Skull Island: Rise of Kong by SweedOla in 12:25 - Awesome Games Done Quick 2024

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hello Bor morning my name is Sweda this game is Scotland rise off Kong it came out back in October and is uh it's a very good game isn't that right good game e absolutely good game trumer the best good game Joker it's a game of all time oh yeah it's a good game right yeah anyway uh before I start the Run we did a build a community vote for a skin for the game this is paid DLC I paid an extra10 for it so I'm going to Showcase his off cuz this is quite quite funny so we got Kong battle Scot Kong classic Kong mother Kong father Kong albino Kong Brown Kong how how do that brown Kong when they're all brown Kong patri Kong cute Kong and sappy Kong and the vote was everyone was to be a cute Kong cute k cute Kong cute Kong you I wanted Brown Kong which one anyway uh timer starts as soon as I click a on the overright save file so ready to countdown yeah let's go right 5 4 3 2 1 go right though so this game was very interesting because it came out and was just very bad but recently had an update about last Tuesday yeah one week about a week ago literally an update so I had to make sure things still work in the route anyway so we're going to jump up these rocks and I'm going to be doing things like Sprint jumping it's also dashing in the game which is modly faster than spin jumping anyway going to be a good monkey jumping a tree oh ape and I'm going to jump to this rock skip this cut scene and going to land right here I'm going to jump over this ledge and we skip a large part this little tutorial that skips so many slowdowns you don't understand it's very bad anyway you're going to keep jumping up some rocks here and there's a Vine up ahead so I'm going to do is going jump melee that cancels the full going jump these Vines and that saves over a second but yeah this is a slow down here those little prompts open up a lot in the tutorial to tell us how to play the game which obviously is slow we don't want to do that anyway we got to say hi to our friends the nuggies and this giant dinosaur you're you're supposed to avoid them aren't you bu I thought I thought we were supposed to not get hit what's oh it's just a series of you know this is the game this is the game this is oh he did a jump over oh right um right okay o this quite low I'm joking we need to be one HP because this has a boss fight at the very end also these items here this is part of the update this was recently added um for whatever reason anyway so what I'm going to do is jump up here do a jump ACR here jump on this rock and now we're out of bounds so yeah so uh this was found by I believe someone called Eko and this was the out of boun here this Skips a large section of the Tut tutorial so as you can see uh we should really be up here this just Peak designed for this game so I I don't know what went wrong honestly if you look to your left a wide field of nothing my favorite part about this is uh I ended up getting a lot of people into this game cuz I like I like Kong I bought the game I was like oh my God it's be an awesome speedrun I rout the whole game I was like yeah it's going be like an hour and then sweed DMS me he like hey I broke the game I'm already on the final boss it was like 10 minutes we don't do any I found out like oh let's find all these bosses we don't do any of that anymore uh funny story about the whole situation with Cog I was watching e play it and I was like oh this game looks interesting so I bought it cuz it was on sale and I ended up getting lost and I end up in the final boss Zone whil EK was at uh twitchcon Vegas and was doing stuff I was dming him going hey we've got further and Kong we've got to this time and then this time so I gave him kind of daily Kong updates there was a lot also like we're skipping like all the tutorials like oh you get these abilities you can throw things you can jot like ground slam yeah we're not going to do any of that we're literally skipping all of it yeah we're just dashing away and we're going to go up the VS anyway uh now is G and uh she is not very very happy so what I'm going to do is jump into this trigger cuz this skips the little dialog thing I'm going to give gar a hug what a boss fight a men a boss fight okay she didn't like the hug okay it's intentional to die there and if anyone wondering you cannot defeat her she gets under half HP then you don't really you just die anyway jump this rock here and climb on this hill jump up this ledge and this skips the trigger spawning a bunch of uh dinosaurs and we're going to keep dashing our way through here and this is just most of the movement in this game it's just dashing so I know how much to say I don't if there's any donations or thing whatever read whilst we're going to this next area but oh I absolutely have donations for you I have $10 from Street back guy who says hi Sed ecis Joker and SCH mumbler both me and tex are cheering you on and wishing you luck on the Run also good to see the rise of Kong Community together in person for the first time yeah I'm so proud of how we have managed to break this game so much in only a matter of months definitely Game of the Year 2023 I mean we definitely owe this all of this to the Kong Community AB absolutely the game the game went from about a 2hour run to