Single Working Women’s Day | Designing Women

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anything wrong Charlene tell me something have I ever misled you yes that time you told me going to a psychics waste of money and they told me a bunch of things that came true and also when you said people have tattoos have something wrong with them I've known some very nice all right I hate it when you break my flow now how much do you have invested in this business half my savings I mean I could never get more than that unless of course it was during wartime I hope that didn't break your flow there Joe everything is set my kids college fund why nothing for you to worry about I just want you both to know that you can count on me last year when Hayden died I said I'm gonna do what I always wanted to do start my own decorating business and no matter how many overwrought tight-fisted bankers whale and gnash their teeth I have no intention of going under but I thought they're gonna make a decision I see well maybe if I call back and ask you all right will you call me then all right thank you very much I don't know dear oh dear Marcel call about the pink valances no not yet actually that was my cosmetics company charleen for the life of me I can't understand why you like selling that stuff on the side I mean it's not like you make all that much extra money and having those little makeover demonstration parties in other people's homes is beyond me well Julia that's you this is me I happen to enjoy it just this morning I met a woman at Carl's jr. with a poor problem tonight I'm gonna go over to her house and close them off it's been a slight change in plan here late-breaking bulletin as it were I decided to divide your payment into four installments now I'm going to make you alone for the first one with interest then you will send your payment to charleen now this will be our little secret oh you boys are having a carnival you know in my day we found the big moneymaker was a kissing booth I see I didn't realize kissing was passe no I don't think that kind of booth would be appropriate never mind goodbye Walter Maryjo you couldn't come out now I know you think I'm heartless but sometimes in business you just have to be anyway I think we'll be seeing a check next week good you know it's crazy but I have to send feeling we're having second thoughts okay you're looking out there looking at there the code is here that's don't move this is pure class did I tell you I once shot Jennifer Jones okay what your lips I'm sorry I don't do that nor do I perspire just just a little moisture okay okay now let's let's take these pearls and we're gonna take them across your mouth uh-huh that's it that's it you're looking out you're lost in thought and you're just ever so slightly sucking them what what's the matter I'm saying I want you and your equipment out of here now if you are looking for somebody to suck pearls then I suggest you try finding yourself an oyster because I am naive um who does that as a matter of fact I don't know any woman who does that because it's stupid and it doesn't have any more to do with decorating that having cleavage and look at sexy has to do with working in a bank these are not pictures about the women of Atlanta these are about just the same thing they're always about and it doesn't matter whether clothes are on or off it's just the same old messaging I don't care how many pictures you've taken a movie stars when you start snapping photos of serious successful businessman like Donald Trump and Lee Iacocca in unzipped jumpsuits with wet lips straddling chairs there I will talk well actually I'm still trying to get to first base with Mary Jo and I need all of you to help me convince her to go out with me I'm working well I don't think the issue merits a public debate but since she brought it up why should I be in such an all-fired hurry to go out with you because since we met I haven't been able to think about anything else touch of your hand the sound of your name the smell of your perfume I've got it bad baby right in my gut and you're the only one who can fix it wow that really sounded good good Julia yes very nice but I don't think it impressed Mary Jo are these the drawings that you were gonna get your boss to approve okay I give up the ball is in your court no more cards no more presents just business until you say the word thank you I'd appreciate that I'm Bernice Clifton your host for the week tonight we're talking about a problem that preys on the mind of every senior citizen sex for sale am I guess charleen still filled Anthony Bouvier and a Julie Sugarbaker of the Sugarbaker design firm and now Julia tell me you're really kind of the madam of Sugarbaker house when you first get a new client what really titillates and excites you I would hardly use the word Tillich's but that's not a nasty word is it I think it's okay just don't shorten now I understand that Anthony's role is to solicit business for all of you Julia just exactly what do you expect from your girls when you send them out into the field first mrs. Clifton we don't refer to them as girls these are women and I would expect that they would get to know the needs of their customers I bet Charlie now just cut through the decorating scam how many treats do you turn in a week three I think she means tricks that's right how many excuse me miss cookin but I think you have us confused with the next segment we are decorating oh sure everybody has to have something to fall back on now Julia let's talk about some of those bedrooms you've done and the people who sit there just how comfortable did you make them when we come back charleen and Julia the girls of decorating and Anthony the man who drives them ranae's I don't know exactly what your problem is I don't know if your medication is off or if your arterial flow has just completely stopped I do want you to know this when we go back on the air if you do not correct this I am going to personally pick you up and throw you across the room action we're back continuing our segment on decorating call girls I've just been chatting with Judy Sugarbaker about the role of a madam in the design world we are today probably the most uneducated under read and illiterate nation in the Western Hemisphere which makes it all the more puzzling to me why the biggest question on your small mind is whether or not little Johnny is going to recite the Pledge of Allegiance every more now tell you something else mr. Bree can I have two here with you and your phony issues and your Yankee Doodle yakkung if you like reciting the pledge of allegiance every day then I think you should do it in the car in the shower wherever the mood strikes you but don't try to tell me when or where I have to say or do or salute anything because I am an American too and that is what being an American is all about and another thing I am sick and tired of being made to feel that if I am NOT a member of a low family with two point four children who goes just a Jerry Falwell Church and put hands over their hearts every morning that I am unreligious unpatriotic and on American because I have news for you mister briquette all liberals are not coops any more than all conservatives are fascists and the last time I checked God was neither a Democrat nor a Republican and just for your information yes I am a liberal but I am also a Christian and I get down on my knees and pray every day on my own turf on my own time and one of the things that I pray for mister briquette is that people with power will get good sense and people with good sense will get power and that the rest of us will be blessed with the patience and the strength to survive the people like you in my meantime if you haven't noticed it there is a war going on out there and you women started oh no we did not but that is a typical male attitude now the truth is that we women haven't had enough power or money our confidence to start much of anything but we sure as heck get the blame for everything I'll tell you something else I love men I love this one but you cannot ignore history history has shown that in general it has been the men who have done the raping and the robbing and the killing and the war mongering for the last 2,000 years it has been the men who have done the pillaging and the beheading and the subjugating of whole races into slavery it has been the men who have done the lawmaking and the money-making and most of the mischief making so if the world isn't quite what you had in mind you have only yourselves to think you you
Channel: Throw Back TV
Views: 21,704
Rating: 4.8543415 out of 5
Keywords: womens day, international womens day, girl power, happy womens day, womens day video, womens day special, comedy series, tv show, american sitcom, 90s sitcom, nostalgia tv, 90s nostalgia hub, designing women, tv shows, dixie carter, design firm, annie potts, office life, single women, independent women
Id: EnaK7lDRn5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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