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👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Tetra-Pharmakos 📅︎︎ Sep 10 2018 🗫︎ replies
what is up guys we're here today for another skate everything wars and I consider it a success already because we made it here without sitting in two hours of traffic yeah actually so I guess Kmart's around the place are closing down which is very sad for us to hear but we saw that it's not what no I saw no it is sad because we're gonna go in here and be amazed by the stuff they have and I guarantee we're gonna wish we came back here eighty more times so we saw Aussie Dan went here in Australia and found a really cool mini board I was like if they have that here which can be tre full appeal flip and kick flip that we can find something else for sure so we're gonna go in here it's gonna be me and Carlos rowing our editor and Nigel we have 75 dollars to buy whatever things you want to make a skateboard has to be skateable that is the key does that make sense does anyone have any questions you can poop in there in the toilet just make sure that you record it Ron Carlos is this our first gate everything works together I'm just kidding oh my gosh you fit perfectly in these look at how perfectly he fits to me what if you actually got stuck in there hey god I'm that small it smells like formaldehyde no people I don't know this is what a Kmart smells like I'm sorry Kmart but I know why you're going out of business now it just smells like death oh no wonder we're not old lady section Jesus Christ we're just gonna go straight back here that's where it looks like all the good stuff set well we got helmets for Carlos oh my god you could rock that thirty-one bucks makeup skater Boocock Bugatti dude what is it okay came what you turn it out pretty good so far okay wow that's pretty sick that is pretty sick I like this one I'm trying to think for trucks though how would that work we'll come back Nigel would look so pretty in this dress I would just like to say that I have not been to a Kmart probably seven years but what I do know for sure about Kmart is that they have a great Christmas section everything is so soft yeah just like the yeah exactly make him skate it tarantula this is American skater tarantula let me see feel this my bananas broken place is father what we are in a weird section what's just note that Carlos like shopping in the little boys section pulled up this under worse sick I didn't realize how many clothes would be here did you get him like some some slip-ons no no the shoe thing kind of annoys me oh hell yeah maybe you should just shoot him with BB guns the entire time he won't admit it to the camera but Moana is one of his favorite movies he absolutely loves them really good movie should get this for Gabe makeup scared beyblade arena why yeah they still say they still so beyblades let it rip some pretty cool stuff here oh dude Tonka toys still make Tonka toys - Carlos bus I don't know makeup skater it makes skater RipStik set rude we don't even have a rip stick at that suey I don't think we do how about Gabe owns like five probably that must be what Daniel got how are they still marketing frozen that's my favorite movie alright don't knock frozen my car's name is Elsa don't judge me either I'm just gonna leave now we're fight I'll give them a three-piece set scarf hat glows damn shoe goo oh you have posters call us I need to go look always looking for new posters to hang in the office I will buy it so quickly no way they're out watching me boy don't have my Dragonball poster I ripstix aloud ripstix yeah I'm gonna have to hack it and take the rip trick part Oh rip stick part off and put skate trucks all having done that I don't think we've done that before actually I don't know anyways just keep that in mind I don't want to have to disqualify you Gabe what come here we are on a different team I know I'm not wearing the right shoes I can't skate yeah this is not a bad idea at all yeah I just don't know how we could get trucks on it that will stay on it but we can definitely keep it in mind okay honestly this Kmart surprised me because you know it's has a lot of good sales and it's about to go out of business so I thought there would be like nothing in here right now it's making this oh my god men call a skateboard genius it'll break because it's one of those foldable ones oh my god don't let him see you that's number one on the list right now hundred percent number one yes I feel like in my break is a metal ironing board it's like thin metal although Carlos is pretty white exactly so I think I think it's gnarly Raptor strike that's a nerf like war at the Braille house I don't know why we don't do that buddy does that pretty much anyways yeah it's sure crock-pot how much is crock-pot he could fit his feet inside of that that does sound pretty good he was incredible the amount of just random stuff they make for kids nowadays Wow dude they're Lego sections dope I am like extremely impressed Kmart keep it up man look at the space between aisle and the back like they're the only perfected for optimizing their usage Wow I know I mean just so you could see it that that is easily big enough skipper uh-oh dude this thing is not breaking potential before we actually yeah it's also just like really sad to think about breaking that but we could always just all like stand like you know it's a twin shot this was in their 49 49 that's in budget look at this thing what in the world that is excessive just a small one just do it fede did and I get to shoot him I think that'd be pretty funny I need to screw into it just straight there yeah four screws or two screws well before should work man we're really