Six Boys Who Turned The World Upside Down; by Keith Daniel

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father take this time together and help us to seek thee in our hearts in utter honesty and integrity in a way that God will come and visit us wash me in the blood of Christ afresh my only hope of God stooping to use as a basin weak man and despised at men is the blood I come with nothing but the blood to be cleansed washed through and through and through and through and to fill anoint with the Holy Spirit outside of which the blood only can make that possible right through life and so have mercy on this man and come and anoint and speak to all hearts everyone even the closed heart and God only that as know our closed hearts can be the crust the hardness Satan has worked through sin and confusion and disappointment disillusionment that closes it is no way to reach to the flesh it's just a crust of a rock when he thought us know whose hearts are just like that and only the alkanes break that heart but I word is like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces and we looked to thee to do just that in nine verse he come shelters and the blood of Christ the sacred blood of Christ and protect us from Satan and his demon forces and from any evil influences through anyone here that might not even be conscious they're here for one reason to distract and keep the person behind him or next to them from hearing anything and so come make us to quieten us and protect us and brood upon us by the Holy Spirit to every heart in Jesus the Christ sacred name and for his glory only in unswerving faith we assess of the our Father in Heaven our mean last night I brought to you the words of Christ to Nicodemus except a man be born again staggering words suddenly with thrust into a consciousness we're not a child of God which is the child of a father and mother born of the flesh but not of the Spirit and except a man has this new birth the spiritual birth which involves the intellect the free will and faith he will go to eternal damnation in Hellfire and is this vital thing happens and then we looked at what God said to those who are born again in 1 peter has newborn babes desire the sincere milk of the word that ye may grow thereby this is what God holds out to the babes born to grow am I'm man shall not live by bread alone and him further than salvation you can before salvation because all you are a physical birth has taken place you don't need spiritual food but once you're born of the Spirit there's another food you stay alive spiritually you grow spiritually you need spiritually this sacred book devouring it my old preacher said these sacred words to me that stunned me I didn't know but God had many people in mind as that old man instructed me that night I had no idea that God was writing these words not here but here for multitudes and multitudes across the world I WordPerfect said what he said with me from his soul as dying man to the last soul he laid on to Christ on earth God had multitudes in mind not just me soak yourself in the Bible and you will never backslide soak yourself in the scriptures daily as the greatest discipline in your life every day to the day you die the most guarded treasured nurtured moment of every day of your life that nothing will deter you or hurry you from nothing Satan does to the degree you soak yourself in the Word of God you will hate the evil being saved doesn't mean you hate the evil many preachers Keith who are saved loved the evil and would kicked out of the pulpit and crawled into their grave in shame being saved won't make you hate devotees but to the degree you soak yourself in the sacred daily to the degree you soak yourself you will hate the evil the devil's greatest priority in your life from this moment of the day you die will not be to tempt you with filth and depravity lusts cuz it won't work he knows that if you've shot yourself in the scriptures his greatest priority with you now that you're saved will be to divert you to keep you from this book then he'll tempt you and you will fall I've never heard a person pray in my life like this Keith with such brokenness and desperation and I believe God has saved you I kind of believe a God would die for a man the way Christ died for all men and turn away such a prayer but Keith I don't want to see what the devil does do I don't want to see what becomes of you though I've never heard a man pray like this to be saved I don't want to see what will become of you of you don't if you don't Keith the devil can't touch you he can tempt you but he can't touch you if you soak yourself in the sacred bookies it's the greatest priority of your life daily three months after my salvation I was sitting in a meeting like you right now and I had no idea what was about to happen from that booklet but I shook and trembled I literally trembled as a preacher cried out God is going to lay his hand on some life here tonight pointed at me disowned mission dream asking you to separate your life to preach to burn every Bridge behind you every planned every ambition you ever made just road behind you and never look back to separate yourself or the gospel of Christ and to burn out for Christ which is the greatest privilege God could ever give a Christian on earth if it's the will of God for you to preach this was not some mental persuasion and I trembled and I couldn't get away from it everything else just disappeared Valentin oblivion in life I went to a theological seminar not very highly esteemed by men but most theological seminar will destroy everything I'm talking about evangelical ones today won't you everything sacred make you just like the world take away the sharp edge for fear of a fainter don't defame don't name sense or Gration rubbish I went to a little college that isn't highly esteemed and perhaps despised because of the deep conservativeness passing the exams there was not so much on paper but your life and if you fail there no matter what you achieved here meant nothing to them you were just a shame and heartache