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Keith I'm sorry bro I thought that's what you wanted uh oh uh oh oh Keith oh Keith Keith don't hit it bro bro is going to have diarrhea no oh he's dead Keith just died bye Keith bye have a great time hey everyone it's your friend thing noodles and welcome to the easiest game on Roblox now now judging by the number of dislikes I feel like uh that might not be true and then people feel insulted when they it isn't as easy as they thought it was there are currently 73 endings okay so there's a trophy we're going to go get it obviously I'm not going to walk across those because it's I'm definitely going to fall so hey I got the trophy this game is easy yeah wooo I won what if you tried doing something else okay woo all right cool so I got that so wait oh there's a get all endings that seems like a pretty what is hello oh hi goodbye have a great time oh it turned it yellow it was not yellow before Oh wait what uh hey hey what hold on what if I follow him hey hey hey hey hey hey good morning hello come on let's go did it did it I fell but there was like a yellow World there hold on hold on hold on hold on there was definitely something there but maybe maybe I have to make him fall first and then go down I like went down just a little bit too early I triy to go like on top of him okay there hey I knew it I knew it that hurt I don't care I don't care that you broke your elbow Okay so we've got another dude this game is easy like I've already gotten three endings look at this jeez not bad okay so now now hold on we we push this dude down and then we go down with them and we push him again let's see what happens good morning and we do it again let's go good morning purple dude wait oh that's more cheese I don't know if I want that one let's keep going let's keep going till we get purple we want we want purple grass we don't want peee grass oh grape grass bro does this just keep going and going I I wonder if you can actually walk across that I'll have to try that after this one I just want to see what happens I'm pretty sure we're going to fall grapes that's great okay wait now oh there's there's like a bag of money up there let's see what happens when I do this what wait so you're telling me that I was jumping across that thing because I thought it was fake this whole time how do I get that and it wasn't it was real um oh okay wait let's get that cuz we can go get the we can go past the grapes and see what's after that but oh it actually tells us look at this you f oh these are the ones I got reset oh cool I could do that one bam hey hey I got the reset ending woo okay super win I don't know what that is but let's try this can we wait what oh there we go yeah see that's what I figured I figured wait I don't I don't know if we can make this can we can we like wall jump or something wait come on no man come on don't don't don't do this well how do I get up there huh okay well okay we'll kick you into the thing let's go PP ending [Music] yeah that is too high on this one too it's like exactly the same height all right double peeee now we go to grapy wait oh it didn't go to oh there okay now it's grapy weird I thought I only had to go twice to get the grape okayo oh but now it's going now it's going to go back to the cheese right is that what yellow now we go to cheese oh this sucks so it just goes in circles then oh red dang oh I'm so oh wait red red red red yes okay cool hi buddy I need red fall make sure you fall okay cool now we got the strawberry the Apple ending woo Okay cool so I think it's just completely random you just keep kicking these balls into the into there [Applause] yeah okay now how do we do anything else in this game besides kick things into a trench is there like is it like those find the markers where there's like a like a you walk through a hidden door and stuff like what do we got disco ball does it tell us oh interesting oh wait it tells you total Victor temporary disabled Victor number temporarily disabled it doesn't tell us how to get a Dominus unstuck murderer underground like how what there's so many all right all right all right what are we doing here so if we touch that we get an ending we've already gotten can I don't think I can make this can I okay there's no ladder H see we can't make that jump and then we couldn't make that jump anyway so what else is there here can we oh yeah wait a second I wonder if we can use this can we well that's not that helpful I thought maybe I could pick it up oh whoa whoa where you going where you going why you doing that hey were you why did you do that you trying to kill me um I got an idea I got an idea okay no no no no my so what I wanted to do is go along this and then go to here then we can use it to jump up there and then jump across I don't know if I can make that but I'll try stop pushing me hey bro I need you no no no no no no oh my goodness wow this is this is frustrating okay hello could you help me out here bro and just get on the thing right here and just go across thank you go go go go go go go don't do it don't do it don't do it okay that's actually exactly what I want