Slavoj Zizek - A New Kind of Communism
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Savician
Views: 152,900
Rating: 4.8275518 out of 5
Keywords: Slavoj Zizek, Communism, Capitalism, Socialism, Philosophy, Critical Theory, Ideology, Revolution, Radicalism, Hegel, Lacan, Marx, Psychoanalysis, Dangerous Ideas, Sydney Festival, Big Ideas, Zizek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 0sec (3420 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 20 2011
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I wish the first and most repeated comment on anything Zizek wasn't about his accent and/or mannerisms. It gets old.
Great talk, Zizek (as always) makes some really good points:
We have to look at capitalism in its totality; this essentially means the implementation is inherently inseparable from the ideal. Distinguishing "crony capitalism" from "capitalism" is a nonsensical game
"Weapons of mass distraction" (Zizek didn't actually say this, but his accent + weapons of mass destruction leaves an ironic truth)
While the Chinese gov't identifies and tries to censor ideological threats (by the example of the censorship of any ideas involving time travel or alternate histories), in the US it is self defeating: people just assume the idea is impossible.
20th century communism isn't the point (and Zizek has no nostalgia for it). The idea that small changes in our system can continue to fix huge scale problems is wrong, we need globally organized effort to properly maintain this planet, market systems will not provide this solution.
The idea of tolerance is humiliating and actually equivalent to intolerance. Tolerance is "I don't tolerate you being too close to me"
Making love with a condom = taking a shower with a raincoat on (quote from some other guy) (see also: decaffeinated coffee, nonalcoholic beer)