SketchUp Tutorials with Kat Adair: Creating a Basic Room (for Beginners)

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[Music] alright guys so today we are going to be working in a program called Sketchup to create a floor plan so what I've got here is I have drawn a rough sketch of my room I first start out by measuring the room and what I want is I need dimensions between corners here you can see I have 12 feet between one corner and the next corner the next measurement is about 12 foot 4 so that's 12 foot 4 inches on the next one I just have three and a half feet so one of the cool things about Sketchup is that I can interchange my different types of measurement systems 3.5 feet which is decimal feet is equal to three foot six inches just know that you can enter it in either way on this wall over here when we enter it in the program it's 5 feet but we're going to enter it as 60 inches and I'll show you how that works there are also three windows in this room and then there's a doorway and we have some assumptions so for example the height of the tops of the doors and windows is 80 inches this is going to have an eight-foot ceiling and we'll make the assumption that these are all four inch thick walls if you think about the construction of a wall you have a two-by-four which is actually three and a half inches plus the sheetrock on either side of it is going to bring it to about four inches with that let's go ahead and get started you can also download and print this and out here so you can follow along let's get back to Sketchup alright so I am here on sketch UPS website and the reason that we're looking at the website is because the latest version of Sketchup that is free is actually web-based and so you can go into the program through a web interface now this is assuming that since you're watching this video that you have an internet connection if you didn't have an internet connection you would have to purchase a version of Sketchup if you do have an internet connection this is easy you just go to their website Sketchup comm Sketchup spin around since about only 2006 or so so it's about 14 years old pretty powerful program used by architects and designers now once we get to the main page I'm looking for this product section when I click on that I need to look in this column worked for personal there are different versions of it here you can look at the plants and pricing if you'd like but I'm just gonna go to Sketchup free which is the version we'll be using you'll end up on the next page which gives us a button marks start modeling we'll go ahead and do that now I have already logged into Sketchup so if you get to this point and it's asking you to set up an account you want to go ahead and do that and then log in you can pause here if you need to but then once you're done you'll come into this interface this is the main home page I guess or main dashboard of Sketchup over on the left hand side you can see there's the home button which is where we're at there's a button for the account Trimble Connect is where you are saving your files up online you have a choice to either save the files up in Trimble Connect on the internet or in the cloud or you can also save them locally as well there's another thing called the 3d warehouse which is where there are thousands probably millions of models that people have created and uploaded for the community you can also add a location since Sketchup is something that used to be behind Google Earth you can geolocate your project which would be important if you're doing something like a pergola you know a patio covering that needed to cache shadows with that that's just kind of a quick tour up here at the top we're going to create a new file which is found under the home up here you'll click on it and then we're going to use the simple template feet and inches go ahead and click on that even if you're doing this project from outside the US I'd recommend just following along with this and you'll get a good laugh at how silly are American measurement system is but what we see here once we've launched it this is the main interface of Sketchup what you see on the left hand side there is a find button I guess a little search thing and then there's a left toolbar but there is also a right toolbar as well we are going to be operating mainly over here on the left down at the bottom you'll also see an area where there's I guess feedback so if I were to say use a pencil tool or maybe the move tool it will give me other information like I might use an option or an Alt key to copy within the move command and but not least there is a measurements box that's down here on the right SketchUp is something called a parametric CAD program where as we draw we can enter in measurements and it will make it accurate so if you're 3d printing this is a good way to get something that is accurate let's take a look at the main interface here this bottom brownish part is actually the ground the blue is the sky so what you're seeing is in perspective and this is your horizon line the other thing you'll notice is that there's Helen so there's a woman here that as we zoom in and out her scale changes and it gives you a rough idea about what scale you're working at in Sketchup let me show you how this works so I have a Logitech mouse with a scroll wheel and as i zoom out you can see that Helen gets very small well if I were building a big office building I might have a small person here it gives me this scale if i zoom in let's say if I were looking at this view I might be building maybe a piece of furniture