thank you brother okay let's go yes okay I'm smart wait oh yeah yeah yeah okay but can I make this wait what I can oh can see outside that's interesting I don't know I I can't make that how am I making that I figured something out okay so then what what what do we do now ah okay all right uh can we no oh no don't I didn't mean to touch it no I had the ball in the perfect spot okay you got to be really careful can you take these oh wait ah okay okay so you have to go to like the yellow cheese world let's see if this works so supposedly you can actually like don't yeah you just keep like yeah we got cheese okay now uh oh okay now if we push the ball across [Music] don't don't don't don't I got no do G it Ah that's annoying there we go jeez all right so now we take the the the well it doesn't matter oh no no no no no no it's okay it's okay we we've got um we've got we've got cheese we still have the cheese uh well I don't know if he's big enough we'll see h no no no no no no oh dang oh okay well actually that might not be terrible either can I get the grapes I was wondering if that was no it's just the cheese okay so don't touch it all right let's try we'll get there don't worry okay this part is like annoying no my so annoyed with you dude just go down the path okay and he he likes to do that okay go go go no oh my goodness I am going to murder you dude ah this is so annoying I got it across like I think I've gotten it wait what did I get AC oh my goodness this is this is frustrating okay come on go no why do [Music] you okay I'm going to go slow and then no no no oh my goodness why do you like that so much is there is there like a way I can do this better like go this way first okay now that uhhuh uh-huh I it's probably as I can't I can't Sprint to stop it to like get around the other side of it okay here we go come on I'm going to do this here we go come on there there we go no no no oh my goodness I hate it I hate this so much okay the red one the red one might be actually easier because it's bigger there no my I hate it too can I can I can I take part of the Apple cuz I haven't been here since I started clicking on things oh look at that what's it doing I wonder what it's count why it's counting huh all right whatever I don't know what that is but right now I want to eat the cheese okay don't tell me what to do dude okay come on here we go come on there we go no oh my no don't don't go that way this is really all I want is this stupid Bag of Money get it yes yes yes and I didn't fall through no don't go don't go over there I can't touch that bro okay no no no no no no no no no no why I'm going to cry I am going to cry soon don't do that get come on you know you have to Bro stay there stay there stay there stay there yes yes that's what we're talking about right there okay go ahead bounce I don't care all right here we go all right we got this go very slow okay come on come on there we go okay now what it fell off oh no oh my I forgot the I forgot the important step and now oh okay we got another one okay there's an important step I forgot oh my goodness now I got to do this again okay but but but I'm getting better at it I think I don't know you got to like you take it slow yeah yeah yeah and then you go like no I don't think so you want to like sort of stay beside it and in front of it at the same time you see you see you see you see you see look at that two in a row what do you think about that guys okay wait stop stop you go n no no you good right you good you're not going anywhere why don't you just stay right there yeah okay cool all right you you face the wall now you take the cheese and you like hit the board or something I think is that what we I I think that's what you do hang on bro I got to go the other side maybe it's on this side you can like what H okay so supposedly you don't click you actually press back yeah you press delete and and uh like your backspace key and it drops stuff also you know what let's turn on shift lock cuz I feel like this is one of those games that this that would help in like especially pushing this dumb thing okay let's see if we can do this and then I think do we do the same oh no it just places it look at this look at this I got it yo oh that was not easy at all more they like easy you can just like slashy d dance right I think this wait how do I how do I walk again I can't move [Music] anymore okay that doesn't get us an ending or maybe this is like the whole ending what if I like change [Music] it none of the oh wait I got one there it is oh it's dance party so you just got to wait it out yeah okay so it's like a there's a bunch that has to do with the dance like you can I think if you dance like if you do a dance doesn't matter which one you do right and then you like reset you get I think you get like partyer yeah cuz you sto the dancing it was a dance party you stopped it now you're party pooper okay all right see these these are easy see look at these look at look at how many I got already oh what how do you get the super win Super dance party how do you get a super dance party and then a disco ball the golden cheese uh toxic death pit of