Sleep Guided Meditation, Meet Your Spirit Guides Whilst Sleeping, Calming Your Mind Meditation

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hello my name is Jason Stephenson and welcome to this divinely inspired nighttime meditation it's a meditation designed to help you connect with three of your spirit guides and to then surrender effortlessly into sleep allow my voice to guide you through this journey opening your heart and the highest mind to the figures and messages that you are meant to encounter here so begin to soften your breath as we prepare for the otherworldly exploration before we begin I invite you to bring your body to a lying-down position that is entirely comfortable for you you may like put just your positioning with cushions and blankets warming and supporting yourself in any way you need just take a moment to gently scan the body releasing any constrictions you might come across perhaps in the belly the shoulders your neck or your furrowed softly invite the entire body to relax its posture as you open the chest gently take a few deep breaths here to settle into this position [Music] [Music] [Music] now draw your awareness to the physical body by tuning into your sense of touch without moving become more highly aware of the physical world that holds you notice the sensations present beneath your body at every inch of skin that is in contact with the surface below you [Music] expand your awareness by noting other physical sensations such as the way clothing or blankets feel against your body all the way the air around you touches your skin [Music] without judgment and without searching for anything simply practice opening your awareness to whatever the present state of your reality is draw your awareness deeper now tapping into a more visceral awareness of the physical body is it possible to observe any sensations or movements of energy within the cellular body can you sense the energetic body draw your awareness to your breath and begin to notice the way the outside world enters your inner world by the way of this life force observe any sensations that are present as you inhale and exhale notice if perhaps this awareness begins to dissolve the gap between the outer and inner world bringing you closer to a sense of harmony and balance feel yourself becoming more deeply connected to everything around you as you continue to breathe [Music] [Music] now tune in once again to the surface beneath you and imagine for a moment that there are sturdy roots beginning to grow from all the places that make contact with the earth feel these roots expanding permeating the surface beneath you and then slowly breaking through the rich dense soil beneath the earth's surface [Music] as you ground yourself into the physical world this way observe yourself being nourished by the nutrients and lifeforce that rise through these roots see if you can feel these roots feeding you supporting you and protecting you as you begin to feel more and more grounded in the space you are in gently allow this visual to dissolve knowing that the earth still supports you even without your attention held on it shift your attention now by drawing your awareness to the crown of your head feel into the lightness that is present here noticing perhaps a white or golden glow occupying the space where your mind and physical body meets the universe [Music] open your awareness to the invisible universal energies that permeate your being through your crown perhaps visualizing this descending energy as a golden thread as it enters your body this divine energy makes its way to every corner of your inner world inspiring and enlightening all aspects of your being rest in silence for a moment to observe this healing energy and lighten and inspire your entire being between the earthly energies and the cosmic ones you are now coming to witness your being as both human and divine both grounded and expansive just take one moment to observe this intermingling of the earthly in spiritual realms and then allow all visuals of this healing energy to disappear leaving behind a sense of deep connection to everything that exists around you [Music] awareness of the spiritual realm has now been unlocked you are open and nearly prepared for the journey you will soon make towards your spirit guides as we proceed with this movement into the spirit world I invite you to remember that you are always in control of this journey if at any point you feel uncomfortable or simply wishing to take your newfound knowledge back to your body you're always welcome to come back to the physical world by returning to your breath your breath is always available to anchor you to the present moment and will help guide you into a deep and restful sleep please know that you are entirely supported on this journey that the universe is offering unconditional love and support to you in this very moment just take a moment now to feel into this Universal energy by returning to your breath for a few moments of silence as you inhale feel your body and spirit being nourished with healing waves of energy and as you exhale feel yourself being cleared of all stagnant energy all fear all negativity and all that holds you back from your truest self open your heart to trust to healing and to awakening if thoughts arise at any point simply observe their presence and then gently release them as you come back to your breath and your awareness of the spirit world the crown has been opened and you are now prepared to meet with your spirit guides so let us slowly ascend to their realm with eyes remaining closed draw your awareness to the space between your brows this energetic region of the body often referred to as the third eye hold your capacity for higher perception it is the center of your intuition insight and wisdom just hold your attention here for just a moment and then slowly begin to envision a mystical and enchanted forest appearing within this space [Music] [Music] continue to breathe deeply as you visualized the trees shrubs vines and flowers begin to grow here expand your awareness to observe the insects that circulate through soil and air and the animals that call this place home allow this place to penetrate your