or if I were making a small product I would zoom in like this and then start drawing so Helen is just there to give you an idea of what your overall scale is as you zoom in and out you're basically you know changing your view but let's talk about orbiting there is a tool over here in the left hand side called the orbit tool when you click on that it gets a flyout over here to the right and you want to choose this first one which is the orbit tool now as you click and drag you can see that I can orbit around Helen and also navigate around the space however if I wanted to move Helen side to side without orbiting around her you just add the shift key and when you do that you can pan up and down or side to side and there's some tricks on here there's actually several different ways to navigate but that gives you the basics to get started so let's talk about this room I'm gonna leave Helen for now so we know the size of our room and looking at our document find it real quick Oh mine fell on the floor or not actually it's in my laundry basket because because of kovat my recording studio is now in my master closet so anyway let's take a look here so we need to draw some lines and I'll switch over so you can see what I'm talking about but I would recommend printing this what you'll see is that we need to put some lines in place for twelve foot four and maybe this 12 foot those two lines I'm going to orient around the center which is our origin and to do that there's several different ways we can do it we could create guidelines to draw within or we could just use the tools I'm going to switch over here to the pencil tool which is also the line tool and click on that and choose the pencil or line tool from the top now let's draw our first line and what I'm going to show you is just an exercise in drawing so let's click anywhere in the model release the mouse and this is going to be a little bit different than everything else you do in drawing programs within Sketchup you're going to click and release the mouse move the mouse and then click again in this case what I did is I clicked I release the mouse and then I'm moving my mouse around and I get this rubber banding effect let's just go over here somewhere and just click when I click and release I then get the little rubber banding effect again and I can go over here and maybe click again and click and I'm just going to go all over the place and click and click and click and then when I get back to the end I'm going to click on the end and see what happens two things would have happened one if you're drawing filled in like this your points are all on the same plane and I'll show you what that means let's choose the orbit tool again and then click and drag and when I go to the side like this you can see that all of those points that I created we're on the same level so they're on the same plane imagine that this would be like drawing on your floor so if I draw on the floor everything is at the same level now in this case this worked as planned but you might have actually ended up with no fill in here in the middle this is called a face if that happened be sure to navigate around and what you'll see is this the points are down below or maybe up above so that's an important concept within Sketchup another thing is let's go back to our selection tool which is this arrow but let's do that by pressing the spacebar when I press the spacebar I can then click on the different edges here and these are called edges within Sketchup if I click on those they turn blue which means that they're selected if I click in the middle if you have this filled in that's called a face and you'll see that it has the little dots now another thing you can do is if you double click it will select the face and any connected edges that are available and that looks good once you've done this you can just hit the Delete key and that's how we've created an object within Sketchup that has edges and also a face if you need to click and get rid of some of those other segments go ahead and do that now but we're gonna start drawing some walls I'll zoom in just a little bit here and I'm going back to the line tool but I'm going to show you that shortcuts within Sketchup are very powerful let's press the L key when you do that it switches automatically to the pencil or line tool so L for line that saves you the hassle of clicking on this and having to choose things from the flyout let's start at the origin so if you remember back from geometry class that was you know years ago you had to draw things probably on an x and y axis so your red line and your green line are the X and y-axis this other axis the blue one is a z axis which comes up from that other plane so to start out drawing let's go ahead and click where this intersect that's called the origin so click and release and then you can see we're doing the rubberband thing we are going to move our mouse along the green axis this is going to ensure that what we're drawing is on the same plane now we need to enter in a dimension which is 12 foot 4 so I'm going to type 12 and an ' and then 4 like that and then hit enter you'll see down at the bottom that gives me the dimension it stopped drawing but what I can do then is I can move along the red axis and this is something very important in sketch you want to draw on axes if you can so I'm going to move my mouse over along the red axis and then type three point five and then the apostrophe makes three point by feet so it stopped drawing there our next segment is going to be the five foot segment that runs along the