you can't backseat a self-driving run (Slay the Spire)

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hey everybody welcome back uh we the last run was was just tight tight tight all the way up um like like tuco salamanca as mouth would say we're still moving on here i did win a run on the switch last night too not that i'm trying to brag i almost and again i apologize because you're not seeing the run so i'm like telling you a story you had no part of but um first off you extinguish the torches because we don't want to get hot or heated we want to stay cool then we bring back the green torch because the green starts with g which equals good which means we win also this uh starts with g which is the same letter gold starts with and we want as much gold as possible there's all these superstitions but they they work a hundred percent of the time sixty percent of the time um i basically got infinite energy on my switch run i got the uh and i don't remember the name of the relic right now but uh the one that in calm when you exit it gives you three energy instead of two that just plus like a ton of stance disable empty fist empty mind empty body empty mouths empty hearts talk about the passion track three on rem's best album murmur well and i don't know automatic for the people's pretty good too time out of mind get out of here okay i guess we're like two minutes in let's start the episode hmm i don't love any of these to start with but the other thing about it is that they are actually all kind of decent upgraded card goes straight to eruption been some scuttle but about whether i'm ignoring the eruption upgrade i guess i i think that you know sometimes i find that the cards we get early are maybe a little bit more beneficial to upgrade but i also can't deny that i never really looked at the idea that uh it's less that eruption costs one less energy when you upgrade it and much more that this means that you could in theory play one more attack so your range to get lethal on an enemy is 12 higher which is really good this allows you to get to 23 damage on three energy if you have two strikes sorry 33 if you start with vigilance then i mean you could do nine plus 48 which is just i mean that's just crazy talk um but i also think removing two cards like pulling probably just to strike and defend out of the deck lets you draw into eruption and vigilance faster but it does you know what that costs us our gold which is not that high but i mean we didn't have a decision that from my perspective really like stood out here uh so i think we we made a fairly sensible decision uh given the information available and it's less about uh certainly should have played the strike first there but it won't matter um is is less about like you know is this going to win us the game and more about like how does it fare next to uh the alternatives and i think compared to the alternatives there we were we were sitting pretty now here somewhat unfortunate but i i refuse to use a a potion this early i'm not saying i'm a perfect gamer some other people have suggested it they've largely been proven incorrect you know when my very next video comes out but uh i think if if anything i've been a little bit better at using potions lately like since we've come back to the series if only i could stop using the plated armor potion thinking that it upgrades all cards and vice versa i'll take a protect i i it's a bit of a gamble but having a okay let's do it like this having a um just basically a smoothed out block that we can play whenever we choose is very nice we don't really intend to enter calm i mean it's either fear no evil or crushed joints fear no evil is i guess uh better long term crush joints i don't mind having in the deck i think i probably underrated if i'm being realistic uh both of these enemies are one tapped and literally well i guess not if we're weak but we can at least do that i really feel like i'm settling into a groove as uh as the watcher i i know what i like it doesn't always work but i know what i like now i i don't like worship but it doesn't mean i mean now i'm realizing that a worship combined with a um an establishment is kind of interesting uh but i do want one of these cards i just don't know which one yet i think i probably would look so what i what i love and this is where i'm realizing like meditate pops meditate upgraded becomes kind of insane in my limited mid you know double digit ascension uh experience because you pop eruption do whatever damage you got to do save one energy play meditate and bring back eruption and the stance exeter and then you you know you really smooth out that damage that you can do i apologize for being so analytical it's just like when you're so good at the game you know what it is it's like when you're a hammer everything you see is a nail you know what i mean no okay well that's fine too um let's uh we i will still put us in the calm just bring back protect please and if we can get the uh establishment so that retained cards are cheaper then i think it gets you know even stronger on top of that i will uh just accept a little damage here this is a pretty terrible interaction for us we need a foreign influence to do some serious damage not great we can live with the basically an eruption is gonna let us play a protect so we're gonna we're gonna kind of eat some dirt on it but i think that's not the end of the world you know we take seven damage we got extra energy next turn i still feel okay this is actually horrible i would love to exit my stance please i okay so you're doing 13 damage i think you just play this you know like the most basic way possible and then let's bring back an eruption so we can exit calm next turn and possibly get to that lethal range we're not gonna get to that lethal range however eruption takes us to four flying me slimed vigilance means we take no damage and we've we've done some serious damage to you in the meantime and made our deck a little bit stronger [Music] we will play we will play strike protect meditate and bring back an eruption this is what i mean again i'm not saying we're playing a perfect game right now we we desperately need attacks for one but the the math is kind of like it's it's in my head right now to a better extent i'm gonna go for the upgrade and i gotta tell you that was a little risky don't get me wrong but the fact that we hit one foreign influence like this is basically foreign influences now like two attack potions