Dynamic cloth rigging and animation in Blender

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[Music] foreign lately I've published several videos on how to rig and animate cloth using any kid animation simulation or a mix of both a few weeks ago I stumbled upon this amazing demo by Arthur Romanos a French animator mostly working on game animations and I remember the video by the great Amin hanakwari shows how to rig a thigh plate hammer and I immediately thought that I could combine this technique with some Dynamic bone to create the same effect before we dive into the tutorial I like to wish my friend tax Reynard a happy birthday and let you know all that he's running a special discount for announce on all his awesome courses at tgboost.com if you follow the affiliate link below you will also support me and my channel finally if you enjoy my content please give it a like drop a comment that's really the best way to help me grow the channel let's dive into the tutorial now [Music] here is my base setup for the code 3 the code mesh is bound on each side to three chains of three bones this bones chain are for the moment parented the hips of my character the base motion of those bones will be driven by the leg bones so I'm selecting the deformation bones of the legs and I will press shift H to hide everything with them note that I'm using the bone layer manager by my friend Finn that works with the latest version of blender while it's a free addon it's invaluable so please consider donating a little something to Finn to support him I will press tab to enter edit mode and I will duplicate the selected bone and scale them up these ones are going to be our reference bone I just want them to follow the location and rotation of the current leg bones that will eventually use to drive the base motion of the code switching back to post mode we can see that those bones already have a constraint because I created them duplicating the deformation bones and those bones already add a constraint and the newly created bones inner reads the constraint I will clear the constraint by pressing Ctrl alt C from there I will select the Lego bone then the reference bone and I will press Ctrl shift C to add a new constraint and add a copy location and copy rotation constraint now our reference bones will follow our leg bones using the bone layer manager I will move those bones onto the same layer as the coat bones you just need to have them selected and click the round icon here I will hide the code bones and we can start building the code mechanism what we want is to trigger the rotation of the base bone of the code based on a rotation threshold of the leg the other bones of the chain will then be dynamically animated before going further note that all the bones have the same role they are kind of aligned if it's not your case you can easily fix this by going into edit mode select all the bones you want the roll to be recalculated and then make the Boon with the correct roll active press shift n and choose active bone now all my code bone have the same rule as the leg bone or our reference go we first need to create our Target reference room so I will select my reference bone I will press shift d to duplicate them and scale them down not that symmetry is enabled on my editing now what I want to do is to offset those bones along the y-axis to do so I will switch space to normal now I can press G then y to offset the bones the distance doesn't really matter from there I will rename those bones Target reference make sure whether by using symmetries or by simply renaming both bones that both Bones have the correct prefix dot L and Dot R now we will parent those Unix rated bone to the corresponding rotation bone since symmetry is activated I just need to do this on one side and blender will automatically do the same on the other side when I switch back to pose mode you can can see the bones of setting their position because they have kept the constraint of the bone they were duplicated from as before we can clear the constraint with Ctrl alt C now that we have our Target reference we need our Target bone so I will simply duplicate those bone and scale them down and rename them rotation Target and these bones need to be parented to the hips of our character as we are going to compare their position with the position of the reference bone to quickly parent them to the hip spoon without touching for the Boon I can select my leg reference bone that is already parented to the hips and copy the parent Name by hovering over it and pressing Ctrl C now I can select the target Boon and paste the name of the parent I will hide the code button so that it's clear for us and we just see our mechanism bone for the time being when I'm rotating the leg of my character you can see the target reference bone following the rotation reference bone but the target bone is not moving to fix this I will first select the reference bone then the target bone press Ctrl shift to C and add a limit distance blender will automatically set a distance for us now as I move the foot away you can see that the bone is now following closing the distance to stay in this distance threshold this distance can be manually set directly into the constraint options or when you are in push mode and you set the constraint blender will automatically set the current distance between the two bones we'll tweak the distance later on to make sure it works properly but now using this mechanism we need to trigger the rotation of our code bones to do so we'll need another bone I will duplicate our reference bone scaling down and