learning how to SKATEBOARD (+ tips, first drop-in, unboxing & set-up)

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[Applause] [Music] hey guys I'm so sorry you have to see me like this I think you'd rather see me like this then what is behind this fussing around childrend if you want to see montages of me trying to skate or a few tips [Music] [Music] I'm gonna open even though it's easy [Music] a really disastrous job as much as they can you know how to do this I tried to know like all the way got my tracks on they should face the inside for us when you ride bear with me I just wanted to you know I just wanted to add a few clips about screwing the trucks on cuz initially I didn't know how to use the tool I figured it out afterwards so I'm gonna insert the clip up this clip when I what the right tool there was already a metal tool embedded inside so you fit the metal tool inside of your hardware which are the screws you have the white - on the other side one is used to hold the screw and one is to twist it's just [Music] Casta washer three of them got really far but there was just this one it wouldn't budge and place my washroom in [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] honestly I am NOT a professional anything I just started but I just think what I got down below I remember what I was saying so before I got a skateboard I actually watched a ton of videos and to know what to do when buying a skateboard grab any advice possible because you know I don't know my stuff what to get if you're on a tight budget recommended that you just get a complete because if you're new to skating you might not know trucks together what wheels or bearings so this you get a complete you'll be set until progress or try out other people's sports and get a feel of what you want for your next board like upgrade as you go along actually got my board when he was on sale I think I got like a lot of the things on sale not the trucks make sure to check if there's sales because of co-ed for me I went to the Instagram I found a co-ed sale discount code I saved quite a bit and I'm not the best person to ask when it comes to like the sizing of logs or the durometer of the wheels which is the hardness of the wheels or like the size of the wheels they okay ting it really depends on if you're trying to cruise around or trying to skate I like clocks there's a name for that transition no escape I didn't number terminology I'm sorry if you're trying to just set up your board buying separate pieces then for trucks just make sure and not to be or too small so once again do your research on that certain size trucks will be sized for certain sized decks I bought my board on the day of my birthday like a month after I didn't really skate that much I haven't been able to really go out much but the other day I did go to the skate park I found her really intimidating I did stay there like I did go to another area to practice so the second day I did come in the early morning but there was a guy there skating I stood there for like a minute he's like oh hi guys I was like hi Oh scared I asked him to teach me how to pop my board up he told me he's skating for 30 years then and then it he told me he skated ten years ideas were like maybe don't really maybe it's like if you're if you're trying to like be very what am I saying [Music]
Channel: wildsivanna
Views: 963,003
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skateboard, learning to skate, quarantine, unboxing, set up, tips, skate, drop in, ollie, SKATEPARK, HOW TO SKATE, FIRST TIME
Id: 2p-DXfA7S_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2020
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