to them and you knew it well I thank God the Lord sent me there and one thing was this devour it I there's no grateful I was so grateful and only the godliest of the godliest of the godliest stood and lectured us but we also were thrust into the deep end of the whole thing the first meeting was old man wheelchair he'd been there for who before I was born and he looked out at us students and said you better take careful notes this first lecture and every lecture because you going to have to preach from today you're going out to preach preach yeah the Jordan River in Israel flows into the Sea of Galilee but it froze out and it's full of life fish vegetation but it goes down to the lowest part on the Earth's surface the Dead Sea that doesn't flow out and there's nothing alive it's dead no life you'll be like that if you're not flowing out you're not gonna take and academically and be dead you're gonna give out to farm today brace yourselves who they were in the open air I was a presbyterian hmm don't tell anybody your preacher was burning with the fire of God not everyone's like that and that denomination but you the principle shit you go and say something share something of what you know from the Bible to all these crowds at this bus terminus and station for shreya wave everybody jumps at the stations over thousands no ages buses were here we over the loudspeakers this group of young students you ago I said no I can't what do you mean you can't I can't stand on a street corner screaming at people I'm a presbyterian believe it or not I said it the wrong thing to say what people were looking you tell the people what God's done for you not a good introduction to preaching within about five minutes every bus had put him only hope within about five minutes there was dead silence no one was walking the streams has Stood Still people began to fall in their knees the students ran to pray with people all over I couldn't believe what was happening and I quoted a scripture about the possibility of death you the uncertainty a woman just felt on the street people running to everybody was a sitting I tasted something that day that ruined everything in life everything else was ruined that day God can stoop to take the weakest of men and speak through him two multitude if he saved soaked in the book the fearful yes to this day trust me afterwards the principal just looks at me and all the students for a long I said did I do something wrong I made a terrible I made mistake I dressed especially 50 years come down you I've never sensed the presence of God in my entire life as I have when you spoke boy he just walked away they all left me but I was destroyed for anything else yes conscious of God but that moment they sent us to all short of prisons to preach to the prisoners pulpits across the whole city it's a very evangelical City Cape Town which I thank God for wages were preaching preaching all the time every opportunity even if Sunday schools after this in areas that are dangerous with the whole group of children to reach would come from broken smashed homes full of drugs and wrinkle oh I was blessed one of the places I preached was called a reformatory anyway young people who are too young to go to prison who didn't major crime so they put in this reformatory basically a school to give them some teaching and some leading in some form of guidance hopefully because in prison you come out normally worse than you go in so these young lives with a few hundred so I would go and nice this big man AFRICOM speaking man Dutch Reformed Church he organized all the theological students and all those who wanted to speak and have the privilege of preaching to these boys many of the murders many of them kill their own fathers one after the other killed a death horrible things horrible things you hear even to the boys they kill their fathers so they gave me this small group 14-year old I suppose I don't know and I got to love these boys as they listened and some began to weep and pray and I would prepare every week a little bit more what to say to them now whatever stress is what can I take of what I've been given what I'm be reading and give to these kids who don't have this where I have I arrived there one day oh we stand there another spray with this man who organizes where you go and who you are and what you're ready for and he points to me says you what's your name again Daniel you're going to leave those little boys those young ones you're going to the worst and the whole reformatory right now most of them have murdered most of them should be in jail they're old enough but they're giving them a chance yet but they're not easy they're the worst in the reformatory you go and speak to them today everybody looks at me so I said no please no I I'm ready for these young ones I mean reaching them don't tell me to leave I've been preparing for him don't you argue with me man there you are he was a preacher but they can speak like that sometimes you go God will help you I walk with this water he's like a policeman you know he didn't look to it thrilled with life down the passages past these buildings that all looked like mortuary shells bars it comes to this big building you think it's a vault big steel doors so opens these big steel doors and I look in this about sixty boys they sitting in a half circle all in this hall big boys looking who's coming in to speak to go in Jesus they waiting for you you're not coming with me so he looks at me unimpressed no you're all alone yeah locked in no Ward is no police and the worst in the whole reform and no looking at me and they saw I will dead scared and that's the last thing you need to show people when you preach to them trust me you young people you're gonna preach don't let them know you're scared hmm okay they began to laugh I must have looked like somebody really that we wanted to escape run under their climate of The Bachelor there was his laughter so I said can we pray I prayed I opened my eyes are all laughing at me so I quoted a few scriptures and tried to speak to them and