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you are all here for the weekend program only we are now going to evaluate and critique your personal exercise program that way we can we design a program for you to take home which will fit your specific exercise needs do you have a personal exercise program oh I'm sorry just she's my sister it's kind of a family joke she's no tourist for being a sedentary well actually yes I do have a person of regime that I do every morning would you mind to show it to me yes well it'd be kind of hard without my baton excusing what did you say bit song hey it's what she is to twirl in beauty pageants why don't you show me okay of course they don't have my baton so I'm just gonna have to pretend and I also don't have my music with me so I'll just have to hum it now usually I do this to the tune of state Louie blues okay [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] this is I had no idea she did this she's done this for me a whole bunch of time don't turn on us [Applause] well I know it it sounds like a date but it isn't because I want a lap party today not until she's 16 then what would you call it completely out of touch I know my first New Year's Eve party there I was with Tommy garstin ringing out the old kissing in the nude that was the year I first learned about the bassist give my ignorant Susan but I don't believe they covered the bases in my edition of the Masters in Johnson's manual oh you know first base is french kissing second base is breasts third base where's Julia oh she's at the bank so they liked your idea I have no idea I mean I was completely intimidated this was me in the Great Hall yourself short I bet we get that account they're talking to all the big design firms come on they're not gonna pay we do English chants and pine covers these people have icons and marble lions I'm not talking about some little ceramic horse jockey I am talking lions with their heads thrown back laughing not paying their bill will break my heart well that's because you haven't been out there like charleen and me they're kind of a combination of foreign exchange students and the guys in high school who are always president of the science club nobody is ever gonna go out with them but that doesn't keep them from wearing their little Bruce Springsteen t-shirts drinking beer and screaming raise hell all day long I maintain that if they're old enough to order furniture they're old enough to pay for it oh not necessarily I remember when I was 8 I got out the Montgomery Ward catalog I ordered my parents a complete new dinette set a miniature ping pong table and a toolshed boy were they men Charlie and that is so unlike you you've always been such a responsible person this day I can't figure out why I did it it was this kid who sat next to me in second grade just kind of toyed with me all the time never knew where I stood fine I just went crazy and that's when you ordered the dinette set mm-hmm I can understand that sometimes it frightens me that you two had found each other it's just going to be a few more minutes Consuela is taking the thermometer out of the lamb right now oh I certainly hope he hasn't caught a fever Julia I'm doing the best I can she threatened me with a knife it was just a little knife but still I've decided to divide your payment into four installments now I'm going to make you alone for the first one with interest then you will send your payment to charleen now this will be our little secret oh you boys are having a carnival you know in my day we found the big moneymaker was a kissing booth I see I didn't realize kissing was past a no I don't think that kind of booth would be appropriate never mind goodbye Walter let's suck it in Oh oh just leave his cup well I'm sorry do down good best I can you want me to come team yank on your leg some more - no no Anthony I can't beat my ears against these bars anymore Julia maybe this is one of those cosmic messages from beyond maybe you just weren't meant to be a laugh a minute gal hey what about that miss Bettsbridge she come back yet several times last time she brought this huge state trooper he measured Julia's head okay she's finished Thank You charlie I think these pantyhose are too dark for this dress oh my goodness he didn't do something that could be embarrassing I mean in 45 minutes when the finest people in Georgia are gathered here before me I wouldn't want anyone to say did you see that woman with her head stuck in the staircase yes that woman the governor just stepped over don't you think a pantyhose our little too dark for her dress I have a lighter pair right here Suzanne of all the experiences I would like to avoid I believe having my pantyhose changed in the front hallway of the governor's mansion would rank right up there well just excuse me for living it wasn't something I was going to particularly enjoy myself what's the ldraw gameplay here I mean am I supposed to come back after the ball and change you into a 90 the plan is Suzanne to try to get through the evening moment-by-moment preserving some tiny modicum of the dignity I have tried my entire life obviously without success to maintain I don't know Julie I think we need to get a better plan now BJ come on don't tell me it hasn't crossed your mind that it might be nice to spend your birthday sitting across from an adoring huh who can't take his eyes off you knows it's your birthday and didn't even ask how old you are oh yes Mary Jo I plead guilty to having such thoughts but I don't think I'm gonna find him between now my birthday I wouldn't be too sure it took me one time to find Wayne daughter that should send the flares and motivational sailing into Scott for her oh you know what just had an idea my ex-husband ted has a friend Mary job Ted I don't think so you know I could fix you up with big Tony at Tony's pizzeria do you know why they call him big Tony because he can balance a calzone II as much as I do not want to get involved in this it seems clear to me that any hope of BJ's having a successful date will depend upon my intervention so BJ Hayden I used to know this darlin couple the Davenports they were married happily for 25 years and she died just a few years ago and I understand that Lewis is dating again now he's shy and gentle with a kindly professorial manner it'd be more like having a friend with you than having a date what's going on oh nothing Julie got a letter from pain Susanne was reading it oh did I get any mail yeah I put it on your desk there was an envelope there from some Attorney's Office where oh I can't believe it right at my darkest hour a check for $3,000 thank you lord I didn't have to do anything for it $3,000 who from well it says my uncle dude passed away and this is what he left me can you believe it I didn't even know we had an uncle dude we don't I have an uncle dude cien have you no shame I mean perfume samples and pays letter one thing but now you've stooped to stealing a dead man's money and you're not even related to him I just call the postal service and have you arrested and all those hard heads across the street who've been harassing all the women around here huh well this morning I just had all that I could take so I walked right up to the ringleader oh that would be mr. no fat chicks correct and you know what I did I invited them all over here tomorrow for coffee and doughnuts is that an interesting idea or what you lost your mind no Susan I've not lost my mind I've lost my patience are you gonna break it to her maybe Susan won't be too upset I mean after all she'll still be first runner-up even if for any reason the new Miss Georgia is unable to fulfill her duty the first up will take your place charleen that almost never happens hi charleen you didn't go upstairs did you no good cuz you're gonna get a big surprise so are you and don't you come over here and sit down with us for just a moment oh but I have to finish wrapping their baby presents before everybody gets here just a moment Suzanne mmm do you ever do you ever think what your life might be like if you had never been Miss Georgia what is this some kind of riddle you
Channel: Throw Back TV
Views: 41,214
Rating: 4.9338059 out of 5
Keywords: designing women, designing women julia rants, designing women full episodes, designing women season 1, designing women reunion, designing women intro, designing women season 3, designing women season 2, tv show, american sitcom, laugh track, comedy series, 90s sitcom, nostalgia tv, 90’s sitcom, tv family, 90s tv show, design firm, tv show fashion, 90s nostalgia hub, dixie carter, feel good show, tv shows, tv office, 80s fashion for women, 80s fashion, 80s fast disco
Id: RS9aYxM_D-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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