about 20 minutes in the span of 3 days oh you want go yeah anyway um this a skip this is what we in here now is a called an Ascension event and what I'm doing here is called crab skip so we're skipping this entire Ascension this was one that was originally in the run and we just skip it we just jump on some rocks th a tree and we're up here we climb crab Mountain yes so to kind of go to more of the Ascension event normally you're supposed to fight all the enemies you'll get an upgrade but they give you like a big red wall that blocks you off this game is like Kong going through puberty that it's a puberty story for some reason uh anyway though yeah you can just sort of walk around that yeah anyway we're back out of bouts again it's like know it's like quite common with this game we seem to be out of bouts a lot uh but yeah we're up top PS and we're going to fall on this rock jump of this to skip a little trigger and there we go we now skipped the large section of the first Hub but now on the way to the F first boss of this game now if anyone who's seen the Run That was supposed to before the whole uh GQ submissions you had noticed that we fight the boss well we I might have found to skip the of this submissions that we skip the boss so if someone wants to kind of explain what doing that yeah so like it's real simple you just lure the worm over here you force yourself into the you force yourself into the corner throws a rock out it's like one of its primary attacks and it just gives you a nice little platform to jump up onto the final little barrier there we go all right we just say bye G we literally save about two to minutes 2 to three minutes by skipping that oh that was good i' never actually first try and we didn't get like toileted yeah and it's so great too cuz that that that's the only boss in the game you couldn't really cheese and now we just skip it I like to think that Geer just doesn't like Kong's model and want out there as soon as possible yeah yeah there is a funny spot like uh swed mentioned you can get toil what we call toilet Bol if uh G hits you at the right angle you spin around the arena like you would in a toilet Bol yeah you literally go Beyblade I right now we have another Ascension event it's just like break Nest except we're not going to do that uh you can just kind of jump there and then jump right up there and hey look we're now uh we're now going above the map again anyway we're out bounds again um this just happens for some reason with this game which're is out of Bones also really quick this would be a good time to talk what exact what exactly do you do in the ape game to win and the answer is your parents died to gone in the beginning and you're supposed to like go to the Skull Island puberty and all that and you have to be five bosses you have uh Gesa uh Denis Denis uh Dingus Dingus yeah King Dingus three Raptors a spider and then go and the thing is we're like not fighting any of them we just skip them all yeah you can surprisingly run through a lot of it this game is like a Metroid Vania where it's oh you don't get any of the upgrades we gave you in the beginning every time you beat a boss we get those upgrades however we you just found you can just go directly to the end of the game turns out the strongest upgrade is platforming true yeah but yeah we're just dashing it for the next like minute or two so You' got like donations what anything needs to read go for it yeah you got it we have plenty of donations here L coming in very excited about this Kong action we've got $5 from profit black who says Kong Kong Kong Kong Kong yeah profet we also have $25 from breaking fuse who says hey sweed good luck on your run dude remember Apes together strong now I really want to notice that I just love how eventful the music is for The Dashing this is furry intense dashing music what happens is because we skip that Ascension fight the music stays on the Ascension fight music it doesn't realize that we are out of the fight so you hear the intensity of the music continue to play through as we just Dash through and be this is an area that we are supposed to be in eventually there are supposed to be enemies spawning here but because we go up the top we just despawn them all anyway this is the zone to the final air of the game well we're now on the final level yeah yeah yeah so this is the final level of the game and it's like this is where I end up accidentally in Demon going hi how do I get to the final boss from here and he just goes wait what and we're just here so there's another skip we got to do there like two more left in this entire little area however it's like de Skip's quite finy it's called Vine skip we skip some Vines I hate the Skip and everyone hates it the skip is the bane of my existence so basically all I'm going to do is DP in this corner I'm going to jump up here land on this ledge go to this corner jump up and ah near fish try so yeah you also got like kind of a glimpse of the whole area when when s was coming around the corner there and you're actually supposed to like jump over and across go in a huge circle around the entire thing until you climb your way up here and yeah it this saves like probably 5 minutes of platforming even doing this is so much faster even even missing it so what's happening here is is jumping on the ledge there is a little bit of an