Skull and Bones BEST Weapons To Use and WHY, WORST Weapons to AVOID Getting

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today's Skull and Bones video is all about the  best weapons to use and why I'm going to go over   the best weapons that you should be using the  worst weapons and why you shouldn't use them and   why they're not really applicable in any situation  now if things do change if there is a patch or   a huge game rebalance please look towards the  description and the pinned comment of this video   for updates or feel free to ask in the comments I  read every comment let's get started unlike other   YouTubers I like to start with the best because I  make these videos for a future version of myself   that forgets all this stuff so the best weapon  is the bombard Cannon and I'm going to show you   why it is the bombard Cannon now again these are  subject to change but the bombard Cannon has an   incredibly long range and it shoots an explosive  area of effect bomb that deals tremendous damage   not only to Towers but to enemy ships it's also  one of the easiest weapons to land a hit with I'm   going to shoot uh just a you know some a couple  shots here out into the ocean and you'll see red   well it's a little far but uh it's actually beyond  the uh the Mist wall there almost but uh you can   see like I don't have to directly hit the ship  I can just hit near the ship to deal damage so   here we go and boom that is a hit I also hit the  weak points on the sides that hit the Mast and uh   it's a little bit hard to see but uh there will  be a big red circle where this thing lands also   it works great for Towers it's a little awkward  to aim upwards though but it has a fast reload it   deals tremendous amounts of damage uh especially  when you hit the weak point here on the tower and   this specific uh bombard Cannon is a fire bombard  so it catches things on fire it uh it has a bigger   AOE explosion and it only gets better from here  but uh it's a little hard to see but like there   see that red circle when I shoot the ground here  it's it's only there for a moment but this is this   allows you to hit enemy players in PvP much easier  uh the ammo you you get the best bang for your   buck on ammo all right bombard uh shells cannon  balls whatever you want to call them they're not   cannon balls they're bombard balls and uh as far  as ammo spent goes you're getting the best bang   for your buck you can you definitely use this  while moving and again it's very forgiving with   the aim it's so easy to just hit and sink ships  again with the fast reload you don't lose this is   an allround amazing weapon also because it puts  a big red circle on the ground you can see where   your aim is off so you can adjust accordingly and  uh yeah see that big red circle there I am I swear   that that was in the circle but whatever Let's uh  shoot a couple more here and yeah see the we're   we're in the circle now and look at that that  ship stood no chance now I am a level eight ship   against level two ships but even in higher level  zones I destroy almost every ship in just a few   volleys and I can do this completely from range  and the best thing the absolute best thing about   the bombard Canon because remember it shoots this  big red circle onto the into the water is that if   there's multiple ships grouped up one of my shots  can hit three to four ships all at once and look   at this like if there was a bunch of ships crowded  around like a little small area They're All Dead   uh every other weapon in the game except for the  torpedo just about and the mortar of course which   is an auxiliary weapon we'll talk about those  as well uh you know everything else doesn't do   AOE effect damage like this is a sniper Cannon  a long Cannon this can only hit one target at a   time this is a demi Cannon it's a shotgun kind of  Cannon and yeah you can hit multiple enemies with   it but you're only dealing half damage if you do  so we're going to talk about the other weapons   now but the bombard Cannon the final thing too  is in the beta this is the cheapest cannon in   the game to craft it is the easiest cannon in the  game to craft as well and uh let's see if I could   try to uh well find the ing we're just going to  skip ahead and go to town here and I'll show you   the ingredients but before I show you how to craft  it I do do want to mention that around mid game 2   and 1 half to 5 hours in depending on how fast  you are every ship you kill will give you more   bombard ammo than you're spending on killing them  with so it is just an infinitely resupply ammo   Source without the need to craft but I'm going  to show you how to craft not only the Cannons   but also the ammo as well it's really simple and  so we talked to the blacksmith and he's always got   something to say of course he does you know that's  just how games work and uh you just scroll down to   uh let's see top deck weapon no it's not top deck  yeah it is okay so I'm using the enhanced bombard   here and this just takes aoko planks which you  can get in the first