SkittenWife and HusbandChavezz Journey to the West with OSP! pt. 2

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what up hope is good it your girl skit inand we are back at it again with part two of the journey to the west' video by overly sarcastic productions if you missed part 1 go back and watch part 1 on Chavez this channel and I go back and watch part 2 on my channel ready because you can't watch part 2 before you watch part 1 if you watch part 2 before you watch part 1 you can't be missing all the information that is hard one and then you're gonna be coming into part 2 without the information for part 1 so really you should just watch part 1 before you watch part 2 so we're gonna get started just just get started that's all you out to tell myself in the face with that that's what you get for them don't [ __ ] undermine me on my own [ __ ] channel go watch part 1 and they come back ok ok welcome back last time on the journey to the west' the mischievous monkey King Sun Wukong after achieving immortality six ways from Sunday was brought down by the forces of heaven and placed inside Lao tzus brazier of the eight trigrams to be rendered down into an immortal elixir however our hero proved too powerful for the scheme and broke free wreaking even more havoc in heaven but his reign of terror was abruptly ended when he was imprisoned by the heavenly Buddha beneath the five wise Mountain Power Rangers II wait for I chosen someone to come set him free so Buddha returns my confession mm-hmm and that fat huh damn well thunderclap monastery husbands are relaxing 500 years writing up three baskets of Scripture now these three scriptures are apparently so powerful that they are capable of redeeming even the most sinful of sinners well sounds fishy to me but hey I'm not the guy with the universe in the palm of his hand so these amazeballs scriptures need to be delivered to the land of the east in order to spread Buddhism for this sinful folk who live there but there's just for some reason Buddha can't deliver them himself so they need to find someone in the landlady East who can make the journey to the Western heaven to pick up the scriptures and then return with them our friend the Bodhisattva Guanyin volunteers to find such a person and after receiving five magical artifacts to give to the strip's remover she goes off eastward to find someone worthy of making the journey to the west so Quan Yin and her disciple moksha head out along the route to scripture pilgrim we'll have to take as a way to express desires and make sure the guy already get through in the first place their first encounter with a murderer's River spirit three minutes out from a thunderclap monastery is not exactly encouraged persuades the guy to chill out and wait for the pilgrim and then to join and aid him on his quest with the added bonus that he'll be redeemed for the crime that got him exiled to the river in the first place he accepts the offer and is given the name sha wujing or sandy for short don't ask how sandy is short for sha wujing so crying she continued on their merry way whereupon they encounter a pig demon wielding a huge rake he invokes a fight for a little bit until he notices Quan Yin and immediately stops the fight in favor of asking her for forgiveness because he's made something of a habit of eating people who come along the road you know and suggest that he joined the pilgrim too when he comes along this way and must be forgiven for the whole eating people thing and the pig agrees and Quan Yin is putting this pilgrim in pretty questionable company Quan Yin gives in the name chooooo Nang pig Z for short and heads off even strictly vegetarian until the pilgrim arrives so they continue onwards one surprise they encounter yet another charming individual who could potentially help our as yet nebulas pilgrims you tell that this story is the origin of a lot of anime tropes in this case our colorful character is a young dragon who accidentally set fire to his dad's palace a little and for this transgression against fire safety has been sentenced to death by the Jade Emperor the Emperor to pardon the young dragon and then she directs into a nearby river where she instructs him to turn into a white horse when the pilgrim passes by to help him reach his destination continue on only to encounter an unexpectedly luminous Mountain the mountain of five phases and with it the imprisoned Monkey King [Applause] how's it going girl great to see you it's been really lonely for the past 500 years you know nobody ever comes by to visit man kuan-yin is like yeah that's great listen I'm about to go find someone to make a pilgrimage for me he'll be coming by soonish he's gonna release you from this mountain and then you need to help him get where he's going you got that and wukong's like 10-4 good buddy yep I am just all about that virtuous mission so Quan Yin in motion arrived in the city of Chiang on and disguised themselves so as not to attract too much attention then they said about finding the right monk to serve as the protagonist to this little adventure speaking of protagonist here's where the book of ears off into a tangent to describe the ludicrously convoluted family history of this dude's