Site Design in Civil 3D for Beginner

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hello and uh welcome back uh what i want to do in this lecture let's create a uh site design as you know we have this in uh previous uh lesson this just basically a roadway we have gone through this area and say if there was a development coming in wants to put a bunch of building here and we'd like to create the parking lot for this uh create the site and graded for this development um before i start i really recommend you should have this file so you can follow me step by step if you never had civil 3d or you beginner added the way i am explaining this step by step you should be able to do it so anyway if you don't have this file make sure you email me if you want to email me i will send you this file so you can follow up and my email is down below this is a google earth i did this site a few years ago and this is one of the pond that we have sedimentation basement we have so the container is going to go in here uh put a bunch of building right here and now with the parking lot in it uh let me see if google can update the timeline here oh it did good okay so uh this is a still older picture but here's the side and build this parking lot let's just follow this the method that we used on this parking lot normally when you build a parking lot you want to have the uh drainage uh in one corner so for example either you can make this the lowest corner or you make this lowest corner a lot of people i think they make this lowest corner this corner but what i did in here we made right this one the lowest corner of the parking lot you might even see the catch basin the vehicle right on top of it and everything is basically pitched from here two percent this way so the water can drain and then you can grade the parking lot uh relatively to the road so you have a decent uh slope coming from the roadway to the parking lot a lot of time a different agency state agency they wouldn't they give you permit for driveway they might have a certain criteria you have to meet not a big deal so okay let's get to work uh first okay so uh first what we're gonna do is i'm gonna go ahead draw the outline of the parking lot just roughly and here from a home command this is our ribbon from a home command come in here we're going to do some polyline right here go to a straight line and click the create lines and uh i'm just going to go ahead and see if i can be able to roughly but this is about 50 feet away from the roadway i said that's a probably good distance and uh going about 500 feet so i'm going to type in 500 500 and hit enter that should give me 500. i'm going to come back this way hit 600 feet and enter i might get 500 by 600 feet enter and there we are so i'm going to come in back closer to the roadway right here that's good click right there let me zoom in a little bit and make it up to here and hit enter escape out of here and i hit escape so i'm going to go ahead and start from that end i'm going to go back click on line here and once you do this square and end of the line click on that and bring it back here you want to be roughly about 50 feet opening driveway say this is good enough and click enter escape and now yeah that kind of crooked a little bit let's get rid of that so highlight it push d on your screen and that will allow you to erase it delete it and i want to do it again create line click right here let me see a line up a little bit that's about good right there hopefully came out okay that's good enough okay now we have done this parameter i want to put a curve in for the driveway now before i put the curve in for the driver i like to tie the curve into the flow line what is the flow line let me tell you i show you this right here if this is our section of our typical section for the roadway like a cross section and we have this roadway is uh for that road is a instead of center line 12 foot lane at two percent and we got uh eight foot shoulder at five percent and then we have the uh gutter right here and the floor line is that point right there so on a time to that point where is that point so if i go in here uh come up here and go to view tab right here and let's split the screen and make it a two vertical and bring this up when you if you push on a wheel of your mouse and then you can basically move this around so bring up here and um up here right this is a 2d right now so i want to make this to a 3d i'm going to click top right here which is top and come down and hit the southwestern isometric and this is different view of it don't worry about how this looks compared to that we will fix this as we go along so what i want to show you is the flow line if i look at this section right here and you can see this is in my flow line basically this dotted line is the flow line that's what i don't want to tie into okay um oh let's get rid of all these triangles for now so um it's a little bit cleaned up so i'm going to come up here at the tool space from the tool space and click this surface expand the surface highlight so expand the surface go to your existing road existing grid for here so i'm going to go ahead and right click on it and then surface property hit surface property when this window opens up in here under the information tab down bottom here is a surface type make that to no display and hit apply and you see now you have a clean area and so we can see a little bit better all right let's go back in here we're looking for that flow line um let me show you again this is the line we're looking for oh this is the line we're looking for if i put my cursor on it it should tell me what it is right here oops it should say okay flow line gutter down bottom that's what we're looking for okay now um it's kind of hard me close out make to a single screen so i can see everything better that's better now i can bring it back in here a little bit i want to tie this point to this gutter line right here so what i'm going to do i'm going to come up here from a home tab and click the curve and do the curve with radius don't worry how it comes out later on we're going to fix this and so i'm going to come in here make sure i'm tied into