couple hours of the game   bronze ingots these are so easy to farm and F jute  and then wood tar is the only kind of iffy one but   the best place that I have found in the game to  farm wood tar is okay so we're in St an this is   where you start the game after the tutorial and  then you're going to sail Southwest all the way   down to about here and uh here and just kind of  around and this whole area like it's just full   of uh full of it so uh if we talk to him again we  can actually track you know the the ingredients   to craft this if we want and so if I go to track  blueprint there we go and then I can open the map   once again and show you the icons this time and  uh now it's going to say that the tar like see   there's right here at for Fort Louis or Louise  however you say it but if you just kill the   ships around here they carry it too this is just  a trade route also like like here if you want to   do a plundering Mission you can get about two wood  tar if you visit this settlement you can buy one   wood tar per hour so what you do is you go here  you buy one you buy one and then here you know uh   this is this is a little bit harder settlement I  think no no no this one's actually pretty easy no   no it's not that's a level 13 don't do that one  okay but you can easily plunder this one for two   plunder this one for two and then you can also buy  one from each per hour and then plundering resets   really really really quickly so it's uh it's it's  all around good now for everything else it's not   showing on the map for whatever reason I guess  because I have an abundance of the the supplies   but uh the juk the or not the J but you know the  metal the fiber and all that stuff you go here to   C Mangrove and then you just uh go to La colon and  look they also sell wood tar even though it's not   marked on the map for some reason I don't know why  that is I guess it's a UI bug but this is another   this is actually my favorite place to like really  Farm I made a whole video about this little Zone   here uh in a tutorial but now the ammo and then  we're going to talk to blacksmith again you're a   sirly company all right so the ammo is right here  and it is the uh bombard bomb crate now I actually   don't have the recipe for it cuz I don't need it I  have like I get infinite bombard ammo but um I'll   go ahead and show you where to get the recipe and  uh it's just made by scraps it's like scrap metal   torn sails Rusty Nails you're you're going to get  plenty of those every time you you uh break open   a shipwreck but uh no that's not where it's at  that's that's my own marking but yeah it's right   up here you'll be here around level three you're  going to come to this area around level 3ish so   uh we'll go ahead and buy it just so you can see  the ingredients just so you know I'm not fibbing   and in case they patch it and make the like one  day they might make the ingredients more expensive   so for historical purposes sake we'll go ahead  and just catalog this now and then you just go   to buy and sell and then buy the the right it's  metal salvage and Rusty Nails there's an infinite   supply of these they're so easy to get come on  guys all right next weapon next up is the high   DPS weapon versus ships and this is because of  its insane damage and its fast reload and that   is the Demi cannons so Demi cannons look like this  you just shoot a big shotgun shrapnel blast right   in front of you it has very limited range so here  I I'm pretty far away and I can't quite hit this   ship but later on uh which is not available in the  beta but later on you will be able to increase the   range of this but I don't know why you would want  to uh so what you do is um the way this game works   and this is like one of the better cannons for  just farming ships you're going to be doing a lot   of ship farming and so you're you don't aggro the  enemies until you're you attack because you're a   pirate they don't know that you're a bad guy you  sail right up next to them and you just shotgun   their weak points and that usually kills them  or wounds them enough to board them giving you   bonus loot you just simply rinse and repeat this  it's one Cannonball per kill now even if I were   to do this to high level ships it might take  a few volleys but when you're high high level   you have the best Demi cannons in the game then  it's still a one shot one kill on almost every   ship that isn't you know an elite or a uh a rare  uh I don't know what they're called in this game   like a ship captain I suppose but um essentially  you yeah you just sail around and if you have you   know them on each side you could AOE Farm you know  four to five ships really really quickly and you   just again you just shotgun The Rake Point look at  how fast the reload is by the time I swoop around   I don't even need to like switch you know sides to  my ship to kill things I can just blast them down   one to two cannonballs for killing ships this is  the most efficient weapon in the game um but now   if you're trying to do PVP you're not really  going to