Sin Unto Death? (Hebrews 6:4-6)

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[Music] or in it is impossible this is Hebrew sixth chapter for those who were once enlightened and have tasted the heavenly gift and had become partakers of the Holy Spirit and have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the age to come if they fall away to renew them again to repentance impossible to renew them again to repentance the book of Hebrews is a very controversial book this particular verse many people say oh that can't be a believer surely not I mean crucify to themselves the Son of God and put him to open shame this must be one of those those priests that that came close to believing that Jesus was the Messiah but didn't take the final step they were almost believers but not quite I don't think so and the reason I don't think so is this I'm gonna read two verses to you look how Paul begins this dissertation fifth chapter look at verse 12 context context context any worse taken out of context is a pretext who is Paul talking to is he talking to lost people or is he talking to save people if he's talking to save people is that then saying that if they lose a salvation they can't be saved again or if these are lost people have they cost some kind of a line where they can't come to Christ forever a sin unto death or a sin that is unpardonable let's see who Paul is talking to number one let's determine that I'm going to show you two verses here's verse number one listen to verse 12 just before our controversial verse for though by this time you ought to be teachers you need again somebody teach you the first principles of the Oracles of God stop right there by this time you want to be teachers would God ever say to a lost person by this time you ought to be teachers know these were born again Hebrews there's no such is being partially saved you either all saved or all lost first John he has a son has life he was not get the Son of God has not got life these people had come to Christ but had drifted away from him remember what he said don't drift away don't become dull and earring don't backslide born-again believers but they had put themselves in a message su a dangerous position it's God's people because God is a God of love but is a God of judgment also listen to him as he continues so we know who these people are but this time you ought to be teachers you have need again someone to teach you the first principles of the Oracles of God and have come to need milk listen lost people don't need milk because they're dead only living people need milk they're baby Christians they had drifted so far away from Jesus they needed to teach be taught some of the basic principles of Christianity again to come back to the Lord you have come to need milk and not solid food for everyone who protects only a milk is unskilled in the word of righteous for he's a babe these were Christians but baby Christians solid foods belongs to those who are full age that is those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil they had no discernment they'd lost their spiritual discernment Jack how do you know that they drifted back to the synagogue where they wouldn't receive any persecution and they lost their testimony - oh I guess you tried Christianity it didn't work so now you've gone back to Moses is that correct that would be the kind of language they'd be listening to is backslidden Christians now the Apostle Paul says this and here's a warning therefore leaving the elementary discussions I'm sorry verse 4 for it is impossible for those who were once enlightened that's a saved person and have tested tasted of the heavenly gift there's a lot of commentaries I read they do a dance around these verses trying to explain him away as if this was a lost person that just kind of had some kind of pre salvation experience but wasn't really there but you know what you got a twist this verse to make it say that listen to it again for it's impossible for those who were enlightened and a taste of the heavenly gift and become partakers of the Holy Spirit and what sense is a lost person ever a partaker of the Holy Spirit these are say people he's talking to and have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the age to come lost people know nothing about the powers of the age to come they don't even believe it these are born-again believers who are back slidden if they fall away fall away from what they fall away from God because at one time they were in fellowship with him these are God's children but they're prodigal sons they're often a far country living in a peg band to renew them again to repentance since they crucify again to themselves the Son of God and put him to open shame well what does that mean if it meant that you could lose your salvation and needed to be saved again this verse says it's impossible to renew them to repentance and if you believe that this verse is talking about loss of salvation then you have to acknowledge the fact they can't get saved it's impossible to renew them again to repentance it says and the fact the matter is Armenian believes you get saved many times you just go on down the island another confession of faith and you're good to go and you lose it next week down the aisle you go again another confession look face you're good to go that theology is horrible no assurance you don't know where you're gonna go when you die these brothers were a backslidden and miserable and what Paul is saying is you fall away you stay away you put Jesus to open shame it's impossible to renew you again to repentance because God's going to take you to heaven he makes no apologies for doing it he did it to Moses who committed a sin unto death you won't want to say that he went to hell I hope you wouldn't say that and he did it to the Corinthians Paul : the Saints at Corinth he called them the ones that were lacking in no spiritual gift and we're doing fine in many ways a lot of them but some of them were coming to the Lord's table drunk and Paul says for this reason many of you are weak and sick in other words God was disciplining him and some of you have died God judges you so that you will not be condemned along with the rest of the world God judges you so you will not be condemned along with the rest of the world this verse is not a warning to lost people and it's not a warning to people who came close to salvation but then backed away this warning is to God's people who were in a backslidden condition not to stay in the far country come on yonder home the prodigal son could die in the far country in the Pigpen and they'd have to drag him out of the mud a dead son but still a son so that you will not be condemned along with the rest of the world this is a warning to God's people to not commit the sin unto death God loves you he wants you to repent listen to this and I'm reading in verse 9 and this is another great indication that he is talking to God's people but beloved we are confident of better things concerning you call some beloved yes things that accompany salvation you don't have much of the fruits of the spirit that's for sure though we speak in this manner for God is not unjust to forget your work labor of love which you have shown towards us name and that you have ministered to the Saints and do minister and we decide that each one of you show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope until the end that you may not become sluggish but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises don't say in a backslidden condition you started off terrific you ministered to the saints and it says that the same group they even had their their goods their houses their possessions confiscated and they accepted that joyfully oh they started off good and as many a krishnan starts off good but then becomes sluggish and the things of this world the temptations of this world draws him away entices him away and he has other interests other things and the things of God they kind of fade away and there he is oh he knows that he's a child of God because Jesus is still living in his heart but he's quench the Spirit of God he's greed the Spirit of God and God is always calling that prodigal son back to himself and he uses discipline he uses circumstances the Bible says the way of the transgressor is hard it's hard to be a backslidden Christian there's nobody more miserable in this world than somebody who's not walking with Jesus that's been truly born again God is calling you to cross the Jordan River and come on into the Promised Land and don't be like the Israeli of old that had to die sin unto death in the wilderness this is a controversial verse but I think in studying it in depth it's quite clear what Paul is saying it's a warning to God's people our God is a consuming fire oh he's a God of love but he's also a God of consuming fire and needs to be taken very seriously if you're one of God's children
Channel: The Discipleship Hour
Views: 250
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: discipleship, discipleship hour, bible study, christian living, spiritual growth, does god exist?, god, jesus, christ, republican, conservative, trump, sin, glory, miracle, saved, spirit, heaven, hell, witness, cross, christian, church, healed, heal, bible, bible verse, messiah, verse by verse, preacher, preaching, sermon, fontaine, jack fontaine, apologetics, christian church, america, sin unto death
Id: 7iUeQ8WUoOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2019
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