death lightning strike golden like how what I I don't even know like how you could get all of the graveyard wait did it say acrophobia what okay okay I got one I got one we we've got to get to that red uh apple one like there there's a way to get that turn that Apple golden it had to do with those numbers that we saw ah here we go red red red that's what we want let's go good morning good morning good morning hello Apple okay so now with this number that you click you got to do this like three times in a row so basically what it says is 35 to 40 which means we have 35 to 40 seconds to click it and it has to be between 35 and 40 seconds if you click it earlier than 35 seconds then it won't work if you click it uh later than 40 seconds it also won't work um I didn't set a stopwatch so that's not going to work we're going to try that again let's uh let's do this okay here we go and boom all right stopwatch started 17 to 22 seconds I'm going to click it at 19 so we've got a i well okay I'm not going to count it doesn't take forever for you guys so it's 17 to 22 all right 19 bam you and you heard it right 41 to 46 reset the stopwatch and it gave me a look a clink all right okay 31 to 36 Ah that's what Apple watch is great for we're going to get this easy mode wait and and hey there we go the golden apple Chomp Chomp baby let's go yeah we got a golden ending which I don't know maybe that's a legendary ending or something all right so there's got to be so there's got to be a reason we can get up there and also there's a step here let's let's try this step also oh no I need to do this this makes it easier I think no no no no no no no bro going over here I want to see if I can get up here but see then I can't get up there un well I even make it up to nope oh my goodness come here come here come here stop it you got to stand still bro I'm not even pushing you that hard if you would just stand still I wouldn't push you at all okay just okay can I can I not make it up there no wait get stop moving oh my goodness stop it Oh no you're done you're done get out of here yep you're out of here come on somebody else respawn oh it's the same one well whatever you suck can you not get up there from me I mean it looks all right well let's go here then is there a reason for any of this so it doesn't seem like it there just a bunch of platforms I know this is like it's not hacking but it's kind of cheating oh you know what we need we probably Oh no I got it okay oh wait a second there's something I think I'm going to die here we go so ooh sewers okay what is this there's a oh oh oh it's Remy with a with the with the oh with a key that I just stole wait uhoh oops I don't think Remy liked that you took my key yeah that was my favorite key okay now you play what r attack attack uh okay so he okay obviously that that that one seems pretty easy we probably have to swap him cheese for that right that's probably what that cheese was actually for instead of like whatever I did before o and it's kind of perfect to get a red one because I think the red one's a little bit bigger it makes it easier to jump up there thank you all right now I don't know how to make him like I don't know how to trade him we obviously need that key yeah I think oh no no no the red one is bigger so this should yeah that's way easier okay come on get down there all right now I don't okay here you want the cheese or something bro I don't want to okay what if I so if I what if I deleted the cheese oh no man I screwed up cuz now that I did that I thought that would drop it on him uh I mean I could die in oh no wait hold up hold up hold up what's this okay so I could die in the acid there probably oh no no I don't oh wait okay it's okay actually this is okay I'll just get some more cheese I'm going to I'm going to feed it to this little give me the cheese give me the cheese give me the cheese give me the cheese bro why are you not giving me the cheese I already got the cheese won't let me okay man we had a good thing going with this red ball here too oh what wait why did I fall through that I didn't know that would happen okay wait does that always happen on the yellow one if you walk through the middle there you fall no right wait let me see here is that true oh wow okay that resets you to the beginning shut up I need your cheese bro why isn't it dude I okay I got to die because like I've already exhausted the cheese in the yellow Dimension apparently that's annoying so every time you go into the yellow it is the same yellow it's all the same Dimension give me the cheese okay I was about to get real mad like you're never getting to choose again uh okay so it's a little bit harder with this dude versus red but it's doable got to stay still though bro no no no that's not that's not what I said H that's not it I know I can do this come on N you're too far away no no no no no no no no no get over here don't frustrate me this is the most frustrating part of the entire game is this stupid ball ah nope get back get back here get back here get back here get nope nope get over here oh [Music] my you are frustrating [Music] me okay got it okay come here eat