Skit Guys -- 10 Commandments

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you do a great job I can't believe you're leaving this we're gonna miss you like crazy Joran lately does everybody know that this is six class this is taking five years you don't I just let that out of the bag were you guys really nice my bad yeah this is it takes place I'm not joking it's his last year we just say thank you because he's not getting up years ago without a minute was fine all right sorry fella my inside voice came out No mark could you offer up anything to Marla where'd you go Marla huh Marla what huh huh oh yeah wave your hand in the dark that's better than saying something more coffee anything from the state from the ys land out there no okay go back to our table and get one of everything yeah thank you for what you're doing Oh mark said you get one of everything out there he's totally talking about um well we were talking about Oh Tillett told him up a thing about the text oh yeah we've got several texts from you about stuff you want to see tonight at our late-night we're really excited about that if you haven't had a chance to do yet 7:07 a - Oh skip text us what you would like us to do and then then be asked if if you just have something you want us to do just text us that - okay - no it will do whatever you write 7:07 a - oh all right let's move on all right okay well you know Frances I was talking about you know I mean yeah he was good today he was he was I got all defensive involved for that part oh that part keeps talking about you know today's today our students are biblically literate are on their idiot you know they are when I was a youth pastor I knew the Bible like the back of my hand all right and these kids what did you did you teach them the Bible sure if they were listening yeah if they didn't learn it because they weren't listening I thought they were they I don't mean we just you know go back to basics from the other way just go back to basis because one day we try to teach our students you know as youth ministers are the Ten Commandments something you know you can't get away from the Ten Commandment easy I don't totally know microfiber my hand if you've said that twice like the back of your hand so you know but in command ah yeah all right parently I do for no that's I got two hands like a boy yeah what what I know they're there in chronological order number one is the first one yeah not like a top ten list whatever and so does they okay you do you say them I'll tell you what it is you want to interpret you'll give us yeah it'll be like commentary I'm gonna be like a few hundred do we understand okay I am award your guy than you brought it to be a Jif devil in slavery you shall know the gods before me okay that is is really not me all right no no no here's the thing there are no other God so our teenagers today they hear about so many things that could be God's okay but they're not leverage it okay no I'm saying there's only one legit yeah how can you have another one you know it's not like if there was another one like say there was a god of the coolio right and some kids so you're saying teenagers would be worshiping not the real true God the God of the putti oh yeah there was one lacunae oh they kids say Coolio it would get an urban dictionary yeah they read awesome Coolio is totally what they say alright so if there was say this god of the Coolio right and they build these big churches to him I mean students would build a massive Church if you know and like not just a church but the church so big it had like a lazy river going through you know I mean do the whole thing even through the sanctuary so like if there was a funeral you could just like slow by and just be like it would be yeah like he did like I mean really not like take just swam by you know that he's a guy that always swim up and go like hey so then and they probably have a youth pastor that would like just rock it you know he might be jamming and the kids would be all like you know and then he's like slow it down with a Justin Bieber tune you know let me awesome they get into it so how are you master plays the guitar yeah yeah we would have to all be in G C or D the second one is you don't know their gods before me which is did a total repeat another spell my you miss Dale that's what God's doing you know people get confused on that even students get confused on that but they're two different things I mean this one is cash up you shall not put a relationship before God you shall not put anything before God okay oh yeah yeah it's a look there okay you know okay you know it would probably be big with people of velociraptors like they are just made to eat corn on the cob okay number three you shall not make after yourself but not okay label you should I need to get a message I don't you shall not misuse the new Lord your God okay all right no see in the first three are the first so lol lol lol Elvis dummy lordy Lordy means laugh out loud okay so let's have some fun it's not number three that's my masseuse oMG that's crazy oh that's great okay Ellen OMG would be number 31 oh no gee orifice maybe gassing i text that every time at San Pedro's Mexican breasts when G don't stand behind me number three one okay it would it would be it would be like um you know you're you're praising God and then you you know ten seconds later you use this name it's lame okay yeah yeah yeah I got I like you and I yeah we're friends right but and I could be talking to you like but if I go over there any other restroom right and Fields was in there all right and he steps out and I'm like yeah somebody just dropped him in your name in vain turn the Sabbath day by keeping it holy as the Lord your God has commanded you I mean this is be still and know that He is God be quiet ridership rest and worship the whole thing yeah I figured out a way to combine worship and rest at the same time and what I'm yeah yeah what I've come up with is a worship coma all right happens when I'm in church and if anybody starts to sing or preach I go into my worship you're tired we're just singing people this omelet just look at yourself just hum a room just amazing grace be okay actually what happens usually I'm sitting in the Pew let's move on honor your father okay honor your father this is our teenagers subjective but I'm behind is fine honor like my favorite teacher I know if I roll my eyes and my parents they think I'm disrespecting them you know okay okay okay so I said to my mom the other day I was like you better check yourself before you wreck yourself you're telling me that's a disrespect what okay so I said to my mom the other day I was like hey your mom's so fat you said to your mother that your mama's look fat we definitely not your grandmother like if we're going but with my dad okay if I call you have you told your dad anything besides dad bother pops sure anything else besides that disrespectful some jackwagon okay you shall not murder okay there's no like what if okay if I see their eye you go to grandson just thinking hey could I have a bite and he's not real cool with you you know and he's like you know is anybody back you know this is that murder we didn't mean to stab you it is going for the corn on the cob honey you know that I don't know real America there's a little movie called Jurassic Park that would beg to differ with you fiction in fiction you mean documentary yeah there are dinosaurs on an island being taken care of by Colonel Sanders okay I search and when the students I'm nothing this is a correct one to talk about other students are seeing their parents do this they're seen secrets being kept telling students nowadays I mean they are I mean that they see so much to arousal majnu students that get sexually active I mean they're looking for love I mean it happens all the time to treat is the greatest place to talk about this you know velociraptors are monogamous for life I think we should start we're having to be like a worship band and now we're gonna clock right really you think the Holy Spirit didn't know what times things are lined up there was going to be a time to this event you shall not steal okay now this is a bigger expression of students because I mean they kind of live in the gray I mean it I mean it is I mean it's right there you she don't steal but they think things are entitled to them we even go watch thinking of your title to things and we're really not I mean this is a piggy I mean this man but why why this is my wallet please have my money out of it sticky fingers next one is you shall not bear false witness you should not lie against your neighbor okay and again this is another one I mean you know we lie little white lies for people pleasers to some extent we don't know a lot about something else barn was gonna come up here near to me if his breath smelled okay yeah and I said yeah it's not like my best pal okay no like fairies a pedantic at all it's not like some being dropped in Eddie number ten you shall not covet your neighbor's wife you shall not set your desire your neighbor's house or land on his manservant his maidservant his ox or donkey or anything that Long's belongs to your neighbor there's some weed over there by now let me put it to you this way it's probably the wrap-up to the top ten woodcut sometimes come to these places and we do this if I had that video projector if I could afford that band if I could speak like that and I remember when I was a youth pastor at a small Church in Texas how I wished I had so much more rather than being content would get what God had given me choose contentment and serve God with all of your heart thank you for what you do thank you for giving to students thank you for teaching them the Bible we just want to encourage you don't give up and what you're doing thank you for just yourself getting the Word of God and being on you thank you very much
Channel: Ray Selden
Views: 106,121
Rating: 4.8285713 out of 5
Keywords: 2011 NYWC, San Diego, Skit Guys
Id: cDdqB5pUbr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 31sec (1171 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 06 2011
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