Sister Lucia was Right! Global Communism is Here (Part 1) | The Kennedy Report

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[Music] welcome to the kennedy report i'm kennedy hall sister lucia was right global communism is here this is about communist brainwashing and this is part one of our two-part series on the topic in 1947 professor william thomas walsh authored a book about fatima it's called our lady of fatima and in there he writes about the story of fatima but he also speaks about interview that he had with sister lucy in the epilogue and sister lucy uh said the following to professor walsh she says what our lady wants is that the pope and all the bishops in the world shall consecrate russia to her immaculate heart on one special day if this is done she will convert russia and there will be peace if this is not done the areas of russia will spread through every country in the world the professor asked he said does this mean in your opinion every country without exception will be overcome by communism and sister lucia answered yes now in 1929 our lady told sister lucia that the consecration must take place as it has not in spain in august 1931 our lord communicated to sister lucy his dissatisfaction that the pope and the catholic bishops have failed to obey the command he said this to sister lucy said make it known to my ministers given that they follow the example of the king of france in delaying the execution of my requests they will follow him in his misfortune it is never too late to have recourse to jesus and mary now this is a reference to what happened in france where king louis a series of king louise actually they failed to answer the request to consecrate france to the sacred heart of christ eventually it was too late on june 17th 1689 the sacred heart of jesus manifested to saint margaret marialico his command to the king of france that the king was to consecrate france to the sacred heart for 100 years to the day the kings of france delayed and did not obey so on june 17th exactly 100 years later on 1789 the king of france was stripped of his legislative authority by the upstate third estate the french revolutionaries and four years later the soldiers of the french revolution executed the king of france as if he were a common criminal criminal in 1793 france sent its king king louis xvi to the guillotine he and his predecessors had failed to obear lord and his request that france be consecrated to the sacred heart of jesus and thus the misfortune had befallen both the king and the country and this was perhaps the beginning of the entire sort of revolution of the modern era the specific request regarding fatima was made in 1929. our lord warns us that there was a hundred years for the king of france and a similar fate will befall us we are now in 2021 100 years from 1929 brings us to 2029 these next eight years will be a doozy i think so we do have global communism but how did it happen we're going to go through here and i recommend for anybody who wants to know more specifically about what some of the russian agents the kgb operatives etc have done look up a man named yuri besmanov he was a defector he sort of escaped the soviet union he was a kgb operative who specialized in taking down various foreign countries and subverting them and he has some great videos online he actually ended up dying in canada i believe about at least 10 years ago or so he talks about subversion is the main overarching tactic that they use to subvert or sort of perform a series of psycho psychological warfare in another country now in order for subversion to work you must find a receptive correspondent someone who is open to new ideas this you know this is good in a way the idea of being open to good ideas but the problem is is that the merit of those ideas must be analyzed you cannot subvert somebody who is fixed in what they believe this is why one of the capital sins of our modern day is to be close-minded i mean there's almost nothing worse in this world oh you're so close-minded well my favorite author chesterton says don't be so open-minded that your brains fall out i think collectively as a society we've been open-minded to a fault but in any case yuri besmanov actually speaks about how the russian kgb operatives would use the philosophies from the classic art of war which was written by sun tzu and it's an ancient philosophical tactic and what it means basically is that the ultimate end was to change the perception of reality of your enemy to the point where they do not view you as the enemy at all and either think that what you are offering is feasible for them or even desirable if you can subvert your enemy successfully you can eventually take them over without any violence whatsoever remember that if you subvert your enemy intellectually and psychologically well enough you can take them over without having to fire a single shot the whole globalized world has basically had the same response to the same crisis that were being fed not a single shot was fired but all nations on earth accepted the tactics of a communist nation china for a pathogen released from their shores ironically they themselves gave up on all of those lockdown tactics months ago you should look at the videos from that province in china and see what the new year's eve celebrations look like compared to those here in canada where people were being arrested from their home for having more than five people all of our free nations are mostly doubling down while the so-called communist nations that we're apparently nothing like are opening up and enjoying actual freedom of movement any jurisdiction that has a strong regional culture like much of sort of the american south or parts of the midwest they seem to be doing better at resisting the fullness of the subversion but a country like mine in canada and other european countries not a chance so how did this happen well before i continue i should note that the process that i'm about to explain has already happened in cycles throughout the globe this isn't new information necessarily this has been happening since probably about 1920 at least maybe before that but we're going through a cycle of it right now beginning around 1920 and culminating with the second world war we might look at that as one of the first cycles that then set up the world for a distinct division for about 50 years this is overtly between what we called communism and what we saw as basic freedom this was the cold war so you had what looked like to most people you had two sides of the world you had those who were free we think about those great speeches by ronald reagan and they really were great speeches and you think