Question and Answer Evening in Chicago with Keith Daniel

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in order to thank thee that we can gather to gay to debt and night like this we bless thee for sparing us another day none of us can be presumptious to know we have another day so many Lord I can think of in our mission young younger than these dear people that in a moment which is gone accidents Lord we just thank you that you gave us another day in life privilege day to serve you and even that we can come together and gather for the glory of Christ and out of love for Christ be united outside of which we probably wouldn't be together ever in life or choose each other but we are so grateful because of Jesus we are one and so come our God in thy mercy wash me in the blood of Christ and protect us all and come visit us and let us be a precious time a time of nurturing and enlightenment a time of meditating on what God says and contemplating and what to do about what we hear and so come we ask these things in the name that we love and that we live for and that we would gladly die for in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ Amin so I trust that you've thought about some questions that you can ask for the key and we do this spontaneously and brother Keith has a right to answers maybe say I don't want to make him put on that that's up to him and and so whatever you guys feel led to ask that would benefit your walk with the Lord or something that you've been really wondering and praying about whatever it may be and we'll go from there so that's the first question as a man who's a lot of God for so many years and a lot of us are relatively new believers would you tell us or give us some advice on how to pray or pray is a term in the Bible to pray in the spirit that's very controversial the passages where you get that little term from but I I don't believe that's tongues many now in the millions will tell you that speaking in another language like an angelic language I don't know what you would like to we don't want to go that way because that's not the question but I have found praying in the spirit is with your sensibilities and sometimes with grief sometimes with joy but to a great degree in my life it was as a result of this book to the degree I was soaked in this book I found myself praying in a way that I would never have prayed but because of the influence you Paul did we have the mind of Christ as a staggering statement we don't know how to pray as we ought but the Holy Spirit Romans 8 says teaches us leads us how what to pray I could go into instances but miraculous leadings were you I was about to be murdered him I killed children and my wife with these gangsters who were smashed into our home and I was so tired I just fell asleep and they actually had said kill him they were laughing because I was I spoken for a few days and I might Remini asleep I just fell asleep I'm wearing the children's bed with my Bible my suit was on and these men broken they had murdered a whole family the night before not too far away they were had broken out of prison and they were really on their em page but they were wicked mean and of course I heard baho we know know what is that and I woke up and all my I fell asleep I didn't even shower or anything what's that banging and I realized it must be the wind banging at door but out what door was open so I got up I walked through the house and I just saw the we had been broken into they somehow got in the house and things were all over the place things been taken that we had inherited from generations or silver wind things and oh my so I ran to look with it whether the children were safe and Jenny was she was jovi they were the one to the children were in my bed sir but then I quickly woke them all up when I saw they're safe we find the police and the policeman came was too dark it was early in the morning and he was saying things this one young policeman room what time do you think it was that they broke in to you how much it so I looked at him and I thought oh my how am I supposed to know what time yeah you know we've been sleeping for hours now and as he asked the question I the found wind so I picked up the phone we didn't have mobile phones a day so it was a godly young man very godly from her to your age and he heard me preaching and things and a very dear boy and it was early people don't find you at that early hour so he said are you alright Keith are you alright but you are you safe for you it's even your case I said yes then God was safely but how did you know because he's the other side of a city but in twenty thirty miles away how did you know he's a know what sure I told you no way bro he's pretty break I'm sitting with the police yeah and he said you know I had I've I don't dream I don't I never remembered I woke up sobbing with such grief for you and the children my wife worried what's wrong with you Natasha I don't know why I didn't never dream but there's something that happened why I'm singing about Keith Daniel Linda is family that is they're in danger or something in a church I could find just full of fear and he reaping so he wondered if phones is you can't fund time of the night people think you're crazy so we got an I'm proud and he said I got an and prayed I just sobbed and sobbed and grown with a grief and a fear for God to protect you if this is anything so I say what time exactly did she wake up weeping like that so it's at two o'clock in the morning he said it was two o'clock I said hang on my said to the priest when it was two o'clock they broken up I think he must have thought were is this the thieves telling you a little account no they caught those men and they had found they had murdered people night before and the day before that killed two other people in the other area just the other side of the city they weren't just intent on thieving they wanted their slaughter you know regard for life they were so hardened and evil anyway there was a court case and the lawyers and all that so I had to go there to make some statement and I looked at this man who had done the killing he was really a very horrible looking man and he's the court case going on is the judge it only has the the attorneys a different defense lawyers acceptor trying to prove things and trip me up even to defend this criminal but every time I looked at him and he looked up he started like screaming was the demonic scream like he looked up at meaning go down so even the judge the lady Jean she she was getting perturbed and everybody was unnerved the way this boy this man was and then it came out that with this one guy that was ended they said kill him with me kill him it's killing me they're gonna kill us he was standing over me and I was so tired I didn't hear them in their breaking you know way so I failed God very badly that day I realized that now I could have really made a statement that would have shaken that nation but I I should have said to him why didn't you kill me you were about to you killed two other families a day before in the neighborhood for no reason what stopped you why didn't you what made you flee from that harsh and unable to look at me without her howling in fear what stopped you I should have said that but all I do know is over by the way they were all drilled for life but every one of them was killed within days we Greeks every one of them but prey is an incredible power that we don't understand ultimately the broader picture of God's promises but there is something about the Holy Spirit in you that you pray you can wake up in the middle of the night groaning and I have met people and it's God the Holy Spirit in you grieving at what's about to happen but something God relies on praying and instigates pray and motivates to the grief that's in his heart of and prays something God you never explained God to put him in a box but there's something about that that God waits for God up Yanni's incredible power I made a woman her son met me at the airport and he was destroyed by sin but he was a little boy when he was molested sexually at his school when he was very small I don't know Tina young being teenager but molested horribly okay and his life was just destroyed it was he was a mess before he was a