Choose You This Day Whom Ye Will Serve by Keith Daniel

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all right let's bow our heads and pray please father thank thee for these lovely meetings of gatherings of God's people and so many that have come from far and I believe some have left through home now already before this last meeting but we do bless thee for every one that did come even it was this one moment one night one meeting and we pray that nothing will be lost to fall to the ground but that the Holy Spirit will continue to take that message even that one to hound after the hearts of people till they yield everything to God and go through with God and woken all the light they given and stagger the powers of hell in this earth so come now this last meeting wash me afresh in the blood of Jesus Christ God's Son that cleanses us all sin and filling you the Holy Spirit and visit us in this last meeting rebuke Satan away by the risen resurrected power of Christ and put a heads around us to protect us from all the powers of darkness let's go Daniel Phoebe and every single person attached to arranging these meetings where I had such the privilege of being here with them I'm so blessed by their lives come bless us now for Christ's sake in his glory only we seek his lovely name army joël 3 verse 14 multitudes multitudes in the valley of decision multitudes multitudes in the valley the valley the valley of decision some 14 verse 12 the Lord looked down from heaven upon the children of men to see if there were any that did understand and seek God the Lord looked down from heaven upon the children of men to see if there were any that did understand and seek God the wicked through the pride of his countenance will not seek after God the wicked through the pride of his countenance will not seek after God psalm 10 verse 4 there is none among them none among them that called them to me was he a 7 verse 7 he will not come to me that he might have life John 5 verse 40 that's 24 verse 24 Felix sent for Paul and heard him concerning the faith of Christ and as he reasoned as he reasoned of righteousness temperance and judgment to come as he reasoned of righteousness temperance and judgment to come Felix trembled Felix trembled and all said go thy way go thy way for this time when I have a convenient season I will call for thee I will call backs 26 verse 27 King Agrippa believest thou then Agrippa said under Paul almost I'll persuade us me to be a Christian almost persuaded now to believe almost persuaded Christ to receive seems some poor soul to say go straight go thy way some more convenient day only I have gone multitude multitude in the valley of decision how long how long halt ye between two opinions how long halt ye between two opinions 1 Kings 18:21 choose you this day whom he will serve choose you this day whom he was Joshua 24 verse 4 Joshua 24:15 now now is the accepted time now is the accepted time behold now is the day of salvation 2 Corinthians 6 verse 2 today today if you will hear his voice harden not your hearts today if you will hear his voice harden not your hearts Hebrews 3 verse 7 seek ye the Lord while he may be found Isaiah 55 verse 6 good and upright is the Lord good and upright is the Lord therefore will he teets sinners in the way Psalm 25 is 8 oh no I will instruct thee I will instruct thee I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go John 32 verse 8 the wicked shall die without instruction the wicked shall die without instruction brothers 5:23 the wicked through the pride of his countenance will not seek after God but but to him that order if his conversation aright well I show the salvation of God psalm 50:23 to him but order if his conversation right when I show the salvation of God God now commandeth all men everywhere to repent God now commandeth all men everywhere to repent acts 17 verse 30 who will have all men to be saved who will have all men to be saved and to come under the knowledge of the truth 1 Timothy 2 verse 4 God now commanders only everywhere to repent repent ye therefore repent ye therefore and be converted he converted that your sins may be blotted out but your sins may be blotted out actually verse 19 whoso confesseth and forsaketh his sins the same shall have mercy probably 28 verse 13 know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God be not deceived be not deceived 126 verse 9 there shall in no wise enter into it anything that divideth Revelation 21 verse 26 what man is he that liveth and shall not see death shall he deliver his soul from the hand of the grave Psalm 89 verse 48 there is no man there is no man that hath power over the spirit in the day of death Ecclesiastes APHIS 84 then shall the dust return to the earth as it was and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it includes desert well-versed in the issues of death the issues of death Psalm 68 was 20 firstly the sting of death 1 Corinthians 15 verse 56 the sting of death there is the fear of death the fear of death Hebrews 2 verse 15 the pains of death x2 verse 24 the sorrows of death the sorrows of death Psalm 18 visual the issues of death firstly the sting of death secondly the day of death the day of death at least yes tis 8 verse 8 the day of death earthly the death of the wicked the death of the wicked you see here 33 verse 11 when the wicked man Dyess probably living by selling those that have not sought the Lord er zephaniah 1 verse 6 it is appointed unto men once to die but after this after this the judgment after this but judgment Hebrews 9:27 I saw the dead I saw the dead small and great stand before God and the books were opened and another book was opened which is the book of life and the dead were judged out of those things which are written in the books according to their works and the sea gave up the Dead which were in it and death and he'll delivered up the Dead which were in them and they were judged every man according to their works every man according to their works and death and he'll were cast into the lake of fire this is the second death and whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire revelation he was 12 to 15 as I live saith the Lord God I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked he even 3007 but but how die is the wise man in keys yes is 2 for 16 how dire the wise man precious precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his Saints precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his Saints some 116 verse 15 blessed mother Dead which die in the Lord revelation 14 verse 13 the righteous have hope in his death proverbs 14 to 27 we know we know that we have passed from death unto life we know that we have passed from death unto life 1 John 3 verse 14 he that believeth in me though he were dead yet shall he live John 11 verse 26 though