per battle and i think we can toss a basic strike even though we need more attacks two attack potions per battle really helps us uh get where we need to go so we just you know we meditate back to defense it's still nice to have him and we're we're really riding pretty close to the line here but i'm okay with that so sands of time is basically 40 damage let's kill the strongest enemy that's just unbelievable that we're able to get that done um and we're not even taking damage in the process and again this is the kind of thing you don't do when you're just figuring out how the character works right give me uh some aoe sweeping beam on this when when you're just trying to survive figure out you know when you're supposed to play your uh your pressure points these are these are moves you don't do when you're a little bit more confident honestly like eruption's so good for us oh we can take eruption and sweeping beam right that's because we because we upgraded it um or it got upgraded maybe is more apt uh well without a way to exit stance we have to start with this technically we we actually i think we can kill you okay i know it looks insane but an eruption on you to kill you we then go to three this takes us to four we do 40 damage and that's really like a proof of concept for me oh whenever you scry scry two more i actually have come to really enjoy a cut through fate the question is is a talk to the hand better and i think the answer is yes because cut through fate shows up at a common uh level but in such a like we'll have more chances to get it later in such a thin deck though i'm like okay let's let's take talk to the hand but it's a it's a tough choice for me tori is uh beautiful just keep in mind if you fight on elite you have to fight two elites and and i like where this run is at right now i don't want to run the risk that uh we just lose because i got too greedy you can call it cowardice if you want [Music] i'm just i'm just crunching the numbers you know how it is so an eruption basically we have uh 16 damage eruption it's such a shame that this won't do six that would change everything for us and you're at i mean the numbers are just not great okay because eruption strike you live with one hp eruption strike you die but then we have 28 damage out there to deal with so i actually think we play this like in in the cowards capacity with something like this looks kind of bad don't get me wrong oh but then you just draw like a hyper beam and you win easily stance potion is beautiful i don't love any of these like i i obviously i don't mind to protect let's rest just to be sure and if this works like then we can smith up here i would still love like one big uh like one major attack i guess we might as well meditate a defend back into our hand like one like an actual sands of time or something like that would would really hit the spot so we're probably going to wake you up this turn uh even on upgraded a glass knife is okay an immolate is also okay so you definitely want to just drink your potion and enter the wrath stance and we'll get you pretty close to death we have uh well we have 18 we have 33 damage next turn we might as well vigilance i know that seems counterintuitive uh but why not we know we're drawing eruption right so in my head this made the most sense and as crazy as it looks like this nine damage plus 24 i was totally wrong we actually had 18 plus 24 right so you would have been dead i think instead we're gonna take one damage which you know because we have tori here is not that bad and we could do the same here knowing that like an eruption is is coming down the mountain when she comes uh yeah it should be fine like again i miscalculated but with with tori it's not really a big deal at all dead branch okay it's it's really good uh the problem is just that it's also it unsmooths the deck you know and i've been talking a lot about deck smoothness basically just it adds it adds a lot of potential chaff into the deck it's almost like it it's it's super funny to me that i used to see this as like just an unbelievable play and now i'm like you know i'm not necessarily sold on it but okay so just relax blasphemy like i love dead branch okay i just wish that like it works better with something like corruption on the iron clad because of the fact that uh all the skills you get from it costs zero so you just go hard can we kill you with blasphemy we would have 27 plus 36 which is 63. okay well let's as long as we got the energy to play it as long as we've got the energy to play it two energy three energy 36 three energy yeah this will work yeah all right and by entering mantra well a number of different things happen hey this is a good proof of concept for us not that we're going to get blasphemy all that frequently in the future forgive the skip there but i actually just think we've got like a pretty cool deck going on here i don't want to not add things but i just want to make sure we're adding stuff that actually um like legitimately provides us with a benefit because we have an asset really like with the with the 16 card deck we have like a genuine kind of bounty working out for us there's no reason this shouldn't be able to get something done i'm actually happy with both potions um and i don't think we need another like water yet the thing is you might say it's a great card why not add it and to some extent i think you're let's do that to some extent i think you're right but you must also acknowledge like the thinner our deck the less of them we need to have the same impact they need to have in a you know a proportionately larger deck so talk to the hand is a gimme uh you know what meditate to go in the calm is okay for sure but let's see what we get out of the miracle first a flurry of blows is just an easy play and then a conjurer blade is that's 54 damage attack if we have wrath active which is pretty conceivable um this is definitely usually you're just going to take riddle with holes unless you think the fight is going to go on forever omniscience unfortunately will never be played [Music] probably but we'll we'll see this is what i mean by like we're starting to draw into some some dangerous stuff um and on this turn we we know we're gonna just empty mind at some point so are we gonna bust you open if we got an incredible attack here we might bust you open um you know we do have the ability to play a lot of attacks i wish that we could uh i wish we could double their damage but