lovely child his mother was gardening and he said to me I've got a godly mother sir and something strange happened that night that put fear in my heart that's why I'm even coming to see you because of the fear that flooded my heart then we nice when I came home from that school event and they dropped me at my door and the door opened my mother looked at me and she was sobbing I always happened and she said what happened to you tonight my boy what happened to you and she just took me and she sobbed I've never recovered from the six you're molesting it happened the teats of course was jailed when all this came out and it had done this Dame and other boys but if it was very wickedly perverted men to the degree he did things but I met that woman and I said what her son had said to me she said you know suddenly I just started sobbing and the grief and it was just him in front of me I knew something I knew and I was on my face crying for God's protection away and I knew something terrible's happening my boy entrusted him to be taken to this event that night to the schooling where the kids were requested to go and uh now he has another incident and I could go on and on of people who prayed in the spirit with a grief that is true that is true there's so many incidents of pray that God makes you pray for your mother pray or people the other side of the whole city sobbing a Torah grieving crying out to God for mercy that stops well why didn't God stop that boy being hurt molested I believe he was gonna be something was going to happen to that boy that would have been irreparable for eternity forever and I think the mother's prayers were God's grief and got that one round it was just something that stopped it going further of which possibly could have really been not one of I don't want to think about the details I don't like that so there is prayer like that there's prayer that you can go on and on and on teach you to pray Luther Martin Luther said when he when the Reformation started all hell rose against him and he was the Pope said that someone must kill this wild boar okay that's risen up in the kingdom and he was hidden in a castle and Wittenberg and from being slaughtered because every Roman Catholic now he's the Vicar of Christ on earth they say the old Pope and he's called for the man to be be luther said he was so destroyed even the devil it seems it was a physical appearance and when you think of the millions that have been saved as a result of Luther's Reformation he picked up the ink and threw it against the wall the ink spots totally to this day in that caution Wittenberg in Germany but all hell came against when he said they came at time and he couldn't pray he was numb me it was what dad at all hell was against him even Satan appearing it he wore out a different that he saw that hallelujah one step at a time he didn't and that happens in life and he said you know for some reason he was just impressed to open up the book of psalms and he just started praying whoever he opened just praying out because his mind was said that he couldn't pray couldn't our God a thing he he couldn't think of what to pray and he started praying a lot and he said he he couldn't believe that he was praying what he should have been praying but in a way he'd never been able before and every storm most of them started agony at the in justices and the cruelties and the wrongs and the hurts and the wounds and the weariness of life and end putting their eyes on God and in praising God for protection and deliverance and he's prayed and he said he was lifted right into the presence of God in a way he had never ever known just praying the Psalms and he said from that day most of his prayer life was this praying the sons because he realized these Psalms that in the Bible they're the set workbook of God in the school of God and the Psalms are in the prayer master that the teachers the prayer master in the school of God is the Psalms to teach you to pray they not just there to tell us our David said all different situation they're there to teach you because he said he learned for the first time to pray as you ought to pray and many many many Christians I've met they do they pray the Psalms a great portion of their lives of their quiet times their devotions because believe it or not it Luther wasn't the only one that therefore hammers and people hem her and cruelties and justices from within the own home and people learn in their weariness to pray as they've never been able to pray before by the schoolmaster of prayer the book of Psalms now you could touch pray you would go on and on and on and on in the incidence prayer how do we pray as God leads you sometimes with weeping sometimes I prayed this one morning I was on my racer lecture at some theological seminar and I normally would arrive just as I'm but you don't want to sit there with the students before because they there's diversity from everything you've prepared and sharpened yourself to lecture because I don't lecture I preached so that but I was early the other side of the city and I just thought let me go to this coffee shop so there's in a very affluent area beautiful restaurants in a more and parking areas so I sat there and the coffee comes and I thought I'm not gonna go there early because what I've got off an hour or so in nearly an hour I don't want to go there the students are just wedding and when they see the car they they and they just talk and talk and talk and it's wonderful but you know they when you preach you'd like to go from God's prison straight to the pulpit anyway I was sitting there that guy comes along gives me a cup of coffee cappuccino cream whatever it is yeah and abiding the time just got my notes they're funny enough and just going over them to be sharp because they filmed these lectures so I had prayed protect me under the blood of Jesus Christ from any dangers that the devil will orchestrate to hurt me that morning before I left the house in the vehicle or any way any step I prayed from by heart I have learned to pray that as a result of things that happen you know and you realize you've got a oshkosh protection when you get in a car you wash God's protection don't one boy turned to me and said you why afterwards pray even to get in a car we cornering if we're gonna die we're gonna get killed I know it's done Jews demand God protects us will be that's we've gotta go I didn't you gotta pray mmm he was upset with me anyway he got in his car with his attitude and smashed into cause upon cause people were so he he learned but that restaurant you know I sat there and suddenly something said to me in my own no voice just go go now so I got up said to the waiter he says you went in a second cup because they knew me from other times I was the only one in the restaurant apart from this waiters no I just want the bill immediately some peaches urgent she says go and I walked out the door got in the car reversed began to just turn the car Paul bombs just exploding that restaurant I was Jewish owned and I think there was a llama kings behind it that's what they think we my car had been parked at the window you know and I was sitting just behind the glass that's where you sitting I would have been blown right to smithereens there was nothing left of the restaurant but I stood there and I think AHA I could have died in heaven the Empire State Building I I hadn't I had been once well I don't anyway I go in there go to the top and it was snowing in these ice blocks from the top level dick and they closed you're not allowed to go out you can stand inside wit so close to the glass and there was about 30-40 people in the world wanting to go in there dicks because I love architecture my daddy he brought some of them he was behind some of the great structures of the world oh sure enough our nation sorry but he he put a love in my heart for talk and I used to stand in say Oh Lord I wish my daddy could see this in the Chrysler Building and he's on the architecture in their own way unique and amazing so I stood then that's where all the doors closed another I came all this way and now I can't even guard there and look at the building's you know this was after had preached across America sighs that's a thought out of it anyways Dileep I showed