have an opportunity to get close to   other players because the current meta is to run  away and and bombard or to snipe sails if someone   Snipes your sails and then they have a guy with  Demi cans that rolls up on you you're basically   dead unless you have flood protection uh also the  the downside to this is it's not an allpurpose   or all-arounder weapon and while this does out  DPS the bombard cannons we talked about earlier   it is completely useless when plundering cities  because you can't really crack walls or cannons   or not cannons you can't crack uh towers with  this very effectively unless the city itself uh   has a tower that is really close to the coastline  a lot of towers will be situated up and above and   kind of away from where you can just shotgun them  down and uh yes it with the perks that increase   the range of Demi Cannon and with certain Demi  cannons that are meant for killing Towers you can   kind of make it better but it will never beat the  bombard Cannon and it will never beat the long gun   and it'll never beat the C okay so uh it's not an  allrounder weapon it is a specialized weapon meant   specifically to farm ships and that's basically  it you can also shotgun you know fish out of the   water but you can also just blow them up with a  bombard Cannon uh so again this is a level two   ship so it's going to melt pretty much instantly  but if you had demy cans on the front and the   sides you would demy Canon here and then you would  swap over this way after ramming Demi Cannon there   and you basically win every 1 V one versus NPCs  so Demi Cannon is amazing you should definitely   have them when you're doing farming there's no  I mean bombard is also great cuz it can AOE like   multiple ships it really depends on the location  that you're farming but like this this little uh   Foundry here has a tower and the towers well  it's uh it's a little bit kind of further away   we can still kind of hit it there and you can see  that you know look how much damage I did with one   shot there maybe like 5 to 10% right it's not a  lot and yeah they're going to start shooting me   but with a with a just a a long gun I deal even  more okay I'm dealing way more with the long gun   uh and then with the bombard I will deal even more  and it's easier to hit too also I didn't it auto   plunders when you start attacking the towers  just in case you were wondering so yeah and   uh like the Demi Cannon is not meant for Towers  it's not meant for walls if there's a giant like   Fort wall and you get next to it you're going to  die okay so at the end of the game on the highest   level forts if you ride close to a you a military  fort you're just going to get nuked and so there's   no reason to ever be close and there's no reason  to ever use Demi cannons when plundering actual   military fortification now a little Foundry like  this in the in the early game if this is all you   have it'll work but again there's no reason  to use this other than ship farming the next   weapon I want to talk about is the ballista now  unfortunately I can't really show you how this   works because in the beta the ammo to be able to  buy the ammo and to be able to craft the ammo is   locked behind progression so you won't be able  to really use this in the first I don't know 3   to 5 hours of playing unless they change things  but this weapon has it's there's no cool down   to firing it it is um it's just a really big I'll  try to show it off and just show you what it looks   like here but I can't really show you the damage  the damage is amazing right I think that at the   end of the game which I cannot confirm yet but the  rarest most legendary ballista will be one of the   best weapons in the game so the ballista is it's  a front-facing weapon right here it's a really   big you know it's one of those big Siege weapons  that you see in like the old military day or the   old medieval days right shoots a giant you know  freaking arrow and you charge it up and then you   release it and there is no cool down there's no  reloading time it's just charge fire charge fire   charge fire charge fire and it deals more damage  than the long cannons and with because there's no   reload it does higher DPS you can also shoot these  really really far away like I could I would be   able to hit this ship very easily and uh it deals  the highest Pierce damage in the game from what I   have looked up and studied and uh just from you  know looking at other content creators that had   access to the ingame stuff this is the weapon  of weapons for sniping essentially but at the   same time because it is a sustained DPS weapon  that means that instead instead of doing a big   burst and you know like trying to maneuver around  you just sit at the back outside of the range of   these fortifications and you just nuke everything  but the this ammo is the most expensive it's also   the hardest to get it's you can't even get it  in beta the the only way to get the ammo in beta   is there is a quest reward that gives you 14 of  them and I've already shot through all of