Creating Civil3D Grading, grading group, Grading surface

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[Music] hello guys welcome to expertise Academy today in civil3d we gonna see a bit more into bit of bit of feature lines which we done in the last few chapters and then we're gonna get into creating so this chapter is all about creating so the list of things that we would see is creating custom grading and then further how to manage the grading objects and then grading groups and pretty much all those things alright so let's get started so before you get into grading the very first thing is so this is under the Home tab because the grading options so most of these things if you try to let's say like any other object you try to create a grading so the very first thing is you know you need to set few things up so one of the very thing very basic thing is you need to pick a feature line to create a grading so grading cannot be created from scratch without anything on the screen so he needs to have certain things so the surface is not necessary but if you're gonna grade from a certain level to the 2d surface to this design or existing grounder which of the surfaces then you need a surface so let's quickly run through and create a future line so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna use a feature and creation tool and then I'm gonna put it into a site now if in case if you're gonna use the feature line along with grading then it's always best to actually put into a group upfront so there is always an option where you can actually move this move the feature line or object into a site that's not a big deal so now so I'm gonna create a new one I'm gonna call this is let's say house site click OK just in a bucket and then I'm gonna click on OK and then I'm gonna start creating it so the way I'm gonna do it is so I'm gonna do one grading object and then I'm gonna show you how to do a film as well as cut grading how does it work so let's do somewhere in the middle so yeah one point I'm just going to leave it to the surface elevations another point surface elevation at the point surface elevation another point another point and then finally when you want to close it you can click on close to close it so now we got that so now what I'm going to do is as I said one side of the platform we're gonna raise it above the ground and the side I'm gonna keep it on then under the ground so probably this side I will raise it above the ground and this side I will keep it under the ground so for that to work you have to select your future line and then you have to go to elevation in return so now so the purpose is this should be first on to the ground and then we can move these points above and these points below and these points stay on the ground like a pivot point so I'm gonna select all of these and then I'm gonna click on this button here that will be elevation from surface so now as you can see there is already elevations here and now when you click on this one so this will pair like I pick the surface click OK and these are update everything so now all these points are actually on top of the existing ground surface so now what I'm going to do is I'm gonna pick the first point which is this one I'm gonna set the increment value to let's say 10 meters and then I'm gonna move this one let me first make sure that it's on the ground ok so now I'm gonna move this one above the ground that's done so the next point just this one above the ground and then the middle points I'm not gonna move anywhere so just leave it on the ground this point below the ground below the ground ok so that's done so now close this one so to check that we have to select both the surface and they feature line right click go to object viewer now when you tilt it over now you should find a portion of it is above the ground and a portion of it is below the ground alright okay that works well so now the featuring is all set next grading a grading so first thing is you can create a grading group here and then you can go to the tools or you can inside the tools also lets you create the sites and grading group and whatnot so I'm gonna click on here to create a grading group first I'm gonna call this as house grading group group and you can also choose the option that says automatically create surface so that is like as soon as you start doing the gratings it will it will create the surface in the background so for now I'm not going to do that at this point we will do that later on and the same way as well you can select it to create the volume surface as well so it already calculates a volume for the grading group so click OK that's done so go back again click on grading creation tools now from ref to left to right whenever you get a flyout toolbar if you don't know what you're doing from left to right is actually the process so go to the first one and then keep your mouse over it it tells you that set the grading group click on that and then the site is gonna be a house site and the grading group is gonna be house grading group ok and then set the surface so the surface will be natural surface click OK and this one is for setting up the criteria set we don't have to worry we already set it for a insert so if you're using a different country kit you can choose that and then there are different types of grading that you can do so this one is offset distance at great so that means from a fixed line or a point it will it will offset it to a distance and then grade it to the 3d percentage that you say and then this one is great at slope it's rough grade sorry this one is offset and the slope so the instead of the grade this is going to use the slope slope and the next one is offset with relative elevations that means from the selected point you can actually travel to a relative elevation and then you can grade so there are a whole bunch of options that we have here so I'm gonna use a few of them for this one so what I'm gonna do here is first I'm gonna create a sort of like a horizontal platform around these lines and then I'm gonna go edit the outside and then inside I'm going to put an info alright so let's do that so creating a platform so it should travel horizontally so I can choose relative elevation and distance now click on create grading and now it is asking you to pick a feature line so I'm gonna pick a feet and now it is asking whether you want a griddle inside or outside I'm gonna get it outside and do you wanna do it for the entire length or for one particular stretch I'm gonna do it for the entire length and then the relative elevation so from these points around these feature lines what will be the relative elevation if you want a horizontal platform so now this should be there shouldn't be much of an elevation so I'm going to put it as 0.1 or 0.1 and remember you cannot have zero so most cases try to avoid zero because you will be creating a tin surface after you're creating a grading so whenever you want to create two in surface you know teen self is created it generally creates based on triangulation of the objects so if it is a complete flat surface then you wouldn't be able to get some triangles generated so it's always good to have some small value