there was his laughter so I said listen there's a hello I'm young but God has saved my soul my today and I wouldn't be here if it wasn't God in me desperate for you to find what I found before you die and go down before you destroy your eyes and there's big boy sitting in the front row of the 60 ride in the edge' his face could have scars I don't know what happened to him you much couldn't look at him at first but he's big it's God he grabs his boy next to him like a somersault Wow and he jumps on him and he's hitting a bow and everybody jumps up screaming of love to her a fighting hey Kahn he'll do that means he's going to have power you're going to help out a road screaming laughter and I'm strimling what am I gonna do there's no interest in meters boys takin our thing in there screaming no one's there to stop them I shook like a leaf and my heart was so downcast I just felt such a failure hopeless I prayed in my heart but I prayed in a way that I hadn't prayed apart from the night I was saved with such desperation that I think I came close to death in despair that God would save me and not turn me away the same desperation the same grief the same fears flooded me as I cried out to God for these boys not for me but for them God don't let this opportunity be wasted because of my weakness because of my nobility and I can do nothing I'm worthless I know that now apart from these opportunities gonna be taken as I will never have again in my life to see these boys at once god help me God saves them if they don't go through a life of hell on earth let alone the hell they going to when I was praying suddenly I looked up they were all sitting when I do standing but they're all looking at me dead silence cuz right eye tears pouring down my face they hadn't heard what I prayed but they saw I was in agony and I think agony they'd never seen in their lives or seems anybody could hear and something happened to me that shook me more than itself name I raised my voice that's something I did not do I was so withdrawn and full of complexes fear of men and with a broken heart I cried out every scripture I learned of God's love beginning with John 3:16 Isaiah 53 is cried out and then I said everything I could I don't know how many minutes I was speaking and I had to stop because they all began to solve the sobbing was so loud I couldn't I looked at him the one with the scars was on his face everyone stood shocked cuz he was the worst in the whole reformatory even the police lived in fear of their life sooo this thug girl he's on his face sobbing God Oh God Oh shopping the other standing to use but shocked unbelief fear Oh so I said these words those of you with courage and this is gonna take more courage than anything you would ever do in life what I'm going to ask you to do now because you will suffer the consequences of what you're gonna do in a place like this the weaklings you will never stand up in their life against the tide they'd rather go to hell and make a stand against evil and be separated and persecuted you weaklings you weak ones you won't come you're too weak but those of you with courage enough to stand up and face the consequences of giving your life to Christ unreservedly as I did in a way God can turn you away he will save you in a way every single thing in your life will change those of you with courage to let God do that to give you a life so unreservedly and in front of everyone here no matter what they do to you afterwards I went those with courage to give you a life to God unreservedly that he changes everything to death you come a kneel in front of these people who are with a weaklings you want to come come and kneel and I'll pray with you and God will not turn you he will save you the one on his face stood up and looked at me and he walked slowly and fell back on his knees and on to his face prostrate five others came of the sixty boys all on their knees the others looked in disbelief they've never seen this they never believed this would happen in the section of the worst of them I never stood took each one and prayed and pray after me the one on his face couldn't pray so I prayed for him as I held his arm for God to save him by the blood of Christ there is in power of Christ to enter into his heart to set him free where as many as received him by faith to them gave he the power children I stood there was a deathly silence if he weren't just stood there looking at me and the old water came and opened the door and I walked out and he shot the steel door days went by days went by days went by at my little room the afternoon where study periods many days I get up from my desk there's the principal of our theological seminar very godly man Keith get your jacket and your Bible and come with me leave the study yes sir so we walk we get in his vehicle we're driving where are we going we're going to the reformatory why didn't you tell us of the six boys that came to God when all the students come back from everywhere and the open doors and the opportunity and share if anybody came to Christ or why didn't you say that we could pray I said that didn't feel too well Keith the principal of that reformatory had phoned me he's a Christian he's in the data form churches in elder where I attend and he said that the worst boys in the history of the entire reformatory came to God through one of your students preaching everyone lives in fear of their lives they don't know what to do with these boys they've had to discuss things they so wicked and so dangerous there were six in the entire place in its history have come to God he said the change is so radical there's a stunned shocked silence in the police in the lecturers in his heart and in the old students he said he cannot believe the places and dead silence where there's joking and laughing in the fields there's no one down the passages in the classrooms there's no one is as dead sighs he says he cannot believe no one can believe what's happening and so he's been making inquiries and talking to these six boys and talking to the others he has the whole