long long sleep everyone in the world is asleep until resurrected and who is not resurrected prior to that moment they are called dead will be revived restored to what is called life in a world just like this to continue the journey until resurrected then they enter a new age altogether they are above the organization of sex and the children the little child wrapped in swaddling is there the witness to the event they are there the story is true question what is the astral then astral just like this i haven't found it any different when i found myself out of this body attached by a silver cord i'm moving in a world just like this it is not heaven just as frightening and you're just as limited and can be hurt as you're hurt here no transforming power whatsoever in an astral projection question then purely psychic is that true it is well is that induced by meditation is that a preliminary too my first actual projection neville says was involuntary my second that took place the same night was deliberate i was in my room on 49th street and i felt the sensation in my head and the next thing i knew i was whirled out there i found myself on a beach i noticed this cord in my head having read and studied over the years about such things i concluded i am now projected i didn't know one person on the beach i knew no one they didn't seem to know me and i didn't know them i desired to go back and observe this thing from beginning to end to go right back into that body and come out this time consciously deliberately i no sooner desire to do it then i found myself back in the body the same sensation in my head this time i wanted to control it so i intensified it by imagining as i imagined the thing got more and more powerful and then out i went but having decided to control it as i whirled out i reminded myself i want to get right back in that room not in the body and observe this thing for myself i came back into the room and here is this body the face was covered by a cloud i could see the face through breaks in the cloud i looked at it it looked well it was neville and here is the same room the same pictures no change whatsoever i am in the room but i am out i walked into another room where my dancing partner's parents slept we had a three-room suite i tried to arouse them they couldn't see me i talked to them pushed them got no reaction pushed my dancing partner got no reaction everything was simply as it was but i to them was invisible i reasoned and i said i know i'm out there's the body therefore i should be able to go through that wall because i am not of this substance so i started couldn't get through the wall was as solid as that wall couldn't get through so i said to myself i'll rush and jump you don't seem to have any fear i was living on the 11th floor and there was no stairway i'm going to jump right through and i'm spirit wouldn't fall so i took off and left into space headfirst and struck myself so hard i knocked myself out back into my body then i said well what is this all about i should have gone through and then i realized it dawned on me i gave solidity to that wall i gave reality to all these things and what i give them they possessed it so the next time i got up deliberately to prove i was right standing in the room with the door locked everything locked i imagined myself elsewhere and like that i was where i had imagined myself to be and it was real like this that astral projection had nothing to do with what i'm talking about on the promise question inaudible the resurrection neville said is god's mightiest act the seventh chapter ii samuel the twelfth verse skip the 13th for that is an insertion 12th and 14th and here think of god himself bringing forth himself that he had imposed asleep upon for creative purposes question in other words a higher level was revealed to you that you could not possibly induce by yourself all that happened to me in those four mighty acts neville says we're all involuntary everyone not one did i deliberately conjure you can't do it it's grace you don't earn it just at a moment in time the time has been fulfilled and when the time is fulfilled it happens and you unfold question is that what the orthodox people call born again born again neville says yes but they interpret to be born again is simply a change of attitude towards life that is repentance but it doesn't say that if you repent that you will be able to aid god in bringing in the kingdom the kingdom is coming whether you repent or not but you repent to help yourself while you are in this world for to repent is to change your attitude towards life and any change of your attitude results in a change of environment and so i'm convinced by what has happened to me that fitness for the kingdom is the consequence not something that man has earned it's the consequence of the grace of god question there is nothing that we can do and it is an involuntary thing that happens to us obviously you are compelled to tell us this story what good is it going to do us the hearing of it if we have just wait why do we need it neville says lucy my dear tonight's story will aid you in getting anything you want in this world but if i didn't tell you god's promise and you owned the earth and all within it knowing the inevitable is death wouldn't life be empty so i tell you of the promise that's coming whether you die tonight or not you won't die that promise is going to be fulfilled and you are coming into an inheritance that is unblemished unspoiled that cannot be tarnished clothed in a garment that is immortal where you create above the organization of sex so i tell that to the world i know of nothing in this world more comforting than the story of the promise but to tell the world of this principle where