Skid Row Prostitute Kidnapping Story-Solo

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- [Mark] I'm gonna pay you extra for all this. - Okay, it's all good. - [Mark] You're making extra money in here. - (laughing) Right. - [Mark] I'm gonna pay you more than I paid anybody now. - (laughing) All right. - [Mark] Okay, so Solo, the last time we spoke, your name was Kristen, but I understand your just, your name changes by the (laughing) - [Solo] Clearly by the day sometimes. (laughing) - [Mark] You don't know if I'm a cop. You don't know who I was, right? - [Solo] Exactly. - [Mark] So, tell me what's been going on since the last time we spoke. It was about a year ago. - Okay, well, I'm still prostituting. Well, I was until recently, but yeah, I'm prostituting, and I'm still smoking crack. You know, I'm still livin' on the streets, still homeless, but outside of that, like, recently, I've been in the hospital, so... - [Mark] What happened with your eye? You got beaten up? - Yeah, the eye. - Yeah, well, one of my dates, I got kidnapped and tortured and raped and held hostage for, like, two-and-a-half, three days. I don't know, I got into a car and the guy was like a normal date. You know what I'm sayin'. I wasn't really trippin' on him. He wasn't no scary man. He wasn't all freaky or nothin' like that. He was just more like, you know, average. I don't know, he just looked average, but the guy, when, you know, I was smoking a cigarette and I'm looking out the window. - [Mark] White, black? - He was Mexican. - [Mark] Mexican. - Yeah, and like, I was smoking a cigarette, looking out the window and the guy, like, put something over my face. And the only thing I remember is, like, I kinda jumped back 'cause I seen his hand comin', right? But I knocked out, completely, like within seconds, I'm guessing, like, 'cause I was out. I don't remember nothin'. I didn't see nothin'. Whenever I came to, like it was just really weird where I was at. It looked like metal walls, maybe, like I was in a freight train or like a storage place. I don't really know or maybe his basement, if he had metal up, or I don't know where I was. - [Mark] You didn't know where you were. - No, but it was like really long. It was a long place and there was nothin' in there but a palette, and then he had a cooler in there, you know, and that's all that I could see 'cause it was really dark. And so, the guy like, throughout the time that we was there, I kept comin' in and out, like knockin' out or whatever and, but I was up for a period of time, and when I was, he was just like really weird. He was like tellin' me, you know, oh you would make a great wife and you're my bride to be and you would like that, wouldn't you? And like, if I shook my head no, then he would like beat on me and hit me, you know. And he kept rapin' me and then he would go, like, really really mean, like saying, you cheated on me, bitch, and like weird shit, you know, and I'm like, I don't even know you. - [Mark] So he'd go from nice to abusive, back and forth? - Yeah, and I mean like, he would do that for two or three hours though of just like, really nice and, like, hitting my head and, oh, let me wash you up, and I mean, just really weird stuff, right. And then he'd be like, I'm sorry I hurt you, but you've hurt me so bad. And like, I don't know this guy at all, at all, right. (laughing) - [Mark] You never met him before. - I've never met him before ever, and I don't even date Mexican guys. Sorry, no offense, but like, I don't date 'em in my normal life, you know. So I was like, what the fuck is goin' on, you know, and so I thought that the guy was gonna kill me really, like I didn't even think that I was gonna make it. And I had, I guess from trauma, I knocked out for several hours. I don't know, whenever I came back to, he wasn't there. So like, of course, you know, like anybody else, I was trying to get away. Like I was trying to get my hands out, and I'm like, you know, for me, I guess, strugglin' enough, I passed back out. I went back to sleep. - [Mark] How many days was this? - Two-and-a-half, three days. It was like, you know, right at three days, a couple hours from three days, but yeah, like I was, I remember I was doin' this and this with my feet and I'm like, you know, in the fuckin' movies, this shit works. Why ain't it workin'? (laughing) Like, you know, and I was like tryin' everything, and my mouth was taped. So I couldn't bite it or nothin', and there was nothin', like around me, but I couldn't even move that far. He had me like pinned, like on my back. He had a thing hooked onto my, like the pants that he put on me had a buckle and like, he had it hooked onto somethin' on the floor. So I couldn't even move. - Oh jeez. - So I'm like, how the fuck am I gonna get out? And I couldn't put my hands behind me or nothin'. You know, but I could feel it on my back, like, and I'm like what the hell, and I could hear the chain when I would move what I could, the little bit that I could move, you know. And so, when he came, when I woke back up, he was there, and the guy was like, he had a bowl and he's like, you know, a sponge, and he's all like, oh, I'm gonna wash you up. And don't worry, it's all gonna be over soon. And, you know, you should really know that there's bad people in the world. Yeah, and, that it's not safe out there for you to do this. My sister at one time got killed by a, yeah, it was a weird-- - [Mark] Were you in fear of your life at some point? - Yeah, like, I thought that he was gonna murder me. He had a duffle bag and a fuckin' sponge, and I'm like, what the hell is this, right? (laughing) And so, I'm sittin' there and he's like, tell me, my sister was a prostitute who got killed. Do you know, and I mean, it was a real, like, just mental, psychological, like weird, you know what I'm saying, the whole event. And he's like, it's just gonna be over soon. He's like washing me and he's like, this ain't gonna hurt. And he put that thing over my mouth on my nose, right, and I'm knocked back out. I thought that he was gonna kill me. - [Mark] Yeah. - You know, like that was it, 'cause he kept sayin', it's over now and da da da da. You know, and it's been a good marriage and... - [Mark] Oh really? - Yeah, but I gotta let you go. And I'm like, you know, you gotta go to your final destination like the rest of us. And I mean, it was just weird. He was a weirdo, you know, and I'm like, so, when I woke up, a man that was jogging out in West LA