i think you still take advantage of this two enemies at 36 hp is is not bad at all we got to protect you know just kind of burning a hole in our pocket here and uh we could omniscience now like an omniscience expunger is kind of interesting um the only thing oh you know what it omniscience expunger the worst case scenario is that it just kills you outright if it hits both of you will have two enemies with nine hp [Music] alternatively you could just not be stupid is another thing that i've been uh curious about and instead of trying to get very cute with that why don't we just take no damage weaken you and then draw the expunger and and play it at will yeah that's uh a little bit more uh you know just intelligent basically so we'd love to see an establishment we'd like and i like to do this before i can see the answers because when you see what cards pop up that's you anchor to them you go oh this would be awesome this would be trash pardon me what i would love to see is i mean an energy relic the relics are kind of static on the first floor i just want the best one for cards a vault is always good um let's look at what else we got establishment is something we've been fishing for knowing that it's going to be a rare i'm trying to think of what else we could get i mean it's such a weird deck we have like four attacks um but it's working super well i don't know uh it's tough spirit shield is is a really good block especially if we get lots of draw devotion i just i don't know with all our other stance exit stance enter i'm not totally sure that's the play but x machina it's it i don't see x mac in a really like moving the needle for us that much but it does play in the dead branch do we have enough existing block i don't know i feel like i feel like you still just take a spirit shield uh you can no longer smith cards i don't think i'm willing to do that so in that case we'll take holy water and i don't i don't mind holy water versus a static energy relic as much right now because of dead branch at least so there is that and let's hit some shops some good cards some relics could could hit the spot right now we will i mean this is better for our deck long term but for raw damage early like a rip and tear which is is also still pretty good um it's totally fine let's create some new cards the vault is a dream come true i mean at this point it's kind of hard uh not to go like devotion devotion and then we can play something that costs one so let's play that and then vault so we're gonna get four mantra per turn which is just like silly emulates uh just a beautiful card i hate when you draw x-mac and i like that um either way we're not gonna we're not gonna play the explosion potion to kill you this is more dangerous later hold on 12. if we we probably will have to hold on no no no exit stance i'm stupid and i'm going to take damage as a result of my stupidity but we're gonna preserve both potions so that we ensure that we get to throw one away for no reason yep we we keep the explosion potion because we have such little aoe value okay cut through fate is the play helps us draw what we want faster okay lesson learned is is a gimme here or apotheosis i guess now that maybe it's not such a gimme um i think you could totally take the lesson learned it's not too early i think i think it's border or it's not too late i should say i think it's borderline too late but we're we're still in there we'll take a toy ornithopter as well which has been really like a big difference maker for me then we don't need to hit the other shop in fact we want as much combat as possible i'm gonna fight you we we tend to have a really strong start thanks to uh thanks to our miracles come on juice me juice me this is not juice um we're gonna lose some decks as a result of this that's not really that bad spirit shield back in hand is super nice too but remember we're on three energy from this point forward which is spooky so we love a hyper beam we're just hoping that perhaps on top of a hyper beam we could maybe draw like an eruption or really any stance disabler um okay so i think forget lesson learned for now i think just getting a kill or all the kills is the most valuable i think an empty body is nice that that's basically free energy coming down the pipe this might be a lesson learned opportunity it's a little early for it you guys start weak which is beautiful let's just draw into the foreign influence i it's tough is this is a lesser attack but it does allow us to enter calm for zero and i think you you think you hold those miracles why not right you know we don't need to pop them all just to just to fish for something that may or may not show up uh we tend to like uh just the best possible attack we'd like you to get knocked out if possible and streamline will cost one next time but playing it three times for a total cost of uh of one is pretty amazing should empty fist here well uh we don't have enough blocks so let's vigilance empty minds and then i'm like i feel like eruption works totally fine you are doing 12 damage that means nothing to me how's that how does that strike you all right so we're at a point where we got to start thinking about our future and the way that uh we didn't have to do this but there's no point of wasting like double damage on on you in this situation the way i think about our future right now as i you know waste all my miracles to just create three meditates apparently uh the way that i think about my my future here is that we need to prioritize making a lesson learned work even if we have to take a little bit of damage even if we have to you know screw up a block for a turn or something like that even if we have to use an explosion potion to finesse it i think it's got to be done so let's start here here and then lesson learned just works i choose to look at it hitting a strike and i say something in my head like that's okay and you know why it's okay we take six not that big of a deal we have toy ornithopter that's gonna oh actually i think we took i don't know how much we took there but either way we got toy ornithopter backing us up anyway it doesn't really matter that much um but we need to think about not the second floor in my opinion but the third floor instead is beautiful distilled chaos is good flurry of blows like i i'll take one it really can add a lot of a lot of damage upgrade a card every turn right i don't think we're gonna remove that curse for quite some time just just give me