it a coffee thing they and about 20 10 15 people standing waiting with their coffee in little line unis are still in the line amazed release absolutely coffee seeing as I can't go out and look at the buildings before I go down I'm not gonna linger up inside there now so I tell you the cue the little line is going and suddenly the exact same urgency go no luck no voice just and I remembered that coffee shop and I turned and a fear food my heart and they elevate the lift and then what you cordon in this country to lift you go up and down the building okay tit elevator okay so the doors were closing in this guy was just saying is there anyone else and I began to run you know just like with the windows you know and somehow I just push myself in when we got to the bottom the lawns roll on and that was the first terrorist attack was in the Empire State before they did the buildings coming down there the guys there was a few dead they threw grenades people were blowing parts of their body were often they just wind while company so I see what's going on they wouldn't lead you on general security closed and people are all panicking and everybody's screaming down at the bottom floor and the security guy he says terrorists up the Andes they've just started slaughtering people so I just stood they know that god this is the second time but you know I pray every morning but I prayed that morning very earnestly but take me as I go through this city on the other side of the world I'm alone I want to loved Central Park and I'm not exactly a tourist but uh well you don't come to New York and not see the Empire State Building this madness in any me so they are but it goes on and on that God does on supriya and initiate pray but to the degree you suck yourself in the Bible I believe to that degree you have a tenderness with God and I believe you can go on and on with Bree on every aspect of life baby is behind my little boys were in Buckingham Palace through the Queen we were preaching in some parsley I was they were small you know and Oh where's Buckingham Palace I this they'd we'd gone through Green Park and Hyde Park and there is bucking another know what they did we must have walked for about an hour and a half two hours and going through the city over the hills of the box so we come now as we is Buckingham Palace I said to this man I'm so tired and the kids were tied dragging him on we didn't go by train we we thought we walk you know through the so this man says oh this is Buckingham Palace and this big horrible wall you know so he's not the front he says where the garden is where the Queen has her tea parties and all that it's beautiful the other side of this big wall you know but this is Buckingham Palace so he said he walk down there another 10 15 minutes you come to the front way you see the changing of the guards and all he when she comes out you know unto them well can you accept on occasion but this is it so I my boys is if we be see how to see the Queen it's my boy sir there's no the Queen won't be they you see that flag that flag means he's not in the palace when it's down if she's up blende the Queen's in the palace so all those flags you see it just tells you the Queen's not yet there's no nothing got no event nothing show you why anyone see her even if she is you know this is a public occasion so we won't see but we came to see the Queen massa yeah well you won't she heard you over he goes in it so he walking daddy we got to see the Queen we can't believe London and not see the Queen I said I'm so sorry but obviously we were at least we see where she stays you know I mean say we take some photographs of Buckingham Palace let's pray daddy die standstill my children are very adamant let's pray we're gonna ask God to let us see the Queen I looked in as you pray I'm not praying for something that you can't pray for they pray this is Nolan Roy Eamonn ceannt Lipton say Amen daddy you tell us to say Amen because with two or three of you agree now you've got a degree amen amen so we turn we start walking a few steps that we hear sirens fire and down come upon whole lot of guys remember a box with the Grenadier Guards I remember and then other things and other things about a hundred police on different vehicles and motorbikes that looked like horses but they looked like the ground of the day they come back and what is it is a gate in the back part of the fucking vest this big cars come out and here's this beautiful car with a wind screamed the opening the glass covering and who is it the Queen and what happens she must have made them slow down in a way with these kids it's jumping and screaming it I had to even keep them from the road and see much as his clothes so they slowed down and she looked at my boys and she waved it and they wait and she couldn't get over she's looking back and even Prince Philip he was in the car with E so we walking and no turns to me and says huh you see daddy crying and there's been times little boys when I I've turned to my son and I see my birth poison I said to them you know God's not answering my prayers and we really are in a situation when go into the details but um we've noticed when they pray that on many occasions God answered we we really were in crisis and critical situation that nobody in the world but God knew and the kids knew and the most incredible ones is to pray and I've said to them you pray and bow so I've resorted in all honesty to thee because there's a childlike simplicity and trust that God works in their hearts that I've had to turn to my kids on numerous occasions because I think I get too weary or complicated about things you know but pray is what God once waits for and I believe that those children the Lord had a holy obligation to show my children that even though those children he honors pray because that woman didn't have to come out of that gate and that second just a few steps after those boys it bright that does seems a nut coincidence the one voice is we praying Genesis we have need when I come back in his room so let's pray with accounts and all sorts of things you know that have to be paid so we have to get it now Keith have you ever been you wait two weeks I didn't want to burden you but we've got to pay these things what they gonna cut off this in that no oh boy we pray charge it to my son you pray because really I thought where is this gonna ever come from he prays Noli next day he's not well he couldn't go to schooling so we had to go out but we don't normally leave the children alone but we had to in now so theories alone in the harsh and we get back home he's excited teddy do you remember what we prayed for would you ask me to pray for last night he said well daddy when you went it was a knock at the door and I yeah I know use it I was never open the door but I somehow pulled it on the chain and securities in you who are you to say you should just keep Daniels home so who are you I'm his son okay well I know you're I know you were daddy but I couldn't go to work this morning and I relate because the Lord has told me to come and find his house and give you this just tell your daddy that this is no I've got a go in as a put the envelope and showed no leases daddy I opened it forgive me it's the exact amount of money that you told us to pray for Danny it's exactly that did something to that boy's faith that did something I was home I would be in a way for about 10 days preaching I come home jenny is a Sunday afternoon I'm weary the driving right his all we have need okay so I'm just giving you every aspect of prayer again different and how the Lord took me so she tells me we have miss over I saw home let's just pray so I prayed I'm going for a walk I'm setting that vehicle so long I'm walking it's the cool national wind walking down the streets Pietermaritzburg down and I think about 20 minutes after lift this car pulls up next to me I thought he's gonna say look I need directions you know with the Streeters that's gonna help you is your name Keith Daniel I should join Mary you know I've never heard of you in my life until just a little while ago hey I don't know what to tell you you know what you're gonna think but I believe God said to me I've got to come to this street which I've never been in this area before and