those   so again the ballista one of my favorite choices  uh for the front my my dream ship is the ballista   on the front and then the bombards on the sides  because that's just how the PVP meta is that's   just the most efficient and easiest and laziest  way to play this game now I want to talk about   the second worst weapon in the game now this is  the seafire this is a basically a flamethrower   and it it is still useful in some regard maybe if  you're like a ramming ship build which I mean I   don't have access to the full game so I don't  know if ramming ship builds are even going to   be a thing over just nuking people with bombards  but the damage is not as high as you would think   and I have a special one that um you get from a  PVP reward so it does it's going to do more than   anything else we can find in the beta and uh there  is a few Niche uses now this is a ship in distress   I'm just going to burn them and uh you can see the  damage it it's okay like we're able to melt them   but I'm going to tell you right now that the uh  the ammo that we just used is ridiculous uh let's   see we were at 402 ammo when we started spraying  and you have to let him pump oil into the barrel   and now we're at like 388 so uh again this cannon  it can burn Towers if they're near the coast but   it's not the the best I will share with you  one of my favorite uses though and that is   for killing the enemy's sails in like group PVP  having one of these Ram your ship and then burn   your sails is a death sentence uh I will say that  that is where it's mainly primarily used but by   burning the sails you are massively limiting the  damage that you deal I don't have very specifics   on how how damage is calculated but I think sail  attacks are 25% uh of you know attacking the body   whereas you know hitting the weak points is even  more so if we burn the sails which I just killed   him with raming oops okay so that's a player  I can't hurt the player uh also we got a level   three ship here let's turn around and uh meet him  I lost all my food in a PVP match I got like some   Discord pre-made team just nuked me immediately it  was really sad they all had the same clan tag so   let's not Ram this one all right so if we burn the  sails and you can see here he's on fire his sails   are broken he can't move we could just mortar him  if we wanted if we weren't in melee range but yeah   he's just going to burn to death now so it is  a good damage over time but like in this game   you want to pretty much instantly kill ships you  don't want to sit there and Dot them up like some   sort of World of Warcraft warlock MMO RPG gameplay  no you want to you want to kill them immediately   cuz they can still shoot you while you're in melee  flame range and the bad thing about being in melee   I don't know why I'm calling it melee Range close  range is that you can't brace in time to react to   enemies shooting back at you I mean maybe you  can if you have like insane response time but   uh yeah this like okay right now we have a full  tank of gas I'm going to burn this ship to the   ground by attacking its weak points we're going  to see how much ammo we expend doing this okay so   we're just going to start burning and yeah that  was ramming it I'm going to shoot the whole tank   well I shot most of the tank but look how much  ammo it cost okay we were at 380 we got to let   them pump it into the gun and 371 so that was nine  oil barrels nine oil barrels to kill a level three   ship well as you can see like like oil barrels  aren't the cheapest ammo yeah you can craft them   they're crafted by you know the basic crap but  this weapon this weapon sucks the range sucks   is it's not good for sieges for plundering it's  not good in PvP because everyone's just going to   run away from you unless you break their Sals and  even then I I can't find a use for this anywhere   at any point in the game and I have a stronger  one than most people in the beta cuz I got a   legendary you know uh treasure reward and yes  before anyone tries to argue about armor types   and oh you need you need the the the weapon to  counter their armor type like this player here   his armor type is explosion resist resistance so  he's probably got 33% explosion resistance based   on his level so you'd be like oh you shouldn't use  bombards on him no just because you're dealing 33%   less damage you're still AO AOE nuking him you're  still hitting from Max distance with fast reload   you're going to still do more damage even with 33%  reduction than the rinky dinky flamethrower okay   now early game if you follow the main story quest  in about 2 and 1 half hours or faster if you're   really good you can get Scurlock Chasers these  are a long gun these are the sniper weapon of the   game they are meant to shoot longer distances and  they just shoot cannonballs you know just straight   up uh really good for hitting the weak points  but in reality the Scurlock Chasers are amazing   because they are designed to deal bonus damage  when you attack the enemy's Mast this is also   really good