Skyrim: Top 5 Annoying Children That No One Can Stand in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim

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hey how's it going guys it's Nate here and Skyrim is a game that's constantly putting players up against foes that can get on our nerves from offensive tavern goers who think they can take us in a brawl to insane jesters that drive us crazy the elder scrolls 5 provides us with no shortage of irritating NPCs to confront and good or bad some of the most frequent offenders are Tamriel's children as horrible as it sounds some of scams most enraging and disrespectful characters come in tiny sizes despite being the Dragonborn savior of worlds and accomplished commander in the Civil War and the leader of seemingly more factions that I have fingers on my right hand you'd be lucky to find many of the game's many humans treating you or anyone else for that matter with the slightest ounce of dignity so why not spend our day profiling some of the most egregious offenders as we take a look at the top 5 most annoying children in the Elder Scrolls v skyrim oh where do we begin brave brights a good person to start this video with she's a Red Guard girl living in Whiterun a quick chat with her will immediately reveal that she's not exactly a delightful individual she treats the dovakin and everyone else really with considerable disdain and contempt saying things like what are you looking at and boys girls dogs elders there's nobody I won't fight apparently this child has no problem attacking animals so clearly this is a feisty little yakunin but as you're probably aware it goes much further she's also the Tormentor of a young boy named Lars battleborn who she secretly likes but we'll get to that in a bit and Brett can frequently be found bullying the poor kid if you speak to the battle board boy about his problems he'll explain that he doesn't know how to stand up for himself and we'll ask you to try and convince brave to just leave him alone kick starting a short quest where you simply speak to the girl and convince her to knock off the behavior either by threatening her we're telling her that Lars has a contagious disease in gratitude when you inform the young battleborn that he'll be left alone now he'll give you a whopping two gold pieces but frankly I don't know what we were expecting from a child I digress despite brights initial unlike ability some further investigation of her life at home can sort of transform her into a more sympathetic character in most players eyes you see she doesn't exactly have the most involved parents her mother sapphire and father Ameren are constantly bickering about some long-lost family sword he spent much of their fortune trying to recover so you're willing to starve your wife and daughter to reclaim some rusty old sword I just need to hire one maybe two good men you won't starve I'll put it plainly you can claim your sword or you can keep your wife if you set foot outside that gate I won't be here when you return being a sword for hire Omron's almost never home anyway and Braith can even be heard begging her father to let her come along on the next adventure he goes on only to be shot down repeatedly papa the next time you go away I want to come with you when I go away I go to war that's no place for a little girl every night needs a squire I can help you with your sword things like that nice try blossom but I'm not a knight I'm a mercenary the answers still no besides your mother would miss you too much yeah and neither of the adults ever seems to have much time for their kid they both refused to give her advice on wars who's she only bullies because she has a crush on papa I want to talk to you mm-hmm what about well there's this boy and listen brave why don't you talk to your mother about this okay mother what I wanted to ask you something it's about a boy not now breathe go go ask your father so with two parents constantly at each other's throats a father who's rarely home too busy fighting and looking for artifacts and neither adult being interested in giving her any attention it's no wonder why rathe has become her antisocial self unfortunately this is one of the few problems in Skyrim the dovakin can't really solve I mean you could murder her parents to death and adopt her but I highly doubt that kind of trauma is somehow going to make her life better oh well at least she'll never be as annoying as Nazeem next on her list Scully is a Nord boy who can be found at the old Holden in which he helps his mother I just run now I'll be the first to admit that this is kind of cheating for me as well school II certainly comes across as arrogant / overconfident when you initially meet him he quickly grows on you and shows himself to be a pretty capable kid and that overconfidence may be justified when you first find yourself that is in school he will greet you in a very mature fashion which the player can comment on and tell him that he sounds older than he looks and that will humorously result in the boy telling you to watch your tongue and letting the dragon board know that backtalk isn't tolerated at this business watch your tongue stranger we don't take back talk in this Inn he'll also go so far as to threaten to kick you out if you drink too much and let it show if you drink too much you're out no drunks unfortunately much like brave schoolies home life isn't the most ideal well his mother itis by all appearances seems to be a hardworking and kind person doing her best to raise a child she has to do it alone because her husband schoolies father a man named furrier has been out fighting in the Civil War for an undisclosed amount of time the poor boy can be listened to asking IDUs where his dad is only for her to vaguely state that he's fighting in the Civil War and then for C to get the sides confused mama where did Papa go he's off fighting the war dear for the Stormcloaks last time you said he was fighting for the empire yeah I'm sure he's doing well there so nobody seems to know where he is however believe it or not this is indeed a mystery we can solve though the end sir is a bit depressing it's not related to any quests or something like that but in children depths a large Falmer overrun cave on the border of the reach and hopping gar in one of the Pens set up by the snow elves the body of a Nord named furrier can be found and in his inventory a note which reads as follows quote they fell upon us at dusk dozens of them the caravan guards were dead in moments they took everyone else back to the pens blinded those who tried to resist one by one they've taken the others away feeding us to those monstrosities are worse I don't have much time left IDIS my love if you ever get this forgive me signed furrier schoolies dad isn't off fighting in the war he's dead and he wasn't a soldier to begin with but a caravan guard oddly enough we can't bring this note back to the kid or his mom and inform them of the news which is rather anticlimactic and a tad depressing as a bit of a side note if I just passes away school he becomes the new owner and sole proprietor of the old Holden in and they'll even go so far as to continue employing the workers who will start referring to him as the new boss and I found that to be quite hilarious so despite some unfortunate happenings with his family it does seem