a basic upgrade lesson learned to make it even like it's not that much better but to make it possible to target enemies appeals to me i think we probably will end up playing like distilled chaos here and i think you play it early while you have empty minds backing you up maybe you play talk to the hand first and then you play distilled chaos protect defend protect i mean we did just get 26 block for zero then we're gonna start to think what are we drawing we wish to sure that's uh all this is good foreign influence for zero is is the ultimate play okay because we're trying to get to lesson learned making you vulnerable glass knife will certainly put you into less unlearned range and now we don't need to worry about lesson learned for the rest of the fight do we want to play anything else early i don't think so i think we stall now remember it's a long game these tend to be longer videos that's that's fantastic nobody you know is more surprised than me beauty beauty i thought you would be dead and that's my mistake but check this out you're dead anyway plus we needed the heel don't care didn't ask plus we needed the heel um nobody's more surprised than me that on returning to slay the spire i uh for whatever reason have actually found myself a more patient gamer it's true it it really is okay i guess we'll enter calm then fair enough uh is it possible that you know the lessons learned from being a father have have made me a more patient person overall certainly i think that's that's plausible yeah absolutely did i get smarter i would love to think so but i'd i'd be surprised just to be honest hmm i really i feel like a study this could be the deck that it works with and we'll probably just try to hit that with an upgrade as soon as possible because a two cost is a little expensive uh we should do combat like like question marks normally are what i want and i'm so stoked to have incense burner by the way but uh i'm sure that that question marks are normally what we want here so that they can uh oh man that's so good uh so that they can create you know some of those really powerful events for us i mean i'm just gonna hit you with this i don't see you need the empty body at the present moment but while we have lesson learned i feel like this is like of the utmost importance and we'll probably end up drawing well i don't know if we draw a lesson learned next turn i feel like you're you're kind of toasted start here i just want to see what we get okay i didn't need to play double indignation but we'll at least get you closer to death and then that should put you in lesson learned and we'll get an insight every turn so um beautiful okay and it's you know there's not that many cards left for it to hit but i'm happy to have it i definitely i mean more ways to enter wrath is nice especially as our deck gets a little thicker it's not thick yet but reach heaven is also great i think we could use a tantrum though tantrum did some good stuff for us there omamori okay this is much better than it looks vigilance for sure study for sure and then you just start playing miracles do you recognize and understand miracles we don't need to play across joints we'll play a cut through fate though um i think we'll draw into probably lose the flurry of blows for now we got more setup we'll draw into another cut through fate we don't really want to see a spirit shield on this turn unfortunately i think we we just draw empty mind and then this is where like the the combo kind of starts having gotten that out of the way oh it gets put down there anyway we'll talk to the hand which then allows us to flurry of blows and then where do we want to go from there let's meditate uh i mean i think the the dream is like stance plus stance exit oh thank you for the vault as long as you can do that like the meditate is gonna pay for itself one turn later but still uh this is gonna cost us two right i know it's gonna cost us zero i don't know why i thought that this was busted up either way with talk to the hand we're in an amazing spot so we know we're going to empty mind but first we need to i honestly maybe we empty body first so we don't overdraw allows us to sneak that in there then we can play an insight into a foreign influence into at this point probably still a riddle with holes hand is is way too full let's just play our power and then vault it up i mean we we have uh incense burner on this turn so there's like literally zero sweat whatsoever just dump your cards that suck and uh keep the cards that are great and in this case we'll just we don't have the energy for a riddle with holes you fool we're going to draw i want to draw tantrums so that we draw vigilance next turn and again it it this is a it's an elite fight the fact that we're just like soloing this elite is no problem whatsoever is hilarious to me um don't play the ah i was like we could get it as a payoff for spirit shield but that's not necessary just take the block yeah the block is probably worth more to begin with right especially when you consider you're getting two attacks out of it then we don't even need the play spirit shield what a world um let's bring back a lesson learned and the hope is that this turn we can find a way to double our damage we're gonna overdraw but we got to eruption oh mathematics how dare you dream catcher i don't think we need anything else like enter calm maybe that that that pained me a great deal that that one sent me that sent me down a dark path we should have one more upgraded card here this just has the feeling for me of a long episode they're all pretty long this one has the feeling of like being very very very long we might as well play the cards we don't want to see this card you know what a reach heaven is just a beautiful choice here we can tantrum into an all-out attack which is super good but this one is not even really like just running the enemies down as quickly as possible this one is like it's slow and methodical when it works it's it's a a very impressive thing don't get me wrong and we're taking so little damage that i'm i'm actually like self-conscious about the the little damage that i'm taking i'm very impressed with myself for sure am i starting to think i'm the best player of this game that's ever existed the the thought had crossed my mind and then i said no you can't say that it's karma you're inviting bad karma and then i thought why shouldn't i have it i think his sanctity for extra uh draw power and and then