overhang of of the Collision of this top part out and around to get up and over these Vines but now we're over and now we're over yep that just saves a bunch of time on Vines and wherever we can we try to avoid them because Vines are just ultimately slow and I didn't get that that's s there's a little thing there you can land top that and save like a second or two it's whatever anyway um Arachnophobia warning if you have Spear of spiders please look away but they they are friendly especially this spiders this guy says hi he jumped towards us and yeah so um all right Arachnophobia warning over we have skip the only spiders that we will see in this run y we just walk past them it's fine keep jumping through here and when I have large FS like the one coming up I'm going to do the animation cancel which just makes it so Kong doesn't stumble so it's kind of easier to avoid a lot of people mention that Kong be really tiny or he's really tiny it just to grow throughout the game but we don't do any of the events that make Kong large we're kind of playing as really cute Kong yeah this a cute Kong yeah and the the animation kid is there is a a long uh stun animation if you drop from a large height uh but by meleeing in midair as we fall it does allow us to cancel that animation as we land and continue on be able to run also I'm trying to avoid dashing into worms because if I Dash into them it kind of glitches out the camera and not in a good way it'll make it so it's either very far to the left very far up down whatever it's really bad but this game did have an update to this game and once I get past next skip which is a skip this last final event Ascension event um it's very interesting because this game had really bad maps and in the update they fixed them they P the working map yeah they working map so there's controls there and it is believe is this button here nope hang on it's a map it works you can see Kong that was not in the game at launch and a lot of people were like hey I don't know where I am I'm lost and that was the thing we're not even joking the way they want you to get around was by you yell and then you see vague symbols in the sky and then you just hope you're going the right way doesn't help I still got lost there's no differentiation either between the bosses and theen final boss we're already here boss anyway so U yeah this is the final boss we could jum here and uh we got to check rocks yeah this is it this is what the final boss is like I can just look behind and see all the lovely people get to watch hi back hi how you all doing yeah well welcome to rise of K to go over uh the very minor bit of tech here normally this fight would be very difficult you get stunned a lot hits really hard but the ey just sort of breaks if you go to this one spot and uh throw rocks at her yeah again there is a midpoint phase which will Roar Just just yell and little too early yeah a bit too early but uh now we're back to or Lial where we throw rocks rock rock rock rock rock rock rock rock rock rock rock rock rock rock rock rock rock rock rock rock rock rock time Ro is the finnal hit this B so this [Applause] hito woohoo yeah that is uh SC so um this game had an interesting cut scene that came out with the game and we kind of skipped it yeah we did fight that boss so um I feel like it's only fair that GQ gets to experience this very very great cutscene that is in this game e found out on day one you can replace a video file within the game with any video whatsoever it's any video you can replace it that's part of going in as well uh really quick you don't even have to do anything special you just drop it like any random video file video there is so here it is this game had extras and had an a whole Orchestra make Kong so all they did was place the video file so this cut scene was Infamous for one very big reason it's gives you the strong strong story of Kong there's a lot of LW here you know pixel very big law friendly Kong like there there there there's a raptor I never even found this boss when I was playing oh my God a PNG oh my God Jesus that's a PNG and and with the update that PNG was still not patched out it's still there but it's a lot biger onto the screen yeah they least made the entire thing uh this has been scoring rise of Kong I've been Sweda and there's been schuma egis and Joker special shouts to also Street profit Echo and everyone in the Kong speed running Community for this and honestly this game as much has been like a joke it's been quite a fun grind and it's been really fun so yeah yeah showcase this game off to gdq Kong is King we all bought this game for $4 I paid extra than
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 77,288
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: king kong agdq, kong agdq, Skull Island: Rise of Kong gameplay, Skull Island: Rise of Kong agdq, Skull Island: Rise of Kong speedrun, AGDQ, Skull Island: Rise of Kong, AGDQ 2024, Awesome Games Done Quick, Awesome Games Done Quick 2024, GDQ, Games Done Quick, SDA, SGDQ Competitive Gaming, SRL, Speed Demos Archive, SpeedRunsLive, Speedrun Gameplay, Speedrunning, Speedruns, Summer Games Done Quick, Twitch, Recorder
Id: WBO5ZpY13Dk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 46sec (946 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2024
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