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i'm scared next i hit my ankle i got it this time and then i have to try it on the cement and hopefully not die [Applause] hello my name is kayla davis do not mind the stain on the inside of my jacket but if you've been watching me for like a little while now you'll remember that a couple months ago i did a video where i taught myself how to skateboard and i feel like i was pretty successful i spent like a whole day i went out and got a skateboard i taught myself how to just like ride i did a couple tricks they weren't lame tricks but i did them still um and i was actually like getting pretty good that's a lie i was i was skateboarding i practiced for a little while even after that video but then i was trying to learn how to ollie and i hit my head really hard and it scared me so i stopped but it's been a couple months i feel like i have recovered from that and this time i have a new skateboard because my dad got me one for my birthday so i have like an actual real skateboard now not like a 20 target one so i thought it would be fun if i taught myself how to skate part two whoa if you remember last time i put on like the whole like skater fit so i kind of tried to do that again this time i have on my like baggy levi jeans with my vans that have a hole in the toe do you want to see a close-up of the hole you can't see there it is okay and then i put on just like a tank top and a jacket so that way if i fall hopefully i don't like break anything actually a jacket's not gonna help me from not breaking anything but i don't know maybe it'll stop me from getting bruises or something basically that's what we're gonna do today so i'm gonna go to the exact spot that i practiced last time which is down at the park like right across from my house and we're just gonna try this again i'm hoping that this time i will learn a bit quicker because i already learned all this stuff but i know that like all the tricks that i learned i don't know anymore so i'm gonna have to try and reteach myself so let's get right into it okay this is like a half a second drive to the park but i thought i could make it like a drive with me oh wait let me turn on my ac because it's like hot this frick because everyone always wants drive with me videos but i never do them so that is what we're going to be doing today my 30 second drive with me over to the park last time i had to walk that was so bad and i lived farther from the park last time too that was not very cash money but this time i get to drive okay my skateboard just fell i want to do like a road trip drive with me i think that that would be really fun but i'm only 16 so i have like a driving curfew where i can only go out to like 11 i could still like do a road trip but it just wouldn't be a very long one so maybe when i turn 17 i can do that we shall see someone just waved at me and i did not move back oh my god i probably look like really mean now okay anyways oh well this is fine also don't mind the paint on my hands i was painting my clay rings earlier they look pretty good oh god there's so many people here this was a mistake wait oh god i don't um there's actually like a lot of people okay wait let me let me reevaluate let me assess the situation there's like so many children the first time that i did this there was like barely any people so it's like way easier okay there's no one over there sorry i'm just trying to like evaluate so that i don't have to like worry about people staring at me wait where did all the people go there was literally just a bunch of people hang on give me a second give me a second okay i decided to stay at the park i feel like the spot that i picked is not as busy i can already see someone's like coming kind of but it's fine i'm gonna test to see like how much i still remember from last time so first i'm just gonna do like a normal just like cruising i guess okay let's see if i could do this way where should i like all right so i know that um i feel like i have the other way too because i remember last time i did like my dominant foot and non-dominant foot but i'm not gonna worry about that this time i want to learn like tricks and stuff again a lot of the tricks that i learned last time were like they weren't like real tricks like all these and stuff it was like i don't know how to explain them i forgot all the names but it's like ones where the board is like flipped and you just like flip it over to stand on it okay i'm gonna practice on the grass first because i feel like if i did it like for real i would probably die okay the first one that i did it was like you have both of your feet underneath and you just like flip it over so let me see if i can still do that one i don't feel like i feel like i have this one still okay yeah that one's still good the other one was like one foot underneath and one foot on top and you like flip it okay this one's like the one that i'm more scared for because i messed this one up a lot even though it's like super simple ow just hit myself in the ankle okay that's that's my phone that's my fault okay this time i have it this time i have it and then i have to try it on the cement and hopefully not die i just inhaled my hair i'm scared now because i hit my ankle wow can't wait i got this one i have to get it on the grass first i'm literally gonna die when i move over to the cement i have it this time this one's so scary no i'm not scared frick i literally don't know how i did this one these are supposed to be like the easiest tricks to one day i will be a skater ow i don't know how i ever did that one i got it this time this is the one oh wait i actually did it yeah okay okay wait wait let me try that again and then i'll try it on the cement and hopefully not crack my head open okay okay i got it i got it one more time ow okay wait maybe i don't have it okay i got it time to switch okay so i didn't lose as much as i thought i did so i'm gonna try and do these on the cement now and hopefully not like fall and die because i used to be able to do these ones like for real and then i guess i'll try and learn ollie again let's see i'm gonna try the first one first i'm scared i'm like scared to tall oh wait that wasn't that bad okay i got that one okay let me try that one again because that one is easy and i need to build my confidence okay there we go yay now i have to try the other one which is the one that i feel like i'm gonna have more problems with this one i know i'm gonna like mess up i'm like scared oh frick okay that was close that was close this is so scary okay wait i got it i got it got it this isn't even like a difficult trick oh wait i did it okay okay okay wait let me try that again ow oh shoot now okay so sometimes i can get it and sometimes i can't so updates are i can do i don't know any of the names of the tricks because i used to have like a there's like a tick tock that i was following for all of them and they said the names and i