I would find a man walking by the name of Keith Daniel and to give you this take it mummy drives off I don't know his name I didn't even take his a number his register so I know it was a lot of money but it was exactly to the Sint what we had prayed for but of an hour before and this sort of thing all right you don't have to think well I don't have to work I just pray and somebody's gonna walk up to me there huh you work hard and you pull your life heart even if you're in God's service I never worked hard in my life in sick at work but there's a happiness and a joy and a pleasure in giving every fact so yeah but this isn't a reason to go and think oh well that means pray will mean I don't have to work you know so I could go on and on in different avenues and aspects of pray that have turned Nations to God if God could just find a man Jonathan Edwards up and in a New England the man was desperate in a way for the deadness of the churches and the irreverence and the it was nothing of seeking god this is wickedness and you know the early days and he has had this burden and he suddenly started weeping but he didn't eat for ten days he didn't eat he didn't sleep say it six days he didn't eat he didn't sleep just weeping groaning - God give me New England John Locke said pray that for Scotland and God gave him Scotland you know he's gonna give me New England give me a New England this godly preach that Frank on it weeping and groaning fasting not eating not sleeping day and night and as he was praying he was writing this sermon art which became one of the most famous Simmonds in history's sinners in the hands of an angry god and he preached I stood in the spot with the poop it was the building's corner we preached that German aversion and revival broke earth he preached the same sermon across New England in one hundred towns turned to God they couldn't find a soul in those towns not one of them that hadn't turned to God God just beginning it stopped but this whole the first major what we term revival was that is turning 100 towns turned to God you see that man was praying fasting and look what happened now they're all the Christians every way all across New England crying to God when nothing was going on no further revival he preached but there was no breakout anyway they were fasting and praying all over and one woman was praying and she had a dream and she saw a face I don't believe in dreams by the way I don't code that way but it is certain instances in history weight was must dreams are because you ate too much who had meat and don't say that's God now in every dream it's rubbish I've spoken to people the moment they talk about dream but when were you saved and most I've asked it and when he was saved they're gonna help so dreams mean nothing but he knew his woman had a dream she had come to God through Jonathan she was going in she was crying to God with everybody let the revival go on in America it's just a New England so what happened she sees in her dream this face and the name George Whitefield so she's crying to God to bring George Whitefield to New England with a revival swept across you know all really it was having repercussions across the will but who arrives George Whitfield here Wow is there he was in England got too cold was hot to get in a boat he was over there and not even know where he's going who he arrives at the situation with this woman won't end of course the great tunneling into himself he started preaching and God just swept through America as the immigrants were coming from all over the world with all this suffering in the poverty and helplessness to a land of hope and so they were coming and as they streamed this George Whitefield carried on with Turner and it is behind him and because Jonathan Edwards by that time was revered the pulpits will open to him and to this great George Whitfield and this nation turned to God as the immigrants poured and I just turned to God in their thousands and thousands is he' Swatara he just went across traveling he died young because he he was Wiz Lee's close friend and weasly said blood was pouring out and he said I'm going back I'm back in seventh visitor or whatever you know but that was America turned to God and it was Jonathan he bridges praying there's no doubt of that man that God got hold of you can't work up such grief for a nation you can't work up such grief for a man is about to be murdered you can't work yourself up emotionally you come into the day you try and work yourself up don't do that Christianity's is yielding totally and going through with God and steadfast faith with this and remembering in human but the Holy Ghost can take out of a heart that is so right with him and use him not only for a man about to be murdered and his family but only for a boy being molested by a maniac putting it mildly God knows we would have ended if that woman hadn't prayed like that but for nations when God sees the heart those sort of praises but generally you pray without any emotion as you have needs as you since what is needed to be prayed for protection as you since which needs to be prideful people that no one else knows what you know about that person none you saw everyone and you pray without emotion just solidly with the understanding not some other language we in the trance I do believe that's in the spirit with no emotion and you find the most incredible staggering answers to that prayer that if you hadn't prayed God knows wouldn't have what would have happened and when you can't pray which I tell you something has happened to me on times you become so weary in the fighter in the battlefield in the frontline Satan come he's a terrible foe through the most unexpected soldiers and you are so wiped out and I pray the Psalms and I tell you something Luther was right I learned to pray also I would say properly by simply praying through the Psalms aloud that is one question faith cometh by hearing hearing by the Word of God when you hear the promises of God with two or three of you agree touching anything that's the will of my father in heaven in my name it shall be done that's God promising you so you get two or three when your prayers aren't being answered and you cry together in then and I tell you they I've seen things and in this fasting oftentimes when is such critical things that you cannot believe what terrible terrible things you've somebody are people of life and even if your own children something and you start fasting and the prayers that aren't being answered of the incredible crisis and tragedies and sufferings and you fast and I don't know one pray God did not suffering for after a few days of fasting not eating but I did take liquids I don't believe you must be unwise but then you need to read people like Reece house intercessor praying hide readers books iam bound Ron pre you've got great books with illustrations that moved the world of how people moved the world to God when they learn to pray when they dared to pray they did Moodie prayed in the pulpit in Scotland when they kicked him out of London's if we don't want you to go back to America and he was taking Scotland and he prayed and he pried a prayer give me Scotland and Scotland turned to God almost in its entirety through Moody he did great things here in Chicago but nothing was more great in Moody's life than she Scotland john roxton scotland away from rome moody turns Scotland to God in the masses and multitudes there was never anything before or since in Scotland Scotland wouldn't have been a reverential it's there's nothing left now but from like you and me there's proportions that are groups that are godly but Scotland is like the rest of the world at once trembled as nations before God there in the world they reject his religion without reality it's a social event but Scotland turned to God and was known as a god-fearing land across the whole world through dr moody when he prayed one prayer in the pool but give me scotland and god in that meeting started truly the greatest revival in the history of scotland through one man who hadn't been through a theological seminar who hadn't got much education but it was filled with called the holy ghost and he's devoured the scriptures by that time there's one question do you dare to ask a second