Daily Dose of Internet: Goat-Puppies and Fat Cats!! ft Chavezz

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are you still talking about him [ __ ] that let's play the clip of the fat cat for your viewers he looks heavier than my [ __ ] fight stick understand that joke does you always see my fight stick my fight stick as bad as [ __ ] this is to Wales following surfers I'm gonna look into my coffee you have to interview video my sweet my loving sweet love what up hope is gets itchy girls get back at it again show them the thing the thing I made for your time oh yes and please pause while you enjoy this message huh huh this is Dylan I'm trying to look up your skirt or whatever you know a couple days ago I had Beyonce on my titties a few days before that I have my husband's face on my titties and today I got a panda on my - yes you're doing pretty revolution don't go with your titty dress dress your titties you got a dress the team tasteful tots shirts for your Tatas tops ha ha ha damn that's a good one somebody just stole that we're gonna sue you for rights empty news and we're here for daily dose of Internet and I'm not gonna watch this first video so have fun with this my love okay - are we really do some internet this panel shows an Australian was on the water when two whales started a farm weren't they really are dead-ass doing it as advertised yo they've really out there dog oh look at the [ __ ] size of that whale compared to the size of that man I will not he would choke though if he ate that guy so they won't okay so they won't I'm tired of people telling me that I know that's real quick [ __ ] telling me right right that well you can actually fit donor wheels - okay I understand that so now I'm stuck in his mouth and now what Susan okay now what Kevin okay all of that knowledge so while I'm in the whale's mouth I can be like oh well at least he's not gonna swallow me to alter all them Toronto no matter although Geraldo is too good of a name for these people okay stop I can't I get it but if y'all get to be afraid of little itty bitty garden snakes that literally can't fit your pinky toe in their mouths I get to be afraid of something that could literally accidentally skews much on me students these can unhinge their jaw and swallow things up to three times their signs your pinky toe isn't still larger than butts kidding spiders are really scary you can literally stop on the now I'm not gonna judge people who are afraid of bugs because bugs are disgusting [ __ ] cool they're gross they're gross but just stop okay I understand everyone's like you know you're feeling your fear is really unreasonable whales are so gentle bull I don't look like phobias are not about reasonability which is why your mom he runs from my dick alright you ready are you ready here we go this is a cool one I've seen this one elsewhere it's sad as happy Oh what Oh cause your husband work I don't know four months ago okay good pullin puppies huh where where do you see puppies kitten from a distance uh-huh like that looked like a pack of horned puppies well I couldn't see the look like the puppies were hurting Susie told you to close your eyes man where do you see a puppy at me so like that looks like puppy and that looks like a puppy [ __ ] puppy got onto an elevator to pull off a prank she looks so unhappy the elevator made an announcement that too many people are on and someone needs a leave they stopped her before she left to tell her that it was all a job look this lady does when she looks her up in me the problem I got it they stopped her before she left to tell her that it was all a joke oh person likes to help their camp with cleaning itself cat people man everytime please see everytime least he's not licking his own finger after though you know yeah that would be really unfortunate cat people always kept people always you know make a good case where Casper the dogs in theory mm-hmm but these are their people dog people let dogs lick them in the mouth all the time in your [ __ ] all the time they open their mouths - yeah I know they like make out with their dog yep I know it's disguised oh no no okay just get a [ __ ] baby this had a session first teacher while taking an online course I feel question what is it oh my god why are you and that's cute it's it looks like a little strawberry thing you know what is it spider he had [ __ ] look like he trying to murder some [ __ ] though it only like a little gangster [ __ ] like he really out there [ __ ] your mouth dog [ __ ] you this is a machine with 100 individual gears in order to make the last gear at the end and make one full rotation the first gear needs to be spun a googol amount of times what's the number one yeah 100 zeros doctorate long story short it would take more energy in the entire universe just to rotate the very last gear what wow that's a great machine I don't know why you built that that's great yeah that's a great science experiment let's eat your brain thinking about how that works you know that's really cool oh [ __ ] it's the same dude [ __ ] come on like my heading big bright fire badass how do you get up there and not have your ears [ __ ] pop what is the one thing what it's taller than the building brought in Vegas this [ __ ] would not be able to be driven because the wind is too it will blow it over it will blow the [ __ ] bus all this can't be saving this is some kind of art installation this can be real Oh Joe that's gotta be a joke like a movie that's beautiful oh holy [ __ ] that's wonderful Wow that's cool [ __ ] like this is why when you go on a euro trip you got to spend