don't remember them anymore but i remember the one where you like flip it with both feet underneath and i did the like twisty one once but then the other two i messed it up so i have to like i have to rebuild my confidence cause falling i wish i had like gotten it on film but that one hurt so bad when i like fell a couple months ago so i'm like still scared from it but i feel like i'm rebuilding my confidence so i'm making progress okay i want to get like a closer up view of the tricks that i have so that you could see there's so many people so i have to keep like taking breaks so that they could use the sidewalk but let me see if i can like show this better okay hopefully this is like a decent view but i can do this one where you like oh shoot wait jk maybe i can't okay i could do that one like pretty decently but then this one is the one that i usually mess up on you have to like kick this one back and i'm like too scared of falling so i keep messing up but let's see if i can do it this once okay wait sorry um someone was walking by but i did it so and my skateboard just fell and it's like rolling away but okay so i can do those two now the second one i'm like a little iffy on but i don't want to spend any more time on it so i'm gonna try and teach myself and ollie again i don't think i'll be able to get it today if i did that'd be super cool but i tried to learn it for like days and i couldn't do it so we'll see how this goes maybe i will have luck today and i could just like get it immediately it's not how that works but if i could that'd be lit so we'll see i'm gonna start on the grass again but i'm feeling i feel like i can learn this one like at some point soon hopefully but i don't know if i could do it today i already like have i don't want to like seem like i know what i'm doing but like i did practice this for a while before i like stopped so maybe if i like remembered some of that i will be able to learn it but i'm going to show you how well i do this will actually be like me seeing how well i can do as well because i haven't tried since last time so i'm going to start on the grass hopefully that will give me some confidence and i can just like full send if you don't know what an ollie is basically just like flick your board up so that you can like jump replicate it basically and it's like the first move that a lot of people learn i feel like so i'm gonna try something tells me i'm not gonna be able to but we shall see that's my improvement so that's how far i can go it's obviously terrible but i've not been able to fix it so that's today's goal though if i can do an ollie by the end of today i will be beyond surprised i guess i'm just going to keep practicing and i will update you actually let me try again because i feel like that one was kind of bad blessing okay okay that was so bad but you get the idea i get like the kind of thing that i have to do i just can't actually do it so let me practice and hopefully i will improve just a little bit okay update i tried it a lot like i did a lot of like practices and i feel like i might have gotten a tiny bit better but it's still not like there i just like don't know what to do to like fix it i'm doing it on the grass still but i can like get it it's closer i feel like let me just show okay wait that was bad still hang on hang on hang on i just do like the same thing every time i can't fix it so i don't know how to get closer oh that was kind of that was like a little better but it doesn't feel quite right so i don't really know i guess i can try on the cement it just won't be perfect at least i'll be like closer maybe i don't know maybe i could do turning because i think i did that last time and i think i still suck at it so i might just take a break from the tricks and try turning again because i can just like ride and like obviously like lean to turn but i can't i don't know what's called like pivot something tells me if i try and get an ollie today i'm gonna be here all night okay so i was gonna practice more at the park but so the area that i wanted to like move to had a lot of screaming children and i did not want that in the video nor did i want to be stared at by parents so i have come back to my home and i'm going to practice in my like front walkway area instead so i'm going to practice in here because it's kind of like flat and it's more open that's a lie it's not more open but i won't have to be stared at by random people because every time i would talk to a camera i would look psychotic nobody can stare at me if i'm alone so does that look like a good setup okay okay so i'm just gonna i will show more of my like what's it called cruising skills i can ride just fine but i know if i'm like trying to turn really sharp i'm not going to be able to just like lean into that i'm going to have to do i don't know what it's called i'm just going to call it a pivot so i have to do like i can't even do it like standing i need to like pick up the front of the board that is my main issue i'm gonna like fall i got this i got this i just have to get more comfortable i'm gonna fall ah the part's so hard no my board's really boring okay i was actually getting like kind of decent at them before but now i'm like back to square one my board keeps rolling away overall not doing as great as i was last time i think it's because i'm scared of falling now and i didn't really care the first time um also between now and then i have had quite a large bike crash so i'm pretty just i'm like scared of just falling in general i don't think i ever showed the video of me crashing my bike and i probably never will because it's extremely embarrassing but maybe one day i will show that video but i think i'm just like too scared to fall and i'm not letting myself just like learn so i think that's my main issue this time but i feel like i'm okay i've definitely made some improvement because i got back like the super easy tricks that i had before and i'm starting to learn more of like the one harder trick that i was learning originally so i think i am gonna try and start practicing more and not like give up this time and i will send updates maybe one day i'll go to a skate park even there's one like semi near my house so maybe one day if i go i would i don't know if i'd video though skateparks scare me so we'll see maybe one day if i'm like a god level skater then i will go to a skate park but for now i will just be a poser i hope you guys enjoyed me learning to skateboard again if you did make sure you give this video a big thumbs up subscribe to my channel oh wow that lighting is really good subscribe to my channel and until next time [Music] bye you
Channel: Kayla Davis
Views: 71,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kayla, Davis, teen, relatable, skateboarding tricks, skateboarding for beginners, skateboarding fails and wins
Id: f3en8R4x-3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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