question because yeah that's our I'm fine thank you my little egg gets a little bit but don't worry you can't do anything about it I had a stroke about a year and a half ago and steadily healing thank God it didn't affect my brains for my speech which most people can't speak or even think properly but it was that six in the brain that affected physically and I do better to sit long or stand in one spot but it's healing and it happened about ten days ago when the Lord gave me a promise the morning up in green like I'm the Lord that he live he and I said lord I don't want to be presumptuous but I did take hope then that day is always walking it started really healing so I'm sitting here far 99 percent better than I washed two weeks ago where I would have been really struggling said I said God has done something wonderful and now the doctor did say the specialist when I had the stroke that he does believe if I'm careful I will totally heal with whatever effects it had a much a ditch why I'm saying see how long that took what question did someone have that's a rebuke go ahead being near to them to your friends who you had friends those friends before and they were right it got another back student in the world a friend or friends actually leaned into real sin you keep a distance from people there's a there's a tender line that you did not cross over when you're dealing with people who've instant with unsaved or saved and you do try and reach them and you do but you do not stay long enough to join them again it will be drawn back into it or influenced by what they stooping to do and trust me something you go near a man in sin and stick around longer than you ought to and you get drawn in you get tempted with things that you would never want to look at or be near influences depending how close the friend was I just sits in must my friends I don't want to ever see you again in my life I'm not gonna see you and as you come to Christ now I'm telling you owned by Jesus with all my heart my heart longs you to be with me but I won't I don't want to ever see you again in my life and I whipped because you might draw me back and you're not gonna do that and I think even with a backslidden friends you can pray for them he's a book by dr moody his two great books the way to God in heaven and how to get there those two books where his real Spurs everybody was stunned by it because of the simplicity but the incredible compassion that nobody seemed to have when moody preached there was a compassion that broke people trust and those in those books that captures something of what we will never know about moody if it wasn't for those reboot is one chapter they on the backslider don't tell them to read that is turn to read the book it's soft covered and it's available to this day I do believe I've given out hundreds o more over fifty years the way to god by dr moody and the one chapter is on the back slide but it's all in the streisand and scriptures in his simplicity but profoundness and we are I've dealt with backslash not particularly myself but given to mothers fathers or people who put in the hands of the Baxter than one in the home or something they have just turned back to God through that book as I recommend it to you to send to him and there is on the internet I think a sermon I preached years ago called when the godly fall you see the title and that has brought multitudes of people who were hardened and innocent and were once saved when I say once saved we're right with God once upon a time and they are now back with God preachers who were putting on a front but winds and turned to God through that and there's another one called where with a couple of Simmons that deal with the backslider you try and reach people in every aspect of life when you're near so there are numbers of sermons that have been used but that one I would send him in that book and just say please I'm begging you listen to this sermon listen to it first yourself when the godly for his GU whatever that means in my name I don't know how to type I don't even how to talk about legue doing I've never seen tourism ease in my life I do not know how and I've never seen the email in my I don't know how and I don't want to there you are you know why you get busy with those things you get no timely for this trust me if you're too much taken up with everything of these these technical things today you can be drowned as an addict I know these preachers before the next things on the horizon you know before you've got a brand new thing to keep up-to-date with what internet and things you know there's something coming that's better and you gotta have it in your whole life is drowning trying to keep up with you don't need the man who wants to hear that you're having a bath I am now about to have a ball I mean there's mental instability going on in the world through those things and it's created a generation that of people that can't do a thing with that and they get depressed I read an article the other day that psychologist and psychiatrist across the world they're dealing with one massive massive problem suicidal people if they don't get enough people listening to that the fact that they're brushing their teeth now there's something mental going on through those things and everybody's hearing things you don't need to say that you're going to get into trouble that thing brother fell away I deserve listen good brother of course these technical things are wonderful and of course we living in the privileged age and of course the Internet is an incredible privilege an age of knowledge at your fingertips of course it is but God yourself that you don't drown as an addict keeping up with everything that thing's gonna give you a boy the devil can keep you busy with things that are wonderful and legitimate and really good just to keep you from this I don't want to have a quiet town like I'm driving an aeroplane you know I just want a Bible mm-hmm and you want to see how some preachers get sermons this guy says to me in Canada oh I don't worry about working on a sermon I've got a preach and I just press on the internet subject every full sermon oh I wouldn't waste my time getting some James's shortcuts to death hmm I looked at him and I said you are in trouble for a preacher to say that he doesn't get messages from God's heart as a result of seeking God devouring the word and walking with God and learning just using a bus of your injunction the next thing I heard he had done some terrible and he was kicked out of the ministry y'all be careful don't let that take the place of quiet dumb son did it take the place as a preacher of hmm of working through the nights weeping and getting revelation next and last question mmm we gotta be careful to ask sin on this Daniel forces another one because he's the boss here tonight you see okay one man I'm NATIVE great so when he's old now but he's when he was young and I was young I'm younger than him but he would testify that he's seeking God for a total surrender this is a terminology that each preacher Hudson Taylor do moody everyone has some terminology of a crucified life absolute surrender Spurgeon moody everyone Billy Graham he just talked to her of the fullness of the Spirit in Dacascos and other people in the old days like Tory used the word the baptism of the Holy Spirit which nobody uses these days because it's been abused totally out of its context by most of the emotional churches but this guy would stand up and say I've trusted God for total surrender and to be filled with God the Holy Spirit I desperately needed this total strain because of this godly old man he's the godless men I've ever met in my life will make fun he was there that and he said mr. Mecca I am it doesn't work so mr. mexi's but you testified in that big meeting that you've totally that was a few days ago what went wrong what makes you think you're not I feel the spirit of totally serene he says because I look at your life mr. neck and I realize I can't we've filled with the spirit I look at you and I mr. mexi's men I have been saved for I don't know what how many years I have been totally surrendered and whatever terminology they use fool to the spirit a spirit full of first Roman you are a baby in Christ you're a babe in