green axis and so move your mouse along the green axis and let's type this time instead of five feet let's try 60 inches type 60 and just hit return now an important thing to know is that you don't have to enter the quotation mark four inches since we're using a simple template with feet and inches Sketchup just knows that if you don't enter the inch mark that what you're entering is interest so it's just kind of a shortcut now I'm at the end and I don't know what this other dimension is I can kind of make a guess I could do some math math but anyway I'm just going to stop drawing to do that I press the spacebar now we'll come back to this other direction and I'm going to orbit but if you have a scroll wheel Mouse you can click and drag on the scroll wheel and your cursor will temporarily turn to the orbit tool if you don't have that just press o and use orbit that way to start drawing again let's press L for the line tool go back to the origin click move down the red axis and type 12 foot and hit return now I can go back this green axis and notice that the green axis does not look parallel with this other axis over here that's okay that's because of the perspective so I'm just going to move my mouse along the green axis and type 17 foot 4 and hit enter I just need to join these lines over here and I want to make sure that these lines diversify if I go along this red axis that I eventually end up on an end point and that that line stays red and so that just means that it's parallel with the other wall well go ahead and click and when we do that it fills in with a face so remember from before we had edges and we had faces and when you connect your edges together it will automatically fill in with the face let's press the spacebar just to go back to the selection tool and take a look well what if I want to verify my dimensions here there's an easy way to do that as well over on the left toolbar you'll see that there's a tape measure well the tape measure can be used for measuring things but I want dimensions so I'll click on this tape measure and choose the second icon from the flyout which is the dimensions tool I guess in this example if you just click on one of these lines you can click release and then move out and click again to get a dimension line click move your mouse out click again and just do that all the way around your model when you get over here to this little bump out for the closet let's go ahead and make sure you're not clicking on this midpoint but come over here click release and then move this out and let it snap out here so whenever you're dimensioning I guess a building plan you want to bring this all the way out here and then again if you can't avoid this midpoint just zoom in you want to click on that line and come out click on this line and come out it will snap notice that if I went this direction see the blue line that tells me I'm actually going up in space and I want to go out along the green axis and there I've dimensioned my entire room I can verify my measurements the only one I didn't have was this 8 foot 6 over here sketchup has put everything else in there correctly so we're ready to go now I could make these dimensions so I could turn them on and off but we'll just leave them on for this exercise the next thing we need to do is add walls so we are going to use something called the offset tool over in our tool bar under this middle icon it says push-pull if you click on that the third icon in the flyout is the offset tool so we'll click on that now I just want to hover over my my floor and what you'll see is that there's a red dot that follows the edges and it doesn't matter where I move my mouse it's going to try and snap to one of these edges click on the edge like that and then move your cursor out and then type four and hit Enter or return and what we did is we just made an outline directly outside this floor that will give us four-inch walls now we can actually go back in and remove the center face so let's press the spacebar to get the selection tool click on the center and then press the Delete key that gives us a set of walls and we don't have a floor in the middle now we need to go in and start working on the doorways we'll eventually raise this wall up but for right now we just want to add the doors so I'll focus here in this corner and I have a door that comes in about four inches from this wall there's an easy way to do this though which is to use a tape measure or it's a drawing guideline over on the left you'll click here on the dimension tool and then click on the tape measure will hover over this edge right here on this wall click release move over along the green axis type for and hit return and that will give us a temporary guideline that we can then use to make our doorway well the width of our door is 36 inches so let's click move over and type 36 make sure it's along that green axis and that gives us the second line that we need to define our door well we could use the line tool here that's one way or we could even use a rectangle tool let's go over here to the toolbar and choose the first rectangle which has a shortcut of our by the way and I want to hover right here where there's this intersection of the wall and the guide line click and you can see I'm drawing a rectangle but I want to come over here to this opposite corner and click and now I created the two lines because we drew over these existing lines Sketchup sees them is the same same line it doesn't actually give you stacks of lines there's still just a single line there and then we need to go in and erase