difference there so I'm gonna put it as 0.1 press ENTER and the distance I'm going to put it as 10 units which will be 10 meters and then it creates a horizontal platform and you can keep doing more and more grading with the same tool open and it will work just fine so not like other tools like a such as alignment you don't have to close the flyout toolbar so the next thing what I'm going to do is from these lines which is the outer line so I'm gonna grade it and meet the surface existing ground surface so for that one I'm gonna say surface at grade and then I'm gonna pick the outermost feature line and it is asking do you want to do it for the entire stretch yes and then the grade percentage the higher the value the steeper it would be so I'm gonna say 70% for the cut grading and then let's say 60% for the fill grading and then it creates it so the blue color is actually the fill and the red color is actually the cut so now that is done so the next thing which I'm going to do is creating an infill for creating meaningful you will not be able to choose anything from here you have to go to this drop-down and then click on create infill and then once you go inside you can see the Box closed and then when you click on it it puts a little diamond sign in there say if you're grading area is too big sometimes you may not even see this one so it's up to you to go and find this one to make sure that you already applied an info so once it's all done press ENTER to come out of the command and then close this one so now before you get and check everything just make first make sure that you select your grading object alone and then check it an object we have to make sure that it is all fine there is no breakage or anywhere any model issues so as you can see so that's the info and that's a horizontal platform and then that's the graded presentation now if you select with your surface and then go to object viewer and now you can see that's the top with the fill and that's the bottom with the cut okay seems fine so next what what we can do also is we can actually create a surface for this one and then we can create a design surface as well so to do that so select your grading and then you get the tools on the top the list of things that you can do is let's quickly run through some of them so first one is the grading properties when you click on it it goes to the grading properties where you can actually change the design colors for the cut cut style and the fill style and then you can change the grading group and things of that I think it's it's very simple nothing much in here so next one is the grading group properties which will affect all the grading so now you see this is one grading this is another one and this is another one so now if you go to the grading group properties it'll affect the whole thing so now you can also choose the option that says automatically create surface so now you can say this is going to be house grading group surface and then the surface style so I can choose something else let's say to me internal contours I think to me interval is what we have already so I'm going to choose point five and render material if you want you can choose something for now it's okay and then volume based surface so if you want you can also create a volume based surface for that my suggestion would be is you can actually do that even after finishing all the works but if you want you can do that as well so I can pick the volume based surface and then you can choose a natural surface is the comparison and there it goes and then you can actually change the value for the grading and then the target surface you can see it and the offset criteria that you set and everything so that's all the stuff for the grading group and then click OK and that creates a surface now if you select your surface alone and go to object viewer and then you get a beautiful surface of your grading object okay so now next thing is we are gonna create a design surface for that expand your surface and you see we have got two surface here one is for the grading group and other one is for the natural surface so now I'm gonna just right click on working and so you can also create a surface and you can drag and drop as well so you can create a folder or you can rename this folder as well so I'm gonna rename this world to design and then create a new surface and gonna call this as design surface and I'm going to give a different style here so I'm going to choose triangle ation magenta so it looks different compared to the contours and the surface is created you can drag and drop the surface into the folder as well so now from here you can right click sorry you can open it open it and then there is edits here so you can right click and click on paste surface and choose your base surface phase which is your natural surface and then go back again paste surface and this time choose the grading group and that is done so if you select your finished surface now go to object viewer and you should be able to see the grading object added in to order now you can actually create a volume dashboard with both of these surface comparison as well already you already have the data in the volume dashboard which where you can also check the data so now if you select your grading so as you can see we have set these two items previously and some of the other things that you can also do is grading editor so where you can go and change some of the grading properties that we have already said and editing edit grading so that is actually editing the graphic objects on the screen that delete grading will delete the object and this is the grading volume tools and now we can say for the selected grading or for the entire group so once you've done that if you have enabled the volume comparison this will automatically give you the cut and fill volume based on the comparison against the natural surface alright so that is all for the grading so if you have any questions just put it forth in the comment section guys so later down the track I will be doing different of the tutorials I'm still yet to finish civil3d so apart from this I'll be doing the MS word sorry sorry hit miss word microsoft project and so there is also another tutorial which I'm working on which is the autocad plug-in development and she has a whole bunch of other things which I'm trying to wrap it so yeah give me a give me a comments on which overture there are the things that you want to see based on that we'll do something alright thanks guys Jason
Channel: Expertisor Academy
Views: 119,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Civil3D, CAD, Autocad, training, tutorial, engineering, software, civil, tricks, customization, style creation, drafting, design, modelling, 2d cad, 3d cad, easy step by step, grading, civil 3d, autodesk civil 3d, high quality designs, coordinated designs, integrated features, faster site layout, civil 3d road design, civil 3d tutorial for beginners, civil 3d corridors for beginners, autodesk civil 3d tutorial, autodesk civil 3d 2021 tutorial, civil 3d surface, autodesk civil 3d 2021
Id: nYpmHkMehYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 25 2020
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