this cutter line and i say at this point right here i'm going to click right there okay i actually went to that point over there at the intersection and now i enter right here okay and then you can go ahead and put your curvature in right now for now just go ahead and click enter don't worry about how it looks we will clean this up later on so let's do the same thing on the other side i'm going to go ahead and do the same right here pick the start and radius and for one here and the other one's going to be say down this point if i can get it see i want to let me do it this way um kind of hard to work with just click enter and escape out of here we fix this later on don't worry about it okay now let's go back to different views so we have both of you as we go along we can see the tree view what's going on okay and zoom on this a little bit and make it a 3d okay because we're looking at a different angle so now we have done this come back to 2d view right here next thing we're going to do we're going to convert this lines to a feature line feature line are very very important and they are very good to work with it makes life a lot easier anyway so we're going to go on here it says right here feature line click on that and it says create feature line from object so i'm going to go ahead and select this select this all of them and hit enter and just go with default no elevation for so don't assign your elevation click ok all right so now we got this let's connect all these feature line so if i click on this first one and you can see the ribbon changes up here once the ribbon changes you have these other command available to you like edit geometry edit elevation from edit geometry let's hit uh joined we'll see if you go through all these this one says join i'm going to click join and i'm going to connect all of them so that one is already highlighted so i'm going to click this one there it's going to it doesn't have to be in order you're gonna connect them all anyway right there and i'm gonna hit enter and hit skip a bunch of time and now if i see that it's all one piece now okay what i want to do like explained in the uh a while ago is i want to create a surface that is going 2 from here back there because i want this parking lot i like to make the low point in this corner over here so to do that i'm going to go ahead and draw a polyline this way come up here and click a straight line and the line you want to put in you want to make sure that it covers everything and wait for my computer to unfreeze there you go so i'm going to click right here that should be good at this point and it's perpendicular basically to uh this corner you want to be perpendicular to it so i'm going to click enter all right and hit escape bunch of times okay so next i'm going to convert this to a feature line i'm going to click go up here create feature line from object and click on it okay now hit enter now we're going to assign this elevation it's going to be from site 1 style leave the style as a basic that's fine and later we will let that be so i'm going to create a sign elevation and we don't need weed points because this is very simple project so click ok and now you come up with this here and let's click elevation and put the elevation here the elevation of this roadway is um it's around 105 to 108 so i'm gonna just gonna say i'm gonna call this 109 okay so i'm going to give it a 100 and uh make it 110 for good luck there so we're going to assign elevation the reason i said they because uh from existing surface yes that that good so everything this whole line right here elevation of this whole line is 110 okay and and it's gonna what i want to do i want to make create a surface so it goes two percent down toward this corner now we're going to go ahead and select the feature line and we're going to use these from edit geometry see this right here it's a stepped offset command it's very powerful let's click on this and down bottom here it says offset feature is specified the offset distance well i want to put a point i'm going to go through a point i'm going to click through and it says okay which point you want to go ahead i'm going to put a point right here opposite of this corner i'm going to click right there there and then it's going to come back and it says uh um what do you want for grade and when i'm going to i'm gonna click on a grade and then i'm gonna put minus two percent minus two that's for two percent and click enter when i click enter the other line will be created up here now i have one line here this elevation this one was 110 and the elevation of this one is two percent going down this way so now we have done that let's select both feature line let me hit escape a couple of times i'm going to select both feature line right here all right once i do that and you can see from up here it says the ribbon changes and i have this option add to surface as a break line i'm going to click that and no we don't do this we're going to create a new surface and i'm going to call this new surface uh site two percent because it's a two person site anyway so name it anything you want but i'm going to call it site two percent so click ok and click ok again and uh let's make this to a point one zero point one okay and i have a contour line of every five ten feet i don't know what i selected for that but there they are this is our side two percent okay remember we talked about fixing the curve let's fix this curve and now that we have it if i um go ahead and uh hit this key a bunch of times so you have your ribbon back up here click on this right here and up here it will change and in a geometry geometry there's a one called edit curve let's see if you can find it no not that one edit curve okay i'm going to click edit curve and i'm going to come now i'm in a command curve with the square button on my pointer and i'm going to put it on a curve right here okay and it says okay what do you want for radius we have a radius 44 you can change this radius so if you make it too small the computer will let you know let's make it just a small just show you uh 10 feet radius which is not gonna be working anyway but the computer got a price is too