Skitten And Chavezz Watch Daily Dose Of Internet!!

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you're not my dad what up ho biscuits it's your girl skitten back at it again and welcome [Music] today s seven of me showing you guys my earrings these are my pride and joy uh they dumpling earrings uh I don't know if I can zoom in enough to show you the faces on the dumplings okay but it's great it's adorable I love it now I just I should have worn my dumpling shirt I should have worn my dumpling shirt I'm an idiot auntie who's in my husband is here hello husband Hi how are you good I'm also showing you my dumpling earrings Dumpling on these balls been thinking that for like a minute now straight keeping it to myself you couldn't have continued to keep it to yourself I failed I don't know what to tell you well I love you anyways happy to be here I hope you guys are doing well I hope you guys are staying safe and sanitized I just feel like you always do this in my videos and in your videos you're like CH dude like you're super chill and then in my videos you just come and act like the the the most [ __ ] boy is to [ __ ] boy [ __ ] boy it's so funny because there's just no opportunity to do it in my video because you don't talk about anything in my videos I talk about lots of things in your videos yeah like cute dogs and Ducks I talked about that lady sweater that I thought looked really comfortable and it was an old sweater that's all I have to say about it I don't have any Grandma [ __ ] jokes that's not my Stilo dude I just don't have them so we are here today to watch some daily dose of inter internet wow you timed that really well thank you that was impressive appreciate it how did you know I was going to pause before I said daily I hang out with you a lot you're my wife I'm your what wife your what wife remember when we did that like exclusively right after we got married just I'm your what wife we were very annoying we were awful we were also we were also super gross when we first got together mhm dis in yeah like we'll tell it after the video anti who's in uh let's go ahead and get started yeah everyone this is your daily dose of Internet oh my God hello hello he look at him like you lost [ __ ] I hit you with this stick look you try it over and over again the elephant's so cute though I mean I guess he wouldn't be cute if he was running me over dude that was like badass cuz I definitely would move the second time like if it worked once I'm like yeah SEC all right all right damn you right their cheeks to save for later this hamster has no fur so you can clearly see the food inside of his cheeks oh my God Jesus Christ no do you okay oh no [Music] wow this dog is so excited to go outside that he can't stop shaking oh my God is he okay he's being so patient oh my God let him out what a good boy look at him waiting this is how aquariums give anesthesia to their fish so that surgery can be safely performed huh imagine having to do fish shirt fish fish surgery yeah good job say it fish surgery fish surgery so you know how you do it is it's because the word fish and then surgery both start with s and if you're going to do double s's you have to let your tongue reset or else you're going to f fish surgery yeah good job fish surger surger surgery you know people can't do it actually that's really good I had to like reset my brain for a second your brain will Loop and then it's so funny your brain will then combine the words into one word your brain goes this is impossible surgery we're making a new for surgery surgery you know what I'm saying for surgery say five for surgery for surgery for surgery I'm killing it also ew he's so [Laughter] slimy he's kind of like swimming a little bit huh you have like a little fish dream why is why are they running like this how cute NASA recently released this time-lapse video of their satellite passing by Jupiter Jupiter is so big my stupid ass was going to be like where are the Rings that's Saturn here's what the inside of a duck egg looks like while growing yeah I've seen this before actually looks like a dinosaur you see him like moving in there a little bit m going to be inside your womb just keep swimming just keep swimming just keep swimming swimming oh yeah check this out have you seen this no check this dude out don't you're not going to guess it you're not going to guess it oh it's a top look at that that's so cool why can't you do this you didn't know the puff balls that come from dandelions are hydrophobic you can dunk them in water and will still be super fluffy stay off me H2O [ __ ] back up ho yeah I mean if they weren't every time it rain child needs to have surgery but hisy this video I showed you so C this a good one his trunk is still trying to fight Ling down I can feel it there you go it's kind of go to bed there you go sleep oh just kidding oh just kidding this person made a device that can pull on strings and high speeds why okay I mean I'm sure that's useful oh that's cool oh that's the end of this video I hope you learned something new and I'll see you guys again very very soon yeah that's that's awesome make me one that's a great project that's awesome do it yeah if you love me do it I'm down for that that's super cool imagine if they were like glitter yeah like the little glitter rope I know and then they have the neon ropes that like have like that shiny stuff I don't do drugs but I take a tab and look at that you're so stupid hello everyone this is your daily dose of Internet the largest sand castle ever built was made in Germany in 2019 it was created using only sand water the castle was almost 60 ft tall when there's multiple people look at this this is so cool wow how do you make sure that the sand doesn't like like you're standing on it how do you make sure it doesn't just [ __ ] yeah you water it down it gets hard wow that is amazing and then they take it down no they don't they leave it there for all eternity do you remember oh you didn't go to Disney World in Disney World they had a dude doing a live sand castle like a giant live sand castle thing and it's super dope cuz you like watch it while it's in line but they have to spray it down with water so just like everybody's just getting sprayed with water like the entire time while he's doing it but it was super cool he made like a giant mermaid that's cool I was also muddy but you know it was worth that I don't know if that would be worth for me I hate being dirty so yeah um also that reminds me I had this book I don't know where I got it okay it was a technically a magazine but it was literally this thick okay that's what like an inch or so right super thick it was called family fun craft magazine whatever yeah yes yeah yeah and it had a bunch of different crafts in it with the toothpicks and the with everything popsicle things whatever you want to make right and so I remember I told my mom I said mom we