i'm just kind of worried about like the idea that uh we will struggle to get blocked when we fight enemies that have artifact and as a result talk to the hand just kind of like you know bounces off him obviously right now that's not much of a concern well i mean i don't know this was it's probably a little overkill the way that we played this but like i don't think we were in as much danger as i thought we were let's just start here it's is again overkill is perhaps not even the right word because it's so overkill that we have nothing to concern ourselves with those talk to the hands we're doing great work though okay this would be a great turn to x's stance i don't know if you heard me what i said would be th this would be a great turn to exit stance the only way we get to an exit what can i just kill you yeah okay never mind uh sorry to lesson learned but i'm just built different i do think that a reach heaven through violence is important just just to give us that extra damage potential and you're doing eight damage which will be 16 but it actually won't be 16. because i'm just gonna freaking smoke you here yeah we'll probably not play that blasphemy right away that's my hunch but look at this juicy lesson learned target man life finds a way vigilance gets upgraded um let's just a you know we want to draw into eruption if possible then with that eruption out there that allows us to play a 40 damage through violence we could definitely actually afford diva form on the other hand we could also um just flurry of blows like our heart out here and pretty much ruin your life i think yeah liquid memories is is very good now do we need a scroll that's an interesting question i feel like it hasn't actually been that good for us uh and we seem to get it off of exhaust every five seconds anyway so maybe it's unnecessary now just remember you wanna you wanna hit this guy hard what do we want early the probably one of the best things we could get early let's get this ascenders bane out of our deck i i wanted to draw into uh the study yeah there we go now remember you're gonna have this for like the whole game so what's what's the best of these i still think it's dagger throw will dump just a basic strike and then i just look at at how how valuable these miracles may or may not be and i'm like you know what please just get out of my hand i'm very happy with my current deck we're going to create a lot of cards that weren't meant to exist in this deck to begin with [Music] so let's just chill till the next episode is that okay with you if we just chill till the next episode this will cost zero for this turn in the future not so good however for now very nice and look at that 14 damage we are about to get debuffed i don't see a great reason to play a miracle here man the inside i'm realizing study combined with empty branch or dead branch it's it's creating some stuff huh not in a bad way necessarily but it's a it's a bit of a strange way to run the deck sure whenever you scry gain some block let's let's take one more sure two mantra per turn i'll exit my stance just to hit you once more we're still like all of our high damage cards appear to be stacked at the bottom here um case in point this guarantees because of the way that tantrum works that we're gonna draw into a tantrum on our next turn which doesn't bother me because this guy he's not doing anything he's just taking endless turns off and i couldn't be happier for the record um let's just well i don't know do we wanted this card maybe not just trying to figure out there must be a good way to attack this guy right like where's my through violence did we already we probably already played it huh so you're gonna take next turn off as well which is good for us because we can just simmer this windmill strike and get it even stronger we'd love to hit you like harder than you've ever been hit on this turn it should look something like that costing two is like so unimpressive [Music] we don't really have anything in here that i'd love to bring back though with the liquid memories i think it's important for us if possible we and it will be possible we should be able to exit stance next turn this this turn just is very stinky i don't even want to play my miracle it might be more handy later okay so i mean this is intangible so we don't even have to x's stance i almost feel bad now we'll play the miracle but we're playing it as a uh as a sanctity trigger and we actually want the draw even though just lucky would have gotten us enough enough block now a tantrum still good a tantrum still good [Music] i'm realizing now to do damage like so much oh dude we have uh we have mantra or divinity so much of our our damage is controlled by reach heaven through violence which is very unfortunate we could easily um like liquid memories of spirit shield that might be for the best now we have six energy to play with i know 45 for two is pretty good [Music] a flurry of blows is is a nice addition i don't think we well i don't know 60 for 357 for two literally you did just say that was pretty good um sure okay oh you purged your talk to the hand right we i mean what do we care about a perfect though i played the wrong card i meant to play cut through fate early oh you know what owned good fights i still don't really know what we're looking for uh actually i know exactly what we're looking for an establishment plus an energy relic would really hit the spot pardon me um [Music] i mean you're gonna laugh at this man because like the bird cage is not that good but am i i don't really see myself getting the elite fights uh going that much here i think i'm just gonna cut like i'm gonna cut my last two strikes keep the deck moving real quick it would have been nice to have alpha here but how are you supposed to know right uh hit an early shop although there there is a late shop that hits a ton of question marks lesson learned should still have an opportunity to do something here we wish to draw into a stance enabler and then exit the stance see what we can pick up here let's get an empty mind going i think we're just gonna double up uh i was gonna say double up and play the protect but that's actually like idiotic we'll we'll double up and play sure we'll play the study instead now remember these fights everything should be fine but the most important thing is lesson learned if we can get the lesson learns to pop [Music] then then life is but a dream let's spirit shield and meditate um