small yeah it says has to be bigger than 39 it's pretty smart so i want to make a 50 radius 50 feet and click apply and there's our radius and 50 okay and i'm going to come on on this side and fix this one too so i'm going to click on that and 94 this weekend if you can make it a 50 i think that's a longer distance 650 allowed is it too small yeah it worked as 50. or you can change it any way you want so anyway let's click ok so now we have our radius uh pretty much set here the next thing all right now we have come to this point and i want to go ahead and this feature line that we have it doesn't have a grade on it remember when we selected we didn't put any elevation assigned to it so let's go ahead and put an elevation on it basically assign the elevation of this to person i'm going to go ahead click on it and from here you want to hit a command called elevation from surface command so if you come on right here it says elevation from surface and click on that and it says what surface remember we got two surfaces here we want to go to two percent we want to assign the two percent uh elevation to this uh feature line so click ok and it's done and i'm going to go ahead and here see if we can fix this and click on this right here and there it is so now we got it basically what we have done we created a let me come back in here we created a surface from this elevation that we assign 110 and we said from here go down two percent to this corner so this would be the lowest percent so this whole area we created this side two percent and uh that's what the grade is then we came in we got our feature line we uh assigned it this elevation basically it's like drawing this line on top of this table they are on the same level so the next thing we're going to do we're going to go ahead and come back in here and we hit escape bunch of time we're going to come back in here see all this point here want to assign a grade to this point and uh click on this um feature line and come up here and hit this command it says quick elevation edit and then here is clicks it says specify the point ah the point i want to specify is right here and based on a surface i want it to be the surface selected surface i want it to be surface of that one the roadway surface click ok and uh it says the elevation is 106.3 that's okay so i'm going to accept that i'm going to click enter i accept that elevation there we go and now we're going to go ahead and do another point over here under the same command click on this point it says elevation is 106 and down here it says this surface this surface is uh the existing gradient chestnut here which is that's exactly what we want so i'm going to accept the elevation 106 and i'm going to click enter all right so i'm escape rna here so we establish these two elevations here the next thing we want to do when i tell the computer tie this to elevation together and there's a command for that also i'm going to go ahead and click this again and come up here see this one right here it says set grade slope between two points so i'm going to click on that and i'm going to come up here go up right to that point i'm going to click that point and accept the elevation 106 36 hit enter and i'm going to come back in here hit this point and accept elevation of uh it doesn't give me just give me minus five percent that's pretty good i'm going to click enter and now actually the elevation is down here 101 97 so i hit enter and basically if you come down here we went from elevation of uh 101 to 106 and that gave us about the driveway pitch is about five percent worked out fine so following this command let's go ahead and do this side i'm going to click on actually start over again so i'm going to select this come up here click this command set grade and then i'm going to go ahead and click on this one and i accept that elevation hit enter and come up click on this point right here and click enter not bad at all pretty good so now we have to completed that degrade hit escape couple time to get out of here so we did tight in the driveway all right we're going to put our curb line in now before i do that we're going to come back let's see the section of the roadway section let's see this right here okay this is our roadway cross section we right now the this line right here this perimeter line is our flow line which is right here i want to tie all this to the roadway so i'm going to go ahead establish this line right here and come back establish this two other line also but i got to find out what the distance from here to here is and what the elevation difference is while in here type d for distance and click on distance and push your cursor right here we see the green square and click on that and you can see it says uh whoops it's right there if you move that just hit f2 key it should come up and um it will give you a distance of 1.5 inches now 1.5 feet sorry and that elevation difference is uh 0.09 okay so i'm going to write those down 1.5 and 0.09 and i'm going to go ahead and do the same thing here measure from here to right here and that is um let's do it no i'm going to have to go through the same command again okay and that is right there it's about should be 0.75 you have 0.75 and the x is 0.0417 okay now we have all distance and the curve is six inch from here to here is the six inch anyway i don't need to measure that so let's go ahead and establish those line i'm going to click escape bunch of times and come back in here i'm going to go ahead and click on my feature line and this command remember step offset hit the step offset okay down bottom here it says uh what to do uh the distance the distance was 1.5 feet remember so 1.5 enter and then next to ask you a question specify the side the side should be inside that was inside for the this is the floor line so it's going to be inside i'm going to click inside and then it says uh degrade uh specified the elevation difference so the elevation difference was uh point zero nine positive going the other way uh then i wrote that down yeah i did click enter and there is my line right here right there there it is right here so uh now we established that beyond that we've got to