nerfing him I know you guys it's an ER friend just give it a shot got some more seven bucks so you're gonna you gonna go straight nerf day today so he has to skate that and also get shot with one oh yeah I like the way you think laptop tray table laptop tray table $25 actually pretty cool that's I like that I like that Jesus Christ that open open it open it what a dog it's a cute Daniel this clip is for you so is this one I think I'm thoroughly enjoying this store even more than like if they have a Halloween section this is officially the best store of all time thank you dude I want a ninja so freakin bad it is like my adult wish to move into my own house and the first thing I'm gonna buy is a ninja kitchen system and it has to be whatever the best one is yeah - ninja mega kitchen system 1500 by 15 watts - horsepower making the best smoothies in the world like the gap style baby that's what I'm talking about waffle let's just make waffles in the bro I was actually good I can't I don't have any response to that this does just make me want to move into my own house I just move here just kick everybody else out like if you think about it if you just like lived in a giant store like it'd be the most comfortable thing ever a scale like a weight scale said he did try but the carbon fiber I must say like 140 because I never change oh I changed a little bit 137 what is the K in Kmart stand for why is it Kmart is it Kevin stands for quality that's a stupid thing Oh a level skating this would be next level boom I miss you Lance let's a drill in and skate a battery no go great wonderful forty bucks okay I think this one out Trump's yours let me just uh looking good where you think that one or the table I feel like this is a bit more interesting the table is kind of just a piece of wood the K stands for karate apparently yeah you like what moves it yes good thing you didn't fall that's grip tape right yeah non braces jinx you owe me a soda this is the sickest alarm clock I've ever seen in my life it's Wednesday right now spider-man ps4 comes out on Friday and I might take a day off to play it no you're filming you have to earn your videogames i de pollo pollo a hundred and twenty dollars to this ping pong table that is probably the best deal I've ever seen twenty years as I've tried this Oh hips don't lie okay has a little detonate what why haven't we done waterslide in the Braille house yet little tykes basketball hoop hey wait what does with me look Carlos this is the bed I would live in if I lived here right here just this one right here this is the one oh wow whoa whoa whoa what's up with this I will Tiki you all right how's it going for you guys I'm saying I want looks like you haven't really really really really you should you get out of here why don't you go buy what you want alright I'm going to stop worrying about what we're doing you go you go handle and handle your life this is what I need from my cowboy costume for Halloween that's good let's go talk some smack too tall for me huh what is that for to go into cars donar cars yeah guy you guys running out of ideas real fast says the person within to nerf them yeah ours is way cooler oh I can make this so much worse see now they're asking for it I said we've messed them up now we're asking for it he gonna get blasted he's gonna cry in the car I kind of like going against Nigel hey that's the kind of oil I use my car it says multiflo I just like the name of it multi flow dirty dog you really need a new tool bag that's what we need through this store is huge look at that this is nearly as big as Lowe's since they want to be ruthless with what should we do they don't want to be ruthless they just want to be annoying how much was this 39 40 we got some some room to play with all right what's he wearing then okay I need something wearable pink and wearable you could get him one of those helmets he did say he doesn't like skating with a helmet yeah but they're $30 actually I could do one of those cuz this is 39 so 40 27 yeah that works get him pads as well knee and elbow pads for 20 for or a helmet for 20 set I like me it's gotta stay safe right man we're doing them a favor we haven't even explored half the store we haven't even gone that way heavily oh my gosh oh they're sporting goods maybe it'll spark something else regardless this is what he's wearing I guess we're done I guess we're going the Nerf theme today we just need to find a cart so we can get some looks fake what the eyes look real that's what threw me off like I felt bad for the bag right now yeah Carlos favorite cereal go boom mine sometimes I just get like the most intense frosted flake cravings it's insane do we walk two miles since we've been here well it's been insane see this is what I'm gonna be doing later on today yeah moving sucks man like a week just to get really settled in so I've even gone to the grocery store yet I think we can just pick it and that's eat this way from call Nigel Jones who is calling me Sammy boy that would not be sweet what you want we oh all right all right we're in the front sitting in some chairs all right we're coming all right bye yeah boy wouldn't that be sweet Oh like I said Christmas section is unmatched Shh first I'm not gonna lie this Kmart has thoroughly impressed me we only explored like a third of the store we just we made it no we're putting trucks on it hey man that's messed up that's nesting yeah you you go back Rouen and then ya Nigel can push you I'll wash your head though because of how steep it is not what I expected right let's set it up okay so we're doing the first-ever dual setup I think that's how we're going to start doing things just a safe sea time oh we also still we have we all