Wenzhong who in case you hadn't already guessed is our soon-to-be protagonist now are you doing okay thanks position swen zhang has one of the most complicated family histories in all of epic protagonist them I won't recount the whole thing here because that would take all day but basically he's the grandson of an emperor he's been raised as a monkey's whole life after being Moses to by his mother he's the reincarnation cicada an original disciple of the Buddha and a holy being socially the best part and a total sweetheart despite the wacky circumstances at his birth so long story short three court officials convene to select a worthy monk for reasons completely unrelated to Kwan Ian's mission and of course they select join Zhong the biggest Boy Scout in all of ancient China anyway Guan Yin catches wind of this and goes to see if he's worthy of being a scripture pilgrim she finds her way to the court officials and gives them two of the various gifts the Buddha had given her to give to the pilgrims so that they might give them to the most virtuous monk they know so she wins on gets a beautiful robe and a priestly staff both courtesy of Quan Yin and Quan Yin learns the trends on he's the best man for the job so the grand mass which is the thing that they selected twins on for happens we're in twins on has to present a memorial to the Tang Emperor Kuan Yin takes the opportunity to steal the show by revealing herself in all her glory to the court and efficiently requires a volunteer from the audience to go on the pilgrimage to go to the Western heaven and retrieve the Tripitaka which is the official name for the thing the Buddha made chuan zang obviously volunteers just as planned and chuan zang has given The Binding Tripitaka and sent on his merry way with a horse and two attendants to help him don't get too attached to them though as the party is captured by demons almost immediately introvert occurs two attendants are killed and eaten huh delicious so the demons finish their attendant buffet and bunker down for the night under his exciting future is lunch meat when suddenly a mysterious old man appears out of nowhere and frees him and Tripitaka is like where the heck did you come from the old man's like don't ask stupid questions here's your horse so Tripitaka and the old man's inside the cave interpret ah he goes to thank him only to find that he's vanished leaving one note explaining that he was the gold star of Venus himself providing a helpful bit of divine intervention so trade goes by himself for about half a day only to discover that he really doesn't have the Constitution for all this questing nonsense and he and his horse are just about done with everything when who should come to the rescue but a friendly boisterous hunter named poachin who spooks all the beasties that were harassing Tripitaka and offers to guide him to his home so PO chin and his family have Tripitaka over for dinner which is slightly awkward because Tripitaka is extremely vegetarian and poaching's family hunt soldiers ran away gracefully in Japan taka further endears himself to the family when he accidentally pacifies the ghost of poaching's father like you do which prompts poach and offered a guide Tripitaka to the mountain on the border of the tang empire to ensure no further hijinks ensue so as it turns out family right there was none other than five phases mountain where our good buddy sun wukong is still languishing so what comes like yo kid be that pilgrim guy Quan Yin said you be coming by to let me out interpret talk is like awesome how do I do that that man looks kind of heavy and lukrons like you just got a climb to the top and peel off the golden seal yeah so Tripitaka manages to get the seal off the mountain breaks off to the minimum safe distance Wukong breaks the mountain in half and zips on over it's a true okay song continued westward together they've hardly gone ten feet down the road when suddenly they're beset by bandits so who Kong's like don't worry master I know exactly what to do in this situation and proceeds to kill all the bandits but his trusty stick thing trauma shock is like the Sun okay I don't kill people and wukong's like I think you mean you don't kill people no no your Buddhist now Buddhists do not kill my boo cones like oh look at mr. big shot over here telling me I can't I can't kill hands off in a huff if you'll recall he's not inconsiderable mobility means The Monkey King is over the horizon before poor Tripitaka can get a return so Tripitaka heads off on his own mysterious old woman holding a fancy shirt and cat so the old lady's like hey what's the matter kid you look like a super-powered disciple just totally ditched you or something and your talk is like he got it in one mysterious old woman if I had some way to discipline him maybe the story could actually progress and the old woman's like funny you should say that may I recommend that you give him these fancy duds then recite this spell I have this weird feeling that'll stop causing so much trouble if you do drop talkes list then the old lady turns into a beam of light and vanishes because she was really Quan Yin so thus far Tripitaka is two for two for old people secretly being gods meanwhile who