about you know stalin and gorbachev and all these men these cycles go in 15 to 20 years span and we're living in the culmination of one of those cycles right now so why do they go 15 to 20 years well they're broken down into four different stages and this again is according to yuri besmanov and i suggest you look him up and he explains this in detail as well but i think it's nice to look at it through the lens of our time he was speaking about 20 25 years ago it's four things the first part is called demoralization this part takes about 15 to 20 years what you need to do is you have to educate an entire generation of people so 15 to 20 years you get kids when they're around three four years old you see them through their early adulthood and those who are in it for about 20 years they go through university you have to adjust their personalities you have to adjust their education you have to infiltrate with propaganda you have to go after their education systems their religious systems their social life their legal systems their labor and employee relations and probably as important as anything today you have to have a system of propaganda we call that media today the trick of demoralization is to take a movement against the general values of a nation or people and to unite different groups in a similar direction you use their momentum as a way to propel them further so you think about the advent of communism in a place like russia just think about this for a second my math might be off a little bit but if i'm not mistaken i think within the first year of official soviet communism in russia i believe there were more executions in one month than there had been in a century prior in the so-called repressive regime of the old emperor or the old tsar excuse me but it does not matter what the groups are they could be a group of religious people and atheists alike as long as they unite in some hatred of a foundational precept of a nation this uniting resentment can be used to thrust them even further in the movement against the foundations of their country and of their people think of all the social movements of the last year you know everybody thinks that they sort of sprung up out of nowhere well how was it that basically beginning in march with the lockdowns and going through you could have riots and rallies and changes in governments and basically whole social revolutions whole movements millions of dollars spent tens of thousands of people gathering in massive public places when apparently there was a pandemic going around and everybody was like kindling that just was lit with fuel to the fire was just ready to go it's not an accident these things are not random but this population has been sufficiently demoralized if you ask your average north american kid what they think about their country i bet you they will be highly critical not some of them there's still some patriots but most kids they will say well you know we used to be a bunch of intolerant this well we used to do things wrong this way well you know grandfather he's got to get with the times etc the marxist mentality which we're going to talk about will even fuel a movement that is against the certain principles of communism if necessary as long as it can be used to set the population off balance and take away their stability so that's the basic idea of demoralization to just completely disenfranchise people against their own society then over a period of couple decades as this is happening they can prime them for the next stages so let's just go through quickly here what are the different facets of demoralization religion is very important if you look at the history of any communist regime any marxist regime you will see that there is a disdain for god ultimately god has to be out of the question religion must be destroyed it even needs to be ridiculed you read about students for example in the early days of the soviet union their teachers would actually take them outside to spit at the sky to symbolize the fact they were spitting at god it wasn't they didn't believe in god they weren't just atheists they were anti-theists this is why atheism is put forth in universities and even a lot of schools uh younger schools nowadays it's put forth as the intelligent position and belief in god is primitive this is why evolution is so important to the marxists we used to be primitive as we get smarter and smarter and smarter and smarter we go away from all those superstitions sound familiar but the communist mentality doesn't want people to not be religious it just wants them to redirect their zeal towards the new cult that they're bringing them into which is ultimately the cult of the state they might call this different things they might say this is about progressive human rights this is about freedom and equality the rallying cry of the french revolution for example but nonetheless there has to be a new cult think do you think if our society's been demoralized how much money has the church taken from the state and as a result do our bishops even defend the rights of the church anymore not really it's too expensive to speak up even the church at least in north america has been completely demoralized how much do you want to bet this is just a little tangent of mine but how much do you want to bet that as we've demoralized a society and forced them to go home for church during a lockdown and encourage them to watch church on tv how much do you want to bet that they're monitoring the live streams to see what those pesky priests are saying they used to have to send people into the churches to infiltrate them not anymore they just asked them to broadcast for everybody classic communist techniques have always been infiltration but there's no need to do that if you have them record themselves another strong factor in all of this which relates the religious degradation that the communists always want in your society is sexual immorality you see sexual immorality was a huge part of the soviet revolution in fact it got so bad at a certain point with promiscuity they called them public women which was basically like government-funded prostitutes abortion was so rampant that they actually had to pull things back and then release new propaganda promoting traditional marriage etc because the people had become so bestial so beastly that they couldn't get basic things done from the french revolutionaries knew this as well in the french revolutionary times they would have striptease and these women that would get all the men sort of you know lustful etc because they know that men who are controlled by lust become slaves to their sins and they also become primed for violence ask