Simulating Our Planet

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I'm going to recreate every biome on Earth. Now building the biomes is the easy part... Adding in the animals is a lot more complicated. There are 12 biomes I need to create and I'm going to start with the desert. I'll need dirt sand rock and a bunch of cacti... Ow! Ooh! Maybe I should get gloves... So the desert was the easiest biome to build. I have the perfect animal for this setup. His bite is said to be more  painful than a bullet... than a bullet, than a bullet, than a bullet... You know what? I'd rather save him for later. How about something more friendly? Meet Moe, Larry, and Curly. And they're all playing dead. These are blue death feigning beetles, and they should wake back up in 3 2 1... There you go. These guys are completely harmless  unlike many of the animals to come. So with the desert complete,  let's move on to the grassland. Thankfully there are no cacti this time. And the grassland is complete. Now it's time for some audience participation! What insect will live here? Is it A a jumping spider, B an orchid mantis, or C my mother-in-law. Well a spider isn't an insect and my mother-in-law wouldn't fit so the correct answer is B, an orchid mantis, She is dangerously beautiful. Her legs are shaped like  flower petals and her claws  are covered in razor sharp spines. Let's give this Ambush Predator something to hunt! Now that she is eating, I am ready to move on to the arid shrubland. I am going to need quite a bit of rock. Many of them are way too big which is why I have one more trick up my sleeve... This is much better. Time  for a dramatic montage... Oh G0d, I think I just got sand in my eye... It is the ideal climate for a red knee  to tarantula she can fire toxic hairs   into your eyes and lungs now to move her into  the tank I was going to need a pair of gloves   but that didn't stop me I gently lowered  her into her new home where she can live   for over 30 years with that biome done it  is time to move on to the next two biomes   the ocean and lake and I have a feeling  the lake will be a lot more difficult [Music] most importantly I added a tiny filter in  each aquarium the only thing left to do is add in   the animals I put a few tiny cherry shrimp into  the lake and then added some hermit crabs into the ocean with the lake ocean complete I  am ready to move on to the swamp the   most important part of this build is  moss wait that's all I have left looks   like I'm going to have to travel deep  into the [Music] unknown all right that   should be more than enough so with the  power of editing the build is [Music] complete it is the perfect home for a Pac-Man frog as long as he doesn't jump off my  hand he should be fine so let's move   on shall we to the Savannah for this  build I really want to recreate this photo oh I meant this one  I'll need to find some Tall Grass that's a pretty good haul and with  the clap of my hands wait what there we go the only thing that was missing is  the zebra so I got the next best thing   a zebra isopod and his extended family  oh they're going everywhere time to add   them [Music] in I finished all the easy  animals but now now we can move on to the   more dangerous ones so I'll start by building  the forest which will be home to Cupcake oh no I have no idea how this thing is  even legal wait is it dead oh she's   definitely not dead all right um I probably  should have built your tank first don't go anywhere it looks perfect unlike  I'm going to try to pick her up   now you might think this is a bad idea and so do I she uses two powerful claws to crush her prey  and a stinger to finish them off but in the dark   she reveals her unique ability to Glow come to  think of it she's way too big for this tank so   I got her baby instead welcome to your own little  world buddy and with his home complete I am ready   to move on to the Mesa the animals living  here will be the most dangerous so [Music] far not too shabby this will be home to the cow killer she  has the fourth most painful sting in the animal   kingdom the Venom is so strong it is said  that it could kill a cow and I have five of   them using these tweezers I have to carefully  move them very slow and slow and slow and oh no um okay deep breath um let's just move  you okay that was easy with everyone safe   and sound I'm ready to move on to the  mountain I'm going to keep this build   short what oh you've got to be kidding me how  in the world did that get there okay one last try this deep terrain is the perfect  home for a pink toad tarantula do do   not underestimate her size because she has  a superpower this entire time she has been   walking upside [Music] down her movement is  slow and graceful or not how about you just   make yourself at home in the meantime I can  move on to the most dangerous build of them   all the Jungle which is the perfect home for a  giant centipede I have to work quickly because   he will not stop stop trying to escape building  the enclosure is the easy part it is the next   step that I'm so worried about to move him I am  going to need a lot more than a pair of [Music] gloves does this make me look fat he is extremely  aggressive but what if I use that to my advantage   here is a cockroach and maybe if he will just  grab on there we go all right um let's just   gently lift you into there amazing I'm never  doing that again so with the jungle finished   I have now completed every single biome  except for one the most difficult of them all the Arctic okay and with that the Arctic  is complete I'll see you in the next [Music] one
Channel: Dr. Plants
Views: 5,973,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ecosystem, terrarium, dr. plants
Id: -YF2Nl44TIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 40sec (580 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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