have to get a shot with this to a violent man today yeah we also get shot with this whoa don't aim it at his head she's too out of time that's sick all right everyone's getting shot I'm ready to hit my neck I get great no no you gotta take it to the face rolling Carlos got three shots I get two shots everyone gets to Sun hey Amy for my face I should think I can see where you're aiming which is right here he just went no it hurts it hits you shockingly hard yeah you like give you a little I caught it Susie always finds a way to impress me better nowhere who put that there okay let's add boards we're on a time schedule here is there anything solid enough to actually hold it yeah whoa having a large anxiety attacks out my safety glasses on but the might I think you just screw into it yeah we don't have Hardware long enough to go all the way through anyways now see they're gonna go through it just goes past this part once it's in the wood how's it going do you think that's gonna hold we'll see I'm not gonna say anything because I hate hanging myself at that point you pretty much go through so my goal I'm just trying to get you done that's escape Oh God oh god I can't even reach that oh yeah a little bit go you know cool thing about this is that like no matter which way you lean there's always gonna be some form of wheel to support you like training wheels training wheels skateboard have we ever done that well here's one night Ryan Jones there you go alright let's do this the time is now Rochambeau who goes first my gang you're on my block say some knows something about having a gun pointing at you say some no alright Rochambeau let's go Carlos shoot me what he attacked me an intial part of his state armament present the knee and elbow pads I didn't even know there were knee and elbow pads where's the pink unicorn helmet oh my god I think you see one of those [Laughter] the fight rowing right now stuff we do for entertainment make up for this would be a videos today all right now yep one of the kids he teaches I gotta wear these pads you're gonna get shot pretty good showers this thing I mean as long as it still works that's a letter wrong would you call that letter you're kind of judging this oh I like responsibility it's an S all right we're down to three Nigel's really going for the throat today you looked at some of the things that go on in this warehouse during the day and you just like how is it how is it not burned down yet you have target pink pads you like Louise stop it was like right down on my butt wet wee-wee spore again oh you oh my god I like how you brought your kid to the park that's very nice trying to take my trick all right [Music] [Music] [Applause] back of the head all right younger so you gonna sit here this whole time okay all right I don't know what he was expecting to happen but that's what I expected to happen [Music] nah yo I would argue that that was not the construction it's still skateable though it's not completely broken you just need to put another screw in there need to screw I know but do you want to keep trying this or do you want to just go to that yeah so you uh you were repaired repaired and now it's Carlos to turn I guess rebate Carlos can't go I'm gonna let it be his time he looks so funny you are dead sold your soul I think it's done Carlos I mean I'm in favor of just saying it's done but Nigel wants to keep going so that's on him it's done it's done rebate on that so rebate on that you get to fry stuff you win but wait did you just break it to I had to get to get down yeah [Music] here's Carlos the champion he wins but guess what he gets benched we begged Carlos out here the amount of competitive fire the shots that were taken literally the tricks that were making the guns that were blazing blazing well learned anything today it is that nigel weighs 137 pounds Carlos wait looks like a little boy when he wears pink pads yes and Kmart is a surprisingly good store yeah well done so I don't really think there's necessarily a winner because it kind of cancels out because Carlos loses and he wins so that's technically I lost but we just wanted to finish the game anyways you know the thing I have to say that it doesn't matter we're just here having a good time all right you guys seriously that was a great time hey Mark blew us away seriously it's a ginormous store it was really really good had a lot of fun stuff so if you have a Kmart in your area go in there yeah good before it's gone if they are going out of business if not going there to take a picture DM it to us we'll check it out what until then subscribe like leave a comment below we'll see you tomorrow 10:00 a.m. and definitely check out the playlist of all the other skate everything Wars we've been to Dick's we've been a bash Pro Shop within a Target Walmart Lowe's Home Depot every freaking store Petco pet smart Bed Bath & Beyond every store you could possibly imagine we've been there we might even have been there twice so I hope you guys don't do it check these guys out on social media we'll see you tomorrow check these out
Channel: Braille Skateboarding
Views: 2,123,951
Rating: 4.870832 out of 5
Keywords: how, to, how-to, learn, skate, skateboard, skater, skateboarding, skateboarder, skateboarders, skating, sk8, sk8ing, learn to skateboard, how to skateboard, secrets of skateboarding, easy, easiest, way, tutorial, need, tricks, help, please, tip, tips, trick tips, tricktip, tricktips, skate support, aaron, kyro, braille, toy, kmart, store, shopping, challenge
Id: 56UC7MsERdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 50sec (1790 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 09 2018
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