you can go out and become bedecked with the honors of the world and then leave them behind to rot as we must to become a billionaire and then leave it all behind so what good would be the law he said no one is justified before god by law so you can use the law wisely and you should and do what you want with it have homes beautifully furnished live graciously in the end you leave it tell you the promise when you sleep no more the sleep is behind you question if this is true then it's just a matter of time a matter of just so many experiences then why are you you're the only person i know really that or maybe a handful of people wouldn't you think this would be happening to a lot of people because surely there have been lots and lots of people who have gone through all of this novel says in this audience tonight sits one who has had it but he's not inclined to tell it from the platform yes i know i understand neville i know that but wouldn't you think it would be more common and when it did happen more people would talk about it because most people don't talk about it this is what i'm isn't it strange that people wouldn't talk about this thing that has happened to them neville says you hear it you accept it on faith and you go your way confident the promise will be fulfilled but to be anxious why did he leave me out why am i postponed no one is postponed no one is left out question i didn't mean that i meant that the people that did experience because of what it is wouldn't you think that more people would be telling about it i don't know who is telling about it neville says no this is i don't know who's telling about it i really don't not everyone who has it is sent as an apostle question then that's it that's the answer i'm looking for not everyone who experiences it has the desire to tell it neville says he has the different values marked out in his letters he puts the apostle first the apostle comes first and to be an apostle there is one outstanding qualification to have seen the rising christ he said in the first verse the ninth chapter of the first corinthians am i not free am i not an apostle have i not seen the lord jesus christ to have seen him is to become him you become what you behold and so paul saw the freedom that was different and then he was self-sent you can have these experiences and not encounter the risen christ experience the birth you can't take that back the going up as a serpent you can't take it back the discovery of david the son of god as your son you can't take it back but you have been commissioned to be sent if you are sent you aren't an apostle question in the part of scripture where it says some are sent as apostle some as teachers and so forth do you know neville says you have it both in corinthians and in romans i think the concordance strong's concordance well then look it up and he puts the wise man at the very lowest the one who speaks in tongues the whole vast country recently was all up in the air about throwing themselves into a trance and speaking in tongues mumbling not one word understood he put that the last of all the apostle comes first and then he brings them down there are teachers they're down until friday and this concludes invisible things by neville goddard and we get a very very interesting back and forth discussion at the end of this about the promise something that i would have asked neville myself if the promise is going to happen to all of us why aren't we seeing a lot of people talk about the promise i have asked repeatedly for people to give me their story i've maybe had three people talk to me about their experiences with the promise i do believe that you can experience the promise almost entirely in your subconscious and not even know it perhaps but certainly a number of people related to neville had expressed this but it's possible that they don't have the desire that neville did to go out and discuss it we've never had someone like neville go explicitly and talk about the promise it's something that i want to understand and i don't know if he necessarily answered the question as completely as i wish that he would have we get an interesting discussion of the astral and hear very interestingly saying that you can be hurt and injured in the astral talking about the silver cord so if you wanted to know if the silver cord is a thing neville certainly is confirming that in this lecture and we get some classics here the discussion of jesus and bringing jesus out and an idea or explanation of the word and what the word is very interesting discussion of carl young in relation to being able to see and how reality is created when you solidify it i was really interested in the question and answer session uh i'm always interested in getting new information about the promise in general so i'd love to get your impressions of this particular lecture so many different new ones on the way in any case you can find all episodes of the reality revolution at the and welcome to the reality revolution [Music]
Channel: Brian Scott
Views: 30,641
Rating: 4.9231825 out of 5
Keywords: neville goddard freedom for all, neville goddard, feeling is the secret, neville goddard feeling is the secret, neville goddard imagination, neville goddard live in the end, neville goddard power of awareness, neville goddard scripture, joseph alai, brian scott neville goddard, neville goddard lecture, neville goddard bible interpretation, law of attraction, neville goddard states, God, Neville Goddard Invisible Things, Invisible Things Neville Goddard, invisible things, goddard
Id: 0lSQZqdCQNc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 44sec (2744 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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