for boss fights and PVP so you deal  7,000 additional damage this is additional by the   way uh after the torn sails effect is applied Li  to a ship so uh all you have to do from distance   is shoot their sails you'll break their Mast which  Roots them in place and you'll deal a bonus 7,000   damage now when you attack the the uh the sails  you're only dealing 25% damage but because you're   going to deal 7,000 well that's like hitting two  or three weak points worth of damage and because   you can shoot this from an insane range and they  can't run away and they can't move uh it's just   it's dirty it's dirty in PVE and PVP now you deal  50% increased damage when hitting sales but let me   let me explain how this works so let's say let's  just theoretically say if you hit the body of a   ship you deal 1,000 damage well when you hit the  sales you'll deal around 250 damage these numbers   are not exact these are just what I've noticed as  I've been playing so you don't deal 1,000 + 50%   minus 75% you deal 250 damage and then you add  50% to that which would be 125 meaning meaning   you deal 375 damage now with this perk it's not  the best but hey you're still better off attacking   weak points with this weapon if you can but once  you've popped all the weak points they take a   little bit to to come back they don't they're not  just always available to explode right especially   in um you know like like fighting bosses you kill  all their weak points and then you have to wait   for them to respawn their their weak points so in  the meantime you attack their Mast because you're   going to deal that bonus 7,000 damage and uh yeah  the like these just shoot a long range I'm going   to go ahead and show them off now so long guns  shoot far right they shoot pretty dang far let's   see how far they actually shoot let's just aim all  the way up and fire so it it goes so far it's out   of render distance essentially um I don't think  that I can just hit a ship offc screen but I can   definitely shoot this ship and while we can't  see the weak points from this far away I know   I can hit the Mast which is the biggest easiest  Target on the ship and I did I miss that I hate   that there's like a big plume of smoke now the  bad thing about the long guns is the long reload   yeah you can see I'm hitting the mass you can  see here there's the debuff one more mass shot   this thing is dead this will kill this ship so  here we go and Bo and well it yeah it died okay   now the the the long guns excel at hurting Towers  this is a tower I'm pretty far from it but uh you   can see yeah I'm I'm hitting the base of the tower  I need to aim up more now what about close combat   these aren't really the guns you want to use close  combat cuz of the long reload but when you hit a   weak point you deal a huge chunk of damage which  uh there's a weak point there let's see if I can   hit it and nope I missed okay so there we go we  hit the weak point there 4,200 something damage   and then uh you know we got another weak point  here on the side and because these things fire   straight and quickly once you're close you could  generally hit the weak points which I'm failing to   do but for Towers you definitely want to aim for  that weak point that is the right red part of the   tower which would be the top and you can see it  deals a respectable amount of damage but because   of the high reload speed it is not outclassed by  bombards so you're better off bombarding you know   uh fortifications and yes I didn't want to plunder  can we not play a cut scene every time I want to   do something in a video game please thank you  devs all right Starfield was Notorious for this   uh but yeah I don't really need to finish off the  tower there but yeah that's the long gun have fun   with it it's pretty cool next up is an allpurpose  weapon the cold VAR this is a middle ground weapon   this is like the boring static default Cannon  it's just it's just cannons it's just regular   cannons with a regular Cannon Arc and regular  range and the thing with cens is they can fill   any role you know fire cols flood cols tearing  colars Siege cols like they're just kind of an   all-arounder weapon and here's the thing the  cin is designed to have about the same DPS as   everything else assuming you land every shot they  have a medium reload time there there's nothing   really fun or special about them and uh they don't  do an AOE attack so that's why they do that's why   they don't win against the bombard Cannon but  I'll I'll sell up next to a ship and I'll show   you the damage now the colar that I have on this  ship are from a legendary treasure map so they are   much stronger than anything you can get or craft  currently in the beta so these things are going   to hit a little harder than than normal but um as  far as tearing C go they're not that great either   but uh I have my guns on the back of the ship here  so we're just going to point our butt at the enemy   and uh yeah you can spam a ship down you can see  here we deal a decent amount of damage to it right   but we we're