this total surrender you can't compare your life you can't expect perfection God doesn't promise that you've got to work on but you are totally surrendered but you sister babe wait for 50 years but don't doubt simply because you look at somebody that's 50 years ahead of you you would never going to do that that takes time the refinement of God when it comes to praying in such a way I believe certain people are staggeringly my little boys prayed with the Queen but I doubt that they would have the courage or the faith to pray for a nation others God takes hold of in these circumstance and what he's burdened and for he creates circum he orchestrates in your life to pray for things that others will never pray for and to pray with faith and desperation you just got to you know one thing you've got to do you have one duty get up in the morning and make sure you meet with God and as much as you can that is possible to the degrees of yourself in the Bible and meditate and pray as a result you do that if God has greater things in mind it will happen trust me you're just not gonna rush God and go ahead of him now we'll try and be something work up grief work up fasting for six days weeping not you you can't do that praying I'd says he recommends you don't have this 30 days of not eating 40 days all the time in the next 40 days and Wars turned as he was praying that battle that was the crisis battle you read that book you they were praying and the normandy battle turned the whole history of the world when Hitler was a fool but they were fasting for 40 days and he said don't I don't recommend anyone does this because I didn't know labor I had nothing else to do on my agenda I was alone and I fasted and there was a unique don't try and emulate people prematurely also we all get influenced by the great men we all do there's something of influence that you don't eat because you subconsciously want to emulate and find yourself but you can't jump the gun and you certainly can't stand in the shoes of these great men perhaps one day and perhaps if that's where God really wants you to really shake the powers of hell through the world when he sees your growth and your heart and your dedication and the simplicity of walking with God and the things that matter this is all that matters you do that and leave there is to God and you'll find something you will start praying more and more effectively as you soak yourself in the Bible and get up and go on no matter what the devil does against you and never give up and grow and you will grow in faith you will grow in understanding you'll grow in having the man the mind of Christ there's no point that you don't stop growing I do believe in your death bed the little finest final things that are needed all happening until you die there's more to do and you're a babe in Christ don't get despairing now and don't jump the gun and start doing things that I was fasting in this one woman walked into this little chapel on a very big conference center so she sees me on my knees missionary from America lovely woman and she says I'm not disturbing you and her okay she says you don't come and eat with all the convention people a wish this young guy who's preaching why aren't you eating why you yeah everybody else is eating Razzies I've been fasting and I didn't want anyone to know she's how long you been fasting so she said you'd be careful boy I thought he spoke to me she was an older woman I fasted also and my kidneys collapsed and I was off the mission field for so long just crippled because I fasting did you be careful even how you fast one day when you want God to do through you what he did through Jonathan Edwards six days six not no sleeping no eating just crying night and day to God until that Sunday when God came and started what became the greatest revival in history of the world what started with Jonathan Edwards six days of crying fasting with sinners in the hands of an angry of people just start falling down weeping over holding onto the pillow screaming for God to keep them out of hell to save them they were it was so yeah well you see they possessed the spark that lit there was the flame that lit the fire this is a quotation from a church history that swept across America for 120 years as Peck both would feel right now Charles Finney Hall one thousand five hundred cities but one hundred cities in 1500 cities in 20 years across America turn to God most of them in the entirety and the critics of people like Charles Finney say but they didn't survive where that story came from I don't know so they asked me about that what happens about the the fruit of the great funny in it not every winter we do you get that from well critic so I said listen you read Hitler's history when Finney got too sick to preached the beginning of the greatest movement of those revivals have and the brie revival it with your civil war your your one-man Dutch Reformed domine a minister in New York in standing in the spot with those two bullies came down his an old church the a Dutch Reformed Church and this old man was asked to take over a dead chest because everybody's moving to the suburbs and the church was dying so Jeremiah seal Anthea pow never forget that name again get his books all the books about his life so what does he do he's crying to God for a revival in New York and he's in the heart of Manhattan so he decides the preaching and the handful of people if they're not bringing people it was gone searches of gangland suburbs but he's been asked to take over as a last resort to keep us all to accept he goes around heralding Pemper thought there's a prayer meeting for revival in America because Stephanie's revivals had come to an end he had been saved under Johnson and he know there was this no moving of God across America anymore Finney was too sick to preach and so Jeremiah seal and fear started going around all the office blocks of Manhattan come to a prayer meeting in lunchtime six arrived they are including him they cry for an hour the Thunder aah for God as in devour every Tuesday I believe they met in his little Dutch Reformed Church still standing the reserve by the big buildings coming down busy sure next week 24 maybe 48 next week 10,000 there was no room in the church what happened while they were crying to God the financial collapse of the whole of America happened the banks closed their doors people with with that money couldn't even get him people were committing suicide there was a death it was shock across the whole of America this financial collapse it's a terrible thing to happen you don't know what to do because you can't get your money even and your money is worth nothing if you can and this spree meeting was known but in the house and came crying to God in the end you can't believe the amount of people praying across New York every single day for an hour crying to God 200,000 people in New Hampshire New Hampshire we're crying to God across that section of America daily crying to God 200,000 there's no building note they were crying over 50,000 people were coming to God daily and the civil war broke out a third of the Confederate Army turned to Christ were born again including the generals etc and there was so many hundreds of those days that's an incredible percentage of your population okay but you think about it for 120 years from that man's crying fasting the waves is with Across America hundreds of thousands the great George Whitefield turned America to God but then they just keeps warming from across the world for a hundred years this country just developed in privilege and right through definian in the Moody there was the beginning of evangelism it wasn't revival it was organized meetings moody had revival in Scotland definitely but it all started you see through their 120 years no country in the entire world had word America had and that's the only reason this country became the greatest nation on earth and every single aspect militarily and financially was the forefathers the sweeping of God four hundred twenty years of revivals upon revival turning America to God and of course okay I'm gonna have to thank more than a minute brother but I wouldn't go on and on I'm just gonna try and brief as I can it makes sense okay I do not believe a person