school waiting for you you're preaching to the entire Reformatory they're in the hall waiting so I said but I don't have a message how can you tell me the priest I haven't prepared it I haven't got a message he looks at me no God will help you don't worry shiz talk to myself it's easy to say that and I was trembling another book so we tribe and I'm thinking I don't know what to say so we walk in his this hall they all stand up over the police the borders everybody's standing up all the lecturers or the principal every word Daniel and all the boys near in the front row which the six boys beaming faces off because they knew the whole school was there because of their change of life they they were beaming they all said some form of introduction I can't remember but I looked out at them now you might never know what dilemma this is but I really didn't know what I was going to say and I stood there stunned fearful and I couldn't get a thought and I began to chamber and I know there were people trembling for me because they realized something's wrong four minutes dead science is looking god help me suddenly the same crushing nothing of the flesh we don't know how to praise regard the Holy Spirit knows how to give us something of his grief or sold with groanings that cannot be uttered there's no ability and a human nature to have that capacity you can't work yourself up to it only God can give it to the degree you yielded to him and I was groaning and I was crushed as I sort of God I'm gonna waste this opportunity be given to me again in my life please God don't let this once he soul help me I had the same crushing burden and I began to displeased and in my heart I never heard voices same God a preacher says he's heard voices run here in trouble in my heart the God impressed on me read Isaiah 53 the axel upon which the entire Bible revolves take it out of the Bible we're in trouble trust me 500 years before Christ died the Gospel according to his Shia but chapter 53 read it I loved that chapter I opened weeping and I began to read slowly from the first bus all we like sheep have gone astray we've turned every one to his own way and the Lord laid on him the iniquity of us all he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him with His stripes we are healed and I read on and on and I had a stop with these words when thou should make his soul an offering for sin he shall see his seed his child he should see of the travail of his and should be shatters right when I said those words I had a stop reading the whole place was sobbing I said but God I haven't said a word of his read how can this happened I have just read how can this happen and something else happened in my heart that day that turned my ministry forever it was not a voice audible but it was a voice in my soul and I knew it as God I don't need your preaching I need someone that will quote this book that will bring this book back to the puppets of this world but with a broken heart like yours that shook me and that turned my ministry to this day to memorize this book books upon books of the Bible passages every doctrine every and just bring God's Word back back who has been buried for entertainment etc across the evangelical world I just saw this weeping and I said the same words I said to the six boys you with courage you weaklings you couldn't make a stand in a place lockers and face the consequences but you with courage they're taking over who want God to do what God has done for these six bodies that had the courage situation and look what's happened as a result those are you with courage and say God take my life no matter what I have to face no matter what friends I lose even my stand alone have it for thyself reality those of you that would had the courage to say that to God stand I said and those who stand I will pray for as I prayed with these boys as I pray the night I was saved and God will save you 202 Thunder twenty two hundred and ninety days stood there was a shock as they stood one boy was so undone he grabbed hold of his friends it no pushing him God not zero this boy stood up and pushed him and shouted leave me I am giving my life to God don't you stop me it shook that building as the friend just sunk powders hid and this man stood weeping I prayed and we left the principal took me with my principal other waters teachers etc and they discussed things with me and I said I'm gonna get follow up the little I know I'm gonna this get file I had no money I had to get script to give miss and sending me boxes of just scriptures there's a booklets after service and water everything to tell them even watch salvation why to remind them to bring everything to teach and I gave out these hundreds bringing boxes and they would dispute it to all the saved zealously because many of the lecturers and warders gave their lives to Christ that day God even helped me when I knew that Bibles were needed and I went and did something Travis with all the Bible's I ordered a night of pain do you know when I walked back after making that and taking all those books in that one there was an envelope and the board with my name and nobody knew in the world what are we doing when I bought those when where I wind and how much it cost but God knew and God made sure he that I knew does it the exact amount of money was there in notes and I knew regard oh I did follow up and follow up and follow up then I believe Capetown go to preach and Africa of missionary the young emission control I don't know how many years went by I wish I really could be truthful saying how many but I'm not sure it was a few years I was walking in a mall no it was actually we didn't have mold as it was some sort of shopping scene and this boy walks up to me says are you Keith Daniel he had scars on his face but his face was shiny don't you remember me I was the first one to come out he knows where six came the first time you preached yet God started to you not remember me I threw that boy onto his face and started joking and mocking you and mocking God oh my I do remember you so well duh