Skyrim - Is Being a Werewolf Worth It?

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imagine having the strength of a beast its ferocity in battle its ability to hunt its ability to fight and protect those dearest's its ability to overcome enemies so dangerous that human and elf tremble but also its capacity to turn its capacity to hunger to lust an enslaved soul to forever hunt and kill this is the life of a werewolf so knowing all that all that can go right and all that can go wrong would you do it would you willingly accept her scenes gift of lycanthropy he's becoming a werewolf worth it what is up ladies and gentlemen my name is Scott and welcome back to fudge Muppet for another awesome hypothetical discussion about the magical universe of the elderscrolls that we have come to love now like our previous vampire worth that video we won't be discussing the gameplay aspects as such well actually if you really want a quick answer in the game of Skyrim being a werewolf is definitely worthwhile as you basically have no drawbacks a powerful beast form and disease immunity but that isn't what we're talking about we are posing the question if you actually lived in Tamriel would you become a werewolf willingly if you were given a choice so we will be diving into the law to extract all the benefits and ramifications that come of this choice and we may have to look at gameplay functions to narrow down the abilities and how it works precisely I'm also not going to dive into the other where creatures in this video just for simplicity's sake also the fact we don't know as much about these exotic we're creatures but regardless how about we start with how werewolves came about in their relation to her scene the Daedric prince of the hunt so unlike vampires werewolves and lycanthropy in general can't be traced to a single patient 0 a catalyst for the disease or blessing depending on how you look at it all that is known is that this condition is of Daedric origin created by the Daedric prince of the hunt per scene he often bestows his blessing upon devotees members of his colts and skilled hunters her scene seems to maintain active contact with many lycanthropes bestowing gifts and powers upon proven exceptional where beasts among packs of lycanthropes he has even means summoned to determine who the pack leader should be so I'm like more like balland his vampires who just was sort of trolling the god ah okay hircine actually seems to care in his own way about his creations one of the ways he does this is giving them eternal life in his hunting grounds after death to be able to hunt eternally which for those who willingly received the lycanthropy this is a pretty sweet deal take a L of a huntress for example but for those who regret taking the blessing or who are perhaps unwilling victims of the curse it may not be so good especially because it robs you of your desired afterlife be that at a cultural heaven like sovngarde or perhaps the realm of some other worshiped God who knows all we do know is that if you're a lycanthrope your soul will be claimed by hircine whether you like it or not now before we leave the topic of unwilling victims how does one become a lycanthrope while unwilling well many times people willingly accept lycanthropy and ready to become a powerful where creature but even if one does not want the curse they can still be infected by claw or teeth word from a lycanthrope usually when to thaw claw meets the flesh of someone they don't live to tell the tale but in the cases where they have survived they often become infected and turn into a wet beast of the same type ingesting a we're creatures blood is another way to rapidly transform yourself into a ware creature and they're even said to be rare cases of families where the condition is actually hereditary but for the most part you either need to be infected or directly cursed or slash blessed by the big man who seen himself so now we know all that we understand who it comes from and how to get it what does it actually do well lycanthropy mainly gives the use of the ability to shift into a beast form part humanoid part beast so where bear is part bear where shark part shark you get the gist but of course the day we are solely focusing on the werewolf and whether or not it is worth becoming one in the world of the elderscrolls and yes obviously a werewolf is part humanoid part wolf beast forms are powerful and bloodthirsty with the consumption of flesh extending the beastly frenzy werewolves are seen in skyrim can toss enemies with a flick of their wrist Nash and claw people to bits more their chest cavities and pop off their heads with raw strength alone being a werewolf gives you undeniable strength ferocity and speed in battle unmatched by one in the form of elf or man their claws are even said to be enchanted as they managed to strike enemies that could not be harmed by conventional weaponry and considering the Daedric origin of the transformation it makes sense there are prices to this power however and that price is usually insatiable bloodlust and even potentially amnesia occurring after the events of the web-based carnage prior but cases with lycanthropy seem so random and varied some lycanthropes are forced into transformation monthly some daily sometimes at the moon sometimes not sometimes not at all as is the case of the werewolves of the Companions Circle in Skyrim who seemed to have complete control over when they transform the conditions of their bloodlust also seem to vary some feeling it while in human form some who feel peckish and aggressive as a werewolf versus some who are borderline feral and unrelenting in their insatiable hunger for blood some though again have complete control over their lycanthropy and it is said that her semen can grant is too devout followers one of his relics in particular the aptly named