should come into bondage to somebody that God really did mercifully inju I don't like the word gifts because they've been abused and it's like instantaneous this neglect not the gift that is in thee you have to study to show yourself approved Timothy it is an obvious anointing on your life and ministry but there is a devouring is the discipline of that giving develop the answer I suppose the word gifts you'll find the word is in italics in the King James and in the new versions they don't bring the italics which means you not told that isn't the word it's enjoyment 1 Corinthians 12 13 14 Ephesians 4 Romans 12 with the gifts as but in Jude for the edification of the church there's something of an enjoyment which actually comes close to an anointing the same word and yeah I do believe some people God mercifully does give you something that you haven't got and you will lose everything if you touch the glories as once just once I've seen people buried forever touching the glory when God used them or gave them an ability to preach an anointing that it was above measure where people began to really realize God is with this man so yes I had mercifully been given nobility I have no idea I do know one thing though I stuck to the King James now people don't like to hear that because you know not lots of controversy about the new versions trust me and I don't want to go that way but I did have one mercy shown to me the old man that led me to Christ put the King James in mind there was the Revised Standard Version and the good news for modern man those sort of new things were on the horizon okay and he just stick to this fifth verse ah I did now those days there was a advantage in the pulpit right done for 400 years the King James generally across the world the english-speaking world Spurgeon had no difficulty in it and didn't think anybody should and he spoke like you and I they weren't using the word disease and those even when the thing was translated that was about 150 years before but because the King said it has to be a reverential language the with lips accepted did this nonetheless every sermon I heard only the King James every Bible study only the King James my quiet times the books there was nobody referring to this new apart from liberal people who dared to try and bury the King James in the early days they were just scoffed at apart from wild emotionalism but it was just the King James all the time and I devoured this and I understood it and the more I read it the more I realized how from God it is this graphic poetic language was burning in my heart I didn't know God wanted me as a memory when I I had to when God really impressed upon me I knew so much it was written by God because of the repetitiveness from everywhere of the major sections that you would find being preached or used and embraced by truly conservative evangelical fundamentals that means what we are and when I was memorizing I could cook sections word poo because it was the and I didn't know it's kind of got who's busy doing that and I'm 71 and someone said to me when you get to a certain age you lose you lose a million cells a day what do they call those things and you think about what's left of me don't escape you know they really can be silly okay because there's somebody they don't tell you these zillions of these things so anyway I'm 70 when I can memorize more now in a short time than when I was first memorizing as a young man and I'll tell you why because I stuck to one version you see I'm memorizing not simply because some miraculous things happening with that was I know that I acknowledge that because I was really a dud at school I had no record to me I mean no when I go there I thought I thought school was there for games and fun and sport that was my whole life I didn't know I would need to study and I you don't want to go in the embarrassment of what I did but this was God just me but that I stuck to one version now you we found out when all these versions all the kids could ever the Bing Bible first it was the living New Testament in the living autism and in the Living Bible that's whipped amplified yeah then which by the way is very honest as King James and italics is the Greek has five words for what the English is once so they give you the five words that had we made a choice of contextually the great Cliff's exit they prayerfully and I believe that's where the Textus Receptus the King James and your old array big Bible not the new one not the new English versions okay there are different text altogether up to 70% of every version the Bible of the divinity of Christ that he is God has been omitted nearly 80 percent do you know 90% of every verse of judgment eternal suffering a one name the version as you might have it is not there there's no judgment it's been emitted through these new versions there is inversion now coming out by the the biggest Bible societies on earth that republished the truth that there's not one verse in the entire Bible that relates to God that Jesus was God that he was divine it's a sports a human there's dangers in these new versions okay but her we get back to the old King James yeah it was good enough for 400 years with the greatest revivals in the history of the world not one person not even Spurgeon the Prince of preachers and if you want to throw him in and say he was silly believe saying he could understand nobody could understand the King James language you're not speaking they dead and they could quote scriptures today you're going to Sunday schools across the world small and right and they're trying to memorize scriptures they the one quotes from this is the other from that but time to get to the fourth person they don't even know what they kind of say no one can memorize today we memorized and we didn't even know we were so one of the great tragedies of all these new versions that people do find interesting explanations or revelations through just comparing little things in this there's no doubt it's like a little commentary in a way where you've got some really good passages an NIV and ESV etc but the great tragedy is the greatest to my knowledge people can't quite a thing we sustained with Jehovah Witnesses and they didn't say what verse interview button we just quoted nobody said that's wrong they say today give me the NIV and I'll be with you careful so those days we were just quote let me shock you I quote the King James only and the smallest child doesn't breathe I've watched them and so do their parents they listened and they gripped by the King James they understand if it's anointed and me tell you how much this book's anointed to the degree you want God's based and have an honest heart and you devour it and the more you divide the more you realize why God honored this in the greatest revivals during the greatest Survivor history parts of the of the church's history this book more than anything enemies shock you again these new versions NIV overtook the sales of this King James no one will ever catch up to the King James this is there is no way they can even get a rough estimate but even a rough there is no version multiply it by a hundred thousand they wouldn't get near how many including because is the world population Italy how many or nothing would ever come to compare with how many have been reduced to the King James he says it's the most world's greatest read Bible and book there's nothing the Bible is the most read book and printed book in history but the King James there is nothing no new Bible in a big name it and yes over a year to year period in every took over this the the the annual sales for two years not for four hundred years but let me tell you the shock these are swinging back to the King James across the whole english-speaking world that they just can't attributed why people are just putting down new versions and their masses and going back to this book and I have set with countries cultures that they have their own bar or we've read the King James everywhere you go it's become the greatest selling now again of the new versions either just pushed aside there there you go into book rooms boom-boom-boom about a hundred Bibles this version is why the verse one is with King James and go and ask them ninety something percent would say oh