waiting on that reload and then there  we go we finished off that level three ship here's   another level three ship about the same one and  oh we got some ale there we go and uh ale for the   lads boys uh you can see that the the Demi Cannon  which we showed off earlier in the video you know   is going to deal the same amount of damage but in  a single shot with a faster reload so there we go   I just did look at that I dealt more damage than a  full volley of colan and I'm already reloaded for   a second volley so this guy's probably wondering  why I'm bullying level three ships potatoes wrath   that's a fun name uh you know uh here's the long  gun again that we showed earlier hitting this the   Mast and uh you can see that the C there's like  no reason to use it over the other weapons like   you know long gun boom I dealt plent of damage  bombard Cannon easy to hit deals just as much   damage and again when you shoot this is this is  the the Kiron you know when you hit towers and   walls and fortifications with this it it's the  same as hitting them with the long gun it's the   same as hitting them with your bombard it's just  harder to land you got to get closer to land your   shots which you never want to do against the high  level military forts ever so I don't see a point   or a reason to to use the C unless it's all you  got or it's your strongest weapon that you just   happen to find so the mortar is it's hard to  classify the mortar it is an auxiliary weapon   that means it is not the front or sides or back  of the ship weapon it is the weapon in the middle   of your ship and uh the mortar has an a very good  range a very large area of effect Circle here this   is like I guess being like an AOE spellcaster in  a video game you know but um the great thing about   the mortar is it's a good opening attack when  you're plundering a base and there's like three   ships all packed together just beining it for you  you cast this in front of them and they all take   damage the damage is pretty Dam good here and uh  it's a little awkward to time so I fired this when   the ship was at the base of the circle and now  it's going to land there we go Direct Hit kind   of sort of and it it deals good damage right it's  just it's got a it's got a semi long cool down it   does it's like three hitting three bombards that  the mortar is basically three bombards in one also   I didn't even click to harvest this but I'm going  to harvest it anyway so the mortar uh it's again   it's not something you can really specialize in I  guess it's just something extra to use it's good   to throw out especially in PvP whenever you're  throwing bombards and mortars out you can just   flood the enemy screen with red damage circles  and they're going to panic and try to avoid it   or they're going to brace now again like a tank is  like in PvP a tank is going to counter the mortar   it's not something you want to bring in a PVP  fight against tanks but um the other auxiliary   weapon I I can't really show but it's the rockets  and no I'm not going to change the top of my   screen I'm just going to talk about it real quick  the Rockets are just an insane Clos range DPS it's   like two mortars okay the Rockets are two mortars  but against a single Target I mean yeah you could   spread the damage out but why would you want to  do that right uh so again I I love the mortar lots   of people love the mor it's great for PVE PVP it  is it's your go-to auxiliary weapon for sure now   one of my favorite uses for the mortar besides  just shooting it at Targets before initiating   combat uh cuz it makes a great opening weapon is  that it lets you zoom out and look around like   you can really move the camera very far out more  so than the looking glass or or not the Looking   Glass but the Crow's Nest it's it's so much  better for if you're wondering what the Crows   Nest is used for it's it's so you can look around  without steering ship kind of sort of I mean yeah   you can do that anyway but like it lets you see  over stuff that's basically it it's uh I don't   know it's just I guess more for roleplay purposes  but whatever the again the mortar many many uses   now I want to talk about the worst weapon in the  whole game and that is Torpedoes Torpedoes are in   a bad place right now Torpedoes are not fun to use  they are not rewarding to use they are the lowest   DPS weapon even if you land every hit with your  Torpedoes as they arm and you even have the the   special ones from legendary PVP treasure chests  they are absolutely terrible so here's how the   Torpedoes work this is the aiming reticule and  the red is when the Torpedoes are not armed and   the white is when they are armed that maximizes  your damage and like if we fully volley this ship   here there we go and yes it I did technically kind  of sort of almost onot the ship but not quite uh   and that's a level one ship and these are again  like high level torped and that was three armed   direct hits that's it it's really hard to do they  have a they have a longer reload time their range   isn't as good