Skyrim SE Builds - The Argonian Slave - Remastered Build

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what is up ladies and gentlemen I just got here and welcome back to another fudge Muppet Skyrim remastered build this week we're bringing back a very very old build and this time we fully fleshed out the backstory for all your old playing needs as new perks and and improved more fun play styles this is the ourjourney enslave the Argonian slave has been subjected to the worst life imaginable he was born in captivity forced to labor away everyday with nothing to live for his life of suffering has made him bitter angry and nothing will get in the way of his freedom again adversity taught him to survive and grief taught him how to outsmart those who cross him filled with hatred and distrust towards others the Ionian slave is not the kind of fellow you want to get in a fight with before we get into the build don't forget to check out the description where you can find timestamps to help you navigate throughout the video but with that said let's kick things off with races standing stones and stats the Argonian slave is a dark health obviously a joke he's actually an Argonian shocking I know as a result he is his skin allows him to regenerate health ten times faster for 60 seconds once per day he also gets 50% resistance to disease and he can breathe underwater also thanks to his cold blood he'll have +10 lock-picking plus 5 light armor and plus 5 sneak all of which will help out a lot with the final build no surprises here with the standing stone the lava stone early on will help all of your skills improve and then to help out your defenses the Atronach stone offers 50 percent spell absorption as you see this bill doesn't put much focus into the defense so the spell absorption bonus will make a huge difference in combat the Ionian slave stat spread will be 70% health and 30% stamina as we said defense isn't a focus of the skills perks and gear so we can use all the help you can get in the stats as the stamina Thebes and should be sufficient for all bow related actions or sneak roles and all dual flurries the story of the argonians slave is not very pleasant one he never actually saw his ancestral homeland of black marsh instead he hatched in the de Champlain West appear from the moment his reptilian eyes opened welcoming the warm light of life between in the egg he was the property of how stressed he was plucked from his shell and thrown into a cell until the day finally came when he would stop being a burden to the dummo and finally start working salt rice fields when he was of an age to work he was fortunate enough to receive a threadbare coarse shift of ground flock and a pair of old stains for the trousers he could tell from the stench of the trousers that he wasn't the first to wear them and the fate of those who'd worn them before him was something he dared not think about for the entirety of his youth he worked the fields under the watchful red eyes of the dark elf slavers while voicing opinions was something forbidden to his kind he couldn't help but feel a overwhelming hatred for his captors whenever he saw the heraldry of town stress the shackles were an image of pride to these evil creatures and the fact that they took pride in such treatment of those unlike them made him sick to his stomach though were he to wretch there would be no food in him to spit up the one thing the Argonian slave could take solace in was knowing that his brother was with him while he didn't know his parents he could only assume that they were both stolen from their nest at the same time despite living his entire youth and confined captivity chances to interact with his brother was scarce every evening when the argonians were too exhausted to continue laboring the done the slavers would shackle their risks and then chained the slaves and collars connected to the rest of the slaves so that they could be taken back to their selves conveniently while it was unbearably painful every time the slavers fell out of synchronization and the chains would become taut momentarily truffling everyone in the procession the Argonian slave was formed these times occasionally he would be changed in the front or behind his brother and they would be able to share a brief quiet conversation before being subjected to isolation once more funnily enough conversation topics grew scarce when all they got to experience was harvesting and transporting sulfur but fortunately the Argonian slave brother was ambitious he hadn't resigned to this life despite of being all he knew his brother planned to escape the argonians slave tried to warn him of how foolish running would be in broad daylight under constant surveillance but his brother was resolute he was certain he could pull it off and so every day from now the Argonian slave kept one eye on his brother terrified that he would witness the dunmer Devils cast him down he waited in anxious anticipation until the 13th of frostfall when the Dark Elves were somewhat distracted by their day of worship to the Daedric Prince mephala when the slaver guards changed their posted Argonian slaves brother dropped his hoe and simply ran