SketchUp Diffusion! AI in SketchUp!!

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hey guys it's Aaron and today we're going to take a look at using generative AI with diffusion inside of SketchUp from SketchUp [Music] Labs so yeah AI is a term that gets thrown out a lot you know what is what is it what are you going to do with AI artificial intelligence can mean just about anything what we're talking about is some visualization options the ability to take a SketchUp model very basic SketchUp model and maybe run it through some different design iterations some different looks feels locations to take uh that geometry that you create inside a SketchUp and actually start developing it getting it to the point where it would be if you had a completed model or maybe even a render right up front and we're to do this with SketchUp diffusion from SketchUp Labs let's take a look all right so this is the uh extension Warehouse page this is available on Accenture Warehouse right now this is uh we'll put a link to this down below in the description you go download it uh you do have to have a recent version of SketchUp for desktop this is uh an extension that does have to install in a fully licensed version of SketchUp so grab it download it and you can do all the things we're about to look at right now so it is a free download you can just download it and running up to pay for anything like that but uh yeah follow the link that's how you get a hold of it so let's now that we know how to get it it does install like a regular extension so you're going to go in and to your extension manager and install the DW or sorry RBZ file once you get it installed but once it's in here uh it's going to be pretty simple way to use we're going to just take a look at that right now I just want to start with I have this super basic simple massing model right here you can see it's cabiny it's got maybe like a little uh deck thing here in this bolted entry way but that's it no windows no G location no materials just basic geometry and this is the this is the piece this is the spot where diffusion starts to just do its awesomeness so we're going to come in here under extensions I have this thing diffusion and that's going to bring up a simple window this is it this is all there is not not enough like this is it but oh this is it simple simple way to use it uh just to run through the UI real quick here we have uh a text prom and this is where I can go and say how do I want diffusion to come in and make this image look different what's going to happen is sketchup's going to pass what's on my screen right now out to diffusion apply what I type in here and give me a new picture so let's do something fun like let's let's take this and say uh we want to make it a rustic cabin in the woods with a lake in the background and lots of pine trees all around simple just a you know pretty simple description right there and I'm going to hit generate all right so that's going to take like I said the image a snapshot of where this is right now it's going to send that out to diffusion diffusion is going to come up with a brand new image or two and pass it back and when I get that I'll have the some other options are going to come up once I get those back here all right so here we go we got it so it took this image and it gave me three potential Solutions so if I pick one of these there you can see okay that's pretty good that's actually like on the lake oh this one's literally floating in the water so you can see here I have uh different options that I could go with and if you've ever used diffusion uh you know that this this there's an iterative process or or any AI there's an iterative process the art of fine-tuning the prom is a big part of using AI to generate images so the idea here is you can come through here and just fine-tune this um and and get more you know start well okay let's see I wanted a gravel path working up to it and uh a fire pit on the side I could start adding that sort of information to it um grael path leading up to front door and a fire pit with chairs around it to the right um thank goodness that oops pit good thing uh you know I'm getting prompted to correct my spelling I'm want to fire pirate or something like that and this is the process I can go through and I can just keep generating and I can what I could do too is right now I'm actually regenerating this prompt against what I have right here this image right here rather than my original geometry so at this point I'm in that iterative redesign process for an image so I can keep building upon the images it creates or I can at any time hit this reset button which is going to reset back to the image of my model and start from there something else I I did here I didn't I didn't erase s so you can see he's actually popping up in each of these images uh as well so that's something that I probably probably want to replace my scale figure once uh you know once I start start designing here okay so there this is kind of getting me more close to the direction that I want to go so we could do this I could spend the solid 10 minutes of this video just changing prompts and redrawing but we got more UI to run through here um I'm going to go not through these it straight down I do want to kind of Bounce Around a little bit because I'm going to hop in before we talk about Styles I want to look at settings in settings we have the ability to move these sliders to say how much is the geometry here important and how important is the prompt so in this particular model it's I mean to call it conceptual would probably be accurate I'm I'm just going to go ahead and make a change here I'm going to get rid of cell and then regenerate so now we're working with just this so super basic geometry right this geometry I probably not too terribly concerned about respecting the geometry if I had things like a a picnic table and some trees put in here and you know maybe a car that was a jeep that was pulled up next to this cabin then I might be more concerned about respecting my geometry in this case I can probably you know not not not too concerned give I can give diffusion maybe a little more wiggle room to be Crea with the geometry and maybe play with this uh whereas if I had more set geometry like the building was done this is the building I want to have I might want to put more respect on the geometry and then the prompt I could say Okay lean harder into what the prompt says than worry about what's in the geometry and I can I can basically play around with these and get very different results so if I take respect Jam Shan slide all the way down I'll get a cabin that looks nothing like the geometry here it'll be what does diffusion think is a cabin and that's