as the long gun like you see that  ship in the distance there we can actually like   shoot some Torpedoes at it and uh yeah we can  just follow him here and uh they suck in PvP they   they're just terrible weapons they uh look they  just blow up like that they the range sucks it's   hard to hit targets and you can sit here and you  oh well I'm going to be the best torpedo player   ever bro you're wasting your damn time be the  best bombard player ever so again this ship is   still too far away to shoot with Torpedoes I can  literally shoot it with bombards or even the long   gun but not Torpedoes no no no and yes the bigger  the ship the easier it is to hit with Torpedoes   but Torpedoes have a bad habit of not hitting weak  points on ships like this ship is literally Dock   and not moving let's uh there we go that should  hit but if it was moving it's actually pretty hard   to hit now we did end up one-shotting that ship so  that's cool but um could onshot it with many other   things if we had you know good guns this level so  we're in active combat with this one and I have   to shoot I have to aim ahead of the ship here kind  of like that so by the time that they land it it's   It's tricky to aim let's just say that it's tricky  to aim and those are unarmed those were unarmed   Torpedoes so while we are like doing let's try  to hit this ship like it's going to be a little   awkward here try we got to shoot like way ahead of  this [ __ ] you can see it's just it's just weird   like I'm going to have to aim even further ahead  to hit this guy like am I even close no no I'm   not even close enough to for the the Torpedoes to  land all right those those kind of hit and I have   the exploding ones so normally that wouldn't hit  brace that more Torpedoes and yeah we're kind of   hitting with it now I'm making this weapon look  good I'm going to tell you right now I'm making   this weapon look good it is not feel good it is  awkward to hit I think we just hit that one on   accident actually so I'm getting pretty lucky here  with my foot this is not Cherry Picked I swear I   don't cherry pick my stuff but uh Torpedoes just  are not the way to go okay uh also for sieging   forts plundering and uh military encampments  because Torpedoes swim along the water you can't   hit towers with this you can't hit fortified walls  with this the explosions will Splash up onto the   shore and do some damage but it's like a thousand  like it should be doing way more like okay wrong   guns let's try to hit here and uh they're cool I  will give them that they're a pretty cool looking   weapon and mechanic the gameplay wise okay no  ammo I'm all out of torpedoes um but yeah there   you go that's that's the Torpedoes Bros so again  you're just better off using other weapons man   just bombard them dude just use the bombards  also you got to swivel your camera around to   grab the loot so yeah worst weapon Torpedoes for  sure 100% now let's review all the weapons we've   covered in today's video we've covered the C the  Demi cannon that's the shotgun one we've covered   the bombard the best one on the list in case you  skip to the End by the way if you did skip to the   end I put the best stuff at the start of the  video so go check that out use the time stamps   in the description we covered the long gun why  it sucks but there is a good one here you can   get early on through the story I've covered the  mortar and I talked about the Rockets I can't get   them in beta but Rockets they're a single Target  PS weapon they're all right uh the ballista which   I can't show off in the beta because there's  only one Quest that rewards the ammo and we   talked about cire one of the worst weapons ever  besides Torpedoes so that is all the weapons that   are available in the beta and the well the weapon  types that is that at least so hopefully you learn   something let me know in the comments what your  favorite weapon is let me know in the comments   what your favorite sandwich is okay I just like  a a club sandwich from Subway I don't know okay   anyway thank you so much for watching hit that  like button before you go and one last thing   there's a video on the right side of your screen  that you should absolutely click and if you don't   click it then you're going to have an embarrassing  Awkward Moment out in public in the next two days
Channel: SwoleBenji
Views: 87,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Skull and Bones, Skull and Bones Game, Skull and Bones Video Game, Skull and Bones MMO, Skull and Bones Ubisoft, Skull and Bones Guide, skull and bones best weapons, skull and bones best cannons, skull and bones strongest weapons, skull and bones strongest cannons, skull and bones best weapons to use, skull and bones worst weapons, skull and bones worst cannons, skull and bones best weapons to get, skull and bones weapons guide, skull and bones best weapon guide
Id: 7PE5C6C4pTI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 42sec (1962 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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