go ahead and do the uh curb line itself which was ruled by the distance was very small 0.0 if you remember was a 0.047 no point of 0.04 so i'm gonna go ahead and click this again again remember we i wanna just to remind you what we're doing here we just established this point we have this in already i want to find this point okay i'll go back in here we're still on click right here okay and uh let's hit escape and you want to be on the outside like this line outside feature line click that one come back to step offset and this time the distance was very very small was uh 0.047 hit enter and the side was outside right here and the elevation difference was uh nine inches so specification difference is so that's going to be 0.75 and hit enter and it's right there you just can't see it there it is right here that's the line over there okay now that was the point on a curve okay next we want to do okay so what just we just did this line here so i want to do this leg and this line is six inch away at the elevation difference of zero so let's hit escape bunch of times and make my line visible i want to make sure i see the outside line there you go all right click on this outside line hit the same command step offset and it was 6 inches so that becomes 0.5 0.5 did i hit that right uh off satisfy this 0.5 right there click enter and the side it's going to be out here and the variation difference is going to be zero click 0 and hit enter and there should be some right there is that should be 6 inches right there so now we have established this okay the next thing we want to do this is our curve and beyond the clip you left you put it like some kind of a you don't want to immediately go from the crib to a slope you want to have some kind of a buffer normally is they give it the two feet but a lot of places depend on aesthetic you can put like four or five feet of width and mow it let me see if you can something on google earth here um this parking right here this is the parking lot and there's your curb line and they have this area you can go ahead and mow it before you uh make your slope and it's good for employing regular and also look pleasing to the eye so uh go back in here and that's what we're going to do we're going to go ahead and click on this feature line right here the outside feature line and then we're going to hit step upset and this time it says give it a distance i'm going to give it like a 5 feet distance type five hit enter that way you can get a nice mower in there and be like almost like a sidewalkish and then it says do this side this side's gonna be outside right here and now for the uh asking for a specified elevation difference i want to do grade and the grade is going to be minus 2 minus 2 minus 2 and hit enter and let's see if we have it and there it is this these are different style these are curved let's make change the style on this here so it shows up as a different color and they tell you this line is not the curb line i'm going to go ahead and select the feature line and right click it and go to uh where was it property feature line property right there and in a style i'm going to click right here create new and in the display i'm going to go ahead and make it a red color right there okay apply okay and apply okay okay next thing i want to do i like to put these two feature line that everything is between these two line into a new surface so if we do some other thing and interfere with this line it will not uh it will not disturb our calculation so come up here to this side click on site and right click hit click new and we're going to name it aside let's say side grading and let's hit say okay and now i'm going to click on this both feature line and right click move to see if we have a side gradient right there and let's keep it there okay so now they're there so we'll not get interferable all right okay uh next thing we're gonna do we're gonna do uh writing so i'm going to go ahead and select this outside line before i do that i like let's go up here click grading and grade creation tool and make sure this is set to gray to surface and come back in here and right here click on crea create gradient and if you hit that you might say what side and hit exist inside because i've done this is my second or third try i'm doing this it automatically goes to a side one which is okay and then it says the grading uh automatic surface creation let's go into here uh click ok and it says select the feature line right here and we're going to hit continue grading without a feature line reading okay now we have done that down here says select the grading site it's going to be right here and you're going to click yes to all and uh now cut format i'm going to click slope and let's select make this to a six to one or you can choose the default if you want i'm going to hit enter now it's going to go for fill i'm going to use 61 again our area is pre-flight anyway so that will work good okay click enter okay all right let's create the parking lot surface and uh let's select all the feature line all five feature line that we have let me zoom into it this was one of them and that's number two three four and where's number five right here okay select all of these feature line and right up here it says add surface to the br as a breakdown click on that and we're gonna go ahead uh click new and click right here and we're gonna call it uh interior section until here see if i can spill correctly section and click ok and click ok again and that's good let's click ok okay now we have created interior section i want to create an exterior section also come back in here click on this gradient group right here i mean this uh no it keeps hitting it wrong on our slope and right click on this and go to create green gradient group properties and from here you want to say uh automatic surface creation and let's name it right exterior section x there here section okay and uh click okay here contour line is that's fine keep that and that's good that's good oh the surface has got to be side to surface there we go and let's apply and click ok and that looks a little bit better and now we have created this i want to get rid of this