in the direction of the trees he almost made it 100 steps for some reason slave had counted before a guard shouted to the others and then came the fireball cast by the red eyed devil it flew after his brother sending a pyroclastic blast of hot hair towards the rest of the workers and scorching some of the salt rice beneath it spark and then the fire engulfed him the Argonian slave had never heard his brother speak above a whisper but now he heard him scream at the top of his lungs a goggle of flaming blood came next until all that remained of him was a pile of glowing ash the Argonian slaves didn't cry he had never known happiness so he was used to the grief he only felt numb that night as he walked in time with the other Argonian slaves to the ring of chains lightly bouncing into motion the Argonian slave plotted his own escape he was inspired by Kim's foolish optimism he used his fingernails to scrape a splinter of iron off his shackles and held it in a closed fist the rest of the walk while the others slept in their cells the Argonian slaves began loading kawaski he fumbled the flimsy piece of iron in the door to sell at midnight acquiring a new splinter of iron every time finally one night when a fog rolled through the camp giving him more privacy than usual the slave heard a click it was a quick and sharp click the kind of sounds that most people would never acknowledge yet to him it was the most beautiful sound he'd ever heard he snuck through the camp for making his way to the plantation he tore off an entire row of sulphur eyes let's call it my pain he thought to himself and then he fled West he traveled for a very long time until the paranoia of capture lost his mind he walked for so long that he found himself in the mountains witnessing snow for the first time after months of traveling and he sat in the snows he looked down at the land to the south and he finally accepted that the slave masters had simply left him probably replacing him with some other force so he almost smiled from the relief but that was cut short by the touch of a steel blade on his shoulder an imperial and red cloak and chainmail took him prisoner and threw him onto the back of the car the argonians slaves risks then felt the familiar hold of shackles as he was taken north and held after escaping held in the Argonian slave starts to realize that this freedom business isn't quite as brilliant as he had expected he almost wished he could have gone back to the plantation after feeling the cold touch of the chopping block but now that he has escaped he will be very distrustful towards just about everyone but he will choose to lay low rather than cause conflict to the residents of skyrim that doesn't include the done with her his hatred to the blood idle is embedded deep within him and he will actively seek out opportunities to make them suffer and stay so much as look down their nose at him he'll do just about anything so long as there aren't law enforcers in the vicinity what were the Masters of dunmer refugees from soul slime and Skyrim he'll have to cope with seeing their kind around quite frequently but with this in mind he will generally be reluctant to help out on any quests the dark health characters after what happened to his brother and how he improved on his brothers mistake the Argonian slave will stick to its winning formula subtlety and stealth where possible avoiding attention as for fractions he'll join the Thieves Guild for the reason stated above he's perfectly suited to get into or out of places he isn't supposed to be and knows pretty well how to avoid being caught it will actually be mostly down to you to decide how dark and violent the Argonian slaves feature would be it all depends on how you in with severity of his past if you choose the path of resentment anger for your playthrough the dark brotherhood quest line makes for a great fit you'll follow the main storyline seeing the Dragonborn powers as a means of self preservation from strength similarly he'll follow up with the Dragonborn DLC these quests will help you find the weapons for the bills much more easily it will have some design for the vampires who actively seek to make the world a more awful place and will help the dong-gun destroy them and so with the Argonian slaves depressing backstory role-playing and factions sorted let's now look at how this will impact the build skills spells perks and playstyle the main skills for the build will be one-handed archery like arsenic and lock picking aside for watching one fireball ruined just about the only positive thing in his life the Argonian slave isn't too well-versed in Magica so we won't need to worry about any spells when it's build instead let's come straight into his essential perks for most of his life though Argonian slave wielded a phone and his target was the stem of the soul transplant it's definitely a bit of a stretch to suggest this was ample training for real-world combat but we can say with some certainty that he is quite capable of adapting and surviving he emerged a free Argonian from a life of never ceasing turmoil and since escaping and getting his hands on a sword he has learned to see the heads of those who