so let's talk about how we can do that there is an eraser tool that we can use and if you click on that you could click on this guideline to get rid of it you could also click out here and drag across the lines you could click and drag across this line and get rid of it let's undo though so commander ctrl C and go back until we have all of these again let's try a different technique to get to something called a crossing box you need to switch back to the selection tool in this case we need to draw a box that will cross these different elements so we can select them and then press Delete but watch what happens if I click up here in the upper left hand corner and drag down to the right nothing is selected that is a normal selection tool if we click and drag a box like this we are only selecting the things that are in side that box that are fully contained within the box let's click anywhere to deselect now if we use something called a crossing box which is the opposite direction we start at the lower right and go up to the upper left anything that we cross will be selected you can see here it's selected both the edges and the face and then we can press the Delete key you can also use this with guidelines I'm not going to do it down here because if I were to click and drag with a crossing box I've also selected this dimension line we deselect by clicking click and drag up to the upper left and hit delete and this one's a little bit trickier but let's go ahead and get in here real quick cross and then press delete so there we've deleted our lines now we can switch to the au orbit tool and then add that shift key to move it down into position also I'll show you if you were to hold the shift key and get way out here and oh I can't find my design if you use shift Z that's called zoom extents so shift Z will bring this back into view and then you can scroll out alright so we're going to have another thing happen over here we've got a doorway for a closet and then a couple windows but I did this one to show you a different way so if you are planning it you can add your doorways but I'll show you in a minute how to do this when we have the wall already in place so let's scroll in and I'll press the spacebar just to make sure I'm back at the selection tool and this time we're going to use the push/pull tool well because my menu changed when I chose the offset tool if I click here on the offset tool I can select the push-pull tool up here or I can use the shortcut which is the letter P now I'm going to hover and you can see as I hover that this actually gets a little pattern on it let me click and release move my cursor up and this is going to be eight-foot walls so let's type eight-foot and hit return that gives us the walls and I could scroll out or it could use shift Z again but you can see now as I hover over these different walls I could push-pull any one of these fact let's click one here let's click move out and click again and you can see that we can use the push/pull tool too to do all sorts of cool stuff let's just undo we're going to need to put a doorway here and then we also need to bring a section here of the wall that is above the door so let's focus on that first now remember that we assumed that our doorways were 80 inches tall I need to get a guideline where I can come in here and make that happen so let's press the T key to get to the tape measure click on this bottom edge and release move your cursor up type 80 and hit return that gives me a guideline and presto but you can see I now have a guideline that's up on that wall I want to zoom in here so let me show you two contextual zoom means if I hover here and I zoom it's going to bring this into Center focus let's zoom out for a second I'll show you something else if I hover on this lower corner and zoom in you can see it brings that corner into focus so it depends on where you're hovering when you zoom as to what I guess what comes into view so let's zoom in on this corner and now let's use the rectangle tool to define a section here that we can pull across press R for the rectangle tool click become up to the top corner and click again and you can see it gave us a line here to switch to the push-pull tool let's use a key command now which is P and as you hover you can see that it's divided this wall into two sections we're going to zoom out a little so we can see both this edge in this click pull back out and then hover over this endpoint and click again with your push-pull tool still selected you can see that this wall is divided into two pieces we need to get rid of this line here to make it one let's press the e key for the eraser click on that line click on this line and then we need to go to the back side so let's navigate using our orbit tool and if I loose that corner I can do a shift Z and then just zoom in again so shift C's gonna be really handy for you press e for the eraser and click again shift Z oh and now you can see that I have a wall let's go in and deal with this doorway over here so we know that we have a doorway that is 4 feet wide I don't think I wrote that down but it's gonna be 4 feet wide on a 5 foot wall we'll scroll in here and basically we need to draw a rectangle on this wall but we need that rectangle to be centered let's use the tape measure again press the T key hover on this line click come over along the green axis but this time move your mouse down or move your cursor down until you find a blue dot that blue dot is the midpoint of the wall and so we're gonna find the midpoint and then draw two guidelines out from each side that