that the kid is a talented one and bound to become a successful and assertive businessman no matter the challenges life throws his way Killman at number three we head back to Whiterun specifically dragons reach the cloud district a place we do visit often thank you very much to meet Dagny she's one of yarrow Bowl graph the graders three children and easily the most spoiled of the bunch she'll constantly mistake the player for a servant and can be heard having loud arguments with her brothers throwing fits about not getting that new dress or sweet roll her father promised her so angry can hardly stand it father promised me a new dress days ago now where is it it takes a while to make a dress Dagny you have to be patient but I don't want to be patient cause right now father promised oh you ever do is complain about what you want your spoiled baby I'm going to tell father you said that he'll Tan your hide for sure lucky us Dagny is a character we don't need to interact with all that much throughout the game as she plays no part in any quests nor can a dialogue window so much as even be opened with her that said as we've discussed before on this channel bethesdad originally intended for her to play a pivotal role in a now cut section of mephala state request the whispering door where she and her brothers under the possession of the Daedric prince of lies and murders would have killed their father Bull Grove it was to be a fairly gruesome affair that lucky for yaw roll B Bethesda decided not to go through with implementing furthermore speaking of cut content in the game's files Dagny also has a pet horse named Ditka Drina that never makes an appearance in the game though can be spawned in with console commands no doubt Dagny would have had some whiny things to say about her horse not being properly groomed or something oh well she's got a pretty good guy dad though so hopefully time will see Dagny straightened out for fourth spot speaking of kids in royal courts a sir is the only son of winter colds yarol courier and while his parents seemed perfectly proud of him it's evident they've raised him to harbor some unhelpful prejudices courier and his wife slash a sirs mother Thea passionately hate both the College of Winterhold and the entirety of elven kind altogether and they really don't seem to try to distinguish between the two they appear to believe all elves and the college are in cahoots together or something their distrust of mages and Murrah has led the yarol and his wife to pit just about every problem the city faces on them whether it's the affirmation great collapse of Winterhold or something as ridiculous as poor weather for a single day it's always the fault of those mages or Darnell's unfortunately this attitude has left a great impression on their son whose favorite game to play with I read the only other kid his age the town is hunt the elf where she's the elf and he just chases her around if you speak to her alone I read makes it clear that she's not really fond of the game and doesn't really care much for a sir at all she calls him Mead and says he hates the college for no reason there's not many people left in winter hold so I have asked her to play with and sometimes he's mean a sir says his paws says the college makes lots of bad things happen but the mages have seen look nice additionally if you approach a sir while playing as any elven race there's a chance he'll say this to you how come you're in winter hold my paws says people like you are the reason no one lives here anymore obviously the kid has fallen victim to some pretty unfortunate misconceptions but like so many of his peers on this list the problems start with his parents who are very loving are really teaching their son some unhelpful things there's an exchange you can overhear between a sir and his father Quarrier that Bethesda surely put in on purpose which perfectly represents why the poor kid is developing the prejudices he is take a listen Iren says the mages at the college are nice people but you said they're bad pirates a little girl who doesn't understand that they're responsible for destroying our home why did they do that why would they be so evil because they don't care about you or I come they think they're better than all of us and that we can just be thrown away I hate them that's my boy so well a sir himself may be quite an irritating character especially if you're that IRA the real blame seems to lie with winter holds crown and finally last on her list Bret is a Nord living in Rorick stead and boy a boy is this kid a bully worse than breath even her primary victim is not some boy she has a crush on but instead her twin sister Sissel who she seemingly spends all day chasing around and harassing additionally one of the quote she may say when you speak to breath is quote if you beat up my sister Sissel I won't tell so there's definitely some big dysfunctionality going on here and as you probably have noticed is a trend by now the problem start at home indeed Brits internal hatred it seems to stem from some jealousy of sisal she says a variety of insecure sounding statements where she accuses sisal of thinking she's better than her and declaring that since she's older than her little sister by five minutes she's the better person sisal also seems to be the recipient of far more attention by Rorick stead settlers there's a long series of conversations she has with Juwan with a man chit chats with her and promises to teach her many things about magic he does not offer Brit those same services and lastly perhaps the most decisive factor in Brits personality is her horrible father LEM kilwa he's raising I used the term loosely the two girls alone as their mother died during childbirth but he treats them awfully bad he speaks ill of his daughters behind their backs and even mentions getting violent with them so this is one of those situations where it is kind of hard to blame the girl for acting like the way she is and unlike with brave perhaps the best thing to do here is take out LEM kill and raise the two girls as your own I mean sure you might murder people for a living but at least you're not gonna hurt them and who knows maybe after becoming a part of an actual loving family Brett will come to her senses and begin to treat her sister with a lot more respect it's just a theory but there is only one way to find out for sure and with that we are going to wrap up my top five annoying children in the elderscrolls v Skyrim thanks for watching everybody which of these kids is your most or least favorite and what irritating individuals have I yet to profile that I definitely should leave a comment down below as always like ratings are very much appreciated again thanks for stopping by and I hope to catch you all in my next video peace out everyone you
Channel: TheEpicNate315
Views: 677,786
Rating: 4.9433174 out of 5
Keywords: Skyrim, The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, Elder Scrolls 5, Elder Scrolls, TES 5, Skyrim Special Edition, Skyrim Secrets, Skyrim Facts, Skyrim Top 5, Skyrim Characters, Skyrim Children, Skyrim Easter Eggs, Elder Scrolls Easter Eggs, Easter Eggs, Skyrim Lore, Elder Scrolls Lore, Skyrim Tiny Details, Skyrim Top 10, Skyrim Mods
Id: yxwLhILLyTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2019
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