should do this mom was like yeah okay great I was like okay so we need plaster of Paris this and this and this and my mom was like for a sand castle I was like yeah and then it'll do this and my mom was just like no no we're not taking plaster pairs to the beach well then you make a gigantic cool sand castle yes that stays there forever cuz it's plaster it doesn't move you my generations of kids can see it then it pollutes the ocean or becomes a fish habitat depending if it breaks down or not you know could be doing a service my mom was just like what is wrong with you I kept bringing up different crafts to her from that she's like none of these are practical none of the nobody is doing any of this it's not for our budget dog I could have done the one with the apples dude they have they have a whole section with popsicle sticks and glue I remember they're all difficult as [ __ ] though yeah they're not easy they're like this is for kids to do and I'm just like what kid one time I made a catpult and I was so excited cuz I got to the part where it actually moved moved and the whole thing just blew up like literally just blew into pieces no it was so depressing your sieed would have failed right go ahead go ahead this monkey is just chilling on this car sir can you leave oh what is the happen this microwave only worked if the door was opened guys that's that cannot be safe what that is so I feel like that's very dangerous SpaceX recently had a rocket launch that looked absolutely incredible wow wow it's so bright all right that's cool that is really cool it looks like a giant Spirit Bomb spirit gun this is what it looks like when Goku's about to destroy the Earth that's freaking cool all right let's St oh Lord horse tongues make me uncomfortable this person started drone surfing on a road wow wow if you don't get out of my [ __ ] way that is probably really loud I will hit you so hard and I won't be sorry cuz you're being an idiot that is probably really really loud that's so cool though actually like actually like danger to society but but inactive oh my God oh my that was it popped up all cute I look at that cute dog get the [ __ ] off my spot these bow ties ain't for show I blue R damn yo watch it again bro stop stop laughing stop then the dog like look at the bird fall like yeah that's what I wanted oh my God you know sometimes dog do stuff they get scared like oh I didn't know that was going to happen you know like oops that dog was like nah fall I was going to say also you know dogs know you know how like cats sometimes like they're very gentle when they do that and dogs do it too sometimes they're just like that dog said what yeah be like if I just like you were talking right talk talk yeah what's up man it's your boy chave smack next shot oh man you watch me choke yeah yeah oh that was so disrespectful oh damn that's funny an octopus Tred to eat this person's foot what oh I'm G to get you look he's sneaking I'm going to get you he don't even see me coming little dumb ass little stupid ass it's too late here's some time Labs video footage of slime mold growing over the span of only don't touch me don't touch me don't touch me don't touch he stop touching me oh oh God that was awful oh my God this is Terri I have nightmares of that [ __ ] I have nightmares of that why did you keep touching me I was scared that stuff is scary to me the way it pulses that was so gross you ever played Halo 3 the flood at the end of Halo 3 the flood you find the flood pod the original flood goes down you have go into it to like beat the game it took me forever to beat it it's disgusting it looks just like that they move they stoping me uhuh I don't [ __ ] with that Drew and I can do a relatively convincing female voice this is how I sound talking normally and this is how I sound doing the female voice impression I get a lot of people that ask me to say specific lines in this voice and honestly I can understand why it's kind of funny to hear specific things honestly I actually like going out and messing with people who have never heard me speak like this before I like hearing the r actions and seeing them too and I hope all of you have a great rest of your night or day this guy can easily catch fish with a what part of that was convincing of Drew's female voice what part of that I think it's just the difference between his regular voice and that voice like that's a big difference you try it uhh I don't have I don't have any kind of I don't do I cannot do voice acting nope try a little bit just will not just try I don't do accents try for me I don't do other voices sneaky okay dress up dresses as a woman yeah he also has an asan convincingly okay he also you can't give me one he also has an Asian girlfriend that is very good at makeup you just keep cutting me off with the Asian girlfriend part said it like 20 [ __ ] times I had to finish that sentence please continue so he can dress up fullon female cosplay you won't even try to talk in a female voice M I will not not Sneaky's a better boyfriend than you how's it feel he's also a millionaire so I mean he's got he's got a lot going for it you want a man dress up like a girl and comfortable in a skirt sneaky also drive a Lambo also the same guy same dude same dude this bare hands what oh yeah we saw that hillbilly hand fishing part three this shit's cool got his ass that's the end of this video I really hope you enjoyed and I'll see you guys again very very soon later later that's cute that's so cute okay M yes from this daily dose of internet video this I need yes okay I need the thing the pulls the strings super fast I need you to do that for me and tabs of ACI no not that part okay I need F MH I've never done acid it sounds cool to have the world melt that sounds cool no it's going to be just like the slime mold that oh yeah no just kidding never mind you're right mhm yep that's that's the Slime mode and also the octopus the girls to okay but I need that thing uh I need the chinchilla chinchilla okay um and I'm thinking we should look into getting another cat okay those are the things I need from you you got it that is my order form okay anyways I hope you guys enjoyed the video don't forget to leave your reaction don't forget to leave your reaction don't forget to leave your reaction requests and recommendations down in the comments below and other than that Peace Out ho biscuits it's skitt [Music] lit
Channel: SkittenSays
Views: 49,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Skitten, SkittenSays, SkittenLit, Hobiscuits, SkittenReacts, Chavezz, Chavezzslovakia, Weekly Twitter Advice, WTA, Black Girl Gaming, Black Girl Twitter, Black Girl Youtuber, Reaction Thursdays, Action Fridays, scp, scp reaction, skittenwife, ddoi, daily dose, daily dose of internet
Id: OkN80rLOETc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Mon May 10 2021
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