kong is off having a nice little tea party with a Dragon Emperor who suggests that he go back to Tripitaka rather than abandoning enlightenment and true immortality over a single argument Khan zips back westward blowing past Quan Yin in the process who flown over in order to convince him of that very course of action so walk on warps back - Tripitaka offers him the clothes bukang always a sucker for a new wardrobe there was them on finding that they fit him perfectly he's rather less thrilled to discover that the Hat is cursed and when Tripitaka recites the spell Quan Yin taught him it shrinks and gives him a splitting headache Jamie much of a cursed artifact if he could take it off so it's also spot welded to his head after a few very entertaining minutes of Wukong trying furiously to escape the Hat by any means necessary he eventually resigns himself to the fact that he won't be able to get up to his usual high jinks anymore so the dynamic duo continue onwards with the balance of power now tilted slightly more evenly it doesn't take long before they arrive at a nice calm stream that happens to be home to an enormous Nokes the hell out of there with Tripitaka in tow and the dragon takes the opportunity to eat ribbit on his horse such work of freaks out alright he's stranded but he's also too scared to let Wukong leave him alone but a bit of timely divine intervention arrives to protect Tripitaka leaving monkey free to confront the dragon fight it out for a bit but the Dragons like screw it and dives to the river bottom and refuses to come out Wukong goes to magic shenanigans and draws the dragon out again only for the dragon to turn into a water snake and run away at this point Wukong is done but the local mountain spirits tell him that this dragon is actually under orders by Quan Yin to help them so one of the heavenly spirits goes and gets her and after a brief digression where Wukong vents at her about the cursed hat thing she draws out the dragon then Wukong picks a fight with him to look he's had a trying day alright anyway it's the dragon to turn into a horse for Tripitaka to replace the one he ate and then to make Wukong stop sulking she gives him three get out of danger free magical leaves so now with the matter having been resolved to everyone's satisfaction our dynamic trio continued westward so anyway they continue on and arrive at still yet another monastery run by a sketchy old monk long story short the monk lays eyes on that really fancy monk robe Tripitaka got way back one it's called a cassock by the way and takes it into his head to steal it and to that end he decides the best way to go about it is to burn down his own monastery oh it's all of him so will Kong smells the smoke weighs his options and decides the best way to solve the situation without pissing off Tripitaka is to let the monks burn their monastery to the ground but first he borrows a fireproof cloak from one of his heavenly buddies to make sure Tripitaka and the horse don't burn with it or his monkey on shockingly good terms with all the people he beat the hell out of it eventually in Tripitaka finally wakes up only for them to find out that during all the confusion a mountain demon came by and stole the cassock also the patriarch monk killed himself so anyway Wukong zips on over to the demons ground then they fight but the demon calls a lunch break and locks himself in his Mountain sowho Khan zips back to the rude monastery for snacks then returns to the mountain to sneak in so bukang disguises himself as the old monk and has a little tea party with the mountain demon and then they fight more runs away again and will Kong decides to call in the cavalry he goes to quan yin when together they figure out another way to sneak in and get the cassock back Quan Yin disguised yourself as a Taoist friend of the demons and Monkey King disguises himself as a present from that friend a pill of immortality long story short will con beats up the demon from the inside the Kazakh and Wu Khan returns it's Tripitaka and they continue on their merry way real Sun Wukong learn to value friendship over his impulsive desires o Tripitaka succeed in his quest of well that was a pretty good what are you doing there's a couch out there somewhere who's really really [ __ ] amazed with it so somebody's got a baby across the room and they're just like with a [ __ ] ego there he is he's [ __ ] right there holy [ __ ] that was a really good part too um thank you huh Thank You husband for showing me this video I regret not clicking on it sooner I could have had it all to myself probably should have done it better that way but but make sure you tune in for I'm assuming there's a part 3 for part 3 yeah peace out hope is gets asked in Lin
Channel: SkittenSays
Views: 44,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Skitten, SkittenSays, SkittenLit, Ho Queen, Queen of the Hos, Hobiscuits, SkittenReacts, SkittenPlays, SkittenAttempts, Chavezz, Chavezzslovakia, Weekly Twitter Advice, WTA, Black Girl Gaming, Black Girl Twitter, Black Girl Youtuber, feeYONcee, Reaction Thursdays, Action Fridays
Id: _g6tV0FMJCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 15 2019
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