soul enveloping you with a sense of peace and comfort and joy you to feel at home in this space so take your time to explore whatever is here [Music] out of the dense forest ahead of you you notice a pathway beginning to clear as if beckoning you to move deeper into the woods you feel safe and secure venturing that way so you begin to tread mindfully down the path notice the way the earth feels beneath your feet and the way the forest air feel was your lungs just ahead of you along the path you notice a bright white figure beginning to appear it is somewhat like a human form but is radiating in otherworldly energy [Music] deep in your bones you know that this is your first spirit guide you continue to move towards this spirits direction feeling drawn to whatever messages you are now sensing our present here take your time to observe this figure as you approach what energy does he or she exude what might he or she have to share [Music] finally you reach your spirit guide standing just before him or her you gaze into one another's eyes and through them your guide speaks listen closely to what is offered here without searching for anything simply open yourself to the teachings that are being offered open your heart as divine messages filter into your soul [Music] [Music] your guide extends his or her hand to you and you reach for it you sense there is another figure this spirit would like you to meet and so together you move further into the woods as you walk you are infused with your spirits energy becoming more empowered and inspired with each step that you take together see if you can feel all of your cells coming to life awakening to the truths that are being offered to you [Music] and once again you notice another beaming figure of light just ahead of you on this path take your time as you slowly move your way towards it observing whatever energies or characteristics are noticeable as you approach [Music] as you look into the eyes of this second spirit guide you feel a great sense of peace and calm come over you this spirit like the first speaks at a higher frequency than the earthly realm is accustomed to blessing you with this new inside take a few moments to rest with this spirit allowing the messages he or she offers to permeate your entire being [Music] now with each of these mystical spirits on either side of you you know that there is one final guide you are meant to meet on this journey the three of you continue walking slowly and mindfully through the dense and enchanted woods that surround you continue to breathe in the fresh forest air allowing it to reach all the way to the depths of your belly tune in once again to the textures and colors of the woods mindfully observing all the mystical creatures and plants that bring everlasting life to this place [Music] finally in the clearing ahead of you you see the third and final figure of light the spirit is glowing with arms stretched forward warmly you make your way towards this spirit feeling instantly renewed awakened and welcomed and as you finally meet this divine body of energy you reach your hands forward to meet theirs as you look into this third spirits eyes you are instantly filled with light peace love and clarity take a few moments to bathe in this experience allowing the highest message to come to you open your heart to whatever it is you need to hear right here right now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] in this clearing within the woods you and your three spirit guides come to form a circle hand in hand take a moment to look towards the first who came to you sinking more deeply into the message he or she had offered you [Music] [Music] now shift your gaze to the second spirit you met remembering the bits of insights that were infused into your being upon your encounter [Music] and finally gaze into the eyes of the third and final spirit opening your heart to whatever was presented to you allow this final message to mingle for a few moments with your entire being [Music] take a moment to thank each of your spirit guides and then gently allow them to dissipate back into the air of these enchanted woods know that they have not left you but they are always always within [Music] gently allow the entire forest to melt away as you draw your awareness back to your physical body [Music] notice once again the feeling of the bed or other support system beneath you and then reconnect with your breath to help ground you back into this physical reality nestled into the cushions and blankets that are there around you allowing them to bring warmth to body and spirit [Music] the messages that were offered may continue to linger for a short time but soon I invite you to surrender them back to the universe for the night knowing that they are never very far away let all thoughts go as you come back down to this very moment in time there is nothing you need to witness in this moment aside from your body as it slowly surrenders into sleep the positive and powerful insights you have encountered will return tomorrow but for now allow the body heart mind and solve the risk deeply into the physical world with your spirit guides always around you you can rest with ease knowing that you are supported unconditionally throughout this lifetime allow the following affirmation to lull you to sleep repeating these words silently and softly as you inch closer and closer towards a restorative slumber the universe supports me the universe supports me the universe supports me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Jason Stephenson - Sleep Meditation Music
Views: 2,175,365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sleep music, music for sleep, jason stephenson, meditation music, guided meditation, guided sleep meditation, meditation, meditation guide, meditation sleep, sleep, guided meditation for sleep, guided meditation for healing, healing meditation, guided visualization, guided meditation before sleep, before sleep guided meditation, deep sleep guided meditation, sleep guided meditation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 5sec (3605 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2019
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