Sisters Day | Best of The Sugarbaker Sisters

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something wrong oh it's nothing I just heard today stay on the car radio I thought my birthday was next week now I find out it's Friday you're depressed about the big three-o aren't you No yeah I'm not depressed about the big three-o I'm depressed about the big 2/9 Suzanne I don't want to seem unkind but I am your sister remember I know when you were born and you're gonna be three I most certainly am NOT if you don't believe me ask mother why would I ask mother she lies about her age too well that's pretty strong talk from someone who throws herself an alleged fortieth birthday party every year just like grandpa Sugarbaker used to say a man who's burning the candle at both ends it's probably just gonna end up with a very short quick I don't recall Grampa sugarbakers saying that well somebody said it anyway it's true I just hate men who think they can have their cake and eat it too as a matter of fact that it's hate anyone who eats cake I'm gonna kill that consul whele we're not think about what she did to me I only just call her up on the phone right now and say come - wanna guess what this is Suzanne and it's after midnight ha ha ha a little lower it's not quite there yet can I have one of those mints help yourself Julia what is this Oh oh it's that's just a little voodoo doll I happen to have lying around the house I thought you said Buddha was not a Nazi it is well just for the heck of it I called Clarence OTO at the Museum of folk history you know he's a friend of mine and he said the best way to ward off a curse is to put your own curse on the curse or or is it the curse see so then this is consuela w you know Julia that is just about the sweetest thing anybody's ever done for me my defense is that when I attempted to use that drive-thru window I was indeed inside a vehicle the vessel in which I have chosen to go through life my body no judge is gonna believe that you've gotten to choose you would it selected a much newer model Suzanne you know I'm not good so if you would like to pursue this line of thought I will be perfectly happy to get my late husband's elephant gun and blow you and your homemade buns on out of here what now nothing it's not a little flower on your license plate I'm Julia Sugarbaker Suzanne sugarbakers sister I couldn't help overhearing part of your conversation well I'm sorry I didn't know anyone was here yes and I gather from your comments there are a couple of other things you don't know Marjorie for example you probably didn't know that Suzanne was the only contestant in Georgia pageant history to sweep every category except Congeniality that is not something the women in my family aspired to anyway it's really hard that when she walked down the runway in her swimsuit five contestants quit on the spot or that when she emerged from the isolation booth to answer the question what would you do to prevent war she spoke so eloquently of patriotism battlefields and diamond tiara's grown men wet this and you probably didn't know Marjorie that Suzanne was not just any Miss Georgia she was the Miss Georgia she didn't world just a baton that baton was on fire and when she threw that baton into the air it flew higher further faster than any baton has ever flown before hitting a transformer and showering the darkened arena with sparks and when it finally did come down Marjorie my sister caught that baton and 12,000 people jumped to their feet for 16 and 1/2 minutes of uninterrupted thunderous ovation as flames illuminated her tear-stained face and that marjorie just so you will know and your children will someday know is the night the lights went out in Georgia you know Suzanne I find this really incredible three hours ago you were looking for a new gynecologist so Mary Jo Gere very graciously gained you the number of her ex-husband we were all under the impression this was to be a professional medical visit now you return with the news that you are dating this person I mean forgive my stupidity but just exactly how does one make that jump from the stirrups in a doctor's office to a booth at DJ Bridal look Julia I can't explain it it was romantic fate I'm a romantic all I know is our eyes man just cause you're not having a good time you're just absolutely hey old man I'm trying to start something well I've just about had enough for one day now until you could stop your obnoxious disposition nothing Mary Jo and I can just take our dinner back to the room good I'm sure their waitress will be happy to bring you an elephant bag to go you know Julia maybe it's not as bad as it seems I mean most people who'll be here tonight I've already seen you you know when you walk in that fashion show grab at the back of your dress tuck in your pantyhose so at least tonight you'll be featuring a better side just a thought well I suppose they do give women of a certain age and illusion of youth personally I don't need them well that's a pity Suzanne because your genes could say the designers name the bylaws of the I lgw you and several choruses I've looked for the union label [Music] we're gonna do better by you mm-hmm family and friends are everything aren't they perky Oh Bernice you can say that again family and friends yes they are we spend most of our lives worrying about things that don't amount to a hill of beans and then we spend the last five years worrying about the same thing as this when we were babies trying to get people to pay attention to us hoping for better toys and waiting for our mother and father to come to get us so we can all be together again beautifully just remember inside we're all young that's right every old person you see is somebody's baby all my life I've had to fight my weight I'll admit food has been my security blanket but also I just gave weight more easily than some people like you you've always had that little tiny waist and those skinny legs but I can't be there and people have always tried to make me be there Suzanne you're not alone be willing to bet most of people in this country you're overweight the point is it's different for women especially beautiful women look at Elizabeth Taylor I bet I've seen National Velvet probably 20 times and if she never did anything else in her life what a contribution that was but all of a sudden because she got fat it was like she no longer had the right to live in this country and that's how I feel right now boy drugs alcohol cancer whatever your problems people are sympathetic unless you're fat and then you're supposed to be ashamed everything set up to tell you that magazine covers clothes I mean it you're not thin you're not neat and that's it and if looks are all you've ever had wait a minute what do you mean if it looks all you've ever had Suzanne first of all don't be a dummy your looks will never be in the past tense okay that face speaks for itself and it's here to stay and secondly even if that weren't so who cares what do you mean I mean that you and I are getting pretty far along in life now and I have been able to figure out a couple of things are you gonna give me the key yes as a matter of fact I am in the end it doesn't matter what anybody else thinks about you people gonna forget you about ten minutes after you die anyway the point is you have to be exactly who and what you want to be most everybody is coasting along on phoney public relations people who's saving beautiful or rich or thin makes them happy people who are trying to make their marriages or their children seem better than they actually are and for what appearances appearances don't count for diddly when it's all said and done all that counts is what was true and truly felt and how we treated one another and that's it [Music] you
Channel: Throw Back TV
Views: 78,846
Rating: 4.9342647 out of 5
Keywords: designing women, comedy series, tv family, design firm, 90’s sitcom, laugh track, american sitcom, dixie carter, delta burke, designing women julia rants, designing women full episodes, meshach taylor, designing women season 1, designing women bernice, designing women season 3, designing women season 4, designing women season 2, season 1, the night the lights went out, 90s sitcom, tv show, tv show fashion, annie potts, sugarbaker sisters, siblings day, sisters day
Id: E0mqEyBEcLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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