he were dead yet shall he live absent from the body present with the Lord 2 Corinthians 5 a ship for the wages of sin is death but the gift of God the gift of God is eternal life eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord Romans 6 verse 23 we know we know we know that we have passed from death unto life the spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit that we are the children of God Romans 8:15 the spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit that we are the children of God he that believeth on the son of god hath the witness in himself he that believeth on the son of god hath the witness in himself 1 John 5 verse 10 therefore being justified therefore being justified by faith we have peace with God we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ Romans 5 verse 1 the peace of God the peace of God which passeth all understanding Philippines 4 verse 7 my peace my peace give I unto you my peace give I unto you John 14:2 27 multitudes multitudes multitudes in the valley of decision in the valley of decision choose you this day sues you this day whom ye will serve I stood with a young man from a godly home who was filled of sin and rebellion in anger as I bled with him as he stepped onto this motorbike angry with me I said you could die within minutes on that thing there's no protection if you're in an accident and you are going to hell you know the way you have parents that have prayed for you from before you were born to this day and you still you could die within moments and face eternity without garden as a sinner don't take a chance with your soul don't take a chance of eternity I'm begging you come back pray with me there he was revving loud and louder to join up my voice on this motorbike tears coming down his face trembling in the valley of decision whoa then a short while involved in an accident his body cutting off died the valley of decision I was with an old man a godly old preacher when I was just a young preacher and after the service as the people were streaming out this very big farming man was walking past us mr. harem sir godly preacher of our mission and mr. harem says said to him sir wouldn't you come back and pray with me to see God to save your soul before you leave this building the old man was upset No thank you very much I do not feel to do that pride his countenance will not seek after God mr. Harmsen did something that was unheard of in our country and especially from him for he was so reserved and refined and careful he followed this room up the steps to the entrance and he took hold of his hand his arm and said woman uncle forgive me I don't know why but I know I must beg you not to leave this building tonight without sitting got to save your soul from judgment for eternity I beg you I beg you to come back and pray but don't walk out that door and harms her started weeping the old one was so angry and offended he ripped his hand away lost my money leave me alone man looks at the dough everybody's dead stood the way he shouted turns the door feeling bad as everyone standing stood looking at him no one screams like that at a preacher for no reason mr. harem sir I will come back tomorrow night to your next meeting and maybe then I will pray with you but you had no right to offend me tonight and to embarrass me in front of all these people you shouldn't have done that he walked out the door the next morning we walked down the street in the town vehicles near horn blows whoo AHA everybody screams but as far as that world is from where I'm standing ladies old uncle stone did on the man who begged him and wept the night before it was never going to be another meeting tomorrow night was never coming that was God's final call be careful what you do with this message as you sit here tonight I'm begging you today is the day of salvation if you were harden not your hearts Sikhi the Lord while he may be found I'm begging you shaky the Lord while he may be found I stood in a very large Church years ago in town called dandy in the tulgey land of Africa and at the end of the sermon when they were singing a hymn I stopped and I said listen you come to Christ because you don't know for sure you will be alive by the time you get to your house tonight none of you how can you be sure I pointed to the back room there was a man standing with a lot of children and his wife I should tell you in your family in the back roll you could all be dead every one of you could be facing eternity now you say have you prepared to meet with God see God sir and your children your wife will come with you he did you they got up they left the building before they got to their homes front door they were all slaughtered by some political maniac that didn't happen because I said that that was gonna happen that was God's final call don't you believe God was not in that or in mr. Harmon stop reading with that whole men don't you believe God's grace is not there to say one final cry in a way you could die don't you believe this just happened twenty years went by before I dared to preach on that incident in Dundee was a social me and the community that they were killed that night the whole family twenty years I stood in the Dutch Reformed Church building filter capacity were town called Carolina in the northern Transvaal of Africa and I for the first time recalled what happened in Dundee twenty years before that I dared to actually preach about it and I said sir and I pointed to the bathroom how do you know you will be alive tonight before you go in your front door how do you know you won't all be dead you and all your - why don't you see God - how can you be so don't take a chance of eternity they saw God and you drove home as they parking the car and the thumb you're harden getting our flower watered by some insane man the whole family you think that happened because I say didn't no no no that was going to happen was God's mercy because that man had never heard the gospel in his entire life until that night did that happen do you think that is not God's orchestration of love people he died for newspaper of the whole area front page preacher wounds you could die before you get the earth tonight how can you be sure family dies before they walk through the front door multitudes in the valley of decision as you should dare even you're in it you know you're in it right now I saw a young men on a tractor in a factory many years ago in Port Elizabeth in Africa Eastern Cape of Africa and the owner had asked me to come and visit him so I was waiting for clearance and I stood there looking over the factory while they were clearing me before they called me up with loudspeakers that I was cleared to go up to this Christian who owned the company where I looked at this fellow on this tractor the spoke lifts being up these big boxes