are 24 inches so hover on this guideline again click come over to the right and type 24 and hit return hover on the middle one come back out and this side let's type 2 feet 2 ' feet so 24 inches or 2 feet is the same exact measurement now if I were to draw a rectangle here let's go ahead and just draw one we're gonna eyeball it and not pay attention to the 80 inch height press our hover somewhere on this left guideline click move to the bottom and click again and now we've defined some sort of a rectangle on the wall now we'll use push/pull to push this through so use P you can see if we hover you can click and this one you want to go back until it says offset limited or on face when you click on that now you can see we have a doorway if we shift the C again then we can zoom out press o and just get a feel for what this looks like but you can see that my doorway is much lower than this other one and we'll fix that here in a moment I'm you adding the shift key to move up and I want to delete these guidelines I don't need them anymore so we'll press the spacebar click on the lower right go up to the upper left select those three lines and press Delete you can also use your eraser tool as well so zoom back out so how are we going to make this height the same as this one let's go to the underside well press o and get a view where I can actually see both doors I might need to zoom in on this one real quick so let's zoom in press the P I'm going to click on this and is zoom out with my scroll wheel and come over here until I can touch this top of this doorframe and see what happens you'll see that there's a little line a dashed line between the two doors and what it did is it brought this level up to be the same as the other one so this is using something called an inference press the O key and you can see that I now have two doorways and they're both the same height interestingly when we start adding the windows you may not have ever noticed this but the height of your doors and the height of your windows are generally if built by a reputable contractor should be it exactly the same height but let's go over here and address this window and the window on this side is 36 inches wide by 48 inches tall and it's going to be centered on this wall let's press the T key we'll click come over until we can find that center point then our window is going to be 36 inches so we justified that click move over type 18 click move over 9 18 and there we have our guidelines now we're going to draw using a rectangle so press R and this time we want to hover over this little endpoint up here at the top of the door and then come over to these lines and you'll see not the red line there might be another line but when you get this dotted line that is actually borrowing the top of the doors measurement and we're going to apply it towards the window so we'll click and then move this down here and I can't show you if you look at the dimensions at the bottom you'll see that it says 3 foot 3 and then as I move this down it shows me that it's maybe 4 foot 8 we can change this dimension we see that the 3-foot dimension after the comma that is the width of our window we only need to change the height which is the number to the left of the comma I'm just gonna type 48 and hit return now if I want to measure this and make sure that that's correct I could use my tape measure or I could use the dimension line but let's just use the tape measure pressing T if I were to click on this upper corner and then move down it will show me that it's 4 feet and then I can just press the spacebar to get rid of it so I'm not making a guideline I'm just using it as a measuring tool now I can use push/pull so press P click and then go back but this time I'm just gonna push through and show you something that can happen press the O key and look what happened it came through the back so if your window doesn't work right you can just undo press P and mine is not letting me select the right thing so let me press the spacebar click on the background to deselect and then press P click and then watch for it to show something like that where it says on face or you get this kind of reflective look to it almost I click again and now you can see that I have actually punched through on the window last but not least let's clear up these guidelines press the spacebar lower right upper left press the Delete key there you go so there we have one window and all that we have left to do is add two windows to this wall over here so we've got two windows that are thirty inches wide separated by a piece of wall that's 18 inches let's zoom in and use our tape measure to find the center so we'll press T come down here click move your mouse and look for that center point there we go since this is an 18 inch section we need nine inches on either side so we'll click and type 9 click go over type 9 again then guidelines for our windows so click type 30 click type 30 and there we go so we've laid out where our windows are going to be we could also come up from the bottom click and come up and type 80 and then come down so we'll use this guideline and then come down 36 so that's another way that you can do it we'll just go with that for right now then we just draw a rectangle so press R click and click click and click press key for push-pull in the back and this time wait for it to say on face but in the next one let's just double click so what happens is once you've used the push-pull tool once and gone back 4 inches on that one you can just apply it to anything else so you could have laid out all of