contour line that was on uh interior section wasn't it it was an um not exterior interior section so let's go ahead surface property and make no display apply okay all right all right the next thing i want to do is create a parking lot surface so we're going to go up here in this surface click new create new surface and we're going to call the parking lot parking area and hit okay basically it's empty there's nothing in there so we're going to put some stuff in here and what we can do uh is uh come back up here we have created a parkins area click on that expand it and go to definition expand that go to edit and right click on edit and paste surfaces click right here and we're going to paste in the exterior first okay and then we're going to come back and do the same thing paste surfaces and i'm going to paste interior on top of it okay and there we are so now we have created this okay let's try see if we can see how the drainage work let's put a building here i'm going to go ahead come up from the home command come into this square uh rectangular command and let's put a building here um right here click ok and then come up here and use the feature line create feature line and let's go with the default that's good use the current layer blah blah blah that's good click ok and i'm going to go ahead and click on this corner and hit enter and click on this corner hit enter click on this corner hit enter click on this corner hit enter so uh escape couple times and there is our future line water is going this way we just be the front of the building all right now come back and um let's select the feature line and let's click elevation from surface right here this command remember that elevation from surface click on that okay and then that's going to be based on interior elevation that's we agree with that click ok all right i'm going to select this feature line right there there it is hit enter and so now we have this feature line based on a surface and we put some grade into it you notice this doesn't match up with that because this line that we draw here is not a feature line it's basically a painting on a two dimension the actual building is inside of here if we go ahead and convert all that to a convert this whole thing right here let's click on this all right and then i'm going to come up here and say create feature line from object and give it a style create yeah okay click ok and let's make it to a net elevation from surface interior section click ok and you can see it just moved back in there so anyway but now i lost my other feature line that i wanted to have which i didn't want to do that there's two features on top of each other so i'm going to go back to where the way it was there was just practice to show you what was going on okay so i'm going to click on this feature right here and i'm going to go ahead and use a step offset command and it says the distance what i want to do i want because the water coming this way you really want to have about 10 feet buffer so the water will not go inside the building so the water shuts away from the building about 10 feet and i'm going to put a distance of 10 feet so i'm going to call it 10 feet right here and hit enter and it's going to be outside right here and it says the percent 2 percent is good so i'm gonna make it minus two percent as it is right there so i'm gonna say minus two percent slope away from the building and click enter and there it is and we're gonna have uh this buffer right here so basically uh uh water sheds away from the building for that two percent now that we have done this uh let's select both feature line let me escape couple time out of here i'm going to select both feature line right here and up here add to the surface of the brake line and you click interior section after the interior parking lot okay and uh let's set the distance every five feet right here click on distance and make it every i say ten five feet is good now make it ten feet that's a 500 feet so yeah i'll make it five feet i can't make up my mind let's click okay notice we made some changes and we see this yellow marker right here so if you click on that yellow marker it says you made changes and i'm going to go ahead and right click on it and that says the rebuild automatic so every time i make a change it will make the change over there there you go so now we have this and remember you don't like to see this we can put it right here so i'm going to go ahead and click on this object here and create a feature line from object and let's paste it to the surface now it's not there anymore so you can see the looks different a little bit okay let's do some uh drainage test see if it's working just select the uh uh surface right here and come up here and uh hit that water drop and click okay the accepted default and i'm going to drop a water once my computer started not freezing on me and drop a water right here that's a good point and you can see the water is going right here and we made that 10-foot buffer so we'll not go in the building once i hit that it goes across and then it makes you to the corner you can put other ones in there let's put one right here and hopefully makes it to this corner and right there um my computer has given up on me there you go that works out good for one right here that's good put one right here for good luck there you go so that's how it is that was the basically path of the water for drainage system it worked out good and i just want to have advice for you do not be frustrated this computer program most computer program they can be very frustrating and all if you use the wrong command and you can spend hours and hours on it and this was not my first try believe me and it's not an easy thing to do this was just for you so you kind of get an idea how to do a site design i hope you learned something from it and if you did please uh subscribe to my channel have a great day
Channel: Nasser Yari PhD, PE
Views: 16,802
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Fwt32xzboCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 48sec (2508 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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