the cheese bro eat it eat it how do I give it to him oh he ate it now can I have the key I got it and you're not mad oh he fell asleep oh he's so cute he snor so loud all right now we get who is this Keith now we're going to get Keith out right I assume that this is what the key wait what what is this key for wait I thought it was to unlock this it's not for this [Music] uh I mean it there's there's a lock I mean kind of like there's can I wait oh wait I think the lock is oh it's on his side right oh okay wait wait what if I that work oh I gave him the key yes I got him out yo n wait where you going let's go let's go let's go all right Keith wait am I supposed to follow him is he what's he doing Keith what's up buddy hey I freed you talk to me or do something what wait what's the ball doing all the way over there now what now okay do you need the ball I'll go get it is he going to do something to this thing cuz I hate it here you go dude do something Keith Keith Keith why are you so boring oh no wait wait oh well that was um not an ideal but okay Keith is still here though so wait let's go this way there is there something else down there that I should have gotten or something he's still asleep okay yeah so this is still the same I mean there's garbage oh wait oh look wait oh there's stinky cheese okay so the rat's asleep so he's not going to eat it do we feed it to Keith Keith oh Keith Keith don't hit it bro what do you mean that was good cheese I I I okay bro is going to have diarrhea no oh he's dead Keith just died bye Keith bye have a great time I told you shouldn't have eaten that [Music] bro how I mean Ascension okay well at least Keith went to heaven but I think maybe like am I supposed to avoid Keith okay let's get the cheese hold on so are we I don't know how I would do it but you could like just I would say run but I don't you can't run in this game but how do you get how do you not give that to to Keith that cheese is got there's got to be a reason for that cheese Beyond Keith eating it oh wait I didn't get the cheese ah dumb okay wait can I die in yeah let's do that cuz I know that's one that's not fell right that's toxic death yeah see there's another one yay so sometimes when you make a mistake like forgetting to bring the cheese with you then then you just go get yourself an ending you know see we want I would want Keith to eat this cheese you know if we can get him oh I wonder if we can get him over to that wait no bro you weren't supposed to eat it oh I didn't I was trying to push oh boy oh my oh oh man dude is lactose [Music] intolerant okay well he's about to gobble us up consumed a word oops every but a load of cheese why can't we eat the cheese have I tried that can I eat it I I actually never tried it I mean I would assume I could just hold it and then eat it hopefully I'm not I mean I'm not in real life you might doesn't power it but you never know my character might be hold on can I eat it N I can't eat it I can only feed it to other people all right you can't have it oops all right so oh wait how did I get okay here we go eatat the cheese there you go I'm going take your key you have a nice little nap there all right Keith now the thing is Keith you got to keep moving bro like don't okay I'm going to give you the key can I get the cheese and get it before he like yeah before he wants it okay let's go oh no but he's already up there also I saw something through here there there's a skull but wait let's see what happens with Keith here okay oh wait oh if I put it away he won't know I have it that's what I got to do so the problem is I came out with it and he just ate it like the like the yeah like the yellow dude did okay here we go come on Keith come eat the good stuff let's go buddy come on right here dude Keith no Kei you idiot what my my fault I didn't know he was going to go in a straight line oh my goodness that's annoying all I wanted to to do is eat the giant cheese wait wait bro what happened no but you ate the cheese I didn't let him fall asleep first I was going too fast oh my goodness I just got murdered by the rat again Ratatat that's frustrating I like I I know what I'm doing so I'm going too fast and and ah it it counts as a mistake let's see how many endings do we actually have uh we never got super win we got oh disco ball I mean we're getting some of them but we got none of wow look at all these ones like these are like it's got to be another area you know that we can't we have not accessed yet somewhere but I got to get Keith the golden the giant cheese man he's going to be so happy all right okay let him fall asleep okay I hear him snoring now we're good jeez there's also that skull I feel like if I touch it something's going to happen but um let's let's get let's get Keith his cheese not this cheese you can't have this cheese Keith so so far I've killed him twice okay Keith so come here dude oh man how do I keep him like on this thing come here come on bro come on bro come on bro yeah you got it you got it you got it all right oh and then he stops all right eat the giant cheese bro yeah he ate the whole thing did you get the trophy M uhhuh that