the lines for your windows and doors and then gone back and just double click double click double click let's clean up the guidelines press the spacebar click and drag from the lower right to the upper left delete clean up these over here and clean up our original guidelines so there you can see it's pretty easy to remove those there is our basic room but I do see one other flaw which is the fact that there is not a wall in our closet and since we're going to be putting some storage things in our closet we'll go ahead and build that as well what I'm gonna do here though is there's a couple different ways I could accomplish this wall but let's grab a rectangle press R I could just draw a big rectangle and they use inferences so let's try that it doesn't matter where I click but I'm just going to make a rectangle that goes from the top to the bottom I can then use push/pull to click move this out and then hover on this wall right here this is again using an inference and click again so we have a super thick wall like that then we can use push/pull press P click release and then go hover over this wall and there you go that gives us a wall that is the right thickness and then all that's left is we just need to come over here make another rectangle push/pull it can intersect this wall over here rotate and these look pretty close but let's make them exact use P so you can click and then hover over this other wall and it's now exactly the same thickness all you need to do now is to orbit around and we had an extra line here so let's press e for our eraser and then click to get rid of it and now you can see that we have our room one last thing that we can do if you wanted to go ahead and paint this you can also do that as well now there is a paint bucket over here so if you click the paint bucket and choose it something comes out from this right hand toolbar and it's really strange because you're like oh here's my home this is what's in the model already if you click over here on the search one you can choose different colors or fabrics or carpets click on the colors and then you can choose a nice color for your wall for my lovely studio I have a chartreuse screen then you just use the paint bucket and you can click on the different wall segments if you need to navigate press o press b for the paint bucket to get back to it press o and press B to paint something like that and I got all the walls that looks pretty good if you wanted to put a bright orange accent wall in there you could - they can play around with your colors and then to get rid of this let's just use this arrow over here to make that go away and now you can see that our room has done one last step is to group this and then lock it in place let's press the spacebar and then remember what we did with selection so if I click once I get the face if I click twice I get the face plus the edges if I want to get everything that's connected you triple click one two three once you do that you can see I've selected everything right click and then choose make group now in order to lock this in place because the very next step is going to be adding our furniture right-click and then choose lock now we have a room that we can go in and start to decorate with that is a good basic starting place within Sketchup this can get much more complex or you can go in and add furniture from the 3d warehouse but this is probably the most basic steps of creating your room in Sketchup something else we need to talk about that I actually forgot is how to save our work the newer version of Sketchup is so good at saving your work that I frequently forget so I'll have to to show you how to do that first of all we need to give our file a name so I'm going to click this untitled up here and it will ask me where I want to save it this is essentially our drive our Cloud Drive which says Sketchup and then I have folders in here if you haven't created a folder yet you can just say add folder and let's just give it say class sample and click create once I've done that if I double click it I'm inside that folder and now I could give it a name I could say this is cats new studio and then save here once I've done that you can see that the name has been changed up here tells me I'm saving and then it gives me the status of saved that's how I'm going to actually save my work now this thing up here in the upper left hand corner is called a hamburger so if you click on that and go home it will show you all of your different models that you have in fact notice that it has two different cats new studios so it's allowing me to have something of the same name which is not good but if you look over here on the side Trimble connect this is where I can go look at my different projects so it has a little breadcrumb thing up here if I click Sketchup and then I choose let's see class sample you can see that it's giving me a list here of my path I guess to get to my project and here's cats new studio by double-clicking on it it will load it and I can get back in and start working on it again but that the basics of saving and how you kind of organize your files a little bit more to it but this will get you started for now I guess enjoy Sketchup and and have fun designing your own room you
Channel: Kat Adair
Views: 69,371
Rating: 4.9452448 out of 5
Keywords: SketchUp, SketchUp Basics, SketchUp Beginner, SketchUp Room, SketchUp Skills
Id: t_gKc-8ujcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 16sec (2236 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2020
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