no that's the biggest selling of the more let's watch fit mmm so that's because of memorizing memorizing you asked another question on praying for revival okay you asked the question about how to mirror yeah well they are I one night in and I'm going to be very rude I was sitting we had to put up teens because of this convention tower people from over the hildren in the countryside and it's young misery and the Lord had been impressing gonna be to memorize and I remember was like all the missionary guys a little candles there and having their quiet times late in the night and I remember reading Matthew 22 and again the Lord imprisoned mouth I want you to memorize those passages and and I want you to bring that back to the pulpits just the Word of God South but know what I can't memorize like that I can memorize certain verses and quote them on the open days etc but ice let me try cuz this was deeply in my heart I was trembling actually I was thinking where is this coming from I can't I'm not academic so I took that Matthew 22 because rebuilding my heart and I said leave me they're not tried with anybody often I learned our passage so chapter so I said well that's impossible I'm tired how can I and I went I knew I should've grown I was asleep when I wake up if it's this is the let me wake up that I don't have to start again and I knew it then I was I didn't want to speak to the guys we were working so I took up Matthew 5:6 and students and I we know and this guy walks up to me this old man says I want you to preach you weren't you are in the program now they do not do that to young preachers they had overseas preachers in this conference and people coming in there from all over Africa so I said but I was done you know says I'm giving you 40 minutes he's listen young man if you go 14 minutes and one second I will go up into the pulpit and throw you over you're young you don't take advantage of me I'm giving you 40 minutes these are the preachers of the main meetings you having the afternoon meeting 40 minutes or you'd finished don't fail me so went out in the fields and I said Lord and the Lord put on my heart even this memorized Matthew five six and seven the synonym and preach it sure time myself forty minutes but they well I mean he was quote people will say well I could have read that at home no time for exposition God trust me and mama just trust me and I did I fostered first until the convention style appeal I didn't eat I went in the fields are shopping my son winner loud and I said Lord let me preach it like Jesus preached it that people forget about a man and just seems just be a withers now the emphasis way he said it with brokenness way but please don't it just be parrot fashioned bringing an anointing a cry to God nothin to suit up their priest and God just swept and that convention in a way that I can't tell you now because you won't believe what happened while I was preaching I take my eyes not focus on what was happening on the people who Smith on new faces God came and in the Lord in a wonderful way in Preston my heart that's all I want of you and that's what I did ninety something percent of every sermon I preached for over 50 years now for 50 years 51 years was just the books of the Bible God now that was dedication that was separation that wasn't just boom give me half an hour no no that was a life consumed and separating myself from the sports that other preachers is you've got to be human and watch some rugby Metta it separated me from light-hearted talking non-essential I didn't neglect my family but they know I give of God when that door Charlotte and through the nights when others are watching live things on the flights across the world I'm just going over the bed it's a life at the dedication it's it's a joy if you dare to use the word sacrifice there's something wrong with you it's a privilege that you separate yourself under the gospel but I tell you what you've got to be focused on what God wants of you and give yourself to it unreservedly as others would never believe a human could and I did that for the memorizing in the scriptures outside of preaching it's a different thing to the degree you memorize the vital verses you will be used by God when you witnessing to saw when you have an opportunity to say something to the degree you know and you quote this is the authority this is the authority a testament is wonderful but this is just gives the stem this is what I'm not saying this has got God says take this away you've got very little Authority emotional upheaval in a fiction but not too thoroughly this is the greatest authority this is sharper than any two inches he honors his word above all things that he said we said to as preachers are not every preacher can memorize passages and I don't want them to because they've crippled themselves because this was a unique ministry for my life that I had to acknowledge and stay very low by the way you don't have to ask God to keep you alive he keeps you you don't want to ask for more he knows how to keep you from touching the glory he knows your heart but if you feel is enough to let the sinful nature embrace pride and take the glory God would put in my heart years ago I take every single thing in the one moment from and I know he will one other thing before you move what I didn't memorize it all by one what burns from the pages of this book into your heart will burn from your lips and what burns from your lips will burn into the hearts it's not Jews Orthodox Christian in their thousands can quote WordPerfect the entire Old Testament but there's nothing of life in it and to the degree these things burned in your hearts from the pages that God wants you to use don't lose them mark them that's what the Lord impressed on me what burns into your heart will burn from your lips and only what burns oh yeah so I do that and there's one way to have a 90 in quoting the scriptures with us the individual or a preach them it is not two ways it's memorizing y'all but to the degree you suck your life in pray him to the degree you suck your misses in prayer before you agree to that degree you are anointed outside of which it's just the flesh and a charismatic personality but now anointing which most preachers have to rely on a charismatic personality in the flesh but this man just hasn't got that personality trust me and here she hasn't got anything that is really able to really have any academic achievements underserved nothing you have to attributed to God . and it's the only anointing that it's possible outsider which all you have as a preacher is a charismatic personality and the flesh and I wonder what percentage of evangelical preachers in the world only have that they have no anointing as they don't spend much time with God for anointing your life is consumed if you're a preacher in preparation and a great part of that preparation is your walk with God and your walk with God relies totally on prayer and letting God meet with you not as full not just for theology yeah what impresses God impresses you know what you memorize as individuals you don't preach what you know I'm gonna need this market those verses on judgment those verses just as you could answer everybody you study you won't hated our witness for stopping you you'll stop him and make him run screaming within minutes that's when you really don't lose and then memorize to the degree you've memorized to the degree that God will use you and bring people along your way and then say all that you've memorized because you memorize I brought this give it to them prayerfully humbly and lovingly let your horses would throb with God's love or don't speak from the pulpit especially who you sing
Channel: UE Church - Chicago
Views: 5,076
Rating: 4.9298244 out of 5
Keywords: question, answer, evening, chicago, keith, daniel, keith daniel, Question and Answer Evening in Chicago with Keith Daniel, Uec, ue church, united evangelical church, agape young adults services, ue church agape, bible, christians, sermon, preaching, teaching, jesus, god, holy spirit, christ, christianity
Id: w2lAC4slEsE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 43sec (5323 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 16 2017
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