what'll show up in my images instead of the geometry I'm leading in here with so there we go we we we brought that down and you can see still pretty respectful but as I gave that a little more prompt influence uh I got a little bit more creative or more uh uh you know a stronger AI visualization Vibe than what I have before I'm really liking the way this is looking so you can play with that and like I said the big part here is going to be what am I feeding into it to begin with which is my model my model's very set that I want to respect the geometry more um you can do both you can say respect my geometry 100% and lean into the prompt influence all the way and see how that works but my playing around with it I I felt like the best results I was getting was was giving one of the two a little bit more weight but this is something again with iterative design if you've done this AI design stuff you know you play with these sliders and you design redesign redesign until you get what you really want here here once I have this where I want it I have a couple options for output I can scroll down here too just should mention here uh learn more is going to take you off to the labs page tell you a little bit more about this process and then feedback Labs is where we check potential features out try them out let them share them with you and let you see them uh if you want to give feedback what you think about diffusion what you think about the UI how you think it could be better issues you're running into anything like that click on feedback and you can actually enter that in going back to my output here I really like this I want to hold on to it I have a couple options I could hit add scene and that's going to add you can see I have some scenes up here that we'll run through in just a second that'll just add a new scene to this model and save it so I can always jump back to this image or alternatively I can hit save and that's just going to take this and save it out as an image file wherever I want on my hard drive desktop whatever so I'm just going to click add scene and you'll see okay now I have that uh on my scene and it's very like a match photo or something like that the image shows up on there uh and I can see I jump back here anytime I want um the other options I have here is style let's look at Style real quick style is cool because when I pull down my style it's going give me this drop down and I have just basic styles that I might want to apply to my AI visualization so if I want to see what it would look like as a clay model versus a watercolor versus a photograph uh basically these will come in and they'll they'll apply over the top of whatever my prompt is and give me a new look so I'm going to go ahead and reset my image and just hit generate one more time so this is going to take you see if I look up here it's still going to use my prompt I have here but it added my watercolor prompts so it's feeding diffusion with traditional media painting watercolor ink shaky lines architectural style brush strokes and it's giving me a whole new look and feel over top of that other prompt that I found I really like so I I like this prompt I again spend as much time as I want redefining that and fine-tuning it but this by adding these other prompts these these style prompts it's going to add that additional layer of visualization on top of what was already being created so just to run through a couple these are just some other images that got loaded in here I'm going to go go turn off my animation there's no need to see this fade right you guys got that I don't I don't need 8 Seconds of waiting for the next imagees show up that's a tip there if you ever have that problem so here's some other just some other renders that we got different prompts different different words were being requested but then also different styles you can see got some pencil Styles got some more photograph Styles um and then different prompts to this was obviously we went away from a cabin this was more of a you know house on a beach kind of look uh but you can see all this stuff generated real quickly right inside diffusion I didn't have to go to a final model I didn't have to model all the stuff or do an import of of location or anything like that I was able to get all of this just by clicking a couple buttons putting in some prompts and then uh telling it what I wanted to see so there you go check it out SketchUp diffusion from SketchUp labs and download from the extension store today uh obviously this is something that could be kind of used as a renderer you could you could kind of try to take your model especially if you have a fully developed model and you want to get it out and have it look like something more than a SketchUp model or add lighting or you can play with that get to do that but where SketchUp for diff or SketchUp diffusion really shines is in this early stage right like well I know I want to pursue a cabin of some sort uh and I got some general idea of how that geometry is going to work but I really want to figure out what I want to chase for that design with sketch up diffusion you don't have to go through and model it to find detail uh you can come up with General blocking and start to see what different things would look like you're building commercial building what would different storefront options look like uh what would different landscape options look like around the house you've already created and modeled these these are the things where I think that this AI in general is really going to shine is coming up with different options and taking your words and maybe developing them in a way that you hadn't thought of but uh it's cool I'm going to open this up I I know these are floodgates right now I'm asking for comments on AI because I know you guys got thoughts uh but yeah come on in if you like this video click like and if you don't already please do subscribe we create lots of videos and you'll be notified of all of them if you subscribe but most importantly head over to the comments let me know let me know what you think of diffusion if you've used this extension let me know where you're succeeding where you're tripping up uh what ideas do you guys have how do you see taking this thing that we've created and making it part of your professional workflow and of course you got other ideas for videos let me know about that too we like making these videos a lot but we'd like them even more when they're showing something you want to see thank you
Channel: SketchUp
Views: 112,998
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SketchUp, 3D modeling
Id: XVm_bfpEv-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2023
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