an eruption and why not an eruption and a spirit shield just to keep us as steady as possible we might end up being kind of forced to kill you wow like just all of them are they they all carry a certain negative hey follow-up is at least that's a really good get off this so i think give me a spirit shield and then you're gonna laugh at me but i'm like i don't know man just pass the turn remember we're trying to get the lesson learned being able and this is like we're not and i'm just being honest you're gonna think that this is like oh a likely story i'm just trying to put myself in a position where i could lessen learn to kill you but i actually overshot it so i did a sub-optimal turn and then on top of that i overshot it i'm trying to figure out a way that maybe we could get through this now okay we want to draw into lesson learned as soon as possible so purge everything from the deck there we can draw again still no lesson learned um let's shuffle an insight into that draw pile let's play an establishment like we're playing two different games now we're not even trying to you're doing no damage which is very nice um we're not even trying to kill you we're trying to make sure we kill you with the right card and it's it's taking his sweet time down here um i really don't want to just dust you if we pop a speed potion there's 21 it takes us to 31 we take like four damage to get an upgraded card which strikes me in all honesty as being completely fine i would just love to see like a lesson learn hey look there it is i'm not mad look we actually only lost one because of tori anyway what was i thinking what was i thinking okay and now question marks this is more of like a a pretty solid lesson learned target normally i'd love like a cleave here but obviously you know with the spikers the most annoying enemies that have ever existed let's get a wild strike we can make that work yeah we would we would actually love to see a lesson learned then we can play this a miracle lesson learned kills you flurry of blows starts the we we start the the train roll in here um i think we'll just pass turn on this i apologize i already know this is going to be like an hour and 15 minute long video i i mean i'm not apologizing for that necessarily because that's just you know what we're here for is to win and like if i look back on the slay the spire experience you know of yesteryear i hate to say it but there were probably a number of circumstances where if i just took half an hour extra on a run uh we would have not had to do [Music] nearly as many i'm you're gonna laugh at this one but why play protect for one but you could play it for zero oh because you have energy that won't go anywhere okay yeah then that won't carry with you sure that actually that makes a lot of sense that's fair that's a good point uh we can play two attacks now though hold on hit you with one of those um you know what pop a spirit shield into my hand just so i can i can squeeze a little bit more out of this one i think like hit you with one of those for example but yeah like the fact that i rushed through as is my my nature by the way like i'm fighting against my own uh like genetics right now i'm i'm uh do do the job fast i'd rather do the job fast and do it well which is probably not astute kind of guy what's the most valuable card for us i gotta admit like a double study is is super interesting but it's gonna fill our deck with so much garbage thanks to dead branch but it would be really funny uh foreign influence i think is is kind of there but mostly when you want uh when when you want to have a fight to be over with quickly and that's not how dona like i'm trying to build for donodeca and i think you know honestly i hate to say it but i love to say it i think an upgraded study might be the best thing for donodeka now um this is too dangerous imo is the watcher but i definitely i don't mind removing like an unupgraded defend and keeping the deck pretty steady we're gonna be shuffling our draw pile quite frequently i think i look down on that card and i shouldn't we have no attacks to upgrade so no need to buy that and let's move on but uh yeah there were a lot of situations where just genuinely [Music] didn't give the the situation the care it deserved and as a result probably took way way way longer uh to beat ascension 20 versus if i had just said uh it's okay just take your time it takes as long as it takes it's hard for me to to do that but it would have been for the best oh speaking of which this is this is mighty nice um i don't think we need to go any deeper like i'm not sold on a fast thing unless we have like some serious energy relics but we really are still rolling this is a three energy deck most important thing is don't take damage so i think let's play one of these see what you get let's play one of these see what you get tranquility we if we could i mean technically mental fortress tantrum tranquility is uh three energy eight block little damage but i don't think eight block is like where we need to be here i think we would like to see if we maybe draw into a more prudent play like for example a tranquility into an empty body which leaves us on 4 energy 10 block you can double up on protect here i hate to say it i think that's kind of how you get there and it's it's a heavy spend but i think it's it's well worth it for us keep in mind we're like super debuffed here and now we're like hoping to get the the cards we've been looking for for the whole game uh i think believe it or not i think a thunderclap is the play now ragnarok sucks here i wish it didn't but it kind of does i i think you play like we don't know what we're drawing geez man um we're gonna have intangibility next turn right okay so give me give me collect here we'll get three turns with a miracle plus we're intangible we've shuffled our draw pile already i mean the the gimme play here when you're intangible is just uh the wreath of flame ragnarok which was i mean it did something let's get a devotion going i hope we're not here five turns from now but we very well could be there's nothing uh there's nothing in the rules that says a dog can't play basketball there's nothing in the rules that says uh we played this wrong there's something in the rules that says we played this wrong it's empty mind try to keep this rolling okay like uh through violence is so important for us it's like one of our only big attacks not being able to access stance here is uh is a kick