was good cheese okay that might have been too much cheese oh no oh no are you lactose intolerant too I don't oh boy Keith I'm sorry bro I thought that's what you wanted uh-oh uh-oh oh oh his tummy exploded like literally woo Keith man l a match bro dang let's go see what that skull is all about there's like you know for such like a simple map there's so many like endings and little like tasks you can do I mean obviously there's 74 of them um oh no don't feed him the cheese I almost did it again like and I bet like some people actually oh come on no no no no no some people actually play this and then just like get the trophy and they're like yeah dude that was such an easy game I won but like not knowing how much content there actually is in the game this is this right here you sir are the reason that there are so many down bootes on this game it's this little ball right here oh it's so frustrating there got the Boost get in okay so cheese to you go to sleep okay take the key Keith go do whatever you're going to do just go eat yeah go go enjoy the cheese of your life okay and then yeah there was a skull back here oh wait there's something else back here actually wait what's that there's a thing oh oh that's that's the map there's an X here and a skull oh oh we okay we take the skull and put it there oh okay right all right uh so I got to push this but we're not in the right world world oh wait you got to do this right you got to do this okay a all right all right all right here we go oh no wait I need the oh no I don't I don't need it okay cool oh this is cool okay so now what we put the we put it it's right here right and then we drop [Music] it oh wa dude look it went up there what [Music] weird is there away for me to do that what would be the reason to do that anyway is there a good reason to do that why did it go up there oh apparently I like if I reset here it'll actually yo there's an Obby up here if you reset there I don't know what what the skull has anything to do with it but um yeah there's an Obby here it's annoying uh oh and it's got like an ending in it I guess hey hey hey hey the easiest game in the world I beat the Obby I bet if you die in the Obby you get like a died in the Obby thing do I need the skull to actually do that though I could probably do it let's [Music] see let's see if the skull had actually anything to do with anything and like let's see reset character no it doesn't so if I just hit this what happens is it fell or is it different oh no Lava see nice all right so there's another ending supposedly where you like actually get a second Obby so let's get through this and but then you go like this but then you don't touch that and then you like you drop back down yeah cuz you don't take fall damage and then you go do it again and there's another Obby and you can get like the colorful ending but you got to like do half the Obby I don't think you have to do the whole Obby but there's like so many little secrets so now you got to reset again even you know what I mean like like look there see and then I think you have to like you have to make it over to this one here and then you like wait no wait I thought I thought you have to click them or something to get like this like special ending or whatever I can't click any of these though oh I almost didn't make that well we we'll just we'll make it the second Obby uh well what is is there a third Obby should I try it or should I get it we got to get [Music] it Obby wait that's already I already got that one I already got Obby that should be Obby to or Obby squared or something Obby Obby okay let's let's see let's see let's see let's try it one more time and see if anything I don't know if it's going to spawn a third Obby let's see yes no yes there is there is a third Obby okay okay okay and they're getting more and more annoying oh my goodness what was that that was straight okay this sucks that one was straight across dude okay this is starting to get a really bad do I do this one too and then go for a nah no wait it's just going to do Obby nah I'm going for it again nope let's see what happens come on come on come on if not I can I can go back and do that one but it's just going to it's not going to give me a new end oh my what is this one oh what no okay so this is like some shift lock stuff right what okay let's oh man oh man I don't like this how far are we going with this see this one goes all the way out there see this one if we jump off of we go into we interesting so we could get an Obby ending or we could die here which we haven't actually died from right we haven't died died off of The Edge have we and all that work all that work it better be worth can you you can't die this way there's no ending I'm such an idiot what a waste of time wait no I did get it yes void ending it took forever fo it actually actually hav
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 1,117,796
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KBi4YTjhqLM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 37sec (2077 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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