rename it rotation reference then as usual I will go into pause mode and get rid of any constraint it would have and now as I rotate the leg and material Target Boon is following I want this new moon to point at my target bone and the simplest way is to add a dumped track constraint I will first select the target bone then the new bone press Ctrl shift C and add a dumped track constraint now as I move the target bone the rotation reference bone rotates to aim at it now to work a little faster I will jump into edit mode select all the bones on the left side and symmetrize them so that the constraint will be replicated on the right side now we need to transfer the rotation from our rotation reference bone onto the coat bones to do so I will simply add a copier rotation constraint from our reference bone to the code bones I will switch the Target and owner space to local space and change the mix mode from replays to before original this will allow us to rotate the bone manually on top of the constraint if we need I will now select the Elder code bone make the one with the constraint active go to pose constrain copy constraint to selected bones now as I move my foot controller under leg rotate as soon as I reach the threshold the quadrotate you can adjust the rotation Behavior by slight C offsetting in edit mode the position of the target reference you should combine this fine tweaking with the limit distance value until you get a fake collisions that feels natural from there I will enter edit mode select all the bones on the left side right click and symmetrize everything from there I can test the rig Behavior loading a walk cycle animation you can learn how to trade this cycle in my live course and now we will add some Boon Dynamics on top of it if you want to learn character creation rigging and animation and take your skill to Prof professional level you will find extensive and top rated blender courses on p2design.com hundreds of professionally edited video shipped with all the models rig and blender files on the first test I will be using the add-on Dynamic Pro it's a very complete add-on when it comes to Bone Dynamic that's perfect to quickly create formal throw animation and believable collisions it's shipped with ton of options and there is also a Lead version that is free if you want to test it before buying the add-on I will add both Link in the description I'm not affiliated but from what I've tested so far this is the best add-on before you play to my character I will switch the rotation mode to Euler it will be easier for me to clean the animation than using quaternion so I will select all the bones in post mode press Ctrl R and switch to user from there I can select the second and third bone of the bone chain and open the bone Dynamic tab now I can click add bone Dynamics and it will create a constraint on those bones the addon uses a simulation on a temporary mesh that is then applied to the boat you need to be playing the animation to see the result the result is a bit too stiff so I will simply reduce the stiffness to 0.2 and now it already looks very convincing the addon has a lot of function and is pretty flexible and you also have already existing presets just experiment with it and check out the Creator's YouTube channel I will now convert the simulation to a baked animation by clicking the bake animation button now the constraint have been removed but I still have my animation using the graph editor I will isolate the rotation Channel by typing in Euler as I don't care about the scale and location Channel and I will duplicate the last frame on the first one and then I will delete a couple of keys puzzle blender transition automatically between the frame 0 and the next one and I get a nice and smooth looping animation from there I just made a bit of cleanup using the transformation falloff and pushing some keys up and down to prevent any clipping with the thigh of the character it took me about three minutes to clean up the whole animation so I would say it's 10 times faster to do it this way than trying to animate it by hand also the result feels pretty natural another addon that could do the job is the wiggle bone add-on you'll find the link in the description below it's a free addon that has a bit of the same Principle as the dynamic bone add-on but I find this a done a little bit confusing and sometimes I have a hard time getting a nice result basically you select your bones and mark them as wiggle bones then as with the other atom you need to play with the stiffness dampening and the different properties of the boats in these specific case I had to fought a bit with the addon to get to a convincing result or at least a decent one I took the value a lot and I was having a hard time seeing some time the difference on having subtle differences between the different tests I eventually ended up with this result which is decent but not as convincing as the previous one and from there you can also bake the wigglebone animation and cleaning up as we did before I hope this tutorial was helpful to you and I will see you very very soon in the next one foreign [Music]
Channel: Pierrick Picaut
Views: 93,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender3D, modeling, shading, rigging, B3D, p2design, sculpting, digital, animation, cartooning, rendering, CYCLES, tutorial, Pierrick, Picaut, Pieriko, 3D, Computer, Graphic, blender, eevee, VIDEO GAME, rig, animate, stylised, best, Blender, art, digital art
Id: kCn4sProaek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 14 2022
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