had actually, was jogging and seen me. And I was layin' half on the grass and half on the cement, but I had blood and I was naked from the bottom down. And I had blood on my face, and there was blood on the cement where my head was. And I was naked from here down and I had bruises and stuff all over me. So the guy was like, wakin' me up and he had his cell phone on him, and whenever I came to, I was like, what the, you know, and I jerked away from him. And I'm like, don't touch me, right. And I noticed that my mouth was undone. And that was the first thing, and then I jumped up and I was like, kind of, you know, like nervous, and I'm shaking real bad. And he's like, are you okay, are you okay? Do you want me to call the police? And I was just like, no, you know, don't call the police, you know, 'cause it, most of the time don't work out in our favor. (laughing) You know, like don't do that. And so, he was like, okay, you know, are you sure you're okay? And I said, yeah, I just had an incident, you know, and I'm okay, I'm okay. And so, he was like, are you sure? And I took off real quick 'cause I didn't want him to call the police. And I ran into, by the CVS and the CVS, the guy that works at the CVS over there actually gave me a pair of sweats to put on. - [Mark] Oh good. - Yeah, 'cause I was just like, look, I'm a prostitute and I just got raped. The guy kept my pants, you know. And he was like, okay, you know, come here, come here, and he took me to the back and gave me a pair o' pants, which was really nice of him. And then I left from there and went to USC Medical, or UCLA Medical right there at the hospital. And I was pretty beat up. They said that I had been raped multiple times. I also suffered from trauma. They had me there for almost a week. I just got out two days ago. - [Mark] Oh jeez. - Yeah. - [Mark] So has this, has this changed your attitude about what you do for a living and living on the street and all that? - [Solo] Well, clearly my husband, it changed his idea. (laughing) - [Mark] Yeah, I'll bet. - [Solo] But, no, it's pretty scary, and I think right now, like if I do go back into that, like it would only be with my regulars, the people that I've known for years, because that kinda freaked me out. It's like, you can just get into a car, and I never, I never thought it on that guy. Like, I never seen it comin'. - [Mark] Yeah, yeah. - [Solo] And usually, I'm pretty good with, like, you know, pickin' up on people, 'cause I'll jump out of a car in a minute. I'm like, uh-uh, homey, I'm good, you know. (laughing) - [Mark] Yes. - [Solo] But, from past experiences, but I didn't see it comin' at all. You know, usually as a woman, you get that feeling, like, this probably ain't the best situation. - [Mark] Yeah. - [Solo] You know, so maybe I should get out, especially doin' what we do out here. You become very aware. I've been doin' it for several years. So you become very aware and you learn people's body language. You learn their mannerisms, you know, and you become really good at that. - [Mark] How many years have you been out? - [Solo] I've been doing this for, I'm gonna say, 14, 15 years. - [Mark] Wow. - [Solo] Yeah, and so, of course, you go through different things, which helps you to learn that, to have that experience. - [Mark] Yeah, your intuition probably gets very... - Very good. - [Mark] Very good, right. - Yeah, and I didn't see it comin', you know. So that's really hard to deal with, and not to mention, I mean, the guy, he had kids. There was a car seat in the back. - [Mark] Oh jeez, really. - Yeah, which also made me feel a little more comfortable, you know, with the whole situation, 'cause I'm like, oh, he's got kids. He's a family man, wedding ring on, you know, didn't think nothing of it, nothing at all. - [Mark] . Wow. - And outta nowhere, it just happened. - [Mark] Well, I'm so glad you're okay. - Thank you, thanks, me too. - [Mark] Yeah, 'cause that'd be a horrible... - Yeah, but I survived, right. (laughing) - [Mark] Well, I'm glad you're back with us. - Thank you. - [Mark] And be careful out there. - I will. - [Mark] Have you told any of your family or anything like that? - Yeah, yeah, I called my, you know... - [Mark] What's their reaction? - You know, my sister was just like, what the hell, come home. And I'm like, no, you know, but I mean, they're so, my family is very like, how do I put it, like backward. They're not as knowledge really about here. So like, just so like, just the shit I tell Gary, like, I smoke crack on the streets. They don't get it. They're like what? (laughing) And I'm like yeah, we just light up our pipe, like, in front of the jail, you know, like... (laughing) - [Mark] The cops don't look twice, they... - Yeah. (laughing) And they're like, what do the cops do? I said, they wave at us. (laughing) - [Mark] They're more likely to bust a jaywalker than that. - Right, (laughing) you know, so my family, they don't get it, really. And I don't know, they want me to come home, but I tell 'em like, you know, it ain't nothin' unusual, like. I've been raped before, you guys know that and things. I made it through. It was pretty traumatic as far as, you know, my sleeping and different things, but I think I'll be okay. I'm always lookin' at the bright side of things. So, you know, at least I lived. - [Mark] I mean, calling the cops on this guy, you have no identifying... - No, but pretty much how it works over there is, if I see him come back to Agatha, which most of the time, the predators do come back, which is really crazy and stupid. But, they actually return to where they initially get their victims, right. And so, if he comes back, how it pretty much will work is, a girl will lure him and he'll get grabbed outta the car, beat up and fucked up severely. - [Mark] Oh, is that right? - And if the right person gets a hold of him, he may not come back. - [Mark] Interesting. - Yeah, you know, skid row. (laughing) - [Mark] Yeah. - All your dreams come true. (laughing) - [Mark] All right, Solo. Well, thank you so much for telling me this story. It's horrible. - Uh huh, all right. - [Mark] I'm glad you survived it. - Thank you. - [Mark] All right. - All right. - [Mark] Thank you.
Channel: Soft White Underbelly
Views: 3,284,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ELbl87SzyV8
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Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 28 2020
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