and containers or over the factory he looked at me and he smiled and as I looked at him my heart broke to such a degree that he stopped the engine as he saw the tears coming down my face and he looked at me I walked down the steps and I said with a loud voice with tears coming down my face sir you need to see God to save your soul from judgment in him you need to seek him through Christ who died for you you need to seek him now before you do something terrible in this world he started weeping shaking with trembling his eyes two weeks later front page of the newspaper his photograph that night he took a goal of the streets he made his friend and dragged you into the field did the most outrageous things to her and then in his wickedness stabbed her 42 times ripping her apart leaving her for dead like a dog but she survives some amazing miracle there's a flume in her life right now in our country and what happened she crawled in spines holding her stomach together got to the street and they found her the ambulance the police Hospital somehow she survived by mercy total mercy to survive that of course the description of this boy wasn't very hard because he had this incredible mohawk a stylist I'm stewing well I read it was the night that I had spoken to him that you think that just happened as coincident of course the court case was terrible oh there's a boy rejects in his home clinging to a little Satan's group in the school to belong to something all these terrible things happening to his he was dabbling into evil voices blaming everything but eventually with all the psychologists and preachers even talking about him in position and voices and influences from Satan and know you these things happen but you still had the choice you won't name the devil to get office eventually the court case closes and they pronounced him five lifetimes he would never ever be out of jail and his friend he's too dangerous for society and he said this words in the newspaper is I knew what I was going to do that night my friend and I we planned it we were gonna do it we were gonna sit there waiting on that beachfront road where people walk and there's a big empty felt behind us I knew it in my heart but God sent a man toward me and I knew it was God speaking to that man when I closed my heart to God and now I will shuffle the consequences for the rest of my life be careful be careful what you do when God speaks to you before it's too late be careful when I came to God my friend's role was shaken to the core there's one friend of mine Victor phones me they say you've gone insane with religion you're too good now for us you don't want anything to do that is that true meet me I want you to tell me what's happened to you and what you what people are saying about you meet me so we met at this is remodeled area where you said milkshakes his boys so he's listening I'd say he's trembling like Felix trembling Oh should me tears coming down his face and runs out the door of this restaurant in the middle of a great city in Africa so I paid and I went out after him there he was standing waiting tears to those days he walks to the lights it was the busy hour when everybody now is going home 100 thousands is coming out the buildings that cause features called scent of the city standing you're looking at me I said listen I know I'll never see you again in my life unless you come to Christ daughter I don't want to see you again we served the devil together why don't you come and serve God with me why don't you come to Christ give your life to God oh so you know I would die for you I would die for you you my closest friend and act but I can't have anything to do with you again unless you come to Christ now and walk away from more like I've had to because they'll draw you back and me he stood there these people just pushing postures in the bustle chopping cars just looking at me a couple of minutes is standing and looking at me tears he says the lip was good his eyes for the fear and then he did something that startled the whole street he screamed as if he was in pain being whipped under conviction no it cost too much to be a Christian and he turned and ran vehicle hitting him for the wind rose never saw him again we're not and I cannot I haven't got the ability to tell you how he died so soon after that another friend use it where you are don't you move I'm coming I got a here orders from you David listening and I talk and I say everything I could he looks at me for a couple of minutes and dead silence tears in his eyes in the valley of decision and he says if you give your life to Christ Keith then I'm doing the same in garden his knees and begged me to help him found the Lord Jesus that day yes went by I was in Johannesburg one of the biggest cities in the world and this fellow gets hold of me he looked like a trembler and he pushes me down this alleyway between the building away from people he just kept punch and pushing me I fell lifts me up throws me against the wall I said I have no money what are you doing what do you want don't you know who I am key when he told me I just started shopping was left he was the innocent one I was scared I was disappearing instead of gang we've said huh to my shame I couldn't believe what sin had done to him he looked so old Haggard his eyes black his skin destroyed thin ruined bison and drugs moral decadence he said when you became a Christian we all joked about you Keith we're asked about you we choked there wasn't a day they didn't joke about Keith Daniel when you began to preach and people talking about your preaching some heard we stood on the streets mocking I'm saying they will keep Daniel preaching room rates but held in judgment there's no one laughing anymore Keith no one left he told me of what happened to them all no one laughed after very soon as laughter stop key the crying started the we look at me you were right key I was sure they all were you made the right choice he couldn't get say the death was terrible shaky the Lord while he may be fun does not a promise it's a desperate warning and a fearful one song I'm not asking you if you're religious I'm asking USA you say from Helens hey God have mercy on your soul young lady if you walk out of your unsaved
Channel: UE Church - Chicago
Views: 7,809
Rating: 4.876543 out of 5
Keywords: choose, this day, whom, ye, will serve, keith, daniel, keith daniel, Choose You This Day Whom Ye Will Serve; by Keith Daniel, revival, Uec, ue church, united evangelical church, agape young adults services, ue church agape, bible, christians, sermon, preaching, teaching, jesus, god, holy spirit, christ, christianity
Id: 8EDAaTLpvbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 20sec (2660 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 16 2017
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