in the teeth oh we're not even in tantrum what am i talking about it's just a nasty attack man all right well we'll take uh one tori is just super sick man just a super sick card now you're gonna laugh at me i think you might be in lesson learned range with a little bit of creativity i think you're definitely in lesson learned range with a little bit of creativity okay this is like let's hit you we obviously we could kill you okay can we draw into lesson learned uh okay here's a better question for you if we drew into lesson learned could we even play it [Music] i hate to do it man you start here okay that you start here you play this and you see if you can get like uh i don't even know what we're necessarily fishing for it wouldn't be less than learned i'm fishing i guess for like enough block so you're doing 28 times four so you're doing you know 56 damage if we break stance if we break stance you have to die i i don't know if i miscalculated this or what but you have to die i actually think like a perseverance might be the kind of thing that hits the spot are we what do we need upgraded it would be a spirit shield or an establishment to become innate call me crazy on this one a relic would be nice but establishment hitting early really seems important now that our energy situation is kind of coming home to roost again we do have three we have some flexibility with the three but still this is this is the dream acabeco with uh i mean honestly i think i'd prefer a cleave here 16 damage to all enemies i wish we could be in double damage but i'm this is why i'm fishing i'm and i'm fishing i'm fishing deep on this one well this will do 16 no matter what so why don't we just hit you like this i want to play a diva for him personally meteor strike huh well we don't really need to play a diva form if we could just draw lesson learned wow all right sometimes it just works sometimes it's better to be lucky than good i want to hit the shop we're going to have enough to buy a relic or maybe a couple of cards i don't even know what cards you know we'd really be looking for here or what relics we'd really be looking for for that matter you know what keep the sanctity up cause watch this ah we're not gonna draw it yeah never mind don't watch this turn away from your screen i do not give you my permission to watch this okay uh let's uh you know what we are about to take three damage so basically i'm stupid but three three damage means nothing but toy ornithopter it like quite literally is it comes out in the wash we're fishing for a lesson learns maybe you didn't hear me that's fine there's plenty of time for some redemption um we take no damage totally planned definitely not just playing i wouldn't even say on tilt definitely not just playing recklessly we're just fishing for like a lesson learned is the thing okay we want a protect into not a lesson learned lovely that would be lovely and i'm just gonna chill we know lesson learns coming up i think i think i just had like a i suffered like a mental break a second ago and i think i'm i'm ready to bring it back now that lethaling you is like so sad i actually i i feel bad for you so i know we're drawing lesson learned next turn that basically sucks what well maybe we won't if our hand is full okay we did nevertheless we did um it's not that important that we get a lesson learned to pop here like call me crazy i don't know do you really like maybe get an alpha going out here it's a little absurd i don't even know like what i'm playing anymore i'm just i'm just playing cards man like my deck is just full um we definitely want to play a beta um and then all we need to do is play like an omega and then you're dead i wonder if i could lesson learned you here it's it's a a bit of a pull to attempt it um we have nine block do we have zero cost blocks no but we got a decently cheap one um like hit you with one of those then draw some cards i will tell you i do not see a lesson learned at present [Music] oh am i in tange i am intangible this turn how about that um it's probably best just to end you another reach heaven absolutely okay i would say pardon me i actually like our potions as they stand this happy flower the odds of me using it properly are somewhat low i think there could be something there okay again we we have to be very careful this is like one of the most dangerous fights in the game an establishment might not be necessary here actually i would like well we have so many miracles but okay start there we're definitely going to want to study let's hit you a spirit shield next turn is fine by me or or even this turn that we could target with like a meditator i suppose um see what you get well we can't target it thusly but um play this four block let's do an establishment and then a third eye we don't need a sanctity or a strike or an empty mind i will hold to protect because we played the establishment flurry of blows is like it's just free block which is actually stellar um and you usually you can like vigilance and then you get a smack and then eruption which is it looks very spooky but also allows us to do more damage on the way in we decay for energy this turn that's super important to pay attention to uh five damage twice is as good as it gets here one week one vulnerable [Music] with such large numbers it seems it seems relevant and then i'm like just keep in mind like a study is probably more important than a mental fortress here but just keep in mind that we do have the stance potion in our in our back pocket here so we got nothing to fear there you're doing zero which is very nice because now through violence probably just gets us there maybe with like a little bit extra on top i'll even play that believe it or not look at that dude that was that was just a great fight what a wonderful proof of concept i definitely think it it's late but i think a battle him is a beautiful choice and would you look at that we got um we got intangibility on this turn why'd you give me a car of reality here let's retain the smite and let's meditate and carve reality back in the hand it'll cost zero next turn and now it it took a bit but it's all coming together genuinely like oh my hand is full by the way that one's that one's on me it's genuinely all coming together i would like to play a defend would you look at that uh i might be where we stand i now think i'm i'm pretty confident we're gonna win [Music] which i will let you know is well you know i was gonna empty