but what are you doing out I didn't know you'd be dead out because I knew his crimes yes I am out they've led almost everyone out now of course we have to report to the police every week or two weeks I don't know for many years and but they gave us jobs with people who know our criminal records and give us a chance in life so I have work and this is my wife and my baby beautiful girl oh she was beautiful and clean she saved that's why I married her and this is the one I'm gonna bring this little child up like my mummy and daddy didn't know to bring me up praying for and teaching her salvation in the Word of God I said you never Beck's led you never went back to Sydney oh no why would I do that oh it's just wonderful wonderful you met with God lets you walk up to me just giving me courage in a way I showed him her head just listen she's looking at you you never beg statute is not one neck slit 224 not one accident Oh as you say through with God everyone went through with God that one was known to have gone back I said how can you be so no one could know that for sure you were the only one that doesn't know we see the police the waters the psychologists everyone knows there's no one that's gone back to their own life I was it's amazing no one knows me says did you want to know why not one went back to sin not one is known to have do you want to know why yes the last time you preached the whole gathering there they'd brought everyone together and you wept you hadn't read since that big meeting but you wept that day and you said you probably will never see us again but then you said as you wept with a loud voice you held out the Bible and you said it doesn't matter that you don't see me ever again this is all that matters this is your source of survival your only source of survival soak yourself in the Bible is if your greatest priority and discipline every day of your life the most guarded treasured nurtured discipline of your life and moment of every day of your life till the day you die and nothing Satan will do to diverge you will keep you from uhnari time with this book and you will find that time when God does first when you don't find it you push God second and you in trouble and you will never backslide Satan greatest priority to the day you die will be to try and keep you from this specially knows if he can he can then tempt you but to the degree you soak yourself in this book as the greatest discipline in your life the most garland discipline in your life to the degree you soaker 7 a Bible to that degree only will you hate Dave right through your life and more and more where you hate it you're a bore the evil to the degree you soak yourself in a Bible I cannot guarantee you what's in my life but I guarantee you this never will tempt you but he won't get you you left every single day for years they walk down the passages how many chapters did you read they pushed me against the walls crowd you are not backsliding not you tell us how many chapters you read taras watch your head where you read the next thing tell us what were the next rejects it was on the field sister sport did you read your Bible don't play the fool is God you can't actually did you read your Bible they're all watching there's not maybe nominees across the Reformatory was a Bible shopping now children the word right - is like everybody regarded the others their total responsibility there was a deadly deadly earnest and compassion everyone that spoke to me until I lived and I believe he said that is the reason not one is known to have gone back to sin in the years since she left and not one that I have heard of and others who contact me is known to have gone back to sin and even though most of them out in the world know what happened that was 40 what 50 years ago nearly 50 something Who am I well many have phoned me many have walked up to be in the mold and conferences and churches where I preached on the streets Davis walked up contrary letters written I suppose almost everyone by now not one is known to a veteran all these years later not one is known to have gone back to say if I to tell you some of them what they decided was the will of God for their lives you would tremble and what God's made of them in spite of the terrible background and sin of their lives before salvation I haven't seen most of them for a few years but I have come to believe in the power of a God who are kept by the power of God through faith and faith cometh by the word of God to the degree you soak yourself in it tell me are you with a weakling at the devil lords over because Christ died for you but you're too weak to genuinely give everything to Christ are you that well you know that's true don't you you rather go to hell than lose your friends and face rejection ostracization and mocking and persik wouldn't you terrible issue at stake here don't play the fool with God young man young lady this might be his final call and I have seen many walkout and within minutes did don't think that can't happen within minutes if you really have courage you'll be getting someone to pray with you in a very big building and God is waiting and Satan is waiting to know whether he still has your life because you have no courage and you're weak and you're ashamed to yourself you're your biggest enemy no one hates you more than you hate yourself if you don't give your life to God you just think of the consequences tell me you are not weak but do all of you or disgrace can we stand please
Channel: UE Church - Chicago
Views: 1,102
Rating: 4.8709679 out of 5
Keywords: six, boys, turned, the world, upside, down, keith, daniel, keith daniel, Six Boys; Who Turned The World Upside Down; by Keith Daniel, Uec, ue church, united evangelical church, agape young adults services, ue church agape, bible, christians, sermon, preaching, teaching, jesus, god, holy spirit, christ, christianity
Id: 6gSzOUSa6_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 0sec (2940 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 16 2017
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