Skyrim - 5 Breton Facts - Elder Scrolls Lore

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there are many different races that dot the landscape of Tamriel from man tumour and beast races included there are various interesting and sometimes vile cultures we have covered many of these races in our other fad videos but what happens when you mix man and mer well my friends you get the Breton bretons of Kyra the magically gifted human the noble knight the feuding kings the court Wizards and the sneaky knife blade assassins if you want to learn more about these people then this video is for you here are five facts about the Breton's of high rock factor number one the Breton's are descendants of half-breeds around the beginning of the first era the early altima came to hire off from the summerset isles and interbred with the local needs the humans existing in that region these half breeds or mana as they were sometimes called lived as second-class citizens supporting the elven rule of high rock these half breeds now known as their own race resins have unique elven life's qualities that set them apart from the rest of the races of man though most seem to look Nordic or Imperial upon closer inspection one can detect their elven ancestry in their high cheekbones ever slightly pointed is in their eyebrows the most significant trait that has come from their elven ancestry is their affinity for magic Breton's are the most naturally talented majors amongst all the races of man they are also born with an innate magic resistance and an ability called dragon skin where they can absorb spells after many conquests from Skyrim and Elysium campaigns against the dharini Elves of High Rock the Breton's would rebel and be free of their elven overlords and form their own unique and diverse civilization fact number two brethren society and hierarchies feudal and hierarchical with a large focus on the cultivation of land most of the society is made up of middle class peasants and beggars who populate the expansive trading hubs that are Breton cities there were various monarchs who fought in the vie for power constantly feuding but interestingly enough this is actually a cherished part of Breton culture this desire for power gold and glory is deeply ingrained in the Breton's young Britons have developed a cultural quest obsession as it is said the best way to earn the favor of Lords is to complete quests for them this attitude has caused many bretons to spread all over Tamriel thirsting for adventure and glory though headstrong and fame-hungry are not the only cultural traits of the presence they are also quite intellectual in nature enjoying things complex and logical their love for education and commerce has allowed them to make a name for themselves in a wide array of professions including medicine manufacturing banking philosophy theology artistry textiles Trading military sailing and scholarly pursuits they are one of the more diverse cultures in Tamriel fact number three the Breton's produced some of Tamriel most amazing magic users among the mages spell swords and knight blades in fact the knight blade that assassinated King cool akane and swift Tiber Septim throat which prevented him from using the film was a Breton knife blade you will often find many breath and battle majors looking for work or Breton majors and majors guilds across Tamriel retton's are especially renowned with their ability in conjuration magic along with other schools of magic like restoration illusion and alteration they also have some skill in alchemy fact number 4 the reach men the reach men are indigenous natives that have had many conflicts with the neighboring Nords of Skyrim and Breton's of high rock while they resemble Bratton's in physiology they are nothing like them in culture the reach man also more modern Lee known as the four swan believe themselves the true sons and daughters of the reach while primitive in dress they are far from it in action they have skilled magic users as well as agents embedded all over the reach especially within the city of Markov you can see their breath and blood showing here the reach men are and always have been physically independent and wished to rid the reach of any other political force Nords an empire alike so what they want and what they can actually do is very different even though the Force One have shown themselves very capable at the arts of insurgency and guerrilla warfare it seems that it is simply not enough for them to gain control of the reach for now it seems they will continue as simply a violent annoyance for citizens of the reach fact number five Breton's hate the orcs surprise surprise when you have a big group of warmongering violent warriors set up a city nearby you're going to stir up some trouble in the first arrow the kingdoms of Daggerfall and sentinel along with the order of diagonal and knights of the dragon teamed up to siege or sin IAM the city of the orcs in the Roth carrion mountains there is a long history of resins and Red Guards teaming up to tear or send him down and slaughter björk every single time it is rebuilt or seen IAM has been sacked and rebuilt many times in history most youtube Breton Lords wanting the green machines to get the hell away from them subscribe for more fully 6 facts about the races religions factions gods and all kinds of Elder Scrolls stuff I'm Scott from fudge Muppet social media links are in the description and I will see you next time
Channel: FudgeMuppet
Views: 351,926
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Keywords: skyrim, elder scrolls, fudgemuppet, skyrim facts, top 5, breton facts, breton lore, skyrim lore, breton, breton race, mage, nightblade, elder scrolls facts, 5 facts, secrets, skyrim secrets, high rock, forsworn
Id: CE87rX4TkQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 5sec (305 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 25 2017
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