Sketchup Site Modeling using Geo-Location

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all right in this case study I wanted to show you how to create a typographic you know 3d site model when you do not have the surveyors plat just using the free tools with inside of Sketchup alright I got a case now where I've got two lot side-by-side where people pressuring about building on both Lots so I'm just gonna do a quick study on that one first thing I'm going to do is go to geolocation add geolocation and in this case I previously had searched this address so that's why it's in there but you could just put the address up in the address bar and pop up to it but basically I'm going to look at these two Lots right in here and there's the lake of course so the first thing I'm going to do is select region and then just move these pins to surround the lots that you want I want to get some of the lake in the air and it's good to have the adjacent houses too so I can help in the study of the placement of these two and then you select grab once you've done that what's going to happen is when you come in you've got on your layers you're going to see a snapshot and then the Google Earth terrain so those you can cut off and on the terrain is actually the topography there it's got the 3d aspect to it so that's what I'm going to use right now okay and the first thing I'm going to do is that comes in locked I'm going to unlock it and then I'm going to just simply just to get a reference for the lake here I'm going to draw a little box somewhere down the end of that I'm going to pick each of these lines and I'm just going to move them out to where they're past everything here okay and then selecting move so that looks like it's going to encompass the whole thing and I'm down I chose the bottom point there thinking that that would be the water elevation which is at around 700 95 here at the lake all right so I'm going to pick this plane I'm going to select move copy and I'm just going to move it up in the blue axis and I want to go in to foot intervals you can do whatever intervals you open I'm going to go 24 inches and hit enter all right and then hit the asterisk four times and let's save you know twelve times okay we still need to go more so you can say times say sixteen okay let's go up to twenty times twenty six okay so now we're above at all alright so we're gonna do now is simply highlight every bit of it right-click on it and say intersect faces with model alright and then we can actually get rid of all of these guys here and you're going to see the contour lines are left what's it now if you cut off your terrain you're going to see these contour lines and what I'm going to do is select them all I'm going to create a layer called contours so I can cut them off and on later control their visibility go up to our sandbox tools and say from contours and it's going to put a skin on there for us just like that so there's your 3d site with contour lines if you wanted to you could get into it let's say to cut the contours off let's let's some take this group here I guess I didn't change the let's take this group I'm going to create a layer called existing site I'm going to put that on there on the existing site on earth into the info existing site that way and cut that off I forgot to put these on to contours so we do that right now and call this contours all right now I'm going to cut those off and cut our snapshot on and if you wanted to just kind of roughly no property lines you could sort of gauge you can tell obviously the grass line there you know you're going to be in from the street for your utility easements and let's say it's about there see how people did their grass line get from there to about right there I'm just going to kind of throw a couple arcs in here to fit the rest of this all right and then I'm going to draw a line to separate the two and just guessing at this point since we're doing a quick study get rid of these planes that were created then I'm going to just pick these lines by holding down the control picking each of these segments I'm going to move that up just to get up above it cut the snapshot off I'm going to cut my sight back on balos are already selected I'm going to choose drape and drape those down on to that and then I'm just going to get rid of these and now you see we have a site model it's in 3d so that's a start it was a sort of a free way to get a quick 3d model of your site
Channel: BrockWorks, Inc.
Views: 89,191
Rating: 4.9545455 out of 5
Keywords: tag1, tag2
Id: kdFicOPobX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 44sec (344 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 23 2013
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