ring of her scene grants the user complete control over their lycanthropy who without the ring or some sort of hircine blessing you have no idea what kind of werewolf you would be a crazy feral one or one with complete control perhaps somewhere in the middle this is a risk you have to take and something you need to deeply consider when asking the question being aware or from the Elder Scrolls universe is it worth it the final effects of lycanthropy to mention ask some of the miscellaneous ones that occur even in human form including the immunity to all diseases erratic sleep patterns and sometimes even small beasts your features that remain such as sense and patches of fur you will have to put up with every guard for the rest of your life asking you that question is that fur coming out of your ears but if you can handle that then your sweep so on paper just the powers and abilities alone without the conditions accounted for it seems like a pretty sweet deal if we assume the best case scenario meaning you have sufficient willpower to control your bloodlust and you have control of your transformations as if that's not the best thing ever you this beast form allowing you to add will transform into a werewolf granting you super strength speed agility stamina as well as a hulking figure with claws and gnashing blades for teeth making you one of the most powerful creatures to walk Tamriel you also remain a hundred percent immune to any and all diseases however you may have to put up with some restless nights and some odd patches of fur that don't seem to fade away but overall that sounds like a pretty sweet deal if I were to join the companions and their particular strain of lycanthropy was offered to me I would take it in a heartbeat and hunting in her sins realm could be pretty fun so I wouldn't mind if my life after death was just hunting in her scenes hunting grounds so yes being a werewolf is a hundred percent worth it to me if that is the case however if you could not control the transformation times for example every full moon or every three days or whatever random transformation cycle you are locked into it becomes a different story I think just for the fun of it I would still become a werewolf even if I had to transform say once a month I would just prepare ahead for it go for a trek into the woods and just hash it out until it's over and assuming I can still additionally transform willingly that's a pretty sweet deal the big thing for me that turns the worth it into a not worth it is when I can no longer control myself within the transformation if I had uncontrollable bloodlust and just went into a frenzy killing everyone around indiscriminately I would be shattered imagine if that happened around your family friends or just your town killing innocents it sounds flat-out horrible and I wouldn't like it in the slightest I would be able to handle a condition where you feel a bit angry a bit hungry a little more aggressive hangry perhaps I could deal with that in the werewolf form but not a total loss of control like a feral beast if I were to guess many of you would be on the same page as me if you could willingly transform and control the lycanthropy totally then of course it's worth it and I personally still think it's worth it even with a few uncontrolled transformations because you could learn when they happen and account for them like I said by isolating yourself I could also deal with minor bloodlust and aggression but not so much that I can't control it but thing that sucks is that you just can't know what kind of werewolf you would be I imagine it could also vary one day you're perfectly fine but then another day you just snap and tear apart a little girl like sending in a Falk wreath also you have to consider that there will be people hunting you people aren't big fans of we're creatures and with good reason considering they're wild and unpredictable nature's organizations like the Silver Hand and the vigilance of stander will be after your blood as well as many other organizations like them across Tamriel so what is my verdict do I think being a werewolf is worth it yes in the ideal scenario where I can control all of it then of course but what if the question was would you become a lycanthrope if there was a risk of you becoming feral or possessing random transformation cycles what then in that case I have to actually say a hard no if it was the ideal scenario the only real trade-off is some shitty sleep in certain groups won't be too fond of you but if you get that [ __ ] card handed to you where you become a bloodthirsty beast killing all around you and you aren't able to control the transformations and on top of that you have groups like the Silver Hand hunting you and with good reason considering you're a rabid beast a lot of the time well that isn't a life worth living in my opinion so in that case I would have to say no I would not want to risk it how about you guys what do you think would you risk it do you even think being a werewolf is worth it in the first place even under the ideal circumstances let me know in the comments below and if you enjoyed this discussion give the video a like these are my favorite kind of videos to create and I would love to hear some suggestions down in the comments below or you can head over to Twitter links in the description where you can find us and talk to us there my name is Scott from Foggia market thanks so much for watching guys and I will be back to nerd out with you again next time
Channel: FudgeMuppet
Views: 865,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skyrim, elder scrolls, fudgemuppet, skyrim werewolf, werewolf, werewolf worth it, skyrim worth it, is it worth it, elder scrolls lore, lycanthropy
Id: QUqT7_YqsyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 16 2018
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