your average police officer the percentage of their calls home calls that stem from relationship problems or family problems virtually the vast majority of offenses that cops will answer to when they go to somebody's house they will be things that have to do with breaking the sixth and ninth commandment it's staggering most crimes contain a sexual element and temptation and this is what the state knows when they use their their marxist propaganda pornography is rampant in marxist societies it didn't just start with the internet it was always going on in communist places all addictive substances have to be pushed as part of demoralization um who do you get your legal drugs from now you get them from the state the state is willingly consulted so that people will recreationally alter their own mind and become slaves to pleasure this is classic demoralization and of course infidelity prostitution divorce contraception sterilization abortion etc all of these things have come into fruition through communist marxist influence a society that becomes very sinful is a society that's easily fooled is it any wonder why people believe that dead people can rise and vote it's a silly society it's a sinful society and they'll believe anything absolute control over the lives of others and everyone knows it and everyone accepts it this is what drives us in our society now we have been sufficiently demoralized another thing that has to happen is education must be manipulated this does not mean that we want quote unquote bad education communists still want people to have high technical skills because they want them to be basically slaves and operators of the mechanisms for the economy but it just means they want them to focus on things that bring them away from certain intellectual skills this is why things like sociology psychology or obscure types of literature are constantly pushed in our day you will have a whole group of young people who've spent decades in school but have never learned the basics of logical thinking which means they'll be more susceptible to accepting irrational mandates from government and media think about the contradictions you have to hold with a lot of our education nowadays you can hold two completely contradictory ideas in your head at the same time so people can tell you that you must stay home because you're all going to die but if you don't gather in a crowd of fifty thousand for a certain cause that's bad for you too doesn't make any sense it doesn't matter people don't have logical thinking skills how is it that a society can easily accept lockdown measures and say that they're beating the flu but at the same time there's another virus that's still raging wear your mask it's stopping one virus but it's not stopping another one okay any logical thinking person would see through that but alas we have generations who have been educated to hold these two contradictory ideas another major part of demoralization is the social life natural or traditional organizations that are grassroots or local must be uprooted and replaced by competing government-run or government licensed organizations think for just a second about how the various clubs like the lions club kiwanis or whatever they've been changed or basically gone away think about the radical change to things like the boy scouts or other similar groups these organizations are manipulated because they are enticed by public money from bureaucratic regimes who then expect certain things if you want the money if you want to use the community center then you need to accept the state code of conduct well that state code of conduct might go against everything you believe but if you want to keep your license to run your sport which run your club you'll just shut up and take the money natural communal social life is discouraged by the marxist and in order to fill the void you will see things like local initiatives or ways to do things like gentrify the downtown etc but you'll notice something about these they're always attached to state monies so for example let's say you have a theater that you'd like to renovate in your city well that's great and they'll give you a grant of you know 10 million dollars or whatever it is and match your donations but they have certain strings attached you have to have a certain quota of this that and the other thing to make sure that your theater is progressive like the rest before you know it you're no longer even picking your own plays you're doing what you get grants for and there's a very selective group that you can with the breakdown of communal life they then advocate for a system of social workers community organizers etc and these take the places of your grassroots coaches they take the places of your teachers of small independent schools they take the places of your priests and your churches and these take over your life these social workers whatever good they may do on their own they're employees of the bureaucracy and ultimately they will act accordingly this makes its way into the political reality as you can imagine and because people are accustomed to unelected but instead hired government employees because they've been dealing with them their whole life i mean think about your life going over how we've grown up in a marxist society think about all the different levels if you run a business if you want to start a team if you want to start a club if you want to do something for your church if you want to do a fundraiser think about all the different government bureaucrats that you have to deal with just to get something simple done do a little experiment in your town try and go and organize using a hockey rink or fields and see and just take a box tick a box and say how many government employees you had to work with in order just to rent the ice time you might have half a dozen just before you even get on the ice uh just to get the grass out of the soccer field you're accustomed to dealing with the state for everything that you need and to be honest because there's ultimate job security in most of these jobs you're also accustomed to dealing with people who aren't even very competent much of the time and there's no threat of them ever losing their job so by the time this makes its way to government your social life has been completely destroyed so you'll accept these same people in the government this is why right now we have unelected officials they're doctors but they're deaf they're just government bureaucrats and they're telling us how many people we can have over for thanksgiving and christmas we've all been demoralized to accept this another important aspect is the legal system and law enforcement there's