wish him calm like the ripe sultry stems from the one-headed skill tree to take the middle branch up to and including savage strike and critical charge and then take the far right branch up to dual savagery as the Argonian slave will be doubling down on swords jewel flurry is massive - taking the edge off slow swing speed this perk will speed up your wielding attacks by 35% also savage strike is a classic favorite by adding 25% bonus damage to your standing power attacks and gives you the chance to reap the heads of your foes for the great severed head harvest next up we have archery for those times we're sneaking about with a dagger or two swords just isn't an option the Ionian slave likes to be able to pick guys up from a distance from the skill tree take also take all ranks of each multipy perk but only the first level of critical shot mainly because there are more effective ways to use those two skill points keeping in line with the attack speed theme quick shot will allow your arrows to be drawn 30% faster which is massively helpful I can't count the amount of times I've found myself firing arrows before they're fully drawn and having them flop disappointment to the fourth Ranger is another helpful one and it allows you to move faster while the boat is growing unsurprisingly the Argonian slaves decided to ditch the issue wool and shift and stinky trousers pretty much as soon as he left the plantation now he opts for something far more formidable yet still light enough to give you mobility from the light armor skill tree we suggest taking all five ranks of our trail defenders to give you a light armor of choice a viable armor rating now for your thieving skills the first of these is essential to the Argonian slaves its elusive playstyles whether he is picking locks under the watchful eye of the slaver guards or creeping up on a target this reptile learned how to be stealthy the hard way with death as the consequences for getting caught from the snake skill tree take every perk and every rank silence is a notable perk here as it prevents walking and running from effecting detection allowing you to move much more freely without giving away a physician and thanks to this builds versatile arsenal you can cash in on sneak attack multipliers regardless of the weapon you choose backstab increases one-handed sneak attack damage by six times deadly aim makes bow attacks increased by three times and assassin's blade gives you dagger sneak attacks 15 times the effectiveness lastly we have lock-picking there's not much to say about this skill that isn't summed up in the back story but now the Argonian slave is in a position to use real lockpicks and not the shitty shards of iron he could scratch off his rusted shackles so his lock-picking skill is only going to get better from this kill tree we recommend taking the main branch up to expert locks and then following it up to unbreakable with locksmiths even master locks are significantly easier to always be able to start with and with unbreakable you can do reckless as you like if you're kicking because you're lost X you'll never break you've probably got a good idea of how the Argonian slaves play style will work it's all about guerrilla tactics and ambushing unsuspecting enemies you sneak to get into best position while your targets are scratching their balls and then hit them with a sneak attack damage that'll either be with a bow if you're set up far away from the action or the dagger if you're all up in their grill if you were using the bow now is when you charge in if you were using the dagger then you're already in now switch to dual swords to dual power attack them to shreds thanks to the per changes the bow is definitely more viable when your cover is blown and it's focused around speedy moving and firing yah going in slave starts off sneaky and then relies any speed stay invasive and stay safe no matter what they throw at you as Fergie the light armors that you'll need to get your hands on is the scaled on armor complete with scaled boots and scales braces the weapons you want to include other glass bow and glass arrows as well as two Nordic swords and a Nordic soccer as mentioned previously Nordic weapons will be much easier to find once you make it to self time in the Dragonborn DLC storyline subscribe to fudge Muppet for more of the best Skyrim builds on YouTube and give the video a like if you enjoyed it in case you weren't aware we're giving away a free game of your choice to whoever can make the best Photoshop image of all our heads for more details on how you can get involved check out the latest episode of the fudge Muppet Show and follow us on Twitter thank you so much for watching guys I'm Scott and I look forward to learning out with you again very soon
Channel: FudgeMuppet
Views: 468,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skyrim, elder scrolls, argonian slave, argonian, skyrim builds, fudgemuppet, argonian slave build, morrowind, dunmer, elder scrolls builds, remastered, the argonian slave, sneak, assassin, archery, dual wield
Id: 4Sg0lg-ztww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 23 2017
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