at least five months there really man dioxins are killing their crushing the internet right now thanks love this video I hope you learned something new and I'll see you guys again very very soon you love to see a man doc that's cute we can get a dachshund come on go let's go right when you're done with your layoff yeah please don't be late off we'll do it later on yeah get late all the power ooh you're nearly dose of Internet to go over the streets of the city darling where's your [ __ ] asses now environmental asses now the unexpected result of people being monkeys have a gang war yo it's actually a monkey game honestly this is what happens when two Bobcats run into each other in a forest excuse me okay this woman captain bushy [ __ ] stupid I was being bothered by a greedy man so she ran over to this live streamer and pretended that he was her friend Australia it's okay yeah fine eventually the man left and she thanked him for helping that's so cool danger really here's a dog little man that's really I'm so glad he went along with it immediately we're going this way you go that way dog that was crazy bro I do that like drunks getting does that at the club a lot like I'll see the girl was kind of like dancing but she's trying to get away with whoever she's dancing with them but it's like good but that's the same time I'm like okay he's gone so you can leave and they're just like so he's gone so you can leave I didn't mind I was a good seller written okay I saved you now cause it's like but now we party oh [ __ ] also this freeze frame is telling me good things are about to have I'm ready my body is ready like like doesn't seem too bothered about it he chilling don't you [ __ ] me I'm worried about that ball though look at him oh I would adopt a little two-legged doggy he's so cute this guy went into a coffee shop and started levitating a napkin [Music] why just chillin with his Harry Potter powers behave like dogs spaghetti this is not the use of scissors that came with a part of the knife set and then we have scissors we use for utility purposes skatin immediately always looks nice isn't she let's rat the food scissors and her eyes go look into the camera look if they do that they light the [ __ ] up scissors scissors they're scissors so if you will have knives washed and we made spaghetti and you grab my food scissors I'm gonna take those scissors and stabbed somebody you care about with it cuz that's not okay you said not no no I only use the food scissors for food related things that's what you told me video started a whole ass fight and he doesn't even know the sadness this brought to my life another new sweater looks very fluffy oh yeah he chillin he's living the best life right now it really is this wasn't hard at all the for a microscopic animals there's what's so interesting about this creature is that let's go around for about 500 million years during the night it's not a part of grade yeah absent I'm a sixteen throughout Earth's history they also have the ability to live without food or water for more than 30 years chillin doc what do they eat though oh that's pretty oh that's pretty yeah that's pretty nice damn that's actually with the cool look at the top part is cool but like that city right there that's really pretty yeah it looks like it's burden and I love it is this that this reminds me of that one thing it was like we were watching that thing you know it's like the light pollution from a city was making it so that like certain animals could hunt when they're not supposed to be able to hunt and [ __ ] in Vegas also yeah yeah for birds and stuff in Vegas also because the strip lights that's the end of this video okay how we started but cat people making a comeback oh my cute hello everyone this is chick empty who's in and that was your daily dose of Internet and check back here for more videos I don't know what's the video you like that you shot the last week I suddenly can't remember if I've ever shot a video in the life o SP um King Arthur was a really good yes oh my goodness my OS p videos i love them i really enjoy OS being apparently blue just got engaged so congrats to you blue like doing big things doing big things over here it took that happening for me and chavez to realize that apparently we shipped blue and red together yeah I didn't know I did that real hard I didn't know and I I knew they weren't dating yes we knew this skin knew they were dating right but I just kind of hope in this town it's like when you hope that Harry and Hermione get together or like you know or like when you want Fred and Hermione get together because that is the only real ship that should exist is that red in Hermione belong together yes I'm Afra mining ship really I've read all of the fanfiction okay lemons and not lemons that fanfiction.net had to offer Wow so this took a left turn I just wanted to say I love y'all and y'all take it easy don't die while you inside face heat out whose peace out hobus it's very hungry all right it's getting late
Channel: SkittenSays
Views: 49,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Skitten, SkittenSays, SkittenLit, Hobiscuits, SkittenReacts, SkittenPlays, SkittenAttempts, Chavezz, Chavezzslovakia, Weekly Twitter Advice, WTA, Black Girl Gaming, Black Girl Twitter, Black Girl Youtuber, feeYONcee, Reaction Thursdays, Action Fridays, daily dose of internet, funny videos, interesting videos, random videos, daily dose
Id: o3x7mHoHn7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 19sec (1039 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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