perhaps no better example of how the state bureaucracy marxist fueled style bureaucracy and how it works than the legal system and law enforcement ask yourself does the legal system defend what is just or what is lawful they're not the same thing they could be but they're not the same thing always or do they just do things that are legal you might say to yourself well this is legal it must be lawful or this is lawful it must be just it doesn't always work that way abortion is legal but it's not lawful can the average person afford to defend themselves in court against things like unjust fines for gathering during a lockdown people aren't scared of getting sick they're scared of a thousand dollar fine the same fine the politicians don't get for going away for christmas over the years the state-run media and educational institutions have done everything they can to discredit the honor of law enforcement in the eyes of general public this is done by labeling all injustice as oppression it can't just be that a cop made a mistake he must be some sort of villain granted there are instances historically of you know bad conduct but this is the exception and not the rule for years people have been trained to view the police and other law enforcement officers as people who are arms of the state who essentially regulate our behavior and enforce unjust penalties you know well i'll drive the speed limit at this amount because i don't want a ticket they don't have anything to do with their safety well i won't smoke i mean here in our province i don't think you can smoke within three meters of a public building or something these things are just nonsense i mean if you're two meters away whatever the number is you get a ticket it has nothing to do with health it has to do with bureaucracy so then by the time they tell you to stand six feet apart from somebody who's not sick unless of course you go to a rally or a riot by the time they tell you you can have 100 people in walmart but not more than 10 at your church you either don't care because you're so demoralized or you're so brainwashed that you can hold to scientifically nonsensical contradictory opinions in your mind at the same time be careful if you're at a restaurant because when you stand up it's not safe but when you sit down you're totally fine that's how logic works anyway people have been trained for this people will comply with these mandates anyway not because they fear the consequences of the actual act itself but because they fear the legal fees and people fear the legal fees even more than the police this is why now you see police officers getting frustrated and the instances of friction between the police and the people is getting even more strenuous because the laws are unjust the lockdowns are wrong they're asking police officers to enforce them don't even know how and that people have no faith in the system because of demoralization you see it just creates complete chaos with all the levels in society if you do end up getting your day in court to fight an unjust fine or something like that good luck because they might just declare that your country or your province is in a state of emergency and that suspends your constitutional rights it's difficult to play a game when they keep moving the goal post unelected bureaucrats have declared the goal post moved it's not the law we bring it back full circle we're so used to unelected bureaucrats running every aspect of our life that when we finally get to a position where we're dealing with the police or even the courts while the law changes anyway so what's the point do you actually think that marxism and communism went away now regarding law enforcement a little bit more here they do want a police state but they don't want a lawful police state they want you to hate your local cops they want you to hate the guys that really are good guys you know the guys that coach your local team or volunteer for the you know church food drive at christmas they want you to dislike those people because they've turned them into your enemy as their instrument of taking away all of your freedom of mobility gathering etc so when the time comes that there is such an extreme stress on the society from demoralization and the crisis that will follow it's easy for them to then manipulate you to view those men in your community who really are most likely your neighbors and allies but you look at them as your enemy then what do they do well they'll talk about things like defunding that same police force and bringing in something else from the county or bringing sell something else from the state or from the province from the country from the region they'll even take away words like law they won't say things are illegal anymore they'll say things like well that's against the mandates we're putting in new measures they don't want you to think in terms of legal and illegal because that brings up morality they don't want that eventually this creates an atmosphere of lawlessness in personal lives and property but a strong oversight from state or national organizations that will make examples of people who go against the orthodoxy you see the ultimate goal is communists they actually want you to have rampant immorality and tension in the goings on between you and your neighbor because they don't want you to have unification because they don't want you to stand up for yourself what they want is they want police forces that overarch their state police national police and they stop you from doing things that go against the public face of the communists as long as you have chaos in your life but they can maintain external order from a very sort of usually ruthless police force and they're happy this is just a part of how they demoralize us there is more to the demoralization process we still have labor relations to talk about and how the media propaganda works but that's enough for our first part in the series so please join us again next time as we'll go over the second part of how sister lucia was right and how global communism is here and we'll go over even more how it takes us from demoralization through the rest of the steps all the way to the new normal they promised us i'm kennedy hall this has been the kennedy report god bless you
Channel: The Fatima Center
Views: 92,690
Rating: 4.9346628 out of 5
Keywords: religion, Catholic Faith, Prayer, Pope, Vatican, Fatima, Virgin Mary, The Fatima Center, catholic, Roman Catholic, Traditional catholicism, Our Lady of Fatima
Id: MKEcLDkurl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 13sec (1693 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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