body but if you insist might as well get this out here it's important i realize i'm not even like narrating what i'm doing anymore um in my defense i've you know woke up had a cup of coffee went to the bathroom and now an hour and one minutes later i i you realize how hard it is for me to not give you an anecdote over the course of this length of time like it's it's torturous we need the exit stance and it's the best way to do it 16 hit you go up to 19. uh let's just play it in the most basic way possible like take one damage probably retain that insight for future considerations of course there's a part of me that's like there's a there's a lesson learned in here we know we're gonna play well it's so tempting to use the stance potion man let me let me tell you it it really is let me just look at it let me just let me just take a peek this you know play that hold on we just got to get 13 more damage out there i can't oh but we need to preserve our energy too like this is an overkill this is an underkill it's not that hard okay we just need a zero cost thing that does somewhere between four and 15 damage oh i guess seven oh we can exit the stance dude look at this yo stink i beat you we don't need a snack oh i that's that's irrelevant we got two potions burning a hole in our pocket we got a lot of innate powers i feel pretty good about this and the stance potion i think we save it as like a get out of jail free card let's cry at the start of our turn and uh see what you get but i'll play a protect and see what you get [Music] you know i'll go i'll enter calm and then see what you get study i would love to play it but it's okay take zero damage we got a lot of powers out there that are gonna be beneficial for us not immediately but soon we have intangibility good good hold good hold i mean we we could play eruption then vigilance i i think we got a good thing going here like this is now like eruption study you're doing literally two damage reach heaven vigilance that's just your turn you get to save these smites for return when they'll cost zero um honestly just like getting rid of a lesson learned is fine as is getting rid of a talk to the hand for now and we'll keep a sender's bane up uh to dump it we want to have something that's just useful for us i think a backstab that gets um removed from our deck is okay ah beautiful okay so now we can afford the tantrum which then lets us play the smite we don't have to play the car of reality i'd really like to play the reach heaven but you know you are kind of also hoping that at some point you'd reach like a block in your life uh i think you'd for zero there's no question you played through violence pressure points is not relevant sadly that's a dead draw uh let's be safe in empty minds just so that we can also at least play [Music] something here right uh and and let's get a reach heaven going i mean we're going to take some damage this turn but it's not too bad fleuria blows trip spirit shield through violent sanctity all good enough to draw in my opinion trip is a super important enabler for allowing us later to get to uh talk to the hand landing on one of them which would be a big difference maker for us let's do a spirit shield honestly it's it's 18 block then allows us to get sanctity we won't play the through violence i mean technically we could crescendo through violence smite but i mean okay technically we could stance potion calm crescendo to energy smite through violence smite smite crescendo smite study through violence empty body okay okay you know what you know what if you're gonna force my hands [Laughter] uh now you just gotta remember you're gonna save one energy here to play your empty body those are good cards well we could have gotten rid of this might but you know what we actually don't have the empty body we can meditate instead and then you'll do 36 but we'll have a retained card that'll cost uh like like getting another reach out and honestly getting it well it won't cause zero to cost one but getting just the spirit shield in hand for the next term probably means more so let's study and then meditate a spirit shield back in the hand just just preparing for the future get rid of that strike keep both the the insights up there um foreign influence honestly i mean a sweeping beam to get that extra draw could it could change things a little we know we want an empty mind but it's like i mean you can see the problems with this our hand is too dang full we would love to i was just gonna say we would love the tantrum here we already have like a decent amount of block up there i feel like a tantrum to avoid the buff on you is actually like extremely valuable even if you do way more damage than i'd like you to do this turn uh and let's just we're fishing a little bit talk to the hand is is essential even if we get hit this turn that talk to the hand will it'll pay incredible dividends and then would you look at that would you look at that we got out of it we're gonna win and it's one of the longer runs i've had uh you know in my life in general but it was very solid throughout can i can i regale you here with like i mean i guess at this point we we actually could play a pressure point it's just a little underwhelming um can i regale you with some of the things that i i love about where we're at on this run uh a genuinely big one let's just make sure we don't die um is uh we never got a traditional energy relic and maybe i'm overselling how dangerous that seems to be but that's not typical for me let's play this let's play this and again just like why why risk it right actually we can hold all those easily um [Music] never got a traditional energy relic didn't fight that many elites marched to the beat of our own drum we got too many insights man it's funny but like i mean why am i complaining we we won and then convincing fashion no less dude that's ascension 13. i mean meet the cop who can't be stopped you deal 1370 damage and i'm i'm feeling fantastic for now thanks for watching hope you enjoyed the run if you did click the like button help us out a great deal and of course subscribe if you want to see more in the future but for now thanks for watching and i'll see you next time see ya
Channel